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译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级上学期开学考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Walk _ the supermarket and turn left _ the second crossing.Apass; atBpast; inCpassed; onDpast; at2 . The farmers are satisfiedtheir harvest through a years hard work.AwithBtoCofDfrom3 . Its fantastic to work as_ volunteer for the Special Olympis World Games.AaBanCtheD/4 . Mike went to the library _ some books yesterday.AborrowBto borrowCborrowsDborrowed5 . _ is the population of the town? About twenty thousand.AWhatBHow muchCHow manyDHow6 . - What day is it today? -_.AIts February 28th.BIts Friday.CIts a fine day.7 . Im thirsty. Can I have _ , Miss Green ?Acold somethingBto drinkCcold something to drinkDsomething cold to drink8 . Whatbowl of porridge would you like, small or large ? Large, please.Akind ofBsizeCcolorDtime9 . Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the library? Go _ the street and then you will see it.AunderBalongCaboveDbehind10 . What should I do to be a green man?It is easy.For example,_ your own bags when _.Atake;shoppingBtaking;shoppingCtaking;you shoppingDtake;you shopping11 . This yellow dress made the woman younger.AlookBto lookClookedDlooking12 . The scientist felt _ when he saw so many people cheering his success.AangryBangrilyChappyDhappily13 . Shall we meet at 8 oclock next Sunday morning?I wont be free then.Lets make it day.AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers14 . You could hardly imagine _ amazing the Great Wall was _ you saw it with your own eyes.Ahow, unlessBwhat, unlessChow, ifDwhat, until15 . _ of our neighbours have moved into new places.AMostBThe mostCMoreDThe more二、完型填空I watched as my little brother was caught in the act. He was sitting in the corner of the living room, a _in one hand and my fathers hymnbook(赞美诗集)in the other.As my father walked into the room, my brother cowered slightly(轻微地畏缩). He sensed that he had done something _. Form a distance I could see that he had _my fathers new hymnal and scribbled(乱涂)in it. Now looking at my father fearfully, we _ waited for his punishment.My father _his book, looked at it, and then sat down without saying a wordHe was a clergyman(神职人员) and for him, books were knowledge. And yet he _ his children. What he did next was unbelievable. Instead of punishing my brother, he sat down, _ the pen from my brothers hand, and then wrote in the book himself, alongside the scribbles John had made:“Johns work, 1959, _ 2.” How many times have I looked into your beautiful face and into your warm eyes looking up at me and _God for the one who has now scribbled in my new hymnal. You have made the book sacred(神圣的), as have your brother and sister.“Wow,” I thought. “This is punishment?”The years and the books came and went. Our family _ what all families go through and perhaps a little bit more. But we _ knew our parents loved us and that one of the proofs(证明)of their love was the hymnal by the piano.Dad taught us about_really matters in life: people, not objects; tolerance(宽容), not judgment; love, not anger. Now I, too, am a father. But unlike my father, I do not wait for daughters _ to take books from my bookshelf and scribble in them. From time to time I take one down, and give it to one of my _to scribble in. and as I look at their artwork, I think about my father and the_he taught me.16 . AbookBpenCknifeDtoy17 . AwrongBspecialCdangerousDdifferent18 . AdroppedBreadCborrowedDopened19 . AallBbothCeitherDeach20 . Apicked upBput upCmade upDwrapped up21 . AhatedBneededClovedDdisliked22 . AmovedBtookCbroughtDborrowed23 . AoldBbirthdayCagedDnamed24 . AthankedBaskedCrespectedDpleased25 . AspentBexperiencedCsupportedDafforded26 . AeverBsometimesCneverDalways27 . AwhatBwhyCwhichDwho28 . AquicklyBsecretlyCcarefullyDsuddenly29 . AchildrenBsistersCbrothersDparents30 . AskillsBrulesClessonsDsubjects三、阅读单选Tony loves his grandma. She often tells him stories about Santa Claus(圣诞老人).Today is December 24. Tony s grandma takes him to Kevin s Store to shop. She gives Tony fifty dollars and says, “Take the money and buy something for someone who needs it. Ill wait for you in the car.”Tony thinks of everyone he knows: his family, friends and classmates. Then he thinks of Bobbie. Bobbie sits behind Tony. He doesnt have a warm coat. Tony knows it because Bobbie never goes out to play in winter. So Tony buys a blue coat for him. It looks really warm.In the evening, his grandma helps Tony put the coat in a Christmas box, and writes, “To Bobbie, From Santa Claus” on it. “Santa always helps people but never lets them know,” Tony s grandma says. They put the box in front of Bobbies house and then go back home.That night Tony knows Santa Claus is real, and they are on his team(队伍).31 . Tony getsfrom his grandma.A15 dollarsB55 dollarsC50 dollarsD40 dollars32 . Tony buys Bobbie a warm coat because.ATony has lots of moneyBBobbie sits behind TonyCBobbie doesnt have oneDBobbies coat is too small33 . From the passage we know Tony is .ArichBkindCbusyDfun34 . The passage wants to tell us that.ASanta Claus is busyBeveryone loves Santa ClausCthere is no Santa Claus at allDeveryone can be Santa ClausOnce upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day the feelings were told that the island would sink, so all built boats and left, except Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out(坚持) until the last possible moment.When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.Richness was passing by Love in a big boat. Love said,“Richness, can you take me with you?”Richness answered,“No, I cant. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣心) who was also passing by in a beautiful ship.“Vanity, please help me!”“I cant help you, Love. You are all wet and might destroy my boat,”Vanity answered.Sadness was close by, so Love asked,“Sadness, let me go with you.”