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牛津上海版八年级下英语Unit1单元练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There areanimals in the zoo. I like the pandas best because they arecute.Akind of; kind ofBkinds of; kinds ofCall kinds of; kind ofDkind of; kinds of2 . People in the past could hardly eat fresh vegetables in winter,?Acould theyBcouldnt theyCcould people3 . -Have you _ Hangzhou?- No, I havent _ there yet.Abeen; beenBbeen; been toCbeen to; been toDbeen to; been4 . My physics teacher is _ to spend much time _ things to us.Apatient enough; explainBenough patient; explainingCpatient enough; explainingDenough patient; explain5 . -_ is it from the train station to the small mountain village?-About two hours bus ride.AHow longBHow farCHow manyDHow much6 . -Do you all love your head teacher?-Yes. Its really nice of him to every student. He is just like our father.Aworry aboutBcare aboutCtalk aboutDforget about7 . There is not enough bread for supper. We need to buy _.Amuch moreBmany moreCsome moreDsome most8 . She doesnt like playing chess.AtheBaCanD/9 . _ is your telephone number?AWhatBHow manyCHow muchDHow long10 . Tom _ Mary in 1998. That is to say, they _ for 12 years.Agot married with , have got marriedBgot married to , have marriedCmarried, have been marriedDmarried to, have been married11 . Tomorrow there will be an English test and now the students are all busy_the notes and English words.Agoing onBgoing downCgoing acrossDgoing over12 . That old woman never feels _ , though she lives_.Aalone; lonelyBlonely; lonelyCalone; aloneDlonely; alone13 . Could you tell me ?Its about how a group of super-heroes try to save humansAwhen was the film Avengers Assemble 3 shownBwhen the film Avengers Assemble 3 was shownCwhat story the film Avengers Assemble 3 tells usDwhat story the film Avengers Assemble 3 told us14 . The 2018 Beijing International Marathon took place _ September 16th.AinBonCatDfor15 . Linda doesnt look very _. Maybe she should go to see the doctor.AgoodBhappyCniceDwell16 . You cant imagine how beautiful the plant is youve seen it with your own eyes.AuntilBbecauseCalthoughDwhen17 . His wring is _ better than mine, I think.AmoreBveryCa lot ofDmuch18 . I think students should spend time with friends doing their homework.I _. They would talk _ doing homework.Aagree;instead ofBagree;withoutCdisagree;instead ofDdont disagree;but二、完型填空More and more people like going bike riding in China these years. It is fun, _, and good for the environment. _ can take you almost anywhere, and its green, though there are more cars _ bikes on the roads all over the world.Get on a bike and _ around your neighborhood. You may feel fun to find _ new around you. Then you can go to work _ bike. Because stopping and getting off a bike is _ than stopping and getting out of your car. _ its also good for your health. A 15-minute bike riding three _ a week can make you healthy. Its helpful for our environment, too. It will not _ the air. At last, bicycling can _ your mood(心情). Scientists say exercise like bicycling can make people feel better and more relaxed.In Ruian, Zhejiang Province there is a path for bike riding, and people call it “_ path”. There are lots of green trees on both sides of the road and the air is fresh. On weekends, lots of parents take _ children there. They hope their children can have a good rest and do some sports after a busy week. It is _ a great place for people to meet their family members or friends. So lets drive cars _ and ride bikes more, and give our children a better world in the future.19 . AhealthyBunhealthyCboringDtiring20 . ACarsBBoatsCBikesDTrains21 . AtoBthanCasDof22 . ArideBdriveCtakeDmake23 . AanythingBeverythingCnothingDsomething24 . AonBinCbyDat25 . AeasierBmore difficultCslowerDfast26 . AOrBAndCButDThough27 . AyearsBsecondsCminutesDtimes28 . AopenBcleanCpolluteDfall29 . AlookBimproveCsendDplant30 . AgreenByellowCblueDred31 . AhisBherCtheirDyour32 . AalsoBtooCeitherDor33 . AmoreBfewClessDlittle三、阅读单选ABOUT THE BLACK BEARDescription: Black body and head, brown nose, and large ears that stick outSize: 150 to 600 pounds, 4.5 to 6.5 feet longLiving space: Heavily wooden areaFood: Plants and small animalsImagine this situation: You go out to your backyard, and you see a bear smelling your rubbish bin. Or you go into your garage(车库) to get your bike and find a bear there. What would you do? People in some parts of Florida think about these situations a lot. They have been running into black bears more and more often. This is frightening and dangerous for both bears and people.The number of cases of people and bears running into each other has gone up. In 1978, just one case was reported. In 2002, 1,340 cases were reported. These cases are called “conflicts”. Studies show that the number of conflicts in Florida is going up.Some people think that human-bear conflicts are going up in Florida because there are more bears. Actually, its just the opposite. The number of bears is going down. In the early 1900s, there were about 12,000 black bears in Florida. Today, no one is really sure how many black bears are left. People think the number is from 1,500 to 3,000. So why are human-bear conflicts increasing so rapidly? There arent more bears, but there are