外研版英语八年级上册Module 9达标检测试题

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外研版英语八年级上册Module 9达标检测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_.-It is January 19,2019.AWhat day is it?BHow is the weather?CWhat do you like?DWhats the date today?2 . Where _ does Millie want to visit?AelseBotherCothersDanother3 . _ the population _ Dalian?AHows; ofBWhats; ofCWhats; forDHow many; of4 . Listen! Our music teacher is playing the music of Two Butterflies._!AWhat a sweet musicBHow sweet musicCHow a sweet musicDWhat sweet music5 . This restaurant is very popular, because its Chinese _ are very good.AmealsBpicturesCmenusDseats6 . The green dress is not so long. I dont think it_me.AfitBfitsCmatchDmatches7 . Mike likes going shopping with his friends in his _ time.AbusyBspareCcorrectDlively8 . We have helped the animals in danger, _ it has still a lot of things to do.AbutBandCsoDor9 . It _ him two hours to repair his bike yesterday.Aspent B. costBtook10 . The trees need _.Awatering B. waterBwaters二、完型填空完形填空。What is the population of China? There are more than a billion and three hundred million people in China. It is almost one fifth of the worlds population. How to control the population growth is a big problem. Some people think_control the population growth. But I dont agree_ them, because where theres a will, there is a way.The question is that we should make it_how serious the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming less and less to everyone. We have already got too many mouths to feed._we control the population growth, many people will die_hunger. Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation. Though laws (法律) have been_to control the population growth, in some places_is done to carry out the law. We should make people_that it is foolish to bring too many children into the world. They should_do what they have been doing for many years.We are fighting against the rapid population growth. Yes, the fighting wont end_everyone knows its importance and does something for it. Lets go on working hard on it together.11 . Athat is impossible forBimpossible ofCthat is impossible ofDit impossible to12 . AtoBforCwithDon13 . Aknown to everybodyBknown by everybodyCknow to everybodyDknow by everybody14 . AIf notBUnlessCUntilDIf15 . AofBaboutCfromDout of16 . ApassBpassedCbrokenDpast17 . AmanyBlittleCa lotDmuch18 . Ato knowBto learnCknowDlearning19 . Anot longerBnot moreCno longerDno more20 . AuntilBafterCwhenDas三、阅读单选A large part of China experienced larger amounts of smog ( 雾霾 ) than usual this January and the air was badly polluted. The distance ( 距离 ) one could see was shorter than 1,000 meters in Beijing, Tianjin, and the provinces of Hebei, Henan, Shandong and Anhui. In some areas, it was down to 200 meters.People usually set off firecrackers ( 爆竹 ) to celebrate Spring Festival. But because of the smog, this year seemed very quiet. It was really different. A man called Zhang Wei said that his friends and he hadnt set off a single firecracker.“ We all suffered ( 遭受 ) from last months smog. If we dont call an end to the firecrackers, the environment will get worse and worse during the holiday. ” said Zhang Wei. He called on more people to set off fewer firecrackers during this years Spring Festival by putting up a notice in his neighborhood.More Chinese looked forward to celebrating ( 庆祝 ) the holiday in a greener way . They decided not to set off firecrackers. They also decided not to waste food . They said the new celebrations sounded fashionable.To clean the sky ,more than ten provinces including Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu have started to use national 4 standard ( 标准 ), which is expected to reduce ( 减少 ) vehicle emission ( 车辆排放 ) by 30% to 50%. Beijing even has started to use the stricter national standard.We still have a lot to do to improve the air quality. For example, using public transportation as much as possible is not a hard thing for us to do, but it matters a lot .21 . What happened in a large part of China this January?AIt experienced larger amounts of smog.BPeople set off lots of firecrackers.CThere was a heavy rain.DMany car accidents happened22 . How do people usually celebrate Spring Festival in China ?ABy putting up a noticeBBy setting off firecrackersCBy not wasting foodDBy using public transportation23 . How many provinces have started to use national 4 standard?AThreeBSixCEightDMore than ten24 . Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?AZhang Wei didnt set off a single firecracker this Spring FestivalBWe should use more public transportation to help reduce the air pollution.CZhejiang has started to use national 4 standard to reduce vehicle emission.DMore Chinese think the celebration of setting off firecrackers is fashionable.25 . Whats the best title for the passage?AHow to reduce the vehicle emissionBHow to improve the air qualityCWhat do Chinese do in Spring FestivalDUsing public transportationAmy is a biologist (生物学家) working at a marine (海洋的) park. These kinds of parks provide fun and education for tens of thousands of people each year. Amy takes care of many animals in the park, but she also does important research. As she observes the animals that she looks after, she learns more about their needs and behavior (行为). This information helps the animals in the park, but it can also be used to protect other members of the species(物种) in the wild. Its hard work to look after these animals. Their needs often change according to different hours of the day. So Amy must depend on her science knowledge and good number sense to help her make the right decisions all day long. Even though dolphins (海豚) spend much of their time underwater, they are mammals (哺乳动物). This means that they must come to the surface to take in air. Dolphins give birth to their young. Theyre not hatched from eggs. Just like all other mammals, mother dolphins must nurse, or feed milk to their babies. Amy and her team know this first-hand. One of their dolphins recently gave birth. A baby dolphin is not small, either. It was almost 1 meter long the day it was born. A big dolphin usually eats about 4% of its body weitgt in food every day. Amy knows that a mother dolphin that is nursing needs twice the food. So when the baby dolphin was born, Amy immediately doubled the mothers food every day. Choose the right