牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 7 Films 单元综合测试

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牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 7 Films 单元综合测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My friend makes a birthday card _ me.AforBatCtoDin2 . I work harder at my lessons this year _ I have made good progress.AbutBorCandDfor3 . -Mike, can you tell us something about our new teacher?- Oh, sorry. I know nothing because I _him before.AsawBdidnt seeChave seenDhavent seen4 . He devoted much of his time _ computer games.Ato writeBwriteCwritingDto writing5 . _ Amy likes to go to the cinema, but she doesnt like to see horror films.ASinceBAsCThoughD不填6 . A coffee bar _ in our school next term.Awill buildBbuildsCwill be builtDis built7 . Wow, Wendy, its cool to make a short video with your mobile phone.Just with a software called Meipai. Let me show you.Awhich to useBhow to use itCwhat to useDwhere to use it8 . Let me tell you _.Ahow much is the carBhow much does the car costChow much did I pay for the carDhow much I spent on the car9 . There _ twelve months in a year . September is the _ month .Aare ; ninthBis ; ninthCare ; ninethDis ; nineth10 . Those who want to say something more _ your hands and _ to speak.Arise; raiseBraise; riseCrise; riseDraise; raise11 . -How can I do well in my schoolwork?-You must work hard. Dreaming _ hard work will never achieve anything.AbesideBthroughCwithoutDexcept12 . -Many students won t take part in the after-school activities today.- .We have so much homework to do!ASo will IBSo do ICNeither will IDNeither do I13 . -Which of the two magazines will you take?- I will take_ , though I find _ of them are very useful to me.Aall; bothBeither; eitherCeither; neitherDneither; both14 . The terrible earthquake hurt_ people and_ them got badly hurt.Athousands of; two hundreds ofBtwo hundred; two hundredsCthousand of; two hundred ofDthousands of; two hundred of15 . _Have you ever heard of Xiao Shenyang ? _Yeah. _funny person he is !AHowBHow aCWhatDWhat a二、完型填空Ten years ago I used to be very healthy. I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at the weekend. I used to play _ a lot and go for long walks. In those days I didnt make so much money. I had a job in an office. My job wasnt very good at that time, _ I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing.Then, about eight years ago, I got a much _ job. The pay was higher. But the hours were a lot longer, too. I bought a car. I began to _ to work every day and take people out to lunch. And I began to put _ weight, too. I stopped playing tennis and didnt go for long walks any more, because I just have _time for things like that .Theres a lot of _ in a job like mine. I started drinking more than I used to. I started smoking a lot, too. I never used to smoke at all.Two months ago I had a heart attack (发作). At first I just couldnt believe it. “Im too young,” I said. _, it wasnt very serious. I was in hospital for a few days. The doctor advised me to _ drinking and smoking and to eat less. He also advised me to work less and get more exercise. Sometimes I _ if I should get another job. But if I do that, I wont make so much money. I have a family to take care of. I have to think of them, too. I just dont know what I should do.16 . AbasketballBfootballCvolleyballDtennis17 . AbecauseBbutCifDso18 . AworseBbetterCeasierDfunnier19 . AdriveBwalkCrunDswim20 . AupBoffConDin21 . AmuchBnoCa lot ofDa little22 . AstressBfunCtroubleDprogress23 . ALuckilyBSadlyCSpeciallyDSuddenly24 . AcontinueBrememberCstopDtry25 . AimagineBdiscoverCdreamDwonder三、阅读单选This is a picture of our classroom (教室). The walls(墙) are white. A blackboard(黑板) is on the wall. Two doors (门) are in the wall. Six brooms (扫帚) and a baseball are behind (在后面) the door.Fiftydesks and chairs are in our classroom. They are our desks and chairs. Three plants are green. We like(喜欢) our classroom. 26 boys and 24 girls are in my class. We are all friends.26 . 27 . This is a picture of _.A. our classroom B. our room C. our school28 . 29 . _ is on the wall.A. A blackboard B. A baseball C. Two doors30 . 31 . _ are behind the door.A. Six brooms and baseballs.B. The desks and chairsC. A baseball and six brooms.32 . 