牛津版八年级英语上册:unit 6验收试卷 1 2020 年(II)卷

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牛津版八年级英语上册:unit 6验收试卷 1 2020 年(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Would you please the door? Its so cold today. - Sorry, I will not do it again.Anot openBdont openCnot to openDnot opening2 . When was Judy born(出生)? She was born _ 2002.AinBonCatDof3 . Oh,I have the flu,and I have to see the _AteacherBfarmerCdoctorDworker4 . Its a Clean-Up Day tomorrow. Lets help _ signs.Agive upBfix upCcome upDput up5 . He is angry _ his son. I dont know what he is angry _ .Awith; aboutBwith; withCabout; aboutDabout; with6 . over _of the students would like to be volunteers.Athree quarterBtwo thirdsCone quarters7 . The _ you work at your lessons, the _ your grades will be.Ahard; goodBharder; goodChard; betterDharder; better8 . TuYouyou won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖). We Chinese people are _ of her.AsurprisedBproudCnervous9 . When the teacher asks us _our hands, all of us _our hands.Aput up;raiseBraise up;put upCto raise;put upDto raise up;put up10 . Children, dont speak so _. Your grandma is sleeping now.AquietlyBeasilyCloudlyDquickly11 . She wants to call the policeIs there anear here?AlibraryBsupermarketCpay phoneDrestaurant12 . Look! There are manyin the sky. I think it will betomorrow.Acloud, cloudyBcloudy, cloudCclouds, cloudyDcloudy, cloudy13 . What aboutthere by bus, Tom?Ato goBgoingCgo14 . It will be_ tomorrow and there will be much_.Arainy: windyBrain, windyCrain, windDrainy, wind15 . Sam, can you tell me _?Try Music World on Huangyuan StreetAwhy to buy a CDBwhere to get a CDChow to choose a CDDwhen to record a CD二、完型填空Were trees. Weve lived on the earth with you for thousands of years. Each day we give out oxygen and make air fresh. We can cool the air _ you dont feel hot all the time; We help to _ the soil(土壤)from being washed _ . We give all kinds of fruits and wood to you. We are your friends. But youve never been interested in us, or pay any attention to us, so you hardly know _about us.We are now in great danger because of you humans. Youre destroying us _ a terrible speed. Youre burning and cutting down millions of us each year. Every day one tree is_but 30 trees are cut down. What would you do _ all of us died? Without us, you wouldnt get the ingredients for some of your important medicine, you wouldnt have enough material for buildings, furniture, _ products. Therefore, air pollution and noise pollution would become more and more_The best thing for you to do now is to stop destroying us and start protecting the environment, because we are the best fighters _pollution!16 . Abecause ofBas soon asCeven thoughDso that17 . AsupportBoperateCpreventDproduce18 . AawayBbelowCaroundDback19 . AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything20 . AinBforCatDon21 . AbuiltBlostCdroppedDplanted22 . AbeforeBunlessCifDwhether23 . AflowerBpaperCwaterDglass24 . AunfairBseriousCseriouslyDkindly25 . AthroughBacrossCagainstDexcept三、阅读单选What would you do if you found a snake in your house? Many people might be afraid or try to kill it. However, if you live in North Carolina in the USA, one thing you can do is to call the Snake Catchers.The Snake Catchers are four men who love snakes, even poisonous ones. Their newspaper advertisement says, “Snake Catchers: free snake removal(除去)一Please do not kill them Call us. ”The Snake Catchers, who started their service in 1998, dont charge anything for helping people. “We do this as a hobby,” explained Fred Johnson, one of the Snake Catchers.Because of their love of snakes, the Snake Catchers try to keep them alive. “One man asked us to kill a python(蟒蛇), so he could make a pair of boots from the skin. We refused, because we like snakes, and we dont want to see them killed, ” said Fred.Some of the snakes that they catch are kept as pets; some are given to the North Carolina State University. Most, including the poisonous snakes, are set free in the wild, usually in a national park.Fred suggests that people should treat snakes with care. “Actually snakes are very shy and gentle creatures. They only attack if they are frightened. However, you have to know how to treat a snake properly!”According to one happy family, the Snake Catchers are good. One day, the Greenwood family found a snake skin in the kitchen. They looked very carefully and saw a snake sleeping behind a cupboard. They thought about what to do. Then Steve Greenwood remembered the advertisement for the Snake Catchers. He called them.