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资源与评价初中英语七上答案Module 1Unit 1 基础过关I. A: 1.open 2. write 3. too. 4. fifty 5. years B: 6. first 7. England 8. blackboard 9. city 10. MissC: 11. to meet 12. use 13. Match 14. is 15. is standingII. 1620 CAABA 2125 ABBBAIII. 26. comes from 27. nice to meet you 28. How old is his sister? 29. Who is 30. Close, pleaseIV. 3135 DCBEAV. 36. play 37. gets 38. Do, wash 39. Does, do 40.studies41. goes 42. watches 43. does, do 44. does, have 45. Does, read VI. 46. My 47.morning 48.early 49.cooks 50.works 51.have 52.afternoon 53. some 54. do 55. atVII. 56. Her family name is James.57. My name is Jim Green.58. Good morning to you.59. Nice to meet you , too.60. What is her name?61. My pencil case is blue.62. He and Amy are good friends.63. Lets look at the phone.64. Please color the picture red.65. What is your name?. 66. What is his name?67. Whats his telephone number?68. What is your family name?69. What is his car number?70. What is your first name?Unit 2 基础过关 I. A. 1. year 2. matching 3.student 4. wrote 5. practicesB. 6. fourteen 7. from 8. lessons 9. finish 10. up 11.closing 12. Sit 13. fifteen 14. first 15. is C. 16. is 17. from 18. years 19. China 20 yourII. 2125:C C B B C 2630 CCA BB III. 31. Whats, age 32. does, come 33. My name 34. is from China. 35. go to work by carIV. (A) 3640 DBEAC(B) 4145 EADCBV. 46. Dear 47. Thanks 48. of 49. This 50. at 51. He 52. grandpa/ grandfather 53. The 54. sister 55. yourVI. 5660:CABAA Unit 3 基础过关 I. A. 1. family name 2. English 3.city 4. first 5.tooB. 6. too/to 7. hello 8. your 9. No. 10. you 11. me 12. last 13. classes 14. familiesC. 15. teacher 16. down 17 China 18. fifty 19. match 20 England II. 2125 CCBCC 2630 ACBAC 3135 CBBCC 3640 BCCCAIII. 41 45 BDFEGIV. 46. an sheep 47. she is. 48 My names 49.Whos your 50. these dictionariesV. 51-55 DADBA 能力提升I. A. 1. with 2. his 3. looking 4. answering 5. many 6. down 7. far 8. love/like 9. eleven 10. fromB. 11. teaches 12. School 13.dictionary 14. computer 15. ThankC. 16. her 17. your 18. eraser 19 baseball 20 newD. 21. Is, is 22. am, is 23. is, is 24. is, are 25. are, is. 2630 CBACB 31-35 BAABC. A) 36. Its a map. 37. No, it isnt. 38.Its a chair. 39. Yes, it is. 40. BUS bus.B) 4145 c d b a e . 46. Is, this 47. it isnt 48. What is 49. How do you spell “watch”? 50. That is an English car.V. 51. His car is Japanese.52. The big ball is hers.53. They are in the same class.54. Dont close the window.55. His chair is yellow.VI. 5660 BCCAC 61-65 ABCABVII. 66. Miss White.67. The teachers books and ruler.68. Forty desks and chairs, a blackboard, a clock and a map. 69. The red pen is Anns.70. The Green and Brown ones are Kates.B) 71. D 72. B. 73. C 74. D 75. AModule 2Unit 1 基础过关 I. A: 1. ride 2. the 3. Can 4. playing 5. Welcome B: 6.tennis 7. piano 8. horse 9. swim 10. International C: 11. is 12. play 13. is running 14. likes 15. is cryingII. 1620:B B A DD 2125 CADAC 2630 ADADBIII. 3135 A F C H B 3640 I E J D GIV. 41. backpack 42. on 43. this 44. isnt 45. big 46. yours 47. mine 48.this/ that/it 49. there 50 welcomeV. 51. This is not Is this 52. Whats that in English?53. Thats a ring. No, it isnt.54. Whats his phone number?55.Can you spell “ pen”?VI. 56. This is my lost jacket. 57.It is not his notebook.58. How do you spell eraser? 59.Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?60. Please call Cindy at 563-258.VII. 6065:ACCDC 66 -70: BCBABVIII . A) 71-75 CDDBA B) 76-80 BABCCIX. Writing (略) Unit 2 基础过关 I. A. 1. secretary 2. parents 3. university 4. factory 5. officeB. 