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译林牛津版2019-2020学年中考模拟白卷英语试题(不含听力材料)-1一、听短对话回答问题1 . AYes, he does.BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he did.DNo, he didnt.2 . AA mother is talking to her son.BThe woman is cooking.CThe man is making a phone call.DThe man is drawing a line.3 . How soon will Sally come back home?AIn 2 days.BIn 4 daysCIn 6 days.4 . What time did the movie begin?AAt 7:00.BAt 7:30.CAt 7:45.5 . What season does the boy like best?ASummer.BSpring.CWinter.二、听长对话回答问题听下面一段材料,回答下列小题。6 . What does the man want to know about the trip?AWhere to go.BWhen to leave.CHow much to pay.7 . Which country would he probably like to go to?AAmerica.BFrance.CEngland.三、听句子选答语8 . AOver there.BFive minutes walk.COn foot.9 . AMy pleasure.BAll right.CThats all right.10 . ASorry, I dont.BGood idea.CI dont think so.11 . ASorry, I wont.BThats all right.CYes, I will.12 . AShe is a teacher.BShe is kind.CShe is cooking.四、单选题13 . Many teachers from cities _ to the west provinces of our country to help the poor students there next year.Awill sendBare sentCwill be sent14 . of the teacherswomen in our school.ATwo thirds ,isBsecond three ,isCTwo thirds ,areDSecond three, are15 . - Go and ask Mr. White for help. - But I dont know _.Awhere does he liveBwhere he livesCwhere is he livingDhe lives there16 . Is the man over there Mr Black? It _ him. He has gone to England.Amust beBcant beCmay beDmustnt be17 . -What are these?-.AThese are booksBIts a bookCThey are pensDThat arent pens18 . -What _ honest boy!-Yes, and he is _ best student in our class,Aa; aBthe; aCa; theDan; the19 . - There_ big party to celebrate Youth Day in our school this Friday- Great! Exciting news.Aare going to beBis going to be Cis going to haveDare going to have20 . Dont play the computer game, _?Ado youBwill youCare you21 . He was almost chosen as the chairperson. Its a pity a small mistake cost him the great chance._.APractice makes perfectBA miss is as good as a mileCNever say bad words about others behindDNo pains, no gains22 . Did youthe meeting yesterday? No, I was ill.Amake upBlook forCtake part inDkeep clear of23 . Lily didnt go to the zoo with us. She went to the library some books.AborrowBto borrowCborrowingDborrowed24 . Wheres Molly?-She_England.AwentBgoesChas gone toDhas been to25 . Li Na is the only tennis player in countries who wins the champion in the Open .AEuropeanBAfricanCAsianDOceanian (大洋洲的)26 . Lucy felt lonely because everyone went to the party _ her.AexceptBbesidesCwithDagainst27 . The building _ Tony talked about is a famous restaurant named Nice Meeting you.AwhoBwhichCwhereDwhom五、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: 28 . B: My favorite subject is music. What about you?A: I like P.Abest. Why do you like music?B: 29 . A: 30 . A: My music teacher is Miss Li.B: 31 . A: No, I dont like math. 32 . B: I agree with you.AIts boring and difficult!BWho is your music teacher?CBecause its relaxing.DDo you like math?EWhy do you like math?FIs Miss Li a good teacher?GWhats your favorite subject?六、完型填空Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it _.Father and son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too _. They_two men on the road who said, Why are you _, farmer? You have a horse. Its a long way to walk to the market.The farmer knew that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked. Then they met two old women, What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant you see how tired the _is? So the farmer got down, and his son rode instead. _, three old men stopped them, one said, Why are you walking, farmer? Get up on the horse. Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today, So the farmer got up behind his son, and they rode on.Some_later, a young woman passed them, Why arent you walking? she asked, It isnt far to the market. _your poor horse a rest. So the farmer, and his son, got down_ again. It is true that you cannot listen to all the people_.33 . AranBdiedCwalkedDrode34 . AheavyBunhappyCexpensiveDtired35 . AlookedBtalkedCmetDlistened36 . AridingBwalkingCsellingDdoing37 . AboyBfarmerChorseDwoman38 . ASecondBThirdlyCNextDLast39 . AtimeBdaysCmonthsDyears40 . ATakeBBringCPutDGive41 . AmoreBonceCtwiceDthen42 . Aall the timeBat that timeCon timeDmany times七、阅读单选Li MeiMy favourite book is A Friend Like Henry. Its about how a family dog helps a boy deal with his autism (自闭症) . When I felt sad, my best friend gave me the book. It took me through depression (压抑 ) , heartbreak and joy. It made me become strong. Its worth reading. I hope you can read it.TonyReading in the holiday is an interesting thing. