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沪教版八年级下学期英语第二阶段考试试卷(不含听力音频)B卷考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 (共6题;共9分)1. (1.5分) (2018七上深圳月考) 听句子,选出最佳答句( )A . Twice a day.B . In the morning.C . Its very easy.2. (1.5分) (2018九上高要月考) 听句子,选择最恰当的答语( ) A . I like the races best.B . I like Mid-Autumn Festival.C . I like to go there.3. (1.5分) (2019八上宜春月考) Where did the girl go on a trip? A . to Hong KongB . to ShanghaiC . to Beijing4. (1.5分) (2017河北) 选出该句的最佳答语( )A . Sure.B . Good idea.C . Many thanks.5. (1.5分) (2018海南) 根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语。 A . Yes, it is.B . Yes, I am.C . Yes, please.6. (1.5分) 选择最佳应答语( )A . Yes,they areB . Yes,its mineC . Its nice二、 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案 (共6题;共9分)7. (1.5分) (2018八上深圳期中) What do they want to order first? A . Black tea.B . Green tea.C . Milk tea.8. (1.5分) (2019七上云安期末) What does the woman drink? A . A glass of milk.B . A glass of orange juice.C . A glass of water.9. (1.5分) (2019八下北碚期末) 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出正确的答案。 A . At 7:00.B . At 7: 20.C . At 7:40.10. (1.5分) (2019浙江模拟) What are the speakers talking about? A . Inventions.B . Rainforests.C . Accidents.11. (1.5分) (2019八下博兴期中) What would the girl like to do? A . Go to see a movie.B . Wash her clothes.C . Listen to music.12. (1.5分) Why didnt the man go to bed early before? A . He wanted to watch TV.B . He had a lot of work.C . He liked to go to bed late.三、 根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。( (共2题;共6分)13. (3.0分) (2019七下宁波月考) 听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。 (1) Where does Sonia work? A . In a bank.B . In a bus station.C . In a subway station.(2) How far is the bank from her home? A . 13 miles.B . 30 miles.C . 60 miles.(3) Which one is NOT the way she goes to work? A . Walk.B . Take the subway.C . Take a train.14. (3.0分) 听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1) Whats Bettys mother doing in the photo? A . She is walking in the mountains.B . She is lying on the beach.C . She is listening to music.(2) Who likes history in Bettys family? A . Her mother.B . Her sister.C . Her father.四、 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 (共1题;共6分)15. (6.0分) Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences. (1) The purpose of Survival Holidays is for children to go into a _ _ for exciting activities. (2) The reason why people like Survival Holidays is that _ _ being close to nature is good for children. (3) Parents like to see their children being _ _ activities that are controlled by adults. (4) Even small danger like getting their feet wet or _ _ seems very terrible to them. (5) Some children have learned to _ _ in dangerous times. 五、 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共10题;共10分)16. (1分) (2019中山模拟) Have you seen _ film Coco寻梦环游记? Yes, its _ interesting and moving film!A . a, theB . the, anC . a, anD . the, the17. (1分) (2019东城模拟) I have a new model car. I got it my dad. A . atB . ofC . fromD . by18. (1分) Whose crayons are these? They are _, not _.A . her, hisB . hers ,himC . hers, hisD . her, he19. (1分) (2017成都) Hi, Amy , you live on Center Street. Can you tell me _?Sure. There is one called Grandmas Home.A . where it isB . how I can get thereC . if there is a restaurant on it20. (1分) (2019八上东莞开学考) Did you find the answer _ the question about _ TV very interesting? A . to; watchingB . of; watchingC . to; watchedD . of; watched21. (1分) (2019丰台模拟) I work hard this term, but Alex works much _. A . hardB . harderC . hardestD . the hardest22. (1分) Mans understanding if mature is developing _. It never stays at the same level. A . at the right timeB . at any timeC . from time to timeD . all the time23. (1分) Can you believe that in _ a rich country there are _ many poor people? A . such; suchB . such; soC . so; soD . so; such24. (1分) Where does he _? He _ in Shanghai.A . live; livesB . live; liveC . lives; live25. (1分) Lets go swimming tomorrow. _.A . Great.B . Thats right.C . Yes, we do.D . No, I dont.