33 . What are green?A. The doors B. The plants C. The walls34 . 35 . “Fiftydesks and chairs are in our classroom.”The number:fifty = _A. 26 B. 24 C. 50Is there a way to quickly recall information just before taking an exam? Walking backwards might be a solution. Scientists from the University of Roehampton in the UK said this activity can help people improve their short-term memory.Researchers asked 114 volunteers to watch a video. After watching the video, participants were split (分成) into three groups. One group was told to walk 10 meters forward. The second group walked 10 meters backward. The third group stood in one place. All three groups were then asked 20 questions about what they saw in the video.The scientists found that the backward-walking group got two more answers correct on average(平均) than the other two groups.This suggests that the link between the concepts (概念) of time and space is important in terms of how our minds form memories. “Time is really expressed via (通过) space,” Aleksandar Aksentijevic, who led the study, told the Daily Mail. When you walk backward, you see things from a different angle (角度) compared to walking forward. This difference helps people recall things that happened in the past.And walking backward is not just good for our brains. It is also good for the rest of our body. Compared to walking forward, walking backward is more challenging. This can help us improve our fitness, according to New Scientist Walking backward uses more energy in a short time and bums more calories.In addition, walking backward is less stressful for our knees. It could be helpful for people who often have pain in their knees, according to researchers from the University of Oregon in the US. Walking backward also keeps our spines (脊柱) strong, which can help to ease pain in the lower back. This might be why many old people like walking backward.36 . In the research, the second group _.Awatched a video after walkingBanswered more questions correctlyCwalked farther than the other groups37 . Why can walking backward help people improve their short-term memory?ABecause space is really expressed via time.BBecause the different angle can help to recall things.CBecause our minds form memories by thinking back.38 . According to the passage, walking backward is good for our _.AhandsBeyesCspines39 . What does the underlined word “ease” mean?A解除B缓解C远离40 . Whats the best title of this passage?ALets Walk Backward Today.BWalking Backward Is Good for Brains.CHow to Improve Our Short- Term MemoryFilms in Beijing Theater This WeekHARRY POTTER ()American filmDirector: Alfonso CuaronStarring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma WatsonTime: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 p. m. Ticket Price:¥50KUNGFU HUSTLEChinese filmDirector: Zhou XingchiStarring: Zhou Xingchi, Liang Xiaolong, Yuan HuaTime: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p. m. Ticket Price:¥40A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVESChinese filmDirector: Feng XiaogangStarring: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li BingbingTime: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p. m. Ticket Price:¥40 (Half on Sunday for children)TROYAmerican filmDirector: Wolfgang PetersonStarring: Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni MaropisTime: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a. m. Ticket Price:¥3041 . There will be _ in Beijing Theater this week.Aone Chinese filmBtwo Chinese filmsCthree American filmsDfour foreign films42 . If an adult with his child goes to Beijing Theater to watch A World Without Thieves on Sunday, they will spend _ on the film.A¥30B¥40C¥60D¥8043 . If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film _ in Beijing Theater.AHARRY POTTER ()BKUNGFU HUSTLECA WORLD WITHOUT THIEVESDTROY44 . You can see three films on _ or _.AWednesday; FridayBTuesday; WednesdayCThursday; FridayDSaturday; Sunday45 . From the poster(海报), we know _ is both a director and actor.AAlfonso CuaronBFeng XiaogangCWolfgang PetersonDZhou XingchiJimmy is happy. His uncle gives him a red pen. He likes it very much. He takes it to school and firstly shows it to his good friend, Jack. Jack likes it, too.After the math class, Jimmy opens his pencil box and wants to show the pen to other classmates. But its not there. “Where is my pen?” Jimmy begins to look for it in his schoolbag. He cant find it. The red pen is lost, Jimmy is sad. He only shows the pen to Jack.