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译林牛津版2019-2020学年八年级下学期4月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -The pizza here tastes than that from anywhere else.-Yes. But it will be better if they areAmore delicious; less expensiveBless delicious;more expensiveCmore delicious; more expensiveDless delicious;less expensive2 . Please turn off the computer after you finish _ the email.AwriteBto writeCwriting3 . Mr Lu Kunming. He the city three times. This time he Kunming for three days already.Ahas been to; has been to; have been inBhave gone to; has been to; have been inChave been in; has been to; have gone toDhas gone to; has been to; has been in4 . (题文)-Lets play soccer.-_.AYou are welcomeBThank youCHere you areDThat sounds good.5 . All the teachers love us students while they are strict _ us as well.AinBwithCatDfor6 . It is reported that thousands of people _ since a terrible earthquake hit Nepal.A diedBhave diedChave been deadDwill die7 . I will go to Canada with my parents this summer vacation. _.ANo problemBHave funCIts a pleasure8 . _. If you keep practicing speaking English every day, youll be better at it.ANo pain, no gainBMany hands make light workCEvery dog has its dayDA friend in need is a friend indeed9 . His schoolbag is on the sofa, his pencil-box is not.AandBbutCorDso10 . When I walked by Mikes room,I _ him playing the piano.AsoundedBlistenedClookedDheard11 . Mr. Black isnt hereHe _ to the library.Ahas been toBhas gone toCwent toDgoes to12 . How often do you eat hamburgers?_. I think they are unhealthy.AOftenBAlwaysCUsuallyDHardly ever13 . _, Tom. Is this your pencil? Yes. Thank you.AGoodbyeBSorryCExcuse meDThanks14 . Huaxing Clothes Street is a good place _.Ahang outBhung outChanging outDto hang out15 . Where are your parents, Leo?They are in Europe for shopping. They_ there for two weeks.AarrivedBhas gotChas goneDhas been二、完型填空At the age of six,our kids began to help us with the housework. They helped _ their pets and clean the house. Now my daughter Cindy can do many _ of housework. Last week,she even helped me _We were happy because it was very delicious. I think doing housework is a good way for them to learn a lot of life skills (技能) I like getting kids to start doing housework early for a few _First,it is fun for kids to help. Kids like to _5_ together with their parents. They dont want their parents to get everything ready for them. Sometimes they like to do things by themselves. Its a good idea to _ them help you when you are busy. Second,its never too _ for them to learn some things. However,having kids do chores doesnt _ taking away their play time. Its to let them feel the _ of working together with family._,it works well. Now our children always help me with the housework and they feel happy about it.16 . Alook afterBlook atCget backDworry about17 . AdifferencesBkindsCwaysDboxes18 . Asweep the floorBdo the dishesCdo the cleaningDcook dinner19 . AwordsBreasonsClessonsDideas20 . AworkBplayCsitDbring21 . AborrowBletCdriveDinvite22 . AearlyBpopularCimportantDeasy23 . AraiseBteachCmeanDthink24 . AsadnessBjoyCtimeDteam25 . AFinallyBHardlyCFirstlyDLonely三、阅读单选Cloud 9 BarDo you want to enjoy a cocktail at one of the highest bar in Asia? If so, you can come to the 87th floor of the Jin Mao Tower. Here youll find Cloud 9, the Grand Hyatt Hotels bar. You can enjoy the delicious beef and the beautiful light music. It is a quiet place here.Add: 87F Jin Mao Building, 88 Shi Ji Street, PutongLowest Cost: ¥ 88/personBeer: ¥ 50/bottleTime: Mon.-Sat. : 11:30 am-2amTel: 021 - 50471234Cloud 9 BarDo you want to enjoy a cocktail at one of the highest bar in Asia? If so, you can come to the 87th floor of the Jin Mao Tower. Here youll find Cloud 9, the Grand Hyatt Hotels bar. You can enjoy the delicious beef and the beautiful light music. It is a quiet place here.Add: 87F Jin Mao Building, 88 Shi Ji Street, PutongLowest Cost: ¥ 88/personBeer: ¥ 50/bottleTime: Mon.