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仁爱版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(不含听力材料)-2一、听短对话回答问题1 . Where is Jim?AIn the classroom.BOn the playground.CIn the bedroom.2 . 听一段对话,回答问题。1. What do we know about Jack?AHe is friendlierBHe is smarterCHe is lazier3 . What will the man do this evening?AHell meet his aunt at the airport.BHell say goodbye to his aunt at the airport.CHell fly to another city with his aunt.4 . How much does the woman pay (付钱) for the basketball cards?A2 yuan.B5 yuan.C10 yuan.5 . Why didnt Simon finish his homework?ABecause he watched the World Cup.BBecause he didnt feel well.CBecause he had too much homework.二、听句子选答语6 . AIn two weeks.BFor three months.CTwice a year.7 . AIts very beautiful.BYes, I have.CSounds good.8 . AYes, I do.BOf course not.CSure, I dont.9 . AGood idea!BIt doesnt matter.CForget it!10 . AI like music that I can sing along with.BI like movies that give me something to think about.CI like musicians who play different kinds of music.三、听长对话回答问题听对话,完成下列各小题。11 . Where did the story happen?AIn the space.BIn Beijing .CAt home.12 . Why did the man shout?ABecause he was happy to see the duck.BBecause he had never seen the duck before.CBecause he felt strange when he saw the duck dead.听对话,回答下列各小题。13 . What is the sign here?ANo smoking.BNo smoking.CNo fishing.14 . How long is the visiting time?AOne hour.BTwo hours.CThree hours.四、听短文回答问题15 . Why did the two men walk in the street one evening?AThey wanted to steal somethingBThey would like to take a walkCThey couldnt fall asleep16 . Whats the time then?AEleven at night.BTwelve at night.CTen at night.17 . Why did the dog run out of the house and bark at them?AIt found someone outside.BIt knew them.CIt understood English.18 . What was the result?AThe two young men were bitten by the dog.BThe two young men stole something expensive.CThe two young men stole nothing.五、单选题19 . The teacher told his students that the Earth _around the sun.AwentBwill goCgoesDgo20 . Once upon a time, there was a(an) _village. People there were kind.AownBaloneClonelyDonly21 . The excuse _ you find is not for me, its for you. Is that so?AitBthatConeDthis22 . (题文)There is a map _ China _ the wall.Aof; onBof; inCof; ofDfor; on23 . Beijing is _ old and beautiful city. It is _ capital of China.Aan, aBthe, aCan, theDthe, the24 . His car on the way to the station, so he missed the train.Acame downBbroke downCcut downDlooked down25 . That black T-shirt which has Messis picture on it_be David. He admires him a lot. It _ be his. He prefers black to other colours.Amust, cantBmay, cantCmay, mustDmust, mustnt26 . His family is very poor, so he work hard to make more money.Aneed toBneedsCneeds to27 . -The skirt looks different from others and it is nice.- Thanks. It _ by my mother last month.AmadeBis madeCwas madeDhas been made28 . Could you do me a favour with the case, young man?_AA good ideaBWith pleasureCThanks a lotDDont worry29 . - Can you tell me _ ?-Sorry , I dont know . I was not at the meeting , either .Awhat does he say at the meetingBwhat did he say at the meeting Cwhat he said at the meetingDwhat he says at the meeting30 . Where is Jack?I noticed that he _the teachers office just now.Awent intoBgoes intoCwas going intoDis going to31 . Animalsas our good friends because they help us a lot.AtreatBare treatedCtreatedDwere treated32 . - You look so _, what happened? - Ive got a birthday present.AsadBhappyCtired33 . 2018年上海杨浦二模In most countries cigarettes_to anyone under 18.Adont sellBare not soldCdidnt sellDwere not sold六、补全对话7选5补全对话7选5A:Boys and girls,junior high school days are over.34 . B:Yes.I remember winning a prize in a math competition.A:Thats great.What about you,Jack?C:35 . A:Really?Please tell us more about it.C:We went to the bus station and did some cleaning there.A:Bus station?36 . C:Oh,you went for a training course at that time and werent at school.Mr.Fang took us there.A:Well,I see.37 . C:It is unforgettable.We spent several hours doing the cleaning.Though we were tired,we felt very happy.A:Great!What are you going to be after graduation,Alice?B:I want to be a doctor.A:And you,Jack?C:38 . A:Sounds wonderful!AI want to be a teacher.BWhat is your dream,could you tell me?CI dont remember it.DThanks for your help.EDo you have any special memories?FWhat do you think of the experience?GI remember being a volunteer.