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沪教版八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) (2018七上宁波月考) My phone number is 987-0326. It reads(读作)_ . A . nine eight six, zero three two sixB . nine eight seven, zero three two sixC . eight nine seven, zero three two sixD . nine seven eight, zero three two six2. (2分) Is the new bicycle _? No, It belongs to _.A . her, meB . her, mineC . hers, meD . hers, mine.3. (2分) (2018菏泽) Tibet receives foreign visitors from January to April each year. A . thousand ofB . thousands ofC . several thousands4. (2分) he _ Japan before?Yes, he there two years agoA . Did,visitedB . Has,has visitedC . Has,visitedD . Did,has visited5. (2分) Have you decided which club to join?Not yet. I _ go to the Music Club.A . mustB . mayC . needD . should6. (2分) (2016桂林) Lingling is than her sister. A . tallB . tallerC . tallest7. (2分) _ you often go to the beach?No, but I _ last Sunday.A . Did; wantB . Do; didC . Did; doD . Do, go8. (2分) (2019八上河源月考) What do you think of Mr. Lei? Mr. Lei is one of _ teachers in our school. A . most popularB . the most popularC . popularD . more popular9. (2分) Will you come _ have a drink with me?Id love to, _ Im too busy these days.A . and, orB . and, butC . or, butD . or, and10. (2分) Mo Yans new book will _ next month.A . give outB . hand outC . work outD . come out二、 语法选择 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案。I got out of the train station with my father. A woman came to him and said that her 1 had been stolen. She asked if he could 2 her some money to go back home. My father gave her what she asked for and told her not to 3paying it back. I was shocked. How could my father be so 4? It was clear that she was telling a lie, staying at the station all day long 5money.“She was lying! I shouted. “ 6 did you give her the money?My father looked at me. He was a bit 7.And what would you like me to do? he said. “Should I tell 8that I am a college professor and I can see through her scam(诡计)? I did not understand him at all, and then he told me something that I have 9forgotten. First, she would not do this 10she did not need the money. Second, I made her day, because now she thinks that she is 11than me. It is more important to her than the money, but I do not 12this.A week later, we were at the same 13, and the same woman came to my father with the same story. Not this time, my father told her. “In your business, you 14 learn to recognize people. Try another story 15 me next week.(1)A . money B . bicycle C . phone D . child (2)A . borrow B . keep C . lend D . pay (3)A . give up B . worry about C . hurry up D . turn off (4)A . clever B . friendly C . strict D . silly (5)A . asking for B . dealing with C . fighting for D . picking out (6)A . What B . When C . Why D . How (7)A . angry B . happy C . sad D . shy (8)A . them B . her C . you D . me (9)A . seldom B . often C . never D . usually (10)A . unless B . until C . while D . if (11)A . smarter B . younger C . taller D . better (12)A . close B . mind C . enter D . hear (13)A . stop B . hospital C . station D . school (14)A . should B . can C . may D . would (15)A . of B . in C . on D . at 三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)12. (15分) (2016七下广州期中) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,然后从所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Dads work hard every day. Fathers Day is the time for us to say “thank you”to our dads.The idea for Fathers Day started 11909. A woman called Sonora Dodd thought about 2a Fathers Day holiday when she was listening to a Mothers Day speech at church. She wanted a special day to honour her father, William Smart. Mr Smarts wife died when she was giving birth to 3sixth child. He raised the baby and his4five children5 a farm.When she became 6adult, Sonora Dodd understood how kind her father was. When he was raising his six children7, he worked very 8to make sure his children grow up 9.Since 1966, the third Sunday in June has become a national Fathers Day in10. In early times, people wore red roses 11respect for fathers who were still living and white flowers for fathers who had died. Today, people all over the world celebrate(庆祝) Fathers Day 12many different ways. Some people buy their fathers something useful.Some people just do some simple things that they can do 13preparing a cup of tea or making some nice food for them. However the holiday is celebrated, the idea is for children to let their father 14that he is loved.15 give your father a surprise by saying “Thank you”on the coming Fathers Day?