-Sat. : 11:30 am-2amTel: 021 - 50471234Bar RougeBar Rouge has a wide observation deck on the 8th Floor of it.You can overlook the HuangpuRiver and the skyscrapers on it. The decoration in the bar is in fashion and fantastic. And a long bar runs down the middle. Usually the door ticket is 100. If theres a special activity, the prices are higher. The cocktails are very good here, and you can enjoy your party until daybreak at weekends.Add: 7F, Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing RoadTime: Mon.-Thu. : 6 pm-2 amFri.- Sat. : 6 pm until lateDoor ticket: ¥100Bar RougeBar Rouge has a wide observation deck on the 8th Floor of it.You can overlook the HuangpuRiver and the skyscrapers on it. The decoration in the bar is in fashion and fantastic. And a long bar runs down the middle. Usually the door ticket is 100. If theres a special activity, the prices are higher. The cocktails are very good here, and you can enjoy your party until daybreak at weekends.Add: 7F, Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing RoadTime: Mon.-Thu. : 6 pm-2 amFri.- Sat. : 6 pm until lateDoor ticket: ¥10026 . If you like to eat beef and enjoy light music, you can go to _A78F of the Jin Mao TowerBCloud 9 on the 87F of Jin Mao TowerCthe highest bar in the worldDThe Grand Hyatt Hotel on Nanjing Road27 . If you want to have a meal in Cloud 9, you must _Acall 021 -50461334Bdrink more than two bottles of beerCspend more than 88 yuanDgo there before 8 oclock in the morning28 . You can also_ while you are drinking in Bar Rouge.Awatch TVBhave a dancing partyClisten to the light musicDoverlook the Huangpu River and skyscrapers29 . Tom wants to have his birthday party in Bar Rouge on Tuesday, he should go there_Aafter 6 pmBbetween 5 pm-3 amCbefore 6 amDbetween 11:30 am-2 am30 . According to the passages, which of the following is NOT true?ABoth of the bars have cocktails.BCloud 9 is much higher than Bar Rouge.CBoth of the barswill rest on Sundays.DYou have to buy door tickets if you go to either of the bars.I live in a town. In the past, the air wasnt fresh. There was a river. People put rubbish in it. The water went bad. The fishes in the river died. There was much rubbish in the streets which werent wide. It smelt terrible. People lived in low old houses with trees all around and had a terrible life. The children couldnt have many chances to go out to cities, not to say, have a good education. Farmers worked only with their hands. They worked very hard all year round. They planted crops(农作物)with the help of animals. The poor people went anywhere on foot, and only some rode bikes. Few visitors came here to spend their holidays.At present, things have been greatly changed. People have moved into big bright houses or beautiful buildings. There is a big factory. Many people work in it. They are getting richer. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. It is faster and easier to travel. People plant many fruit trees and get much money. People plant crops with the help of machines which can save lots of work. Students can study in a modem school. People pay more attention to the environmental protection. The mountains are becoming greener, water much cleaner. What around us is the clearer sky and greener water. As a result, many visitors come here to spend their holidays. People enjoy their modern life. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution to make our town more and more beautiful.31 . In the past _.Athe air was fleshBthe water was clearCcars and buses ran in the streetsDchildren couldnt go to big cities to study32 . But today _.Apeople still live in low old housesBchildren cant have a good educationCpeople live in bright and beautiful buildingsDpeople still drive animals to help with farming33 . In the modern life, people pay more attention to _.Amaking moneyBenvironmental protectionCplanting cropsDchildrens education34 . What can we learn about the passage?AGreat changes in my hometown.BHow to protect environment.CPeople pay attention to modern life.DHometowns pollution.Remember three things when travelingWhat can you do to stay in good health when traveling? There are some things you should remember when you travel: relax, sleep and eat well.A vacation should be a time for relaxing but very often it is not. Think about what you do when you are traveling. There are so many places to visit: museums, shops, parks . You may spend most days walking around these places. This can be very tiring. Do not ask your body to do too much. A tired body means a weak body. And a weak body gets sick easily. So sit down for a few hours in a nice and quiet place.Sleep is also important. If you want to stay healthy you need to get enough sleep. Your hotel room may be noisy or the bed may be uncomfortable. You may not get enough sleep for other reasons.You may want to stay out late at night. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day. That extra hour can make a big difference.At last,if you want to stay healthy, you must eat well. That means eating the right kinds of food. Your body needs fresh fruit and vegetables, and some meat, milk or cheese (奶酪).35 . How many things does the writer think we should care about when we travel?ATwo.BThreeCFourDFive36 . What does the underlined word “ weak ” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A高大的B矮小的C虚弱的D强壮的37 . What does the writer think of sleeping for an hour in the day when we travel?ALong.BBoring.CCommon.DUseful.38 . Which of the following does the writer think is the right food when we travel? fruit meat hamburger cheeseABCD39 . This passage may be from a _.AdiaryBnovelCmagazineDstorybook四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词40 . Where is your schoolbag?Its u_ the bed.41 . I dont k_ your name.Whats your name,please?42 . The h_ is on your head.43 . Look!A p_ is flying in the sky(天空).44 . I h_ a clock.45 . I _(认为)the map is in your schoolbag.46 . “Wheres my schoolbag?”Gina _(总是) asks.47 . Jims books are _(到处都是)on his bed,on the sofa and under the chair.48 . It is a _(整洁的)room.49 . Mom,can you _(来)to my school?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms (用所给词的适当形式填空,一空一词)50 . Doctors are lovely people, because they make sick people _. (good)51 . I sometimes go _with my uncle at weekends. (cycle)52 . This is a photo of Marys sister and _. (she)53 . How many _ do we need for the Open Day? (photo)54 . Who would you like to _ to your party? (invitation)六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子55 . 那支新钢笔她支付了20元。She _ 20 yuan_ the new pen.56 . 三月是游览“天涯海角”的最佳时间。The _ time _ Tianyahaijiao is in March.57 . 比起其他地方,三亚冬季总是很温暖。In winter, Sanya is always very warm _ other places.58 . 今晚,我可能在电视上看足球赛。I _ a football match on Tv this evening.59 . 傍晚时分,太阳从云层后面露了出来。The sun _ from behind the clouds late in the afternoon.七、单词填空2018年12月30我国自主研发的嫦娥四号月球探测器号升空,2019年1月3号在月球的背面着陆。通过它持续的发回照片、完成探测、实验的任务,它帮助我们更多的了解月球的背面。有趣的是此次嫦娥四号上还搭载了六种生物。请用英语将下面的这篇新闻报道补充完整。Every time we see the moon, we can only see one side of it. The other side we cannot see is called far side of the moon(月球的背面)60 . scientists. It is a mystery to us. Now Change 4 may61 . us learn more about it. Change 4 is a probe (探测器). It left the earth on62 . 30. It landed63 . on the far side of the moon on January 3,2019. It is the first probe in the world to do so. Change 4 took six64 . things to the moon. Cotton, potato and fruit flies are some of these things. Change 4job is to takes pictures, sends them back and grows plants on the moon!八、填空用所给词的适当形式填空。65 . Will you invite the exchange students(take) part in the activity?66 . The doctor can make Neil(feel) better than before.67 . Our paintings are quite different from(they).68 . Read more, and you(be) better at English.69 . Look ! Simon(fix) the broken bike for his classmate.九、材料作文70 . 李克强总理将“全民阅读”写入了政府工作报告,倡导全民热爱阅读。假设你是李林,你很受鼓舞,请给你同样爱好阅读的英国笔友Jack写封信。信的内容须包括:Your feelinghappy and Reason:1. more good books2. .Your ideaReading is important.Reason:1. .2. .Your plan(至少一个)注意:1. 词数80词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 请将表格内容补充完整,并写入信中。3. 文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和校名。Dear Jack,Hows everything going? Ive got some good news to tell you. Our government has made plans to encourage people to read. ._第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、材料作文1、

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