六、 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)26. (15分) (2019七上宝安期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Once upon a time, there lived an old lion in a forest, One day, the lion found himself too old and could not look for food on his own. He thought he would soon die. He was very sad and went home.When he walked home 1, he told a bird about his sad situation(情况). Soon everyone in the2heard about the lions story. The other animals all felt 3for the lion too. So one by one they came to visit the lion. The lion looked old and weak, but it was very clever. When each animal came into his home, they were easy to 4. So the lion had food and soon he became strong again. One day, early in the morning, a fox came. The fox was very clever, too. He slowly came 5the lions home Standing outside, he asked. How are you, my friend? Hello, my best friend. said the lion. Is it you? I cant see you well. 6you are far away, Come in, please, Because I am old and weak, I cant go out, I think I will 7soon. While the lion was talking, the fox was looking carefully down at the 8in front of the lions home. Finally the fox9, and said. Im sorry, but I must go. I am very 10because I see the footprints of many animals going into your home, but I see no one coming out again! (1)A . slowly B . happily C . strongly (2)A . field B . forest C . town (3)A . angrily B . surprised C . sorry (4)A . catch B . know C . blow (5)A . near B . into C . out of (6)A . so B . because C . but (7)A . return B . die C . work (8)A . door B . sky C . ground (9)A . looked for B . grew up C . looked up (10)A . lazy B . polite C . nervous 七、 阅读理解(共35分) (共5题;共35分)27. (3分) (2019苍南模拟) 阅读理解 Nowadays, more and more apps have come into the world. Most of them make our life better. Look at four apps below: AppsFounding TimeFunctionAdvantagesMethodsBaicizhanMarch, 2015English words learning appLearning is funChoose the correct picture of the new word,then practice in other waysDouban FMNovember, 2009Music appSongs playing one by oneUse heart trash or skip buttons to mark the songsMoment CameraJanuary, 2014Camera appSequence shots and differentsized framesTake photos as usualFlipboardNovember, 2013Hottest news appMake the news personal to youClick the +button to choose your favorite news(1) If you have problems in remembering English words, which app can help you? A . BaicizhanB . Douban FMC . FlipboardD . Moment Camera(2) When you use Flipboard, you can .A . listen to musicB . learn EnglishC . take picturesD . know about news(3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the form above? A . Douban FM is a music app for you to sing songs.B . Flipboard gives you a chance to choose the news that interests youC . Baicizhan just shows the Chinese and English meanings of a new word.D . Flipboard app was founded two months later than Moment Camera app.28. (8分) (2016武汉) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Andrew Holleman, a 12-year-old boy, loved playing in the open land near his home. The land was wet and forested, and made a home for birds, other animals and many different plants.It made the perfect place for him to study and get to know the nature. He had seen some red-tail hawks, red foxes, wood turtles and other animals. He also found special native flowers.Suddenly it was announced that the “empty” land would be improved by a lot of houses on it. The plants would be removed, the animals would run away and most would probably die. Then the wet soil would be covered with extra grounds.When he heard about the news, he was not happy. He was very worried that the land ans water would be polluted.Andrew wrote down clearly all the research he had down about the area, and how the houses would affect the local environment. He sent letters to members of local government and television reporters. He also called on his neighbors to oppose the building of the houses.Although he was only 12 years old, he had the courage and wisdom of a person much older. Andrew s teachers described him as gentle, shy and active. His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants,and the environment.Each day after school, Andrew went door-to-door, to ask the people to sign, who did not want the houses to be built. In only one month, he got the signatures of 250 people.In the end, the land remained a safe place for birds, animals and plants that belonged there.Andrew won many prizes for his brave and great work to stop the houses being built, and thus help save the environment.(1) The passage is mainly about _. A . 250 people who signed to help Andrew.B . a brave boy who cared for the environment.C . the open land that suited animals and plantsD . the research of improving the environment.(2) The underlined word “oppose” in the passage probably means _. A . supportB . dislikeC . disagreeD . prefer(3) Andrew was very worried because _. A . the animals would be killedB . new houses would be built on the open landC . not all the neighbors were going to signD . was praised by his teachers and classmates(4) According to the passage, Andrew _. A . was good at going door-to doorB . got in no touch with the reportersC . usually acted like a person much olderD . was praised by his teachers and classmates(5) We can infer that _. A . the land would remain as it used to beB . the open land would be built into a parkC . the neighbors would have to move awayD . Andrew would soon work for the government29. (8分) (2016八上深圳月考) 根据短文内容理解,选择正确答案。