“The Snake Catchers arrived within an hour and they finished the job quickly too,” said Steve Greenwood. “One of them went into the kitchen, found the snake and took it out alive. The Snake Catchers did a very good job.”Last year, the Snake Catchers removed more than seventy snakes from houses in North Carolina.26 . The Snake Catchers catch snakes because _.Athey want to kill the snakesBthey like trying to catch snakesCthey dont want people to hurt snakesDthey like eating snakes27 . When a man asked them to kill a python, the Snake Catchers _.Amade some boots from the skinBwere very happyCgave him some old bootsDdid not agree28 . The Snake Catchers set most of the snakes free _.Ain a national parkBin a universityCin a gardenDin their own houses29 . According to Fred, _.Asnakes are very dangerousBpeople should attack snakesCsnakes are not usually dangerousDpeople should run away if they see a snakeWonderland is the hometown of minifishers. Because the winter there is cold, they go towarmer places for the winter and go back home the next spring to have their babies. Every year.hundreds of minifishers visit Starland. They stay there with their families for several months. They usually sleep during the daytime and wake up in the evening to look for food. Small fish are their favourite.Minifishers were first found in Starland one hundred years ago. Now Starland has become their most important stopping place for the winter. But this could change soon because people in Starland are thinking of building factories near the minifishers winter home. Minifishers are shy and do not easily change the way they live. It is likely for them to leave Starland and never come back again, If they are unable to find the food, they will easily die out.Can we do something to help these friends from the sky? Though making money is important, people in Starland should know the lives of other animals are important, too. Man cannot live without animals. We are the equal members in the same nature. Lets work together to help them.30 . What may a minifisher be?AA factory worker.BA fishing man.CA kind of fish.DA kind of bird.31 . Why do minifishers come to Starland?ABecause the winter in Starland is warm.BBecause their babies are born in Starland.CBecause they cannot find their way home.DBecause they enjoy meeting people in Starland.32 . What does the underlined word this mean in the second paragraph?AThe winter home of minifishers will be moved.BStarland is a good place for minifishers to spend the winter.CMinifishers were first found in Starland one hundred years ago.DBuilding factories near Starland will scare away minifishers.33 . What does the writer think of the idea of building factories?AIt takes too much money to build factories.BThe new factories will not be good for the people in Starland.CThe minifishers winter home is a good place for new factories.DPeople should think about other living things before building factories.34 . What is the best title for the passage?AWonderlandBMinifishersCStarlandDThe hometown of minifishersDo you know about bioplastic(生物塑料)?It is a kind of plastic. But it is different. Normal plastic is made from chemical materials and takes a very long time to degrade(降解). But bioplastic is good for the environment. It is made by using bacteria(细菌)to process(加工)natural sources like vegetable oils,corn or sugar. It can degrade more easily. But there is a problem with bioplastic. The “food” that bacteria eat is also what we eat. This means that bacteria are competing against humans for the same resources. Now scientists have found a new way to make bioplastic-using two kinds of bacteria and sunlight,according to Newsweek. One of the bacteria is called synthetic cyanobacteria(合成蓝藻),which can use sunlight to produce sugar. The other kind is Halomonasboliviensis(玻利维亚盐单胞菌),which lives in the salty waters of Bolivia. It eats the sugar that the first bacteria produce and then it can produce polymers(聚合物). Polymers are used to create bioplastics. The way the bacteria store polymers is similar as humans store fats. Producing bioplastic with these two bacteria has many advantages. It is 20 times faster than the. normal way we produce bioplastic. Moreover,using these two bacteria saves resources. Firstly,producing large amounts of bioplastic requires corn and sugar,which are used to feed normal bacteria. And growing corn and sugar needs farmland. But these two special bacteria can just use sunlight. The land that is saved can be used to grow food for humans. Besides,this system(系统)doesnt need rich land or clean water at all,scientists said to Newsweek. The next challenge scientists face is that they want to put their lab research into real-world practice. By doing this, bioplastic made with these two bacteria can be widely produced in the future.35 . Bioplastic is_.Amade from chemical materialsBharmful to the environmentCused to produce things like oilsDable to degrade more easily than normal plastic36 . Which is NOT needed to make the new bioplastic?ACorn.BSynthetic cyanobacteria.CSunlight.DHalomonasboliviensis.37 . The way the bacteria store polymers is similar as humans store_.ASaltBfatCsugarDsunlight!38 . When using this new way to produce bioplastic, we_.Aneed only 20 minutes to get bioplasticBcan save resources for our own useCneed to provide clean waterDhave to do it inside a lab39 . What is the main idea of the story?ABacteria can be environmentally friendly.BBacteria are competing with humans.CScientists invented bioplastic and helped save resources.DScientists introduced a new way to fight bacteria.40 . We may find this passage in a/an_.Astory bookBscience magazine.CadvertisementDtravel guide四、句型转换句型转换。