6. hospital 7. English 8. school 9. grandma 10. grandpa 11. job 12. are 13.uncle 14. father 15.familyC. 16.goes 17.wearing 18. watch 19. learning 20 will write/ am going to writeII. 2125 CBABB 2630 BBCAC 3135 CCCCCIII. 36 parent 37 father 38. do 39. hard 40 What 41. tennis 42. play 43. the 44. What/ How 45 aboutIV. 4650 CDBBA 5155 ACBCCV. A) 5660 CBCCD B) 6165 ADBCDUnit 3 基础过关 I. A. 1. Spanish 2. Japan 3. Russian 4. Arabic 5. Italian B. 6.enjoying (原题加 now) 7. swim 8.visited 9. has 10. are having 11. doesnt go 12.drawing 13.is listening 14. watching 15. drinkingII. 1620 CCCAC 2125 CBADC 2630 CABBA 31-35 CBABBIII. ACABA 41-45 DDB (将原题中的They 改为 He) ABIV. A)46-50 TFFFT B) 51-55 CBBAC C)56-60 BDACBV. Writing (略)能力提升I. (A). 1. is 2. her 3.up 4. to 5. about 6. to 7. far 8.watching 9.do/ to do/ with 10.will/is going to(B). 11. hospital 12.worker 13.shop 14.drink 15.begin 16. job 17.late 18.playing 19 sometimes 20 manager(C). 21. Excuse, sorry 22. under , sister 23. color , blue 24. What, has 25.Which,itsII. 2630 ABABB 3135 DAADB 3640 BDCAC 4145 CAABCIII. 46. Whose 47. Is, or 48. Which boy 49. dont, the 50.skirts are red.IV. A)51. Whose 52 yours 53. Let 54.mine 55.skirt /one 56. Whose 57.yours 58.you 59.Thank 60.rightB) 6165 GDICE 6670 A/F, J, F/A, H,BV. 7175 DACCC 76-80 ACDBC VI. A) 8185 CCCCDB) 86. Two 87. No, he isnt. 88. No, he doesnt. 89. He goes to the English corner in the morning. 90. His English is very good.Module 3Unit1基础过关. 1.twenty-four 2.forty-seven 3.thirty-seven 4.fifty-six 5.seventy-seven 6.ninety-four. 7.is, bus 8.are, computers 9.are,dictionaries 10.are ,birds 11.Is, a boy 12.is 13. Are, three(any number is OK except two) flowers / Is, a flower 14.isnt, is. 15.libraries 16.tables/ teachers 17.students 18.any 19.They 20.blackboard 21.Welcome 22.football. 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.A 27. B 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.C 32.C. 33.There is a hill behind his house. 34.These students are in the new gym./ These new students are in the gym. 35.There are not any pictures in my classroom. 36.Is there a girl under the tree? 37.The school library is not open today. 38.There is 39.There is 40.Are there 41.has 42.have. 43.D 44.C 45.B 46.E 47.A. 48.A 49.A 50.C 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.B 55.B 56.C 57.A. 58.C 59.B 60.A 61.C 62.A. 63.He needs his maths book, ruler, notebook and the video cassette. 64.His mum. 65.Its on the bed. 66.No, she cant. 67.He will meet his mother at 12:00 oclock.Unit2基础过关. 1.B 2.E 3.C 4.H 5.J 6.G 7.A 8.I 9.F 10.D. 11.any 12.is 13.dictionries 14.take 15.workers 16.Chinese 17.teachers 18.is. 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.A 23.B 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.C 28.A. 29.Yes, there is. 30.Where is 31.arent any 32.in front of 33.How many, are there. 34.from, to 35.in 36.on 37.between 38.Pairs 39.in the front of 40.in front of 41.an, movie 42.next to 43. favourite. 44.D Theyre 45.C an 46.A Excuse me 47.C the 48.A These 49.B children 50.A students 51.B look at 52.B are 53.B any. 54.new 55.you 56.Where 57.are 58.next 59.any 60.front 61.Thanks. 62.B 63.B 64.C 65.C 66.A 67.A 68.C 69.A 70.D 71.D. 72.Science lab 73.Library building 74.Garage 75.Our house 76.Garden. 77.student, China 78.classrooms 79.read, play 80.factory, manager 81.carUnit3基础过关. 1.library 2.gym 3.classroom 4.office 5.restaurant. 