“Jack, I cant find my pen,” Jimmy says to his friend.After hearing this, Jack looks uneasy. “You will find it ,” he says.Jimmy says nothing and doesnt tell others about this.In the afternoon, Jimmy takes out his science book in the science class. He finds his red pen is in it. A card is in the book, too. The card says, “Heres your pen and I am sorry. Are we still(仍然)good friends? Jack.”46 . Jimmy s red pen is from his_.AauntBuncleCmotherDfather47 . Jimmy loses his red pen_.Aat homeBin the libraryCin the morningDin the afternoon48 . What does the word “it” refer to(指的是)?Athe science bookBthe math bookCthe pencilDthe pen49 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AJack takes Jimmys red pen.BJack helps Jimmy find his red pen.CJimmy tells his teacher he loses his red pen.DJimmy shows his red pen to many classmates.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示写出单词:50 . Shanghai is a_(举世闻名的) city in China.51 . I would love to go_(到国外) this year, perhaps to the south of France.52 . Many people has already_(意识) the importance of protecting the fresh water.53 . The car is moving at a_(速度) of eighty kilometres per hour.54 . He often uses his computer for_(接收) e-mails.55 . They couldnt stop_(laugh) when they watched the funny show.56 . Its said that the old man has been_(die) for a long time .57 . As the saying goes, “Nothing is_(possible) if you put your heart into it .”58 . Alice and her family live at the_(south )end of the city .59 . Mr. Black went to New York on_(busy) yesterday.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。60 . He doesnt work _ as his brother. ( hardly )61 . The girls lifestyle is _ from his brother. ( difference )62 . The boys _ are very big. His parents have to buy big shoes for him. ( foot )63 . Can you give me some _ about this math problem.( advice)64 . Sam is pretty healthy. Because he _ eats junk food. ( ever )用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)65 . Mother asks me _ (carry) this bag into the room .66 . There are two _ (pair) of glasses in Mikes school bag .67 . What about _ (watch) a film tonight ?68 . How much do last _ (year) football cards cost ?69 . My jacket _ (not match) my blue jeans . I want a new one .70 . Would you like _ (any) hot water ? Yes , please .71 . Please try _ (they) on first .72 . The garden is a good place _ (grow) flowers .73 . A good teacher can always keep his students _ (interest) in his lessons.74 . Are there enough _ (present) for so many people ?六、完成句子75 . 结婚之后不久,她就生了个可爱的女儿。Soon after she got married, she _ to a lovely daughter.76 . 如果你开车速度过快的话,你最终会住进医院的。If you drive fast, youll _ being in hospital.77 . 这首音乐让我想起了一首古老的舞曲。The piece of music _ me _ an old dance music.78 . 在圣诞节那天,他打扮成了圣诞老人的模样。He _ as Santa Claus at Christmas.79 . 在万圣节时,孩子们喜欢捉弄别人。On Halloween, the children like to _ a trick _ others.七、单词填空Travel is very useful to us at least in these three ways. First, by travelling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of d80 . places. We can see, with our o81 . eves, many places which can be read about in books, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.Second, we will m82 . people with different interests and see strange things when we travel. We can get a lot of new ideas of the conditions and customs of other countries.We can also t83 . different foods and local flavors if we like. I84 . this way, we can understand how other different people live.Third, travel will not only help us get k85 . of geography and history and so on, b86 . also help us keep healthy and make us become m87 . more intelligent(有才智的).With all these a88 . of travel, it is no wonder that it is the most p 89 . way to relax in China.八、材料作文90 . 用英语写一篇短文,介绍杨威的情况。内容要点如下:1)杨威三十多岁,乐于助人但从不炫耀。2)五岁时开始练习体育,对自己要求严格,16岁进入国家队。3)经过艰苦的训练,成功获得三枚奥运会金牌(medal)。4)2014年6月,杨威父子参加了一个电视节目爸爸去哪儿(Where are we going, Dad?),他教儿子一切都要三思而行。5)很多人喜欢杨威,因为注意:1短文需包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯。2第5要点的内容须用1至2句话展开合理想象。3词数90字左右。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、


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