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北师大版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I think _ is very important for us to believe in _ at any time.Ait; ourselvesBit; yourselvesCthis; ourselvesDthis; yourselves2 . All the students are working hard now._. Because all of them want to go to good colleges.ASo are theyBNeither they areCSo they areDSo they do3 . If he _ here next week, I _there.Awill come ,will toBwill come , toCcomes , will goDcomes , go4 . What will the weather be like tomorrow? Itll be , and the temperature will .Asnow ; fallBsnow ; dropCsnowy ; fallDsnowy ; drop5 . As the number of cars in Shanghai gets much _, the pollution is becoming more serious.AlargeBlargerCless largeDmore large6 . Every year in autumn, we can see very beautiful maple leaves on sides of Xianlin Avenue. Lots of people like to take photos there.AeachBallCeitherDboth7 . - Are you good _ your students? - Yes, I am.AatBwithCforDOf8 . What cold weather!Yes. But its unusual experience for us who always live in a hot city.Aan; anB/; aC/; anDa; a9 . (2017湖北省鄂州市中考) If you do that, you will _ with an egg on your face.But I wont regret it.Atake upBend upCkeep upDcatch up10 . ?一I want to buy a pair of sports shoes.AWhats wrongBWhat can I do for youCHow much is itDWhat does it look like11 . This is _ book I bought yesterday. Isnt it _ interesting one?Athe; theBa; anCa; theDthe; an12 . She _ in London since 2002.AlivedBhas lived ClivesDwill live13 . Do you mind opening the window?. Go ahead, please.ACertainlyBYes, I doCNot at allDYou are welcome14 . In autumn, many green _ change to yellow, orange or red.AleavesBbirdsCcloudsDbeaches15 . China promises to _ Paris Agreement on climate change.Astick intoBstick ontoCstick toDstick in二、完型填空Mrs Smith works in a museum in London. Shes_in all kinds of old things and she has collected a lot of stamps. But she prefers the vases. So she often spends her holidays in China. She visited a lot of museums in Beijing, Xian and other_. She goes to the markets and tries to buy some nice old vases.Last month the_woman travelled in Hangzhou. She went to a shop one afternoon and foumd a beautiful vase there. She looked at it for a long time and was sure it was_about seven hundred years ago. She liked it very much and paid a lot of money for it. She was so happy that she couldnt fall_that night. On her way to England , she took good care of it.16 . AinterestsBinterestingCinterested17 . AtownsBcitiesCcountries18 . AAmericanBEnglishCGerman19 . AkeptBmadeCfound20 . AasleepBsleepCsleeping三、阅读单选Im Jack. I have a brother Joe. We live in the same room. We both like music and we often sing at home. But were different in a lot of ways.Joes good at history and math. I like English and art. Joes favorite TV program is Extreme Sports. I dont watch sports on TV, but I play baseball. Joe plays football and volleyball.I write a lot of emails and I like computer games. Joe doesnt use the computer every day. He only uses my computer every Tuesday for his homework.21 . What do Jack and Joe like?Amusic.BMath.CEnglish.DArt22 . Why does Joe use the computer on Tuesday?ATo talk with his friendsBTo play computer gamesCTo watch sports showsDTo do his homework23 . Joes good at Amath and ChineseBhistory and mathChistory and EnglishDChinese and English四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences:24 . He didnt buy many vegetables in the supermarket.(保持句意不变) He_a_vegetables in the supermarket.25 . Jim usually went to school by bike when he was 14 years old.(保持愿意)Jim usually_when he was 14 years old.26 . There are a lot of people in Shanghai.(改为否定句) There_people in Shanghai.27 . David liked winter best of the four season.(划线提问)_season_David like best of the four season?28 . There is little milk in the bottle.( 反义疑问句)There is little milk in the bottle,_?29 . the passengers, hurt, neither, was , in , nor, the accident, the driver(连词成句)_五、根据音标写单词Look at the phonetics and complete the blanks(根据所给音标完成句子)30 . The ants told the grasshoppers, “Go and build houses for _” j:selvz31 . Your temperature has _, so you neednt take that medicine. drpt32 . During the festivals, the policemen stand in line to make the passengers cross the streets _ sefI33 . You should have a _ diet to keep healthy and live a happy life. krekt34 . With your support, I will do better, believe me, I will not let you _ dspntrd六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)。