6.D 7.A 8.F 9.G 10.C 11.H 12.E 13.B.14.teachers, their 15.eigthty, ninety 16.right 17.Welcome 18.about.19.A 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.C. 29.There, is 30.What 31.These ,are , some, libraries 32.Where, is. 33.not any 34.How many, are there 35.Is there 36.is 37.Whats ,your 38.there arent. (A) 39.D 40.B 41.E 42.A 43.C (B) 44.English 45.School 46.are 47.there 48.television 49.play 50.football. 51.C 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.A 56.A 57.B 58.D 59.A 60.C. (A) 61.name 62.English 63.twelve 64.in 65.Middle 66.School 67.class 68.number 69.row 70.6/ six 71.woman 72.school 73.she 74.friends (B)75.T 76.T 77.F 78.T 79.F 80.F能力提升. 1.teacher 2.family 3.right 4.forty-seven 5.gym 6.There 7.dictionary 8.next 9.lab 10.libraries. 11.libraries 12.some 13.sheep 14.our 15.his 16.Anns 17.read 18.Stand 19.building 20.are. 21.D 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.A 28.D 29.D 30.B 31.D 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.D 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D. 41.C 42.E 43.A 44.B 45.D 46.I 47.F 48.G 49.H 50.J. 51.are, some, men 52.What, is 53.maths teacher 54.arent, any 55.Where is 56.Whats 57.Where do 58.Is, or 59.No, there arent 60.are in front of. 61.women scientists 62.building, behind 63.There isnt 64.next to 65. Is there, in the front of. 66.A 67.D 68.C 69.E 70.B.(A) 71.B 72.B 73.C 74.C 75.B 76.A 77.C 78.A 79.C 80.A (B) 81.a 82.name 83.four 84.are 85.is 86.is 87.He 88.us 89.Grade 90.boys 91.all 92.like/ love. (A) 93.F 94.T 95.F 96.T 97.F (B)1. A. gym B. classrooms C. dining hall D.library 2. 98.from 99.of 100.next 101.areis 102.去掉of 103.它听起来和我们学校一样。 104.它在市中心吗?. One possible version: My bedroom This is my bedroom. Its small, but its not too small for me. There is a bed, a desk and a chair in my bedroom. My bed is near the wall. My desk is at the window. A chair is behind the desk. In front of my window there is an orange tree. There are some birds live in it. I like my bedroom.Module 4Unit1基础过关. 1. grandfather / grandpa 2.grandmother / grandma 3.uncle 4.aunt 5.cousin. 6.how many people 7.格林夫人的女儿 8.talk about my family 9.一张玲玲家的照片 10.family tree 11.兄弟姐妹 12. his wifes brother 14.有. 14. father / friend 15.aunt 16.sister 17.grandparents 18.family 19. parents 20.much 21.him 22.small 23.also. 24.A 25.A 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.A 35.C 36.B 37.A 38.A. 39.D 40.F 41.A 42.E 43.B 44.C 45.G. 46.has, got, Yes, has 47.no 48.Are ,we 49.How many, are there, your 50.There are. 51.E 52.D 53.C 54.B 55.A. 56.B 57.B 58.B 59.C 60.A 61.C 62.B 63.C 64.C 65.C . (A) 66. Mr. Brown 67.Canada 68.a middle school in Japan 69.a teacher 70.English (B) 71.buildings, playground 72.here, there 73.good time 74.kind, parents 75.is, familyUnit2基础过关. 1.tall-short 2.hot-cold 3.close-open 4.stand up-sit down 5.in front of-behind. 6.Johns 7.Has 8.coming 9.people 10.any 11.him 12.swim 13.is 14.welcome 15.Chinese. 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.A 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.C. 31.Thank you for your email. 32.He has got a big family. 33.Have you got a small family? 34.There are four people in my family. 35.She hasnt got any sisters or brothers. 36.How many, are 37.has got, uncles 38.Thanks for 39.Do, family tree 40.There are 41.have, no / havent, any 42.Is, small 43.hasnt, any, or, and 44.in, with 45.has got, and. 46.has got 47.hasnt got 48.has got 49.have got 50.has got 51.has got 52.has got 53.hasnt got 54.has got 55.havent got. 56.B 57.A 58.B 59.D 60.C 61.D 62.B 63.A 64.D 65.D. 66.family 67.and 68.parents 69.they 70.aunt 71.uncle 72.he 73.daughter 74.boy 75.son. (A) 76.F 77.T 78.T 79.T 80.F (B) 81.There are eight people in the family photo. 