41 . Id like a bowl of rice. (对划线部分提问)_would you like?42 . They need two glasses of honey. (对划线部分提问)_ of honey do they need?43 . Shall we make fruit salad? (改为同义句)_ fruit salad .44 . the, turn, blender, two, for, minutes, on, about(连词成句)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,每空一词45 . The Chinese _ (政府)wants to protect these animals in danger.46 . The Birdwatching Society needs us to _ (描述)and count the birds.47 . Thanks to Lilys _ (极好的)performance. We enjoyed the show.48 . There is no need to _ (介绍)yourself. We heard of you a long time ago.49 . Nobody knows her _ (地址)or telephone number.六、完成句子翻译句子50 . 每个人天生具有学习的能力。Everyone _ the ability to learn.51 . 它们象征着幸福和好运。They are a symbol of _ and good _.52 . 据我所知,他擅长英语。_, he is good at English.53 . 茶由手工采摘。Tea is picked _.54 . 我原来经常6点起床。I _ get up _ 6 am.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子选择方框中的词语并用其适当形式填空find out; turn off; throw away; draw up; hope for55 . _ the lights when you dont need them.56 . We can not _ rapid change.57 . We should _ recycling policy for our community.58 . We shall _ the truth (事实) early or late.59 . Dont _ the paper anywhere.八、单词填空根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。We all want to protect our environment,but were mostly too busy or too lazy to make a change. Here are five simple _(措施)for us to follow in our everyday life.Use compact fluorescent light bulbs(紧凑型荧光灯泡)It is true that these bulbs are more expensive,but they last much longer and help save more energy. The most important thing is that your electricity bill will be _(减少). DonateYou must have _(吨)of clothes or things you dont need any more. If they can be _(再次使用),give them to people who need them. You can also give them to associations(协会). These associations may sell them and _(收集)a little money.Turn off your devices(设备)When you do not use a house device,turn it off. For example,if you dont watch TV,turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave your room. Its an easy _(习惯)to develop,which will help you save a lot of money.Walk or ride a bikeThere are so many cars on the roads. The _(石油)that the cars use will _(污染)the environment badly. If you want to use your car,ask _(你自己): Do I really need my car?Walk or ride a bike if the journey is short.Recycle the rainwaterThink of recycling the rainwater. The rainwater can be used for _(不同的)purposes.60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _68 . _69 . _九、填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Some people seem to know how to start a conversation with anyone anywhere. If youre not one of these people, dont be sad. Here are some easy ways to help you make a conversation with someone new.Say something about the surroundings (周围的事物).If youre at a party, for example, you could say, “I love this song”, or “The food is great. Have you tried the chicken?”Ask an open-ended question.The question requires (要求) more than just a yes or no answer. You can ask a question that begins with one of the 5W1H: who, where, when, what, why, or how. For example, “Who do you know here?” “Where do you usually go on Friday?” “How is the food?” Most people enjoy talking about themselves, so asking questions is a good way to start a conversation.Give praise.For example, “I really like your bag. Can I ask where you got it?” or “You look like youve done this before. Can you tell me where I have to sign in (签到)?”Keep the conversations going with small talk.Dont say something annoying (令人讨厌的) and avoid big subjects like religion (宗教). Try some relaxing subjects. For example, you can talk about the weather or anything you have in common such as schools, movies and sports teams.Be a good listener.Listening is not the same as waiting for your turn to talk. You cant focus on (专注于) what someones saying if youre thinking about what youre going to say next. Focus on the speaker and show interest in whats being said. Nod, smile at the person, and make sure you look friendly.70 . An open-ended question refers to the one beginning with _.71 . Asking questions is a good way to start a conversation because most people _.72 . Try some relaxing subjects rather than big subjects like _.73 . To be a good listener means focusing on the speaker and _.74 . The passage is mainly about _.十、材料作文75 . 环保成当今世界面临的严峻问题之一,作为中学生,我们能为环保做些什么呢?玲玲向同学们拨发出了倡议,下面是她的倡议书开头和结尾,请你帮她完成其他内容。要点:(1)保持环境整洁,不乱丢垃圾;(2)节约用电,随手关灯;(3)如果可能,尽量乘坐公交或骑、步行;(4)使用瓷杯或布袋,而不是纸杯或塑料袋;(5)(请同学们再补充一点)要求:(1)词数:80100个(2)短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数(3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥My dear friends,Environment protecting is one of the most serious problems in the world now._Lets take these small steps today and help make a better world.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、填空1、十、材料作文1、

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