Once upon a time in Greece, there lived a young man called Narcissus. He lived in a small village on the sea and was famous in the land because he was quite handsome. Villagers would turn up on the streets to stare at the beautiful child.When he grew up, people always said How handsome Narcissus is! Villagers thought that Narcissus could not be any more handsome than he already was. But as years passed Narcissus became a teenager. His beauty grew and became so great that he was known all over country of Greece.As he grew, Narcissus was very proud of his good-looking face.Oh! You are so handsome, Narcissus! Narcissus said one day as he looked into a pool. Theres nobody more handsome in the whole world! Id love to kiss you. And thats just what Ill do!He leaned closer to the water. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell into the pool.Narcissus tried to reach the bank of the pool, but he could not swim and he drowned.(1) When Narcissus came out in the street, _. A . there were always many people to see himB . everyone went home in a hurryC . some people would take photos of himD . no one would like to talk to him(2) The purpose of the writer by writing the third and the fourth paragraph is _. A . to tell us that a handsome man was difficult to succeedB . to show Narcissus was more and more handsomeC . to show Narcissus was too proud to see himselfD . to tell us that Narcissus should look at others not himself(3) From the paragraph we can infer that _. A . Narcissus was talking to one of his friendsB . one of Narcissus friends wanted to help himC . Narcissus was talking to himself.D . Narcissus had fallen in love with a girl(4) The story is mainly about _. A . a poor man who didnt want to do anythingB . a man who thought himself to be better than he really wasC . how to teach children to learn betterD . what to do when you met a handsome boy30. (8分) (2017九上萧山期中) 阅读短文,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。BWhen Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited China in September, where did he take his family? To see the Great Wall, of course!Built to keep enemies from the country, the Great Wall is known as one of the eight wonders in the world.It was first built in different sections during the Warring States period (战国时期). Later, Emperor Qin Shihuang connected these big walls (sections) together into a very long one that was about 10,000 li (5,000 kilometers). In the Ming Dynasty, people built many new parts of the Great Wall that are still in good condition today.Being famous for its wonderful view, the Great Wall draws millions of tourists each year. But now the long wall is in danger. One third of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty has disappeared, Xinhua reported. One reason for that is the old age of the Great Wall. Some parts are over 500 years old. Strong wind and rain has slowly destroyed it. Another reason is that people havent realized they have to protect it. Some people stole the bricks of the Great Wall and sold them for money. And some visitors drew on the Great Wall. On sections of the Wall that many tourists visit, like Badaling, almost every brick is covered with graffiti.Our country is making an effort to repair the Great Wall. But it is such a big project that it needs much time to be completed. To make sure that the Great Wall remains a great wonder, every one of us should help protect it ourselves.(1) What did the ancient Emperor built the Great Wall for?A . To keep enemies away from the country.B . To provide a place for people to draw.C . To draw millions of tourists each year.D . To welcome Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.(2) Put the following events in the correct order.a. Canadian Prime Minister Justin visited the Great Wall with his family.b. Emperor Qin Shihuang connected different sections together into a very long one.c. Some people stole the bricks of the Great Wall and sold them for money.d. Our country is making an effort to repair the Great Wall.A . abcdB . bcadC . bacdD . acbd(3) We can know from the passage that _.A . the Great Wall is made up of three sections. And one third of it has disappeared.B . the bricks of the Great Wall of Badaling were stolen and sold.C . the Great Wall is famous for its wonderful view and the graffiti on the brick.D . repairing the Great Wall is a big subject that is still not completed.