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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It will take the men 6 months _ the work.AfinishBfinishingCto finishDfinishes2 . The fire is dangerous. We should _ as quickly as possible.Aput out itBput it outCput it awayDput it off3 . _ is important for us _ learn computer.AIt, toBIt, /CThat, /DThis, to4 . I saw Ken in the meeting room, and heJoe for the school magazine.AinterviewsBinterviewChas interviewedDwas interviewing5 . _ is interesting _ us to watch game shows .AHe , forBthat , toCThis , toDIt , for6 . _. Is this your ruler?_,I dont know.ASorry; Excuse me.BExcuse me ; SorryCSorry Sorry7 . Bill wonders _ they will have zongzi again next year.AthatBwhichCwhetherDwhat8 . The shirts are both expensive and out of fashion. Ill take_of them.AneitherBeitherCallDboth9 . We are all looking forward to Dr. Greens talk. Dr. Green is busy these days. Im not sure _ he will be able to come here.AwhetherBthatCwhen10 . _ does your father have _ lunch?Rice and chicken.AWhat;forBHow;forCWhat;/DHow;/11 . Mymother and fatherare on the sofa.AgrandparentBgrandparentsCparentsDparent12 . Taormina, a seaside town on the island of Sicily in Italy, has _ history of more than twenty centuries and it is also the shooting location of Chinese Restaurant .A/BaCanDthe13 . They _to that supermarket many times since they moved here.Ahave beenBhave goneCwill goDwent14 . How does your mother like your presents for Mothers Day?Well,_ this sweater _that one is fit for her They are much too bigAboth, andBneither, norCnot only ,but alsoDeither , or二、完型填空完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Evans lived in a city. He was a math _ three years ago. He taught well and his students _ him. So he decided(决定) to work in the middle school all his life. But a terrible accident(可怕的事故) _ his life.One spring he took his class to _ an interesting place. The children saw a lot of _ things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, a truck hit their _ because the young driver was drunk(酒驾). Five students _ and more than half the students were hurt(受伤)in the accident. He didnt know how it had happened and was very _ it and after he came out of hospital. He left school and became a _. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traffic laws(交通规则). He worked hard and was strict(要求严格) with the _. So they were afraid of him.One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was _. He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a car_fast towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man _ a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.“_ your license (执照) to me, Madam,” said Mr. Evans.The girl gave her bag to him and said, “Please look for it in the bag yourself. I cant see anything _ glasses.”15 . AworkerBteacherCdoctorDfarmer16 . AlikedBwishedChelpedDanswered17 . AhitBwonClostDchanged18 . AbuildBbreakCvisitDfind19 . AterribleBdangerousCsafeDinteresting20 . AbusBtrainCcarDship21 . AleftBlivedCdied(死亡)Dfell22 . Asad aboutBafraid ofCinterested inDworried about23 . AshopkeeperBpolicemanCcleanerDdriver24 . AstudentsBdriversCteachersDbuses25 . Aat homeBin the office Cat workDat school26 . AranBto runCrunDrunning27 . AonBinCbyDwith28 . ASendBSellCShowDLend29 . AhaventBwithCwithoutDhave三、阅读单选Galileo(伽利略) read the ideas of Copernicus(哥白尼) in the course of his work. Copernicus was a famous scientist who had lived a century before Galileo. In the time of Copernicus(1473-1543), people believed that the earth was the centre of the universe, and that the Sun and all other heavenly(天空的) bodies travelled around it.By using mathematics and his own observations, Copernicus started to think that the Earth and some of the other planets really travelled around the Sun.Most people of those times could not accept Copernicuss ideas. It was hard for them to believe that the Earth was not at the centre of everything. It was hard for Copernicus to prove(证明) scientifically to other people that his ideas were right. (选自新理念英语第三册 Galileo Galilei and the Beginning of Modern Science)30 . What was Copernicus?AA teacher.BA scientist.CA singer.DA worker.31 . How did Copernicus get his own idea?ABy guessing and playing games.BBy dreaming and praying(祈祷) to God.CBy calculating(计算) and observingDBy travelling and writing.32 . Which of the following is True?AThe Earth travelled around the sun.BThe Earth was the Center of the universe.C.It was easy for Copernicus to prove his idea.DPeople believed that the Sun was the center of everything in the time of Copernicus.33 . Which is the best title for this passage?AA DIFFERENT WAY OF THINKINGBASTRONOMY(天文学)CGALILEO AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH(天主教会)DTHE IDEAS OF COPERNICUSDu Yijun, a 21-year-old Fudan University student, was one of the 36 people who died in thecrushon New Years Eve on the Bund(外滩) in shanghai.On the night of December31, 2014, a holiday celebration turned into a terrible tragedy. “Overcrowding(过度拥挤) and the failure of the police to contro1 the crowds were the main reasons it happened,” the authorities(官方) said.For the last three years, light shows on the Bund have been successfully held for New Years Eve celebrations, but this year the light show was canceled and there were fewer police on hand. But the crowds came anyway. About 300,000 people were on the Bund by 8:30 that evening and more kept arriving until people suddenly became noisy and angry around 11:30. Some people fel1 on lhe stairs and were stepped heavily on and died.In shanghai,the authorities have reacted(作出反应) to the Bund tragedy by canceling big events. But this isnt really necessary. Better planning and better crowd contro1 can make sure the celebrations are safe.However, if youre going to a place where there wi1l be a big crowd, you should take notice of where the exits(出口)are, and if there are too many people, move away from the center of the crowd. And most importantly, if the crowd seems too big and makes you feel uncomfortable,Just leave. No celebration is worth losing your life over.34 . The underlined word“crush” in the passage