“OhLove, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her. Suddenly , there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. So thankful and happy, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed(欠) the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?”“It was Time,” Knowledge answered.“Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom(智慧) and answered, “Because only Time is able to understand how valuable Love is.”35 . How did the feelings go away from the island?ABy water.BBy swimming.COn foot.DBy flying36 . Which of the following is true?AHappiness was blind.BRichness had a small boat.CVanitys ship was damaged.DSadness wanted to stay alone.37 . Who saved Love?ATime.BKnowledge.CRichness.DHappiness.38 . Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?ALove and TimeBAn AccidentCA sinking islandDDifferent FeelingsMaybe youre moving on to a high school, and maybe there will be plenty of new faces. Or perhaps, youre starting at a totally new school system, where you dont know a soul. Whatever your situation, youre going from being one of the oldest kids at school to one of the youngest. You might be taking classes or doing activities with persons who seem a million times bigger. Remember, though: these “big kids” were once new ones just like you, and most of them will be friendly and willing to help. If you find yourself in a situation where older students are using their size or status to bully (欺负) you, tell a member of the school staff. Because of the variety of courses and activities in high school, differences between people might become a little more obvious. Youll probably notice kids who do great in academics (学术), some who score big on the playing field, and others who are into the arts. Sometimes, people from groups according to what they have in common. Although its natural to spend time with people who share your interests, try to keep yourself open to everyone, despite how they might dress or spend some of their time. You might discover new people who love the same music you do, or have similar taste in movies. This is especially true when it comes to students of different ethnic backgrounds than youre familiar with. A new school and new student body is a great opportunity to learn about people, places, and cultures from all over the world.39 . If some big boys bully you in the new school, what should you do according to the passage?AFight against them directly.BMake friends with them.CTell the thing to a school worker.DFind some older students to help you.40 . Students like to get together on the basis of their _.AgradesBbackgroundsCteachersDcommon interests41 . When you communicate with other students, try to be _.AcarefulBopenCdifferentDclever42 . Whats the advantage of studying in a new school?AIts a great chance to learn about the world.BYou can spend time with people who share your interests.CYou can get help from those big kids.DYou can play with new friends.四、句型转换43 . Tom lived in New York City last year. (改为一般疑问句)_Tom_in New York City last year?44 . I saw something in that room last Sunday. (改为否定句)I_see_in that room last Sunday.45 . The weather was hot and humid. (对画线部分提问)_the weather?46 . Maria goes to a movie three or four times a month.(对画线部分提问)_ does Maria _ to a movie?47 . Exercising is good for your health.(改为同义句)It _ your health _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词48 . Linda is my _(同班同学).49 . These two notebooks are the _(相同的)color.50 . I _(爱)my parents very much.51 . My brother _(只;仅)plays basketball after school.52 . I play soccer _(和在一起)my friends.53 . I like watching TV because its r_.54 . I think ping-pong is easy,but tennis is d_.55 . Gina doesnt play sports. She only w_ them on TV.56 . 一Lets play basketball!一That sounds i_,Lets go!57 . I dont like baseball. Its b_.六、完成句子完成句子58 . 滑稽的动画片赢得了大多数人的心。Humorous cartoons _ most people.59 . 动画片深受年轻人喜欢。Cartoons _ young people.60 . 和你一样他也去过北京。He _ you _ been to Beijing.61 . 我需要更多的朋友来帮助我。I need _friends to help me.62 . 自从那时起,我为报社工作。_, I have worked for the newspaper.七、回答问题Twelve animal head statues(生肖兽首雕像) are well-known treasures from Yuanmingyuan, or the Old Summer Palace. After Anglo-French troops(英法联军) broke into the old Summer Palace in 1860, a large number of national treasures, including the 12 animal head statues, were taken away.On November 13th, 2019, a red bronze(铜) horse-head statue returned to Beijing. It was donated by Macao collector Stanley Ho and handed over to the National Cultural Heritage Administration(国家文物局) in Beijing.“The broken link(链接) of history memory is connected again in this way,” Liu Yuzhu, director of the NCHA, told China Daily when she was in an interview.“The return of the heritage(文物) holds the Chineses collective emotion(集体情感). Peoples cultural confidence can be strengthened. It will also encourage more compatriots (同胞), both at home and abroad, to better protect the cultural heritage of our country.”In the past 70 years, the Chinese government and many compatriots have made a great contribution to getting back lost Chinese heritage from foreign countries. Because of their hard work, the horse statue is the seventh of the 12 animal statues to be returned from other countries. Now the search is on for the remaining five: a dog, a rooster, a dragon, a sheep and a snake.63 . When were the 12 animal head statues taken away from Yuanmingyuan?64 . Who donated the red bronze horse-head statue to China last year?65 . What does Liu Yuzhu do?66 . How many animal head statues have returned to China?67 . Why do so many compatriots try to get back lost Chinese heritage?八、话题作文68 . 大家期待已久的国庆长假马上到了,每个人都有自己的安排。请以My plan for the National Holiday为题,用英语写一篇关于国庆假期计划的文章。要求:语法正确,语句流畅,语言地道,词数: 80-100; My plan for the National Holiday_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、回答问题1、八、话题作文1、

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