冀教版英语九年级Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future单元检测

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冀教版英语九年级Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . There were some big stones _ my way _ my way home yesterday.Ain; onBon; inCin; byDat; by2 . This pair of trousers is_. Can I _?Aenough cheap; try on themBcheap enough; try them onCenough cheap; try on itDcheap enough; try it on3 . Lin Hao washero then.Aan 8 years oldsBan 8-year-oldCa 8-years-oldD8 years old4 . Tim won the first prize in the piano competition. His parents _him.Atake careBlook upCtake pride inDwait for5 . Zhijiang Bridge over the Qiantang River _ last year, which makes it very easy to go to Binjiang from Fuyang.AbuiltBwas builtChas builtDhas been built6 . Dont forget _ the lights when you leave the room.Ato turn offBturningCturnsDto turn on7 . Mr Green is _ holiday in Beijing _ his family.Aon; withBfor; atCin; withDon; for8 . He works hard all the time and _ getting up early every morning.Aused toBgets used toCuse toDis use to9 . Since last year, “Where are we going, Dad?” has become one of the most popular TV shows.Sure, its played on_.ABCD二、完型填空Sid, a famous scientist, says that _ 100 years some things will be better than now. For example, we _ have to do the dishes or sweep the floor because well have _ in our homes. Robots will do these things. Also, we wont use paper _ any more. Well all use credit cards to buy things. Or maybe _ will be free. Well have more free time, and traveling will be faster and cheaper than it is now. Maybe some people will spend their vacations on _ stations.However, he says that some things will get _ in the near century. If more people use cars, there _ more pollution. Also, if there are _ trees, the air will be dirtier. If _ gets worse, maybe people will have to leave and live on Mars or other planets.10 . AafterBinCbeforeDfor11 . AwillBdontCwontDcant12 . AcomputersBcarsCplanesDrobots13 . AcoinBcardC/Dmoney14 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing15 . AspaceBplaceCpalaceDroom16 . AbetterBworseCgoodDbad17 . AisBwill haveCwill beDis going to have18 . AmoreBfewerCmuchDless19 . ApollutionBpopulationCtreesDwater三、句型转换按要求改写句子,每空一词。20 . Will Bob study in the USA next year? (补全肯定答语)Yes, _.21 . The Browns will come back in a week. (改为否定句)The Browns _ back in a week.22 . They are going to visit the fire station next Sunday. (改为同义句)They _ the fire station next Sunday.23 . Our town will be more beautiful in ten years. (对划线部分提问)_ will our town be _ in ten years?24 . Mike cleans his room on Saturdays. (用next Saturday代替on Saturdays改写句子)Mike _ his room next Saturday.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。25 . The big fire _ (burn) his arms and now he is in bed.26 . We must do something to stop the baby from _ (cry).27 . Henry jumped into the water _ (save) the little child.28 . I will try my best _ (catch ) up with my classmates in English this term.29 . I heard he _ (save) an old man on the road. He should get an award.30 . Mr White says that he _ (come) back in about five days.31 . He put on his jacket and _ (leave) the house in a hurry.32 . Listen! How beautiful the music _ (sound)!33 . Dont forget to close the door before _ (leave) the room.34 . Be quiet! I can hear someone _ (call) for help.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子your, is, first, number, are, his, and35 . This clock _ nice.36 . Zero is a _.37 . This is a boy. _ name is Bob.38 . My jacket is red _ white.39 . Gina is the _ girl in the family.六、多任务混合问题Chinese space lover Wang Yuan has been chosen as one of the volunteers for the Mars-500 test project._ Another five volunteers are all space lovers. They are three Russians, an Italy-Colombian and a Frenchman. They will feel what its like to travel to Mars without leaving the earth. During the whole process(过程),they are locked up for one and a half years under the condition which is similar to the red planet. So the experiment is called Mars-500._Although the volunteers wont leave the building, they will feel as if(好像)they are on a real trip to Mars. The most difficult thing is that they will be separated from the people outside._That will be hard. When reporters asked what they would miss most during the 500-day special life, Charles from France said, For me, it will be mainly my family, the sun and fresh air. ”The main task is to study Man and Environment. It will care about the astronauts physical effects and the experience of staying there._So they will have to make decisions by themselves and then report to the earth, and the earth will tell them whether they do the right thing or not.Each astronaut is preparing for the great challenge. And people are looking forward to the result of the experiment.阅读短文,把A-D四个句子填人文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。然后完成第5小题。A. Everyone will stay and work there alone.B. For 18 months, they wont see sunsets or sunrises.C. The Mars-500 test will be in a special building in Moscow.D. He was very happy to be chosen and will accept the challenge.40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AFive space lovers were chosen as volunteers.BThe Mars-500 test will take place in Paris.CThe volunteers will face many sorts of difficulties.DThe Mars-500 test is about a real trip to Mars.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、

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