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is my favourite book. Its about a captains travel under the sea. The story is very interesting and the pictures are fantastic. This book can make you relaxed.MaryI like reading the Four Great Classical Novels of China although Im a foreigner from Sydney. I cant wait to introduce The Romance of the Three Kingdoms to you. It taught me a lot about the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. If you are interested in history, dont miss it.MoXiaotianMy parents often send me many books because Im studying in England now. In my opinion, The Little Prince is the best one. In this book, a young prince falls to Earth from a small planet and experiences a lot. Its not just a fiction story, but tells us about the correct values. If you read the English version, you can also learn some beautiful sentences.43 . Li Mei got the book from_.Aher teacherBher parentsCher friendDher classmate44 . Whos studying in England now?ALi Mei.BTony.CMary.DMo Xiaotian.45 . The book A Friend Like Henry made Li Mei become_.AstrongBdepressedCheartbrokenDsad46 . Which book can you choose if you want to learn about Chinese history?AA Friend Like Henty.BThe Romance of the Three Kingdoms.CThe Little Prince.DTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.47 . Whats the best title(题目) for the passage?AMy FriendsBLife AbroadCBooks I CollectDMy Favourite BookA new TV series in England,Away from it all,has surprised everyone by becoming a huge success with young people across the countryIts success is surprising because the series is about the relaxing lifestyles of people who live in the countryThere is none of the action that we usually see on TV todayThere are also no stressful moments,busy offices or crowded citiesAway from it all is set in the peaceful English countryside and tells simple stories about peoples kindnessThe director of the TV series says that its success is a sign of teenagers suffering from stressThey say that watching Away from it all helps teenagers forget about the pressures(压力)of exams and homework,and the troubles that fill the world todayThey also say that its a good sign of todays young people switching to(转到)happier TV series as it shows they would like a happier and healthier worldAlthough the seriessuccess might have a good side,many teachers and parents are worried,howeverThey say that some of their students and children are becoming couch potatoes(终日泡在电视机前的人)and are using Away from it all as an excuse for not completing homeworkSome children have even refused to learn for exams because they say that they can only achieve personal happiness by avoiding(避免)stressful situations completelyAnd what do the experts(专家)say? Paula Ray,a doctor of education,says that TV can influence childrens lifestylesBut she says that if a child reacts strongly,its likely that there are other reasons for his change in behaviourShe says that there is nothing wrong with watching Away from it all but suggests that parents should make sure their children know TV is not the same as real life,48 . The success of the new TV series is surprising because_Ait is different from other successful TV seriesBit is the same as other successful TV seriesCit is about the English countrysideDit is about life in busy offices49 . The director of Away from it all believes that the series helps young people deal with_Asimple storiesBstressCcouch potatoesDexams50 . The success of the series shows that young people would like_Aa world with no homeworkBEnglish TV seriesCrelaxing jobsDa happier and healthier world51 . Who are worried about the effects of the series?AExperts and teenagersBTeachers and expertsCTeachers and parentsDYoung people and parentsA smart diet, a healthy lifeNo matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits.Tip One: Family MealsFamily meals are nice for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new foods to children. Parents can also use the mealtime as a chance to talk with their kids about their life.Tip Two: Healthy SnacksKids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what can get at home. Thats why its important to have enough healthy snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and whole-grain biscuits.Tip Three: Being a Good ExampleThe best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and sweet drinks, you are sending the right message.Tip Four: No Shouts about FoodParents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat. You need to work a bit on different cooking methods(方式,方法).Tip Five: Get Kids Included(参与)Most kids will enjoy making the decision about food. Talk to them about making choices and planning a healthy meal. It can help them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat.52 . How many tips are mentioned