牛津上海版英语 六年级下册Unit5 基础练习

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牛津上海版英语 六年级下册Unit5 基础练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whatabout toOceanPark?Thatsoundsagoodidea.AhaveatripBto have a tripChadatripDhavingatrip2 . How often do you have a meeting one month? _.AFor one weekBOne week agoCIn one weekDOnce a week3 . Amy finished her homeworkthan John, but John mademistakes than Amy.Afaster; moreBmuch quicker; moreCmore quickly; lessDfaster; fewer4 . - Can you give me some advice on learning English?- You can read 21st Century Teens and it is really _ to you.ApossibleBhelpfulCfriendly5 . In short, we should eat enough good ,healthy food.AOn shortBIn wordCAt shortDIn a word .6 . A: _do you_of her?B: She is helpful and friendly.AHow. . likeBWhy. . likeCWhat. . thinkDWhat. . like7 . Loud music and red chairs in the restaurants make people_fast.Ato eatBeatingCeatDate8 . I dont know to get off. Would you please remind me of my stop?AwhatBwhenCifDhow9 . Is it_for us to fly to moon in the near future?ApossibleBpossiblyCterribleDterribly10 . Many of my classmates want to be_in the future.AfiremanBa firemanCfiremansDfiremen11 . The newspaper came just now. I _it yet.Ahas readBhave readChasnt readDhavent read12 . Luckily we have found new waysuse energythe sun, wind and water.Aof; toBto; fromCto; ofDto; to13 . I have to do my homework_ because they are so much to do today.AquickBquicklyCslowDslowly14 . My father always has _work to do every day. And he is very tired.AlightBlongCsmallDheavy15 . I want to see the movie Iron Man 3 (钢铁3). Do you know the _ of the ticket?Yes. Five dollars.AnumberBpriceCkindDname二、补全对话7选5Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box.A. Whats your fathers job?B. Is he a teacher, too?C. Is that man your father?D. Whos that man over there?E. Whos your father?F. Where is he now?G. I want to be a fireman, too.A:16 . B: Oh, my father.A:17 . B: He is a teacher. He teaches English.18 . A: The man in blue.B:19 . A: Hes sitting by the window.B:20 . A: No, hes a fireman.B:21 . 三、阅读单选This is the true story of a great woman. Her name was Helen Keller. She was born in 1880 in Alabama in the USA. When Helen was one year and a half, she got ill and then she became blind(瞎的) and deaf(聋的).Her parents tried to do their best for their daughter and they asked a young teacher called Anne Sullivan to their home to teach Helen. Anne herself was almost blind in her youth. Helen was a smart girl but she couldnt hear or talk. She was angry at this. So she was always crying and shouting. Then Anne often went for walks with Helen in the country near her home. After two weeks, Helen became quiet. Anne began to teach her how to spell and Helen learned to write. Boards(木板) with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight. Soon her talents were famous all over the world. There were her stories in newspapers and magazines. By the time she was 17, she was studying French, German, Latin, physics and many other subjects. She was still blind and deaf. In 1902, she wrote a book The Story of my life. It became well-known all over the world.22 . Helen became blind and deaf when she was _.Aone year oldBhalf a year oldCone year and a half oldDtwo years old23 . Why was Helen always crying and shouting? ABecause she couldnt hear and talk.BBecause she felt lonely.CBecause she was angry with Anne.DBecause Anne always went out with her.24 . Anne taught Helen how to _.ArunBspeak and writeCplay footballDswim25 . Why did Helen need to use special boards to write on?ABecause she didnt like desks.BBecause she didnt have desks.CBecause boards with lines on them helped her to keep the words straight.DBecause she liked to use them.26 . How old was Helen when she finished the book The Story of my life?A51.B42.C22.D17.四、阅读判断Beethoven(贝多芬) was never afraid to show his feelings. Once when he was playing at a rich mans house, one of the listeners, a man of good family, was talking to a girl. He liked girls more than music, and he didnt stop talking when Beethoven started to play. The voice was not a quiet one, and Beethoven could hear well in those days. The music stopped in the middle and Beethoven stood up. “I dont play for animals of this kind!” he cried. “No! Not for animals!” Then he walked out.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)27 . Beethoven was a musician.28 . The listener was from a poor family.29 . One of the listeners still talked to a girl when Beethoven started to play.30 . This listener was more interested in girls than in music.31 . Beethoven went on playing after he heard their talking.五、句型转换句型转换32 . This is a red apple. (改为一般疑问句)_a red apple?33 . Im fine, thank you. (改为同义句)Im fine, _.34 . Its a ruler in English. (就画线部分提问)_this in English?35 . Frank, my, is, name(连词成句)_.36 . My pen is white. (就画线部分提问)_ is your pen?六、单词填空小作文2017年5月21日,国际马拉松比赛首次在长春举行,并获得圆满成功。来自不同国家的参赛选手多达三万人,现场观众十万余人。下面是某英语社团小记者编辑的一篇相关报道,请根据提示完成短文,每空一词The year of 2017 has special meaning to Changchun. On 37 . 21st, the International Marathon was first held in Changchun. It was a great success. About 30,000 players 38 . different countries took part in it as scheduled (如期). Though it was a little cold and rainy, over 100000 people came to 39 . it. Also, many volunteers offered their help.The family marathon was the most interesting. A little kid surprised everyone. People shouted in excitement 40 . he and his parents ran along the street. Sometimes kids touch our hearts. Besides, an 41 . couple who have been married for 50 years got much attention. People admire them for their deep love. They inspire us to live actively. 七、回答问题阅读表达Chinas film industry (产业) started when New China was born. It started in 1949 with a movie called Bridge. After that, Chinese movie industry experienced ups and downs. It really began to take off in the 1980s. Chinese films became popular abroad. For example, the 1982 film Shaolin Temple made more foreign people want to learn Kung fu. Now, China is the worlds second-largest film market, with 66,000 cinema screens-the most of all the countries. Since 1949, China has made over 12,000 movies.Whats the most popular movie this year? Many people say its Ne Zha. He stands on two flaming wheel (风火轮). He has three heads and six arms. Most of you might already know the old story of Ne Zha. But the new film Ne Zha this summer shows a different side of the young hero.In the film, Ne Zha is born as a bad child. People hate and fear him. Their prejudice (偏见) is like a mountain. No one can move it. However, Ne Zha doesnt believe it. He wants to be a hero and helps people catch monsters (妖怪). “The one that shapes my destiny will always be myself rather than the gods (我命由我不由天),” he says. In both the old and new stories, Ne Zhas fighting spirit (抗争精神) never goes away. Thats why people still love him today.42 . What is the first movie in New China?_43 . Is China the largest film market in the world?_44 . How many movies has China made since 1949?_45 . What does the new film Ne Zha show?_46 . Why do people still love Ne Zha today?_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、单词填空1、七、回答问题1、

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