35 . Do you know the _ of the toy shop? (own)36 . John enclosed a photo of _with the letter. (he)37 . The kite is in the shape of a Chinese dragon and is more than 100 _ long. (foot)38 . I think Miss Shen is a good _ teacher. You are sure to like her. (physical).39 . Could you tell me the _ of the tallest building in Shanghai? (high)40 . Flying a kite on ice will _ be a great experience. (probable)七、用单词的正确形式完成短文realise study find relax learn come give win show begin doA hobby can be something a person likes 41 . in his free time. People can keep pets, build model ships and so on. In a word, hobbies give people enjoyment, friendship, knowledge and relaxation.Then, what is my hobby? Well, what I like most is singing. I42 . to sing songs when I was very young. My uncle was43 . music in a college then, so he could sing lots of songs, and he taught me several songs. I 44 . great interests in music then, because they were pleasing to sing and often make me happy. When I was at primary school, my music teacher 45 . that I had a good voice, so she asked my father to send me to the Childrens Palace (少年宫) 46 . music at weekends. From then on , I began my music training . I practised hard and 47 . prizes one after another in different kinds of competitions. In fact,I dreamed of becoming a famous singer in the future.As time went by, I came to know that my dream wouldnt 48 . true, because there were strict conditions(条件). But now I still take singing as my hobby, because it has 49 . me very good feelings and an excellent chance50 . . Besides, it is a good way to learn things that I cant easily find in life.八、单词填空Think about two people you know. How would you describe their personalities? Are they the 51 . ? Of course not! Everyone is different. Even twins have 52 . personalities.Some people are very outgoing and 53 . . They like to be 54 . other people all the time. And some people are quiet, maybe even shy. They like to be alone or play with a55 . friends.Some people worry a lot. They may56 . about many things.57 . , some people dont worry about anything! They 58 . mind what is going on next. These people are very relaxed.Some people are 59 . . They always do their best. They arent lazy. They always get more chances to have success.And dont 60 . this: Everyone is different.That means you are special.九、回答问题DumplingsWith a history of more than 1,800 years, dumplings are a classic Chinese food. They are also a traditional dish on Chinese New Years Eve(除夕). They are really popular in China, especially(尤其)in the north of China.Dumplings usually look like Chinese silver ingots(银元宝). Chinese people like to eat dumplings. There are some interesting ideas about them. For example, the more dumplings you eat during the New Year celebrations, the more money you can make in the new year.Dumplings have different tastes because of their different fillings(馅). There are many different kinds of fillings. Some popular fillings are pork, shrimp, fish, chicken, beef, mutton and vegetables. Different people like to eat dumplings with different fillings. As for me, I like dumplings with mutton best. Do you know how to make dumplings? Almost all Chinese people can make dumplings. They think its very easy to make dumplings. Here is a recipe for making dumplings.First, mix the dough(面团).Second, make the dough into round wrappers(面皮) with a rolling pin(擀面杖).Third, fill the wrappers with fillings.Fourth, pinch(捏)the wrappers together.And fifth, cook them in the hot water.根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。61 . How many years of history do dumplings have?_62 . What do dumplings usually look like?_63 . Why do dumplings have different tastes?_64 . How many steps are there to make dumplings according to the passage?_65 . Are dumplings popular in the north of China or in the south of China?_十、话题作文66 . 书面表达进入初三后,面对新学科的加入、冲刺中考的压力,同学们的学习任务倍增。繁重的学业压力下,良好的学习习惯是提高学习效率的制胜法宝。请以“How to develop good learning habits”为题写一篇英语小短文,向同学们提出养成良好学习习惯的建议。写作要点:1.课前为新课做准备;2.课堂上认真听讲,做笔记。3.课后按时完成作业并多做阅读。写作要求:1.语法正确,语句通顺,书写规范;2.写作要点齐全,并做适当发挥使语义连贯;3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。4.不少于80词,标题己给出,不计入总次数。How to develop good learning habits第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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