in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.53 . What is the authors attitude(态度)toward snacks?ASnacks shouldnt be eaten.BHealthy snacks can be accepted.CKids can only have snacks at home.DIts not necessary to have snacks at home.54 . What does the underlined phrase “the right message” mean?ABeing a good cook.BHealthy eatingCEating fast food.DCooking at home.55 . According to Tip Four, what should parents do if kids refuse to eat healthy food?AExplain how healthy it is.BTry cooking it in a different way.CNever cook the same food.DAsk kids to get used to its taste.56 . Why should parents get kids included when they make the decision about food?ATo let kids eat anything they like.BTo help kids become a wonderful cook.CTo help kids make good choices by themselves.DTo set a good example of eating healthy food.八、听短文填写表格听短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,并将答案填写在答题卡相应题号后。短文念三遍。Topic: Child 57 . The main idea of the lessonIt introduced advice on what to do in a fire, bicycle safety and some other important advice for middle school students.The information we get from the lesson*We learn something 58 . about safety.*We know what to do when we are 59 . .The result of knowing nothing about safetyWe will 60 . or others around us.The ways to deal with dangerous situations* Try to be as calm as possible.*Ask for help. We can find 61 . or call 911.九、听对话给图片排序第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的图片代码。每个句子读两遍。A. B. C. D. E. 62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _十、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)67 . We can see many _ drivers on the road nowadays. (woman)68 . May is the _ month of a year. (five)69 . Computers are now very _ to modern life. (importance)70 . In the past, people used wood from forests to _ houses. (building)71 . Close the door _ because the baby is sleeping.(gentle)72 . Many people think _ in Shanghai will be more convenient. (travel)十一、完成句子按要求完成句子73 . 每次考试结束了, 我都担心结果。Every time the exam is over, I will _ the result.74 . -你会做饭吗,贝蒂?-不,我不会做。-_ you _,Betty?-No,I cant.75 . 我来自中国。你呢? I come from China. _you?76 . 我想吃些面包, 我饿了。I _have some bread. Im hungry.77 . 莉萨会帮妈妈打扫卫生。Lisa _ her mother _ cleaning.78 . She can speak English.(改为否定句)She_ English.79 . Lily can dance very well. (改为一般疑问句)_ very well?80 . Can your sister ride a bike? (作肯定回答)Yes,_.81 . Can David play table tennis? (作否定回答)No,_.82 . She can play basketball. (就划线部分提问)_?十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. since B. speakers C. our D. until E. included F. expresses(2018山东临沂)He was a poet (诗人) known for the nostalgia (怀旧) he describes in his poems. Now, Its time for us to express 83 . nostalgia for this great writer.On December 14, 2017 the famous Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong passed away in Taiwan. He was born in 1928 in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Yu and his family moved to Taiwan in the 1950s. He lived and worked there84 . his death.Nostalgia is Yus famous poem in which he85 . his homesickness (乡愁) for the Chinese mainland when he was in Taiwan. The poem came out in 1971, and it remains highly popular among Chinese 86 . worldwide. Even those who know little about literature enjoy lines from the poem. The poem is87 . in Chinese high school textbooks.十三、多任务混合问题根据短文回答问题Li Ming: Hi, Lingling,! Nice to meet you!Lingling: Hi, Li Ming!_1_Li Ming: How are you, Lingling?Lingling: Fine, thanks. Mum, this is my friend, Li Ming. Li Ming, this is my mum, Mrs. Wang.Li Ming: Good afternoon, Mrs. Wang !Mrs. Wang : Good afternoon, Li Ming! Welcome (欢迎) to our home!Li Ming: _根据对话内容选择最佳答案。88 . 这段对话是什么时候发生的?AIn the morning.BAt noon (中午).CIn the afternoon.DIn the evening (晚上).89 . 能替换划线部分 “Me too!”并可以放到对话中的句子是_。AIm fine too.BHow are you?CHello!DNice to meet you too!90 . 这段对话可能发生在下面哪个地方?AABBCCDD91 . Mrs. Wang is _.ALi Mings mumBLinglings mumC Li Mings teacherCLinglings teacher92 . 对话中空白处Li Ming的回答,正确的一项是_。AThank you.BSorry?CGoodbye.DWelcome to our home too!十四、书信作文93 . 假如你是张华,2019年3月你校将举办中美国际文化交流活动。届时学校将迎来一批来自美国的交换生,其中交换生Mike将寄宿在你家里,由于知道东西方文化之间存在一定差异,为了让他能尽快适应在中国的学习和生活,请根据提示给Mike发一封e-mail。参考要点:1. 介绍你的家庭(家人情况、家规礼仪);2. 介绍你的学校(校园生活、人际交往);3. 要求:1. 词数:80120词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Dear Mike,Welcome to our school. I am glad you can live at my house. _Yours,Zhang Hua第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、三、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、补全对话7选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、八、听短文填写表格1、九、听对话给图片排序1、十、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十一、完成句子1、十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十三、多任务混合问题1、十四、书信作文1、


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