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冀教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期4月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . William runs_first prize.Aenough fast to winBfastly enough to winCtoo fastly to winDso fast that he can win2 . -The American warships(军舰) have appeared near South China Sea Islands again.-We must let the Americans know clearly that the islands _ China.Acome fromBbelong toCcare aboutDbelieve in3 . I have two_.Apencil casesBpencils casesCpencils caseDpencil case4 . You are _,Tom.I argued with my best friend just now.AhappyBupsetCtiredDexcited5 . These_want to have some fish for lunch ,so they decide to catch many _AGermans;fishesBGremans;fishCGermen;fishes6 . Lisa prefers reading a book _ TV.Ato watchingBto waterCrather than watchDrather than watching7 . How is your work going? This Friday, our leader will come to survey it.Dont worry. Everything is going well.AmentionBchooseCcheck8 . Its reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go as _ as 350 km an hour.Wow, how amazing!AfastestBfasterCfast9 . He promised _ his old friend during his stay in Tianjin.AseeBseeingCsawDto see10 . This building is _ than that one.Amuch higherBmore higherCmuch highestDmore highest11 . Mike has _basketball and likes playing it after_supper.Aa theB/ theCa /Dthe /12 . ?It will be rainy.AWhen will it startBWho is the girl in whiteCHow was the weather yesterdayDWhat will the weather be like tomorrow13 . -Is she _China?-Yes, She is _.Ain; ChinaBa; ChinaCfrom; ChineseDfrom; China14 . Linda offered_ her seat to the old man on the bus.AgiveBgivesCgivingDto give15 . Great changes have taken place since we _ E-times. And smart phones play an important role in our life, especially Iphone 6s came out recently.So it is. Our future life will be colorful .AenteredBwill enterChave entered二、补全对话6选5A. That would be great. B. It feels soft and warm. C. Youre welcome. D. Its your birthday today. E. Lets have a look at the menu. F. Im glad to hear that. Mum: What would you like to order,my sweetie?Millie: Well,Mum,do you know why I bring you here?Mum: I know. 16 . Millie: Thats not the reason. I know it wasnt easy for you when I was born. Mum:Oh, 17 . Millie: And I have a gift for you. I buy it with my pocket money. Mum:Wow! What a nice wool hat! Thank you so much, baby! 18 . Millie:19 . Mum, Im hungry. Mum: OK. 20 . Would you like to eat some fish and green beans?Millie: Yes. 21 . Can I have a glass of orange juice, please?Mum: Sure. And well have some noodles, too. Millie: Yeah. Today is my birthday. Mum: Yes, and how about going shopping after dinner to buy you a gift?Millie: Thanks, Mum. Youre the best.三、补全短文5选5A father and his son went to a kite-flying festival. The son was happy when he saw the sky filled with colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too 22 . The son started to fly the kite. 23 . .After a while,the son said, “Father,it seems that the string(线)is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, it will be free and fly even higher. Can we cut it?” The father cut the string off of the reel (线轴).24 . .This made the little boy happy.25 . It soon fell to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He asked his father, “I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall down?” The father explained, “26 . ,but it was helping it stay in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right direction using the string. But when you cut the string, it could no longer support the kite.”We may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us the most.AThe kite started to. go higher.BThe string was not stopping the kite from going higher.CSoon it was high up in the sky.DThe father then bought a kite for his son.E. But then the kite started to come down slowly.四、完型填空It was Easter 1990, and my family was on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Solomon Islands for my sisters wedding.I was travelling with my husband, my four-year-old son and my daughter,who was nearly two. Wed been _ it was very hot in the Solomons, so wed _ lots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same as it was summer. The only problem was that we had to catch an overnight bus that _ at midnight for the airport so we could make our early morning _ to Honiara. It was cold on the bus! My husband and I were snuggling (依偎) our children , trying to keep them warm . The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off, and we didnt take much _.The little ones were _, unable to sleep for the biting cold. Then at one stop, an old lady came forward from the back of the bus and stopped by our seat. I sat forward to see what she wanted and she held out a small knee rug (毛毯). My little girl reached _ for it and pulled it tight _ her. The lady said shed made the rug