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沪教版八年级下学期英语第一次学情检测试卷(不含听力音频)C卷考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 听小对话,选择正确的答案(5分,每小题1分)。 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) (2019湖州) Which fruit does the man want? A . An apple.B . A banana.C . An orange.2. (1分) (2018八上绍兴月考) Who is sleeping at home? A . Toms brother.B . Toms father.C . Toms mother.3. (1分) (2019七下嘉兴期中) How much are the apples? A . Ten dollars a kilo.B . Ten yuan for each.C . Ten yuan a kilo.4. (1分) 听第一段材料, 回答下列小题。 (1) What is Jenny doing? A . She is watching a football match on TV.B . She is watching a basketball match on TV.C . She is watching the news on TV.(2) Where does the woman want to visit? A . The USAB . China.C . England.5. (1分) (2019杭州) What will the two speakers probably do next? A . Go on walking.B . See a doctor.C . Have a rest.二、 听较长对话,回答问题(10分,每小题2分)。 (共2题;共10分)6. (4分) (2019七下温州月考) 听对话,回答问题。 (1) What does the woman want to buy? A . A shirt.B . A scarf.C . A dress.(2) Whats her daughters favourite colour? A . Blue.B . Green.C . Red.(3) How much is the shirt? A . 150 yuan.B . 100 yuan.C . 75 yuan.7. (6分) (2019襄阳) 听材料,回答问题。 (1) Who does the woman call? A . The police.B . The reporterC . The driver.(2) What color is the womans handbag? A . Purple.B . Green.C . White.(3) Where did the woman get off the bus? A . At the Hongshan Square.B . At the East Gate.C . At the Xianjiang Hotel.三、 听独白,回答问题(10分,每小题2分)。 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分) 听短文,选择正确答案 (1) Who is Emma? A . Veras sister.B . Veras cousin.C . Veras friend.(2) How does Vera go to the zoo? A . By bus.B . By bike.C . On foot.(3) Why does Vera like pandas? A . They are smart.B . They are lazy.C . They are small.(4) What animals does Emma like? A . Pandas.B . Tigers.C . Koalas.(5) What does Emma think of them? A . They are small and shy.B . They are cute but lazy.C . They are small but scary.四、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)9. (15分) (2018八下黄石期末) 完形填空When I was a middle school student in 1980, God gave me a gif-it was happiness.One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home, a car ran over me and cut off my 1because it was too fast. Several days later when I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my lifewithout arms. How sad and scared I was at that time! But slowly I knew I had to face the fact and 2it. I couldnt get my arms back even though I cried every day.However, its 3said than done. It took me about half a year to get out of the sadness 4. I got so much from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a normal mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates get 5about little things. For example, they get bad grades in the test; their bus comes late; they dont have a mobile phone but 6do. But I only enjoy life. I was lucky to realize from an accident; it is a waste of our life to focus on(关注)what you have 7. We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say, “My whole life would improve 8. I have a new car.” But when you get the car and what happens? For a whole week you are so 9. Then you go right back to being unhappy.Happiness 10what we have! Its in our heart. Its a state of mind. Someone owns many, but may still feel unhappy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激)and taking pleasure in what you really have.(1)A . feet B . legs C . arms D . ears (2)A . got up B . got over C . got off D . got out (3)A . easier B . more difficult C . but D . the most difficult (4)A . strongly B . especially C . completely D . simply (5)A . excited B . surprised C . serious D . worried (6)A . one another B . the other C . other D . others (7)A . lost B . had C . found D . spent (8)A . as B . if C . unless D . before (9)A . sad B . blue C . angry D . excited (10)A . works on B . goes on C . depends on D . puts on 五、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,共30分) (共4题;共30分)10. (6分) 阅读理解 When a man was walking by some elephants, he suddenly stopped. He wondered why these huge animals were being held only by a small rope tied to their front, legs. No chains, no cages. It was clear that the elephants could break the rope at any time, but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why the animals just stood there and didnt try to get away. Well, the trainer said, when they were very young and much smaller, we used the same rope to keep them from running away. At that age, its enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break the rope. They believe it can still hold them, so they never try to break free. The man was surprised. These animals could break free whenever they wanted, but because they believed they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were.How many of us go through life like the elephants- holding onto the belief that we cannot do something simply because we failed at it once before?Failure is a part of learning. If we failed once, it doesnt mean we can never succeed. If we try again and again, maybe we will succeed one day. So dont be afraid of failure and keep on trying.