answer according to the passage.26 . What does the underlined word “observes” in paragraph 2 mean?ANurses the young animals.BWatches something carefully.CPlays with something.DSays something about.27 . Why is the information Amy learns very helpful?AIt helps to protect the animals in the park as well as those in the wild.BIt offers fun and education to tens of thousands of people.CIt helps dolphins to feed milk to their babies.DIt helps umderwater animals to come to the surface.28 . What does Amy need to make the right decision according to this passage?AGood eyes and quick mind.BLove and care for animals.CSwimming skills and spirit of competition.Ddepend on her science knowledge and good number sense.29 . How much food does a 300kg mother dolphin need every day?A600kg.B12kg.C24kg.D52kg.30 . This passage is mainly about _.Adolphins life and food.BAmys job at a marine park.Ceducation in a park.Dprotecting animals in the wild.Australia is the greatest island in the world. It is to the south of the equator (赤道). So when it is summer in our country, it is cold winter in Australia.Australia is big, but the population there is small. The population is the same as that of Shanghai, a city of China. Australia is a young and diverse (多样化的) nation and Australian people come from many different countries.Australia has many, many sheep. After a short drive from town, you will see sheep around you. You can also find kangaroo has a “bag” below its chest. The mother kangaroo keeps its baby in the “bag”.Australia is considered to be a relaxing, informal society. When greeting others, students and young people say “Hello” or “Hi”. Sometimes they will say “Hows it going?” or “G day”. In more formal (正式的) situations they usually shake hands the first time they meet. “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or “Pleased to meet you” are formal greetings. English is Australias national language.31 . When it is summer in Australia, it is _ in China.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter32 . When Australian people meet for the first time, they will _.Akiss each otherBhug each otherCshake handsDnod head to others33 . Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?AAustralia has a large population.BYoung people like to say “G day” to greet others.CKangaroo is a kind of sheep in Australia.DEnglish is the second language in Australia.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空(一)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。34 . What are your school rules?We cant be a_ from classes unless we are ill.35 . Im too shy. Im afraid to give a s_ in front of class.36 . Smoking isnt allowed in p_.37 . I wonder if you can tell me something about the _(背景) of the novel.38 . Its a _(私人的) conversation between us. It has nothing to do with her.39 . Mr. Lee is very friendly and _(富于幽默感的).We all like him very much.40 . Look! There are some _(蚂蚁) climbing the tree.41 . He has an _(面试) next Monday for the managers job.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空42 . It is better _ (get) up early in the morning.43 . The first step is _ (stop) the factory from pouring the waste water into the river.44 . You should turn off the lights _ (save) electricity when you leave the room.45 . I cant afford to buy a new car so I bought a _ (use) one.46 . The government will put _ (recycle) bins in every park.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。47 . 昨晚我儿子发高烧了。My son _ last night.48 . 因为喝酒过多他丧失了唱歌的能力。He _ because he drank too much.49 . 屋子里充满了烟雾。The room _ smoke.50 . 我十岁的时候就能弹钢琴弹得很好。I was able to play the piano very well _ ten.51 . 我们都知道,爱因斯坦以他的相对论闻名。As we all know, Einstein _ his theory of relativity.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文AimpossibleBpolluteCimmediatelyDfor exampleEpoliteCarpooling (拼车) is another way to reduce carbon emissions(排放).Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys in order that more than one person travels in a car. It52 . reduces your cars emissions by half.What you do inside your living space can have a big effect on the air quality outside it. You can do a lot of things inside and around your home that will help you53 . less and save more money.Huge amounts of our energy supply comes from burning coal, another contributor to haze. By cutting down your electricity use, you are cutting down on haze. However, its54 . for you never to use them, but you may try to reduce your use of electricity by turning off lights,using your air conditioner wisely during the summer months,or updating some of your electrical appliances to low-energy models,55 . , you can use energy-saving lamps that require less energy and last 10 times longer than common bulbs.八、填写适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容及首字母提示写出单词,补全对话。A: Our city is getting bigger and bigger.B: Youre right.There are too many people and there is not enough s56 . , and there is too much noise.A: Well, I cant agree with you more. An increasing population will raise e57 . problems in many countries.B: Lets look up the facts. Every minute about 259 babies are b58 . . And the population of China takes up 20 p59 . of the worlds total.A: Oh, yes! Youre right. I think our g60 . should take measures to deal with the problems, such as to encourage people to be greener.九、信息归纳Peter is on a vacation in Beijing. He doesnt go out to play today because its snowing outside. He is calling his friends and asking them what they are doing. Tom is in Mexico. Its sunny but very cold there. People are wearing sweaters. Tom and his friends are playing in a park. Everyone there is having a good time. Bill is in Australia and the weather is terrible. Its raining. Today is Bills fathers birthday. Theyre having a dancing party at home. The weather is bad, but they have fun singing and dancing. 阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格。NamePlaceWeatherActivitiesPeter in61 . snowycalling his friendsTomin Mexico62 . 63 . Billin Australia64 . 65 . 十、话题作文66 . Sunday Mail 青少年专栏开展“对身边的人说一句话”主题征文活动,这句话或许是对父母的一句“我爱你”,或许是对老师、同学的一句 “谢谢你”,或许是对身边人的一句“对不起”等。请将“I want to say_”补充完整,并以此为题写一篇英语短文,如:I want to say thank you 等。谈谈你想说那句话的原因以及发生在那句话背后的故事,并说说你的感受。要求:1. 认真审题,把握要点;2. 行文连贯,条理清晰,不得出现真实学校、姓名等信息;3. 100 词左右。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填写适当的单词补全对话1、九、信息归纳1、十、话题作文1、


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