82.No, he doesnt. 83.Helen Green is Pauls mother. 84.Pauls uncles name is John Green. 85.Hes Pauls cousin.Unit3基础过关. 1.Her 2.aunt 3.uncle 4.brother 5.parents 6.daughter 7.cousin 8.grandmother. 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.E 14.F 15.J 16.G 17.I 18.H. 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.D 31.D 32.B 33.D. 34.Whats, her 35.Sonia, Tims / Tim, Sonias, son 36.havent any, or 37.How many birds are there 38.cant, any 39.Has, your, No, hasnt 40.What, do 41.their, favourite.(A) 42.D 43.A 44.E 45.G 46C(B) 47.How many people are there in your family? 48.He is a teacher. 49.How many teachers are there in his school? 50.What about your mother? / Whats your mother? / Whats your mothers job? / What does your mother do? 51.No, she isnt.(A) 52.fine 53.Only 54.sisters 55.She 56.about 57.and 58.think 59.good 60.in 61.too (B)62.A 63.B 64.C 65.A 66.B 67.C 68.A 69.B 70.A 71.C. (A)72.Yan 73.Li 74.Holly 75.No.1 middle School 76.0459-2983762 77.reading books (B)78.F 79.F 80.T 81.T 82.F能力提升. 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.B.16.sing 17.going 18.to go 19.play 20.is 21.takes 22.buy 23.to visit 24.doesnt do 25.Does, have. 26.has got an aunt 27.Have, got 28.Yes, has 29.Has, or 30.She is an, girl 31.Whats 32.have got 33.How many bottles are 34.havent got 35.Has, got. 36.Have you got any brothers or sisters? / Do you have any brothers or sisters? 37.I havent got an aunt / any aunts, but Ive got an uncle. I dont have an aunt / any aunts, but I have an uncle. 38.Has he got a big family? Yes, he has. / Does he have a big family? Yes, he does. 39.How many women doctors are there in this hospital? How many women doctors has this hospital got? 40.Penk and Nike are Mr. Greens sons.(A) 41.tree 42.Alice 43.two 44.Tom 45.Jenny 46.fathers 47.John 48.sister 49.mothers 50.Peter (B) 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.B 56.C 57.C 58.A 59.C 60.B.(A) 61.A 62.B 63.C 64.D 65.A B)(1.) 66.that 67.Shes 68.is 69.she 70.name 71.it 72.she 73.Whats 74.Its 75.name(2.)76.Have you got a big family? 77.How many people are there in your family? 78.Have you got any brothers or sisters? 79.Yes, I have. 80.My mother has got a sister. (A) 81.Emma 82.Paul 83.Ann 84.Sonia 85.Sally (B) 86.D 87.B 88.C 89.B 90.B (C) 91.C A D B 92.people has hair 93. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F 94. 啤酒肚 (D) 95.They are from Australia. 96.They start their work at 8:00 am and finish it at 6:00 pm. 97.They go to work by car. 98.They take Chinese lessons. 99.Because they want to talk with Chinese people. One possible version: I have a good friend. Her name is Kate Green. She is An American girl. She is 13 years old. She is in No. 3 Middle School. She likes playing basketball and swimming. She is good at English and art and studies hard. She is a good girl. She always helps others. We all like her.Module 5Unit1基础过关I A: 1.books, 2.oranges 3. families 4. knives 5. pianos 6. keys 7. feet 8. matches 9. tomatoes 10.sheep 11. Germans 12.fish 13. men doctors 14.girl students 15. Frenchmen B : 16. wishes 17. apple trees 18. workers 19. Englishmen 20. cities 21. waitresses 22. papers 23. carrots C : 24. clothes 25. Thanks 26. exercises 27. holidays 28. ideas 29. kinds 30. fruit 31. languagesII 32-39 : C C D A B A D CIII 40. can I help you 41. Whats your family name? 42.What s your first name?43. How old are you? 44.Thank you.IV 45-49: DACBD 50-54: CBDACV A. 55-59: FFTFF B. 60. The Smiths and the Clarks 61. They are not good for health 62. They have Chinese food 63. He is a doctor 64. He wants to keep healthyIV 65. One foot 一英尺 66. Because they have so many fansUnit 2基础过关I. 