probably means“_” in Chinese.A美丽的景色B成功的活动C拥挤的人群35 . How many people died in the Bund tragedy in Shanghai on Dec. 3l, 2014?A21B36C300,00036 . What caused the tragedy to happen according to the authorities?AOvercrowding and the failure of the police to contro1 the crowds.BUnsafe exits and small squares to hold enough people.CBad weather and dark lights to guide people to leave.37 . What can we learn from the passage?AThe celebrations could go successfully if well organized.BIts necessary to cancel all the events to avoid accidents.CNot a11 celebntions were worth losing ones life.38 . The passage mainly tells us about.Athe failure of the police to protect peopleBBa tragedy happening on the Bund and its 1essonCsome successful light shows held in shanghai(题文)My name is Dave. On school days, I live in my school. Its across from a bookstore. And I love my school because I have many friends here and my school life is colorful (多彩的). There is a supermarket near my dormitory (宿舍) and I often buy food and school things in it. Next to the supermarket, there is a fruit store. And I often buy some fruit in it. My name is Johnny. I live with my grandparents in a small village. I like living there because its quiet there. There is only one supermarket in the village and there is no bank there. But in the town, there is a bank. When I want to withdraw (提取) some money, I need to go to the town. I am Amber. This is my neighborhood. Its busy. There are lots of stores and restaurants around here. My house is on a street corner (角落). Near my house, there is a post office. And next to the post office is a pay phone. Also, there is a park in my neighborhood. Many people like to go there to do sports.39 . (小题1)Where is Daves school?AIts on a street corner.BIts across from a bookstore.CIts behind a supermarket.DIts in front of a bank.40 . (小题2)The underlined word “there” refers to (指代) _.AAmbers houseBthe parkCthe post officeDthe street corner41 . (小题3)There is only one supermarket in _ neighborhood.AJohnnysBDavesCGinasDAmbers42 . (小题4)Why does Dave love his school life?ABecause he can have lots of delicious food at school.BBecause he likes his teachers in his school.CBecause there are so many rules at home.DBecause he has many friends and his school life is great.43 . (小题5)What can NOT we know from the passage?ADave, Johnny and Amber study in the same school.BAmbers neighborhood is very busy.CThere is no bank in Johnnys village.DDave lives in his school on school days.Hey, Im Mary. I like animals. I have a parrot (鹦鹉). Her feather(羽毛) is green. So I call her Ms Green. Ms Green is only two years old. Shes not big. Shes very clever. She can say “hello” and “goodbye” to people in Chinese and English. Ms Green likes dancing. She dances every morning. Ms Green likes to eat fruit. Her favorite fruit is bananas. Ha, she only likes healthy food.Ms Green also likes walking. After dinner I take a walk near my house with her. Ms Green is good with kids. She always says “hello” to them. When I go to school, she plays with my little sister Susan. Susan likes singing. And now Ms Green can sing.44 . From this passage we know Ms Green is Marys .AsisterBcousinCparrot45 . Ms Green likesbest.AvegetablesBbananasCapples46 . After dinner Ms Green often takes a walk.Ain the park.Bin the zoo.Cnear Marys house47 . Susan.Adoesnt go to schoolBdoesnt like Ms GreenCis only two years old48 . Ms Greenevery morning.Awatches TVBeats bananasCdances四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。49 . Hi, Cindy! _(怎样) are you?50 . Er, Im fine, _(谢谢).51 . Good _(下午), Frank!52 . Its a _(好的) book(书).53 . Are _(你) Helen? Yes, I am.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空54 . Its the second time that I have had my purse_(steal)this month.55 . You seemed busy just now. Have you got a minute now, sir?Sure. I_(reply)to an important e-mail. Its done. So, whats up?56 . Could you share with me why youre so excited?My boss_(take)the suggestion I offered to him last week.57 . That is the only way we can imagine_(reduce)the pollution.58 . Congratulations! Youve won the Freshman Scholarship.To good to be true. I never thought I_(be)so lucky. I will work harder.59 . It matters whether something_(do)as soon as possible. Anyway, we shouldnt keep the problem to ourselves. We need help.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词60 . 在19世纪,她深得剧场里每一位观众的喜爱。She _ everyone in the theatre in the 19th century.61 . 她会说日语和英语。She can speak Japanese_ English.62 . 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。Radio Beijing sends the news _.63 . 我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。I am_ as old as he.64 . 夏天到了,蚊子又出来了。When summer comes, mosquitoes_ again.七、填空It is necessary to relax ourselves after the exam. There are some kinds of65 . (activity) for us to take part in. First of all, we can go for a w66 . along the bank of the river. We can also go to the movies or listen to music. Whats more, joining in a sports club is a good 67 . (choose), which can keep us healthy. For example, p68 . football in the afternoon may relax ourselves. Above all, we should arrange(管理) our time 69 . (proper) and live a regular(规律的) life. I hope all of us can have a wonderful time.八、书信作文70 . 根据要求完成作文。假如你是校刊Teen Worries专栏的编辑Aaron,请给读者X写一封回信,并根据X来信中提到的烦恼提出建议。Hi, Aaron,Im a Junior 2 student from HFLS. Im very stressed out these days because Im preparing for the Art Festival. My parents are worried that practicing dancing too much might influence my grades, so they want me to quit my part in the Art Festival.I love being on the stage and really want to have this opportunity. But on the other hand, sometimes Im really distracted in class and even daydreaming about the moments on the stage and stuff. Homework is another big headache for me. Could you please give me some suggestions?Im looking forward to your reply!Best wishes, X注意:1.回信要针对读者的烦恼提出建议;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.词数 80-120。Dear X,Its quite normal for students to have various worries.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、填空1、八、书信作文1、

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