herself and, seeing that we were cold, she wanted us to use it. After she went back to her seat, our now-warm children _ off, and they slept comfortably all the way to the airport. Just a stop or two_we arrived,the rug lady made her way to the door to get off. I tried to unwrap the children to return her blanket, but she protested. “No, ”she said,“_it. I can always make another one!”Over the years, that little blanket became a _ to me and to my children of the kindness of strangers. I told the story to the children over and over again and put the rug on the end of my daughters bed so we would see it often. That rug was handmade with the colors carefully chosen. Yet its maker parted with it to keep my family warm for a night. If ever people were bad or cruel, it served as a _ that there is goodness in the world.I am forever _, not just for the warmth that night, but for the lifelong reminder of the _ of people. That blanket has warmed my life.27 . AconfirmedBtoldCadvisedDpersuaded28 . AofferedBpiledCpackedDdiscovered29 . AleftBwentCpulledDdrove30 . AtrainBtripCrideDflight31 . AcareBnoticeCactionDattention32 . AnaughtyBnoisyCrestlessDenergetic33 . AsilentlyBeagerlyCpatientlyDbravely34 . AaroundBonCoverDtowards35 . AsleptBwentCnoddedDshook36 . AafterBuntilCasDbefore37 . AkeepBhaveCreturnDbring38 . AsignBmarkCsymbolDdecoration39 . AstoryBgiftCreminderDreward40 . AdelightedBpitifulCexcitedDthankful41 . AgoodnessBwarmthCwelcomeDhelp五、阅读单选Why do you think people who live in some hot countries eat very spicy(辛辣的)food? Is it because the spices make the food taste better? Is it just because their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents liked hot food,or is there some connection between spices and healthy food? Researchers from Cornell University think that it is because spice plants have some important chemicals. These chemicals can kill bacteria(细菌)which spoil food“Most common spices can kill 75 to 100 percent of the bacteria in food,”explains one of the scientistsThe bacteria grow more easily and spoil(变质)food more quickly at higher temperaturesFor this reason,it is more difficult to keep food from spoiling in hot climates,Do you like your food spicy? Your answer probably tells something about the country you come fromIf you like spicy food,it is possible that hundreds of years ago,when there were no fridges,people in your country started using spices to keep the food from spoilingThe traditional spicy dishes helped those people to live longer,healthier livesToday,in a time of fridges,the spices just make the food taste good42 . The chemicals in spices keep food from spoiling by_A. making food taste betterB. making food hotterC. preventing bacteria getting into foodD. killing bacteria in food43 . Food goes bad more quickly in hot climates because_A. cold temperature makes bacteriaB. bacteria get used to hot foodC. high temperature helps bacteria grow fasterD. bacteria spoil food only at high temperature44 . According to the passage,spices are useful in the following things except_A. helping you to live longerB. helping to keep you healthierC. making your food taste betterD. taking the place of fridgesDo you like clowns (小丑)? A famous clown show comes to Beijing and Shanghai in September. Its name is Slavas Snowshow. At the end of each show, the clowns and the audience (观众) play with fake (假的) snow together.But not all clowns give shows in theaters. In the US, parents like to ask clowns to play for their kids birthday parties.The clowns tell jokes. They blow up long balloons and make shapes like animals. Some can even do magic tricks.A clown usually has a white face and red lipstick(口红), big hair and a red nose. He baggy clothes, long shoes and a pointy(尖的)hat. Some people think theyre funny. But others think theyre scary.Months ago in America and Europe, there were “crazy” clowns. They ran after people on the street. Some even hurt people. These “crazy clowns” are dangerous people, not real clowns.45 . What can the audience do when the show comes to an end?AThey can play with fake snow.BThey can dress up as clowns.CThey can blow up balloons.DThey can learn magic tricks.46 . What does “baggy clothes” mean in Chinese?A有很多口袋的衣服B细长的衣服C松松垮垮的衣服D破破烂烂的衣服47 . What did these “crazy clowns” do?a. They did dangerous tricks.b. They ran after people everywhere.c. Some even hurt other people.d. They hurt real clowns.AabBbcCadDcd六、阅读判断Sometimes,when you worry that you may fail an exam,you end up failingOr during a seating arrangement (安排) in your class,when you are afraid to sit next to someone you don t like,you end up sharing the desk with him or herThis is what Murphy s Law tells us: If things can go wrong,they will go wrongBut is it true?Of the studies about Murphy s Law,the most famous one is the buttered toast (烤面包片)phenomenon (现象): One toast with