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沪教版八年级下学期英语期中测试卷(无听力材料频)B卷考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) (2019陕西) When is the music show? A . On SundayB . On SaturdayC . On Friday2. (1分) (2019九下萧山开学考) What does the woman mean? A . Bob has a good jacketB . Bob looks good in anything.C . Bob should buy a new jacket.3. (1分) Who lives farther(更远) from the school? A . Both Tom and Mary.B . Tom.C . Mary.4. (1分) (2019融安模拟) Whats the weather like today? A . Sunny.B . Rainy.C . Windy.5. (1分) (2018七上湖州期中) What is the girls name? A . Jenny.B . Helen.C . Susan.二、 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给 (共4题;共10分)6. (3分) (2018九上游仙月考) 听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1) What does Mary want to learn? A . Chinese.B . English.C . French.(2) Where does Mary live? A . In England.B . In Canada.C . In China.(3) When will Mary visit China? A . This summer vacation.B . This winter holiday.C . Next month.7. (2分) Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . To go to an English evening.B . To visit Jiaotong University.C . To sing English songs.D . To buy tickets.8. (3分) 听独白,完成信息记录表 A NoticeThe speechThe English partyTimeFrom1p. m. to 2:20 p.m. Get there before 1:20 p. m. Begin at2p. m. PlaceRoom3The school4AttentionBring pens and 5(1)A . 1:40 B . 1:30 C . 1:20 (2)A . 4:00 B . 4:15 C . 4:50 (3)A . 203 B . 213 C . 230 (4)A . playground B . dining room C . hall (5)A . bags B . chairs C . notebooks 9. (2分) (2019咸宁) 听下面一段对话,回答小题。 (1) What color is the bag? A . BlueB . BlackC . Brown(2) What is in the bag? A . Some cards and keysB . Some money and keys.C . Some money and cards.(3) The two speakers are_. A . clerk and customerB . teacher and studentC . boss and worker三、 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,找出每个人物活动内容相符的图片 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) 信息转述及询问 (1) 你将听到Lily介绍义务性工作,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,选择思维导图中的正确信息,在50秒钟内说一段话介绍义务性工作,包含四个要点的内容。 你的介绍可以这样开始: Lily and her classmates plan to do some voluntary work(2) 你希望了解更多关于义务性工作的情况,请根据以下提示向他们提两个问题。 你想了解他们是否还有其他义务性工作计划,你问:_你想了解他们为老人准备了什么节目,你问:_四、 单项选择。(15分) (共15题;共15分)11. (1分) (2019南通) Sandy is Australian girl, she came to China for travelling with her parents last week. A . aB . anC . theD . /12. (1分) (2019武汉) Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying? It is to the. The flight to Wuhan is boarding now. A . customersB . passengersC . membersD . tourists13. (1分) (2019呼和浩特) Jack, lets have a picnic after school. Sorry. I have _Frank to work on the biology report with him.A . AdviseB . expectedC . suggestedD . promised14. (1分) I watched an important game between England and Germany _TV _last night. A . in; atB . on; inC . in; /D . on; /15. (1分) The Yangtze River is longer than _ in China. A . any other riverB . other riverC . any riverD . any other rivers16. (1分) Your Japanese is so good. How long have you been in Japan?_ I was five.A . SinceB . BeforeC . UntilD . When17. (1分) I found interesting to join an English club. A . thisB . itsC . thatD . it18. (1分) (2018九上怀柔期末) Keep quiet, please. The baby _. A . sleepsB . is sleepingC . will sleepD . slept19. (1分) (2018海南) Uncle Liang eats out because his wife always makes delicious food for him. A . seldomB . sometimesC . often20. (1分) Must I hand in my homework today? No, you . A . mustntB . cantC . neednt21. (1分) (2017平谷模拟) Id like to stay longer, Im too busy. A . andB . butC . orD . until22. (1分) (2019菏泽) Lucy, when you leave the room, please _the light. OK, Mom. A . put offB . turn offC . turn up23. (1分) Look! Lucy _ in a swimming pool. A . swimsB . swimmingC . is swimmingD . are swimming24. (1分) How are you, Danny? _.A . Nice to meet you.B . Im fine.C . Hello!D . Im from China.25. (1分) Im going to spend my summer holiday in Beijing. _ And dont forget to send me a postcard. A . That sounds bad!B . Have a good time!C . Good luck!D . Can I go with you?五、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共10分)26. (10分) (2018九上惠城期末) 完形填空Illegal (违法的) driving is really dangerous. It may cause traffic accidents, even deaths. It1that thousands of people die from illegal driving each year. Many countries are trying their best to 2it. France, for example, has made some strict rules and laws to stop it.People are warned not to eat while driving. Any driver who is caught 3while at the wheel will be stopped by the police. Then he will be fined (罚)up to 50 for it.Drivers are not allowed to read a map, make a phone call or listen to very 4music while driving. Besides, it is against the rules for the motorists( 汽车司机 ) to use any kind of earphones. Things change easily on the road. Drivers never know5will happen next.From July 2 on, it will be illegal to smoke 6there is a child aged 12 or under in the car. Smoking is also banned (禁止) outdoors at childrens play areas,7those at motorway rest areas.8in several languages have been put up at stations to warn foreign visitors of the rules.Driving after drinking 54.9put people in danger. All the drivers are asked to carry alcohol breath test equipment (酒精测试仪) in their ears. Anyone who breaks the rules will be10(1)A . is reported B . is ordered C . is given D . is managed (2)A . share B . suffer C . found D . control (3)A . singing B . smoking C . eating D . reading (4)A . beautiful B . loud C . quiet D . magical (5)A . where B . how C . what D . why (6)A . when B . before C . after D . so that (7)A . without B . from C . except D . including (8)A . newspapers B . notices C . magazines D . information (9)A . must B . can C . wouldnt D . cant (10)A . encouraged B . influenced C . punished D . woken 六、 阅读理解。