(1)A . at B . on C . in D . for (2)A . starting B . starts C . started D . start (3)A . they B . them C . their D . theirs (4)A . another B . others C . the other D . other (5)A . in B . on C . at D . from (6)A . a B . an C . / D . the (7)A . by themselves B . by herself C . by himself D . by itself (8)A . hardly B . hard C . harder D . hardest (9)A . health B . healthy C . healthily D . more healthily (10)A . North America B . North American C . north America D . north of America (11)A . show B . shows C . showing D . to show (12)A . in B . on C . by D . at (13)A . for example B . such as C . likes D . that is (14)A . know B . knew C . knows D . knowing (15)A . Why dont B . Why C . What about D . Why not 四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共25分)13. (10分) Judge the following sentences true or falseMany years ago, an earthquake happened suddenly. A lot of buildings collapsed(倒塌)。 It killed over 100,000 people in a few minutes. Shortly after the earthquake, a father rushed to the school where his son studied only to find the building had fallen down. He remembered his promise to his son:“No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you!”The tearful father began to dig to look for his son. Some parents felt hopeless and tried to pull him off. But he asked,“Are you going to help me now?”And then he kept on digging. The fireman came.They tried to pull off and said,“Danger! Leave here!” But the father who loved his son deeply,asked,“Are you going to help me now?”The policeman came up and said,“Its over.Leave here!Well do it.”Still he asked again and again,“Are you going to help me now?”He went on alone because he needed to know,“Is my boy alive or is he dead?” He dug for 8 hours .12 hours. 24 hours 36 hours then, in the 38th hours, he pulled back a large stone And heard his sons voice. He cried,“Tom!”He heard back,“Dad? Its me, Dad! I told other kids youd save me. I believe you would keep your promise.”Get out, boy!”“No dad! Let the other kids out first. Because I know youll get me out! No matter what happens, I know youll always be there for me!”(1) More than one hundred thousand people lost their lives in this earthquake.(2) Other parents and fireman did their best to help the father.(3) The father knew that his son was alive.(4) The boy believed his father would let him out of danger.(5) The other kids were saved first.14. (6分) (2017八上房山期中) 阅读理解Only a RibbonIn one of the London hospitals,a short time ago,there was a young doctor. He noticed one of the patients,a ten-year-old poor girl called Katie,who had a very painful illness.Katie lay in her bed,day after day,with nothing to help her forget her pain and cheer up. One day the doctor noticed her trying to make a doll of her finger, and speaking to it. But she was soon tired of it,and lay back into her bed.That afternoon,the young doctor saw a beautiful ribbon in a shop window. He thought that it might help cheer the little girl up,so he went in and bought it for her. When he handed the ribbon to the girl,she was too surprised to speak. There were tears in her eyes. This little gift made her feel rich and happy.The nurse later told the doctor that the girl played with the ribbon all day long. She twisted(盘绕)it round her head. She held it in her hand while she slept.Some weeks later,Katies illness became worse,and it was necessary to perform a dangerous operation. When Katie was brought into the operation mom,she cried out for the young doctor. He was brought,and he held one of the girls hands,while the other tightly held the ribbon.During the operation,the ribbon fell off Katies hand. As soon as she woke up and opened her eyes,she looked at her friend and said in a low voice,“My ribbon.”The doctor gave it to her and she smiled happily.It was only a little gift,but it made the girls stay in the hospital bright with beauty and love.(1) Katie was a_. A . doctorB . patientC . nurseD . salesperson(2) The young doctor bought a ribbon for Katie because_ A . Katie asked him for itB . it could treat Katies illnessC . the nurse advised him to do soD . he wanted to make Katie feel happy(3) What does the story mainly tell us? A . Doctors are kind people.B . Gifts are important for patients.C . A little gift can bring great happiness.D . Hospitals are placeswith beauty and love.15. (6分) Do you know Taiwan, the biggest island of China? Do you want to visit there? Well show you the best Taiwan island on a four-day tour.Price Only 3000Including:Round-way(双飞) plane tickets between Beijing and Taiwan.Bus service around Taiwan.Best tour guide service.PlacesSun and Moon LakeA beautiful lake. A small island. On one side of the island, the lake looks like the sun, on the other side it looks like the moon. That is why people call the lake the Sun and Moon Lake.Ali MountainThe nearest mountain around Sun and Moon Lake. A nice experience(经历)to have a party with Gaoshan people. A wonderful place to see a very beautiful sunrise.Peng LakeA great place for swimming, fishing, boating and eating delicious fruit and fresh fish.Gao XiongA full day to go shopping.Book (预定)nowOffice hour:MondayFriday: 9:00am7:00pmSaturday: 9:00am4:00pmTel: 6459-9561Sold out this monthBook by phone now for next