more people.There are many people who want to protect the Florida black bear. Here are some of the things that people in Florida are doing:Teaching school children about the Florida black bear with a special program that includes a slide-show, games, and activities.Choosing carefully where roads are built or widened so that wild animals will not be harmed by the traffic.Holding a yearly festival for families with arts, food, and information on the bear.34 . What does the underlined word “conflicts” in the second paragraph mean?ABears living in Florida in 2002.BStudies of black bears in Florida.CFights between people and black bears.DCases of people and bears running into each other.35 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ABlack bears live in thick woods.BPeople feel afraid when they run into a bear.CThere are about 3,000 black bears left in Florida now.DThe reason why human-bear conflicts are going up is that therere more people.36 . To protect black bears, people in Florida are .Atrying to learn more about black bearsBteaching students how to take good care of bearsCbuilding and widening new roads for black bearsDgiving back black bears more food and living spaceShanghai is a nice city. The weather here is mild (温和的), that is, it is neither too hot nor too cold. It changes from season to season. Now many tall buildings have been set up one after another. But at the same time, the city is full of people. As a result, the traffic is terrible. Traffic jams (拥挤) happen during the rush(高峰) hours. If you want to go to a place far away, the fastest way is neither driving, nor riding a bike. It is often walking! The policemen in Shanghai are very helpful. Visitors can ask them for help if they lose their way or lose something. But when you disobey (违背)the traffic rules, they will be very strict with you. A lot of people in Shanghai can speak English. Travellers from English speaking countries feel at home here. Welcome to Shanghai.37 . The weather in Shanghai is _.AmildBhotCcoldDcool38 . The traffic in Shanghai is terrible because the city is full of _. Amany buildingsBpeopleCbikesDstreets39 . Sometimes the fastest way to a place far away is to go _.Aby taxiBby bikeCon footDby bus40 . The policemen in Shanghai are always ready to _. AdisobeyBworkCtalkDhelp41 . English speaking people can often _ people in the streets in Shanghai.Alisten toBtalk toCgetDask四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填入恰当的单词。42 . Are there any_(大事)in todays newspaper?43 . Look at the_(日历)Its Christmas Day tomorrow.44 . Would you like to go to Jay Chous c_tonight?45 . Tom goes to school on w_,from Monday to Friday.46 . I need some_(胶水)and paper.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。47 . We will have a picnic on May Day if it _(not rain).48 . He _ (wash) his car when I went to visit him yesterday.49 . We are all working hard _(realize)the Chinas Dream.50 . In the past few weeks, many special things _(take) place in the world.51 . As we all know PM2.5 _(cause) by air pollution in some parts of the country.用括号中单词的适当形式填空。52 . He runs _(quick) to get there on time(按时)53 . Many _ (village) go to the town on foot.54 . She is forty _(year) old.55 . Mary _(cross) a very big river between the school and the village every school day.56 . There are ten bus _(stop) on Green Street.六、回答问题I grew up in a small town in Ohio, USA. There was a man, in my town named Bob. He couldnt talk clearly and didnt receive much education. So children in the town all thought he was silly and often played jokes on him. One day, when 1 met Bob, I decided to play a joke on him just like the other children. He asked how it was going. I told him that my father lost his job, and that, we didnt have enough money to live. Seeing my friends laughing far from us, I decided to continue to play the joke. I knew he was poor, so it seemed funny when he asked me if we needed anything. I told him that we didnt know-if we would have enough to eat. The next morning, I went out and found a box of food outside my house. I knew it was from Bob. I looked at the small box in shame(羞愧), and wanted to return the box. My father stopped me. He said it would hurt Bobs feeling. From that day on, when we had dinner, I would think of the small box. Bob gave me the best. he had and I knew that I should not have been given that gift.57 . Did the writers father lose his job? _58 . Why did the writers father stop him from returning the box? _59 . How did the writer feel at last? _60 . Do you think Bob is a good person? Why or why not? _七、汉译英:整句将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在横线上。61 . 许多外国人发现学好中文不容易。_62 . 金鸡湖公园被认为是苏州最美的公园之一。_63 . 这个饭店一直以来都以它的优质服务而闻名全城。_64 . 我们从不质疑张丽有拉小提琴的天赋。_65 . 清晨,一辆失控的新车在人民路上抛锚了。_八、材料作文66 . 塑料袋被称为“白色垃圾”,请根据下表中的提示,用英语写一篇短文,说明塑料袋的危害并提出建议。项目内容塑料袋的危害1刮风时四处飘落,影响环境的美观;2易被野生动物、家畜等误食导致死亡;3混杂在农田里影响农作物生长;4燃烧时污染空气,等等。你的建议1商家应遵守政府的规定有偿提供塑料袋;2我们应(提出至少2条建议)注意:1短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥。2词数为90左右,短文开头已给出,不计人总词数。3参考词汇:塑料袋plastic bags;农作物cropsAs we all know,plastic bags may fly with the wind and make the environment ugly第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、回答问题1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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