(40分) (共4题;共40分)27. (10分) 阅读理解 Savannah City GuidePlaces to stayIf you want to spend the night in Savannah, you have lots of places to choose from. You can stay at a big or a small hotel, a comfortable motel(汽车旅馆), or even in a local peoples house. Savannahs hotels and motels are famous for their friendly service. Call one of these places to book a room. ShoppingIf you like to shop, Savannah is the place for you! Youll find all kinds of stores in Savannah. You can go shopping in small stores or big shopping malls. Are you looking for a special present or a great dress? Youll find it in Savannah. Places to visitThere are so many things to do and see in Savannah. The sightseeing is great. You can visit beautiful old houses and museums. You can take a boat tour and visit many places in a short time. With all of Savannahs history, art, and beautiful buildings, be sure to take the time to enjoy all that Savannah offers to you!WeatherSavannah has lots of sunshine all year round. Summers are hot and wet. We are usually not so cold. Temperatures are usually between 1 degree and 33 degrees. (1) Savannahs hotels are famous for their _. A . sunshineB . presentsC . sightseeingD . service(2) If you want to visit many places in a short time, you can take a _. A . busB . taxiC . boatD . coach(3) It is usually _ in Savannah all year round. A . sunnyB . rainyC . coldD . hot(4) Which of the following is TRUE from the passage? A . Winters in Savannah are usually very cold.B . There are many different kinds of stores in Savannah.C . In Savannah, you can only visit beautiful old museums.D . You cant call the hotels to book a room.28. (10分) 阅读理解 Do you know what couch potato means? Well, in America, the word is now often used. You see, in America, many people often spend their free time sitting on a sofa watching TV. As there are many channels(频道) to choose from, the TV can be quite interesting and very addictive(使人上瘾的). One may sit and watch TV for hours and hours without stop! Well, these people who do nothing all day except watching TV are called couch potatoes. In America, while watching TV, most people often sit still with eyes looking right into the TV set. Also because these people are addictive to TV, they dont take exercise and usually get very fat. So in many ways, these people look like real potatoes! Well, because they look fat, and watch TV on a couch, they are all called couch-potatoes. Now you know what a couch-potato means. Then next time if you see someone watching TV too long, just say, What a couch-potato!(1) The word couch-potato is often used in _. A . ChinaB . AmericaC . FranceD . Germany(2) If a person is called a couch potato, he or she _. A . does nothing all dayB . must be very fatC . does nothing all day except watching TVD . often listens to music(3) Why does a couch potato look like a real potato? Because he or she _. A . is fat and cant take exerciseB . likes eating potatoesC . is fat and roundD . almost never moves while watching TV and gets fat(4) The passage mainly tells us _. A . how to watch TVB . what couch potato meansC . why couch potatoes are very fatD . where you can find couch potatoes(5) Which of the following do you think may be the writers suggestion? A . Never watch TV.B . Dont sit on a couch.C . Dont watch TV too much.D . Dont eat too much.29. (10分) JLetter 1Whatever I do, I always think about if other people will like it. How can I stop worrying about what they think? Eva, 14, IllinoisJLetter 2My dream is to be on the Olympic team for gymnastics. My dad thinks I started too late and Ill never be able to make it. He puts me down, but I want his support. What should I do?Erica, 9, TexasJLetter 3What should I do if I failed a test? Im afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I cant play soccer. And soccer is like the world to me.Ashley, 12, WisconsinJLetter 4I just moved and Im kind of shy, so how do I make new friends?Jessica, 11, CanadaDr. Mollys Answer You should tell him about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you started late. The sooner you tell your dad how you feel, the sooner youll be able to work on making your dream come true.Dr. Mollys Answer Nobody knows you at your new school. You have nothing to lose, so gather up all your courage and go over to someone who looks friendly and introduce yourself. You can ask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class to break the ice. Good luck!Dr. Mollys Answer Its better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. When you tell her, explain why you failed the test. Ask her if she can help you study in the future, so youll do better on your tests and also have time for the soccer you love.Dr. Mollys Answer Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think. The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Always act strong and confident. Even if you are a little unsure of something, dont doubt (怀疑) your abilities to do things right. Just relax.