(1) The elephants never tried to break the rope after they grew up because they . A . liked being tiedB . were too weak to break itC . didnt want to break itD . thought they couldnt break it(2) The underlined word stuck in Paragraph 3 Means . A . killedB . caughtC . foundD . left(3) What does the writer want to tell us? A . Elephants should be set free.B . Failure can help us succeed.C . People should look after the elephants well.D . Never let failure stop you from trying again.11. (8分) (2019七上浦东期中) Choose the best answer. Donny, an 11-year-old boy, is playing with a ball. The ball goes into the street, and Donny runs for the ball. A car hit Donny.His parents take him to the hospital. The doctor tell Donnys parents, Donny is in a coma. Maybe he will wake up tomorrow. Maybe he will wake up next week. Or maybe he will never wake up.Every day Donnys parents visit at the hospital. They sit next to Donnys bed and talk to him. But Donny never talks to them. He just sleeps. One day Donnys father says, Wake up, Donny. Wake up and come home. Come home and play with Rusty. Rusty is Donnys dog.When Donnys father says Rusty, Donny moves his arm. Rusty! Donnys father says again. Again Donny moves his arm.Donnys parents have an idea. They tell the nurse, We want to bring Donnys dog to the hospital, is it OK? A dog in the hospital? the nurse say, Thats very unusual. But, yes, its OK.The next day, Donnys parents bring Rusty to the hospital. When they put the dog on Donnys bed, Donny opens his eyes and takes the dog in his arms.Donnys parents bring Rusty to the hospital every day. One day, Rusty jumps on Donnys bed and scratches Donnys arm. Donny says his first words, Bad dog!After seven weeks Donny is well. He leaves the hospital and goes home. Rusty goes home with him.(1) What is Donny doing when a car hits him? A . He is playing with his dog.B . He is playing with a ball at home.C . He is playing with a ball in the street.D . He is playing with a ball in the hospital.(2) What does in a coma in the second paragraph probably mean? A . having a pain in her teethB . in a state of sleep caused by illnessC . short-eyesightD . keeping diet(3) How long does Donny stay in the hospital? A . One weekB . Eleven weeksC . Several weeksD . Seven weeks.(4) Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage? A . Donny just sleeps because he is too tired to talk to his parents.B . Donnys parents want to bring his dog to the hospital to wake him up.C . When Donnys father says Rusty, Donny says his first words, Bad dog!D . The nurse feels surprised and doesnt allow them to bring the dog to the hospital.(5) What is the best title for the passage? A . A terrible accidentB . Staying in the hospitalC . Donny and RustyD . A lovely dog12. (8分) Everybody can suffer from stressNo matter what your age is, you can feel stressed out by things that are happening in your lifeTeenagers, however, have many more opportunities to get stressed than people in any other age groupBeing a teenager is hardYou are not a child any more, but you are not an adult, even though you have to deal with some very grown-up problems and decisionsFamilies can be one of the biggest causes of stress, such as problems with parents arguing at homeor problems with brothers and sistersTeenagers also have a lot of stress from school, either from their teachers or from their friendsSome teenagers also feel stressed about choosing their education after high schoolGetting a place at university can be very difficult and some cannot afford to go to universityThe stress about getting a job when finishing school is hard for some teenagersThere are so many young people finishing school and not enough jobs for themSadly, there is nothing we can do to remove these causes of stress from the 1ives of teenagers, but you can learn the best way to deal with itTalking to people is one of the best ways to deal with stressIt may sound simple, but it is trueA problem shared is a problem halved(1) Why is being a teenager often difficult?A . Because even though you are not an adult, you must deal with adult problemsB . Because even though you are an adult, you must deal with childrens problemsC . Because even though you are a teenager, you must do a lot of homeworkD . Because adults often make them feel stressed(2) Families can add to the stress a teenager might experience _A . by asking them to go to universityB . by helping them with their homeworkC . as teenagers quarrel with their parents, and their brothers or sistersD . as families never support their children enough(3) Why can finding a job after finishing school be difficult?A . Because there is a lot of competition for jobsB . Because there are no jobsC . Because a job is more difficult than school workD . Because there is a lot of competition for places at university(4) We can deal with the stress in our life _A . by not trying to find a jobB . by forgetting about our problemsC . by getting a place at universityD . by sharing our problems with our friends13. (8分) (2019泰安) 阅读理解 When faced with difficult situations in their lives, many people find them too challenging