month(1) If you join the tour on September 5th, you will be back on _ .A . September 7thB . September 8thC . September 11thD . September 10th(2) How many main places are you going to visit if you take the tour?A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(3) Which is the best title for this advertisement?A . Taiwan is Part of ChinaB . Take the time to learn in Your Holiday.C . The Biggest Island of China.D . Come and Join Us for Your Holiday.16. (3分) (2017苏州模拟) 阅读表达.Police arrested a 19-year-old teenager yesterday who was involved in a 4-cats-killed case in Hong Kong. The case drew the publics attention towards animal rights. Still, many people in Hong Kong would like to own a pet dog without giving serious thought to the consequences(后果).We are concerned(关注) that some owners will drive away the pets once they have become useless. Homeless dogs and cats run here and there in the parks and streets. Many owners send their pets away for three reasons. Firstly, they have got diseases. Secondly, they are noisy and annoying(烦人). Thirdly, they have broken the vase bought by a boyfriend. Because of these silly reasons, many pets lose their homes . More pets will be saved if we think twice before buying them.We must pay attention to pets health. To have them injected(注射) with different types of vaccines(疫苗) at the correct age is necessary. You should always keep an eye on your pet. If they behave strangely, take them to an animal hospital at once. Its dangerous for dogs to eat chocolate. Never leave your pets at home alone for a long time. Pets will show better behavior once they have developed good habits. Owners can take them to some training courses or teach them patiently at home.Animal experts say that Hong Kong is not an ideal place for keeping pets at home. Hong Kong people are too busy and the flat spaces are limited. Above all, animals are an important part of nature. They should not be locked in cages. So, if you do not have the time and ability to keep them well, do not take them home. Please think twice before you pay.(1) What happened to the 19-year-old teenager mentioned in the passage?_(2) What does the writer advise us to do before we buy a pet?_(3) Will you send your pet away if you own one? Why?_五、 单词拼写,根据下列句子以及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(每 (共12题;共12分)17. (1分) My family is a(n)_(典型的)American family18. (1分) (2019柳州) Tomorrow morning they are going to _(采访)a great scientist. 19. (1分) I think Liu Yang is our_(国家的)hero. 20. (1分) The children_(将视作)their teacher as a good friend. 21. (1分) The white model _(飞机) is Jacks. 22. (1分) Mr Brown has many friends in my_(圈子)23. (1分) Zheng Chenggong is one of the national _ (超级英雄) in our country. We are proud of him. 24. (1分) Don forget to k_ at the door before entering the meeting room. 25. (1分) The _(环境) can affect our feelings and moods. But if we cant change it, try to change our minds then! 26. (1分) They are _ (自豪的) of their son because he is always ready to help others. 27. (1分) Dont be too nervous. You need to r_ yourself. 28. (1分) Its _(愚蠢的) of him to do so. 六、 根据中文,补全句子 (共7题;共17分)29. (1分) 我丢了我的笔记本,我必须找到它。(lost)_30. (2分) 如果他有空,他会帮助你的。 If he _ free, he _ help you.31. (1分) 况且,她曾经帮过我们。 (whats more)_32. (5分) 对我而言,我也不想让出某些玩具。 _ _ me, I dont want to _ _ _ toys.33. (5分) (2018苏州模拟) 当这个激动人心的时刻到来的时候,你会感到多么幸福啊! 34. (2分) 压力太大可能会引发问题。Too much pressure may _ _.35. (1分) 我打算和他的家人一起待一个月。 Im_his family for one month.七、 根据例句翻译句子 (共5题;共21分)36. (5分) 哇!这个故事太有趣了! 37. (2分) 请问,警察局在哪里?Excuse me, wheres the _ _?38. (2分) 他们通常在周末通过电视看足球。 They usually watch football _TV _Sunday.39. (7分) Bob,谢谢你的帮助。别客气。Bob,_ _ _ _ _ _40. (5分) (2019八下建平期末) 暴风雨来临时,他们正在等公交车。 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)41. (5分) (2019泰州模拟) 我校和荷兰夸美纽斯学院缔结为友好交流学校,为传播祖国文化,增进国际理解,共建中西方跨文化交流平台,学校决定举行与友好学校的书信活动。请你(Li Ping)根据下表信息给你的荷兰友好学校的笔友(John)写一封信,介绍有关情况。 内容要点学习情况勤奋刻苦,成绩优异,常受表扬家乡变化绿树成荫,道路宽敞;使用新能源,污染减少阅读计划读有关中国礼仪的书,因为.(自己发挥一点)读有关中国科学家的书籍,如袁隆平,因为(自己发挥一点)希望梦想去中国西北当志愿者,因为.(自己发挥一点)要求:表达清楚,语法正确,上下连贯;必须包含表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)Dear John,I am a Chinese boy named Li Ping. I am in grade 9 now. I am happy to be your penfriend. Its my pleasure to introduce something to you.Welcome to China! I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours faithfullyLi ping第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 语法选择 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)12-1、四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共25分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、16-1、16-2、16-3、五、 单词拼写,根据下列句子以及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。(每 (共12题;共12分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 根据中文,补全句子 (共7题;共17分)29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、七、 根据例句翻译句子 (共5题;共21分)36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)41-1、

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