(4) The best title of the passage may be _.A . Welcome to the Great WallB . Save the old Great WallC . Make the Great Wall a wonderD . Help protect ourselves31. (8分) My 10-year-old Donna said, “Mom, I made a new friend at school today. Can she come over tomorrow?” Donna was a shy girl and I wanted her to make some friends to bring her out of her shell.“Sure, honey, that sounds great.” I said, thinking back to my own best friend, Lillian. We lived across the street from each other in Washington Heights, New York. We met at the age of 10, too. Like my daughter, I was shy, but Lillian drew me out. She was one of the friendliest people in school, with shiny black hair and a mile-wide smile.In senior high school, Lillian went on a trip to Florida. This was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. “Ill be back soon.” she told me. But three days later, Lillians sister told me that she had fallen into a river and hadnt come out any more. Soon, my family moved to New Jersey. Whenever I thought of her, tears came into my eyes.The next day Donna brought her new friend home. “Hi, Mrs. Loggia.” the little girl said. Her hair was so shiny and black and she shot me a big smile. “My name is Laura.”My daughters new friend was so much like Lillian. I was still puzzled (迷惑) when Lauras mom came to pick her up later that afternoon. I opened the door to let her in. “Judy!” she cried. “Its me, Lillians sister, from Washington Heights.” Yes, my daughters friend looked familiar. She was Lillians niece.(1) The underlined words in the first paragraph “to bring her out of her shell” mean _.A . to help her become less shyB . to help her become smartC . to help her live happilyD . to help her walk out of her house(2) Laura looked familiar to the writer because she _.A . was Lillians nieceB . was as old as her daughterC . was from Washington HeightsD . had shiny black hair and a big smile, too(3) Why did the writer lose her best friend? Because _.A . she moved to New JerseyB . they were different from each otherC . her best friend travelled to FloridaD . her best friend lost her life on a trip(4) “I knew we would be best friends forever.” is a sentence from the passage and should be put at the end of _A . Paragraph 2B . Paragraph 3C . Paragraph 4D . Paragraph 5(5) We can infer (推断) from the passage that_.A . Laura is outgoingB . Laura helps Donna a lotC . Laura and Donna are of the same ageD . Judy moved to New Jersey because of Lillians death八、 口语运用(每小题1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 用方框中所给的选项补全对话(有两个多余选项)。 A. What time is it?B. Are you busy this Saturday?C. Where is it?D. Would you like to come to my birthday party?E. I want to have a special birthday party.F. What about you?G. Thanks a lot.A: Hi, Wang Fei.B: Hi, Li Kai.A: _B: No.A: OK. This Saturday is my birthday. _B: Yes, Id love to. _A: In the park.B: The park?A: Yes. _ Id like to help the workers collect the litter(捡垃圾) in the park.B: Great! _A: At eight oclock in the morning.九、 任务型阅读(共9分) (共1题;共9分)33. (9.0分) (2018朝阳模拟) 阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。A History of Englishin Five WordsIn 1582, Richard Mulcaster, headmaster of a British school, wrote that the English would not go beyond their island. However, it didnt stay that way. Today, English is spoken all over the world.English is a colorful and diverse (多样的) language that long has picked up words from many other languages. Here are five words that show the English languages interesting history.EnglishEnglish began in the language spoken by the early Germanic people in the fifth century AD. It is from them that the word “English” comes. First it is the Latin word Angli which means the people of Angul, where the Germanic people were from.BeefAlthough roast beef is seen as a traditional English dish, the word “beef” was introduced from the French boeuf during the Middle Ages. It was one of a group of words, including pork and mutton, that were taken from the speech of the French who moved in Britain following the Norman Conquest (诺曼底登陆) of 1066. However, the farmers who kept these living things continued to call them by their old English names: cow, pig and sheep. This difference passes on till today.DictionaryDictionary is a borrowing from Latin dictornarius liber, “book of words”. It first appeared in English in the 6th century, along with a huge number of other words from Latin and Greek. The first English dictionary was written by Robert Cawdrey in 1

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