and give up, especially on their life dreams. But not for Gabriel Heredia. Gabrrel is a 21-year-old Argentinean barber(阿根廷理发师)who was born without hands. But he was able to grow up happy and independent because he always had the support of friends and family. In fact, his inspiration for such work was his mother, who is a hairdresser. At the age of 14, he began to take interest in her work and learned all kinds of hair cutting skills from her. Although he first saw it as an interest, Gabriel quickly decided that this was his dream job.Gabriels family soon helped him open his first barbershop in San Isidro, Peru, which he worked at for one and a half years. There, he met Zlatan Gomez, the president of Argentina Corta, an organization for barbers to connect, do charity (慈善) work, and teach hairdressing. Later, Gabriel became part of Argentina Corta, offering his services to people of all ages so they can build up the skills they need to get a job. Gabriel then moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina where he cuts hair today. As a bright and caring young man, Gabriel tries hard to not only be a barber, but also make a connection with the neighborhood. He says, The thing that I like the most about my job is that people feel comfortable and stylish with my cuts and that makes me feel happy.Gabriel always does his best to be independent. He never gives up. There is nothing he cant do. Besides cutting hair, he has learned to ride a bike, a motorbike and even to drive a car. He is no doubt inspiring others. (1) When Gabriel was born, what made him different from others? A . He was born without hands.B . His special haircut.C . His life dream.D . His happiness and independence.(2) At first, Gabriel Heredia learned hair cutting skills _. A . from Zlatan GomezB . from his motherC . from his friendsD . by himself(3) Which of the following statements about Gabriel Heredia is NOT true? A . He tries hard to make a connection with the neighborhood.B . He can not only cut hair but also drive a car.C . He joined Argentina Corta and taught others hair cutting skills in San Isidro.D . He opened his first barbershop in Buenos Aires with the help of his family.(4) What does Gabriels story mainly tell us? A . A good beginning makes a good ending.B . Youre never too old to learn.C . Nothing is impossible if you dont give up.D . Education changes life.六、 词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分) (共2题;共15分)14. (5分) (2019八下桐乡期中) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次,每空一词。 heart value salt lead German(1) The soup tastes a bit _. (2) Jenny has _ her group to a great success. Its so wonderful. (3) Im from_, but I speak English very well. (4) The excellent teacher has won the _ of all the students. (5) What a _ car. I cant afford it. 15. (10分) (2019八上杭州月考) Compared with skilled (有经验的) teachers, young teachers usually have l _ teaching experience, but they are more popular at school. 七、 语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) (2018七上佳木斯期中) Are these your _ (watch). 八、 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分) (共1题;共5分)17. (5分) (2017八下慈溪期中) 选择方框中合适的句子还原到短文中。_. But how much do you know about headaches? What may cause(引起) them? And what should we do if we have a headache? When should we go to see a doctor?_, but it may show that something in our body is wrong. We may have more than one headache each month._. We may get a headache when we work too hard. We may get a headache when we dont get enough sleep. We may get a headache when we exercise on an empty stomach.What should we do if we have a headache?_. We should have a good sleep. We shouldnt take too much exercise if we are hungry._, we need to see a doctor.A. Usually a fever or some other illnesses may cause headachesB. We should lie down and restC. A headache is not a disease(疾病)D. Everyone gets headaches sometimesE. If we have headaches often九、 书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分) (共1题;共20分)18. (20分) 人非圣贤,孰能无过?作为一名学生,在学习或生活中你是否也曾犯过错误、做过傻事?在认识到自 己所犯错误或明白所做的傻事后,你又是如何改正的呢?请根据写作要点提示,以“The Mistake Made Me Grow Up”为题,用英语写一篇短文。 要点提示:简述你犯过的一次错误或做过的一件傻事;谈谈你是如何在他人的帮助下或在自己的努力下改正的;你从中吸取了哪些教训或收获了哪些成长的经验。注意事项:字数:90词左右;短文内容应包含提示的要点,可适当增加情节,以使行文连贯;文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。The Mistake Made Me Grow Up第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 听小对话,选择正确的答案(5分,每小题1分)。 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、4-2、5-1、二、 听较长对话,回答问题(10分,每小题2分)。 (共2题;共10分)6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、7-3、三、 听独白,回答问题(10分,每小题2分)。 (共1题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)9-1、五、 阅读理解(本题有15小题,共30分) (共4题;共30分)10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、六、 词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分) (共2题;共15分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、七、 语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、八、 任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分) (共1题;共5分)17-1、九、 书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分) (共1题;共20分)18-1、

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