(1) Jessica _.A . wonders how to make new friendsB . wishes to be on the Olympic teamC . is afraid to tell her mom about her failing a testD . keeps worried about what other people think about her(2) _loves playing soccer best.A . EricaB . EvaC . AshleyD . Jessica(3) Ericas dad doesnt support her because he thinks she_.A . is a little shy and cant do it wellB . didnt start at a very early ageC . is too young to be on the teamD . doesnt work hard(4) According to Dr. Molly, Eva should _.A . hold on to her dreamB . always tell the truthC . be brave to say hello to othersD . be confident of herself(5) Which is the correct order of Dr. Mollys answers to the four letters?A . B . C . D . 30. (10分) 任务型理解CIn April 2004,Sharon Tirabassi got more than $10 million(一百万)by winning a lottery(彩票抽奖)She became very richBut just in nine years,she spent almost all the moneyNow she even has to work hard to make enough money for everyday useBefore she won the lottery, Sharon lived in a small apartment with her three children and didnt have enough money for a carAfter she won it,she was unprepared for the change to her lifeShe spent most of her time shopping with her friends and paid for everythingShe bought a big house in the richest part of town and four carsToday, Sharon lives in a rented(租来的)house on a quiet street-not far from where she startedShe doesnt have the big house or the expensive carsShe goes to work by bus or by bikeBut Sharon says shes happier now than she used to beand she lives life more fully than she did before”When I was rich,I spent all my time shoppingBut now other things are more important to me”says SharonNow Sharon works hard andoften talks with her children.” Im trying to get them to learn that they have to work for money ,” she says(1) 判断正误:Sharon shopped a lot after winning the lottery. (2) 判断正误:Now Sharon drives to work every morning (3) 回答问题:Does Sharon have her own house now? (4) 回答问题:Which does Sharon think is more enjoyable,life in the past or life now? (5) Sharon wants her children to learn that . A . friends are very importantB . they need to work for moneyC . being happy is hard sometimesD . they should share more with others七、 词语运用(10分) (共1题;共10分)31. (10分) 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式tea party, one day, smile at, be late, in a tree(1) That monkey likes sleeping_(2) Leo suggested having a_to relax this evening. (3) Hurry up, or well_(4) Zhang Hua hopes to visit Paris_(5) Look! Linda is_us over there. 八、 补全对话。(10分) (共1题;共10分)32. (10分) (2019达州) 根据对话内容,从下面的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项是多余的) A: Excuse me, do you know where the Dazhou Museum is?B: Sure, _A: Could you tell me how to go there?B: Certainly. Go along this street and tum right at the third turning. Then walk until you see the building of Dazhou TV station_A: Oh, you mean its across from the building of Dazhou TV station?B: Exactly.A: _B: Two kilometers.A: _B: No. Youd better take a taxi. Its fast and convenient.A: Great! Oh, and one more thing. What time does the museum close?B: _Youd better ask for the detailed information in the museum.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.A. Can I walk there?B. How far is it from here?C. Its next to the building of Dazhou TV station.D. Its on Jinlong Road.E. Its opposite the building of Dazhou TV station.F. Perhaps at 8 p.m.G. How can I get there?九、 书面表达。(15分) (共1题;共15分)33. (15分) 扬州将迎来建城2500周年华诞。学校打算从你班招募一名志愿者,Jim和Jane是两名候选人,班上的A组同学推荐Jim,B组同学推荐Jane。假如你是班长名叫Li Ping,你会推荐谁,理由是什么?请根据表格中的信息和要求给学校负责人吴先生写一份电子邮件,向他汇报具体情况。观点理由Group A推荐Jim学习成绩优秀,经常受到老师表扬虽不多言,但Group B推荐Jane学习成绩虽然一般,但乐于在空余时间为班级做额外的工作你推荐作为志愿者应该乐于奉献,请举例说明你所推荐的Jim/Jane的品质和能力要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear Mr. Wu,We have discussed whether Jim or Jane should be the volunteer for the event of the 2,500th anniversary of the founding of Yangzhou City. Different groups have different recommendations.I hope my email will be of some value to you.Yours sincerely,Li Ping第 26 页 共 26 页参考答案一、 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给 (共4题;共10分)6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、三、 听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,找出每个人物活动内容相符的图片 (共1题;共5分)10-1、10-2、四、 单项选择。(15分) (共15题;共15分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、五、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共10分)26-1、六、 阅读理解。(40分) (共4题;共40分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、七、 词语运用(10分) (共1题;共10分)31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、八、 补全对话。(10分) (共1题;共10分)32-1、九、 书面表达。(15分) (共1题;共15分)33-1、

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