1. healthy. 2. got 3. health 4. Coke 5. favouriteII. 6. cooks 7.sunny 8. heavily; stay 9. come 10.peaches 11. to go; me 12. more 13. happily 14.are sleeping 15. dancing III. 16. fridges 17. healthy 18. beef; union 19. living 20. peaches;melons;fruit 21.noodles 22. Chinese IV. 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.C 27 .D 28.D 29.A 30.C 31.B 32.D V. 33.Where is Tom? 34. Why 35. Whats wrong with her 36. Im sorry to hear that 37. What did the doctor say? IV. A: 38-42. FFTFT B. 43. She doesnt feel well for several days.44. She always has fish, vegetables, eggs, sausages, cheese, chicken soup, rice and cake. Sometimes she eats ice cream and puddings. 45. Breakfast is more important. Because we dont need anything when we are sleeping and we need to start a days work 46. Milk, eggs, bread, noodles, sandwiches, vegetables and fruit. 47. We should have a good breakfast, so we can keep ourselves healthy. Unit 3基础过关 I. 1-5: C D B E A II. 6. full idea 8. ones 9. pieces 10. with 11. Wednesday 12. inventor 13. capital III. 14-23: D C A B C B D A C B IV. 24. hasnt got any 25. He/She likes eating 26. Where did; put 27. Have ; got any 28. What is V. 2934: A E B D F VI. 3539: A CBAB VII. 4045: DBBCAC能力提升 I. 1. birthday 2. invite 3. smile 4. late 5.healthy 6. kitchen II. 7. visitors 8interesting 9pleasure 10ore friendly 11worried 12 to hear 13 to have 14.worker; works 15 .speaking 16.has III. 1721:A B D C C 2226: D B A C C 2731: D A D B D IV. 32-36: CABDC 37-41: BCBDB V. A. 4246:FFFTF B.4751: ABDCB C. 52. Some have beef and vegetables ,others have tomatoes ,eggs and so on. 53. people make dumplings at home or buy them from market.54. Dumplings.55. If one eats the one with the coin in it,he will be lucky in the new year56. With vinegar.Module 6Unit 1 基础过关I. 1. seven 2. Wednesday 3. cinema 4. team 5. invitation6. stadium 7. Tuesday 8. invited 9. on 10. starII. 11. are 12. me 13. to go 14. Her 15. swimmingIII. 16-20: BABBB 21-25: ADBBDIV. 26. Would you like 27. What/How about 28. What time 29. When is(原题删掉两个空格) 30. My friends and IV. 31. expensive 32. Even 33. without 34. less 35. ones 36. noise 37. early 38. sleep 39. If 40. freeVI. A. 41-48:FCEGABHDB. 49. Its from John. 50. Hes going to the east coast and staying in Hualien for two days.51. He will make it an around-the-island tour. 52.Its Winter. Because They will have a winter holiday. 53. They will fly down to Hualien and then take the train back along the eastern coast. Unit 2 基础过关I. 1. on 2. at 3. about 4. in 5. from, to 6. to 7. for 8. of 9. at, on 10. inII. 11. dancing 12. flies 13. helpful 14. libraries 15. players 16. to buy 17. was 18. is talking 19. will have / are going to have 20. to finishIII. 21-25 CBCAC 26-30 DBCADIV. 31. What are these ? 32. No, thanks. 33. They are nice to eat./ They are delicious. 34. Would you like some milk ? 35. its good for you.V. 36. doesnt like, or 37. Does your, like 38. Does, like, or bananas39. How much meat,did, buy 40. It is good for our health to eat more vegetables.VI. A. 41-45: FTTFF B. 46-49: C A D C C. 50. Claridges 51. The Plaza 52. The Mandarin Oriental 53. The Mandarin Oriental 54. No, it isnt. D. 55. Water World 56. every month 57. pools, swimsuits 58. fish, worldUnit 3 基础过关I. 1. Chinese 2. herself 3. us 4. to learn 5. us 6. ninth 7. t

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