butter falls,it lands butterside down most of the timeTo prove this,Robert Matthews did a lot of experiments with more than 1,000British school kids in 2001In the first experiment,each student put a piece of buttered toast on a plate,let it fall off 20times and noted which side it landed onOf almost 10,000experiments,toast landed butterside down 62percent of the timeBut you may ask: Is it the butter that plays a role? Here comes Matthews second experimentThis time,instead of butter,the toast had a letter B written on one sideIt still landed 58 percent of the time on the BsideThis proved that Murphy s Law is true: If the toast can land butterside down,it will do soMatthews did another experimentWhen students threw the toast from a height of 2.5metres,the toast landed butterside down only 47percent of the timeToast lands butterside down because humans aren t tall enough to let it land any other way, Matthews said根据上文内容判断正 (T) 误(F)48 . According to Murphy s Law,in an English class,if you don t want to be questioned by the teacher,you may end up failing answering the questions49 . In the first experiment of buttered toast,we know the toast landed butterside down about 620times50 . If the toast can land butterside down,Murphy s Law is true51 . In the first two experiments,either the butter or the letter B plays a role52 . The passage is mainly talking about Murphy s Law depends on people s mental state(心理状态)七、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词填空根据下列句子及所给单诃的首字母写出所缺单词53 . Bob can say the n_ 1-10 in English.54 . Is this her eraser, Andy? Yes,it isThe pencils are h_,too55 . Jeff Simon and Frank are my c_They are my uncles sons56 . In Chinese, your l_name comes first57 . They are not real(真的)phonesThey are m_phones八、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空58 . She used to _(watch)TV after dinner, but now she is used to _(take)a walk.59 . As a singer, he likes singing _(Europe)songs very much.60 . We are required _(deal)with the problem at once.61 . My parents gave me a dictionary as a Christmas present. It was very _(help).62 . I saw Lucy _(play)the piano when I passed by.九、单词填空阅读下面短文,根据短文内容在横线上填入一个最恰当的单词。每空一词。Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help others when youre free? Then join us to be a v63 . ! We have voluntary(自愿的) jobs of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people in their seventies, can b64 . a volunteer.You can help people in m65 . ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. H66 . need volunteers to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats w67 . homes. There is something for e68 . .“As a volunteer, I dont want to get anything. Seeing the childrens h69 . faces, Im glad, too,” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often played computer games b70 . . Now I help older people learn h71 . to use computers,” said another volunteer at the age of 18.If everyone helps out a bit, well have a b72 . world to live in. Are you interested? Call us on 800-555-5756 or visit our website www. Active. com.十、回答问题Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding on to a string, which had a balloon at the other end.All of a sudden, a sharp gust (一阵风) of wind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would scream and cry.But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise to the sky, she cheerfully shouted out, “Wow!”I didnt realize it at that moment. But that little girl taughtme something.Later that day, I received a phone call from a person with news of a sudden problem. I almost replied with “Oh no, what should we do?” But remembering that little girl, I found myselfsaying: “Wow, that is interesting! How can I help you?”One thing is for sure life is always going to put us off balance with things we dont expect. But how we act to them is our choice. We can choose to be discouraged or interested.No matter what the situation is, a “Wow!” will always beat “Oh, no.”So next time you meet one of lifes unexpected gusts, remember that little girl and make it a “Wow!” experience. It always works.73 . Where was the little girl?_74 . How did the little girl feel when her balloon was blown away?_十一、材料作文75 . 假定你是李平,计划暑假去伦敦旅游,互联网上一则广告引起了你的注意,但一些具体信息不明确,请给该旅行社发一封电子邮件,询问有关情况。要求:1. 邮件内容必须包含图中所指的问题,但可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2. 词数80左右。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3. 参考词汇:入场费-entrance feeA Truly Exciting Day Tour!Places to visit: Big Ben London Eye Buckingham PalaceTransport: BusPrice:45Start-time: 6:30 a.m.Q1: Price for students? Entrance fee?Q2:Time to return?Q3:?Dear Sir/Madam,Im writing for more information about the day tour to London. _Looking forward to your reply.YoursLiping第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、材料作文1、


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