七、完型填空I was said to be the worst student in my class, and my family thought I was hopeless. I had to_Grade Six. At that time a new teacher, Miss Sadia, came to our school.One day after class, she noticed that I was staying alone during the lunch break. She came to me and began to talk to me. It was just a_conversation. After that day, she gave me particular attention and it made me feel special. I started to work hard because she gave me the feeling that_believed me, and my_started to improve in her subject.Months later, she moved into a house near my_We would walk home together after school. Her constant support helped me, especially in my studies, as I knew she would_my grades both in her subject and the other subjects. I finally_second in my class.Then, after Grade Six, she started to slowly drift away(疏远),_still kept a constant check on me. By the time I was in Grade Seven, we_spoke, but by then I had become the_in my class. When I left my school, I was out of touch with her, as she never answered the_when I called her.Then I graduated and went to a good university. One fine day, our paths crossed again. I met her at a wedding. I could not_asking her, Why did you stop talking to me? You are a clever boy. I wanted you to be a tree standing on your_roots, not depending on others. Now here you are and I feel_of you. You are your inspiration(启发灵感的人) and do not need to_a shoulder. she said. I could not say anything, but I smiled. Ill always thank her .39 . AjumpBattendCcopyDrepeat40 . AstupidBuselessCnormalDsecret41 . AeveryoneBsomeoneCanyoneDnobody42 . AwordsBobjectsCclassesDgrades43 . AhomeBschoolChotelDcompany44 . AchangeBlookCimproveDcheck45 . AreceivedBcameCcaughtDheld46 . AbutBasCorDso47 . AeverBoftenConceDhardly48 . AoldestBstrongestCbestDcleverest49 . AroadBschoolyardCphoneDmachine50 . AfinishBhelpCpreventDkeep51 . AownBteachersCparentsDclassmates52 . AsadBproudCgoodDashamed53 . Agive upBget onClook forDtake up八、阅读单选Cheongsam (also known as Qipao), is a kind of traditional Chinese dress for women. It started from Manchu people of Qing Dynasty in the early 17th century. Once there was a young fisherwoman living near a place called Jingbo Lake. She made a living by fishing. Her only problem was that when fishing she often felt bad because of her long wide clothes. Then an idea came into her mind why not make a more comfortable dress to wear?Then she invented Qipao that helped herself fish easily. The young emperor who was in control of China at that time had a dream one night. In the dream his dead father told him a lovely fisherwoman wearing a long dress who lived by Jingbo Lake would become his wife. After that,the emperor sent some people to look for that woman. At last they found her in the place which his father told him. Then she became the emperors wife bringing her beautiful Qipao with her. Manchu women all liked Qipao and soon it became popular across China. Now its also well known all over the world. Not only Chinese women but also women from foreign countries such as Indonesia are interested in wearing it. This kind of traditional dress is made of either silk or cotton. And anyway, it becomes one of the symbols of China.54 . When did the Cheongsam start?AIt started in the late 17th century.BIt started it in the Ming Dynasty.CIt started in the early 17th century.DIt started in 1900s55 . According to the passage, this kind of traditional dress can be made of _.AsilkBcottonCsilk or cottonDcotton or paper56 . Whats the best title for the passage?AThe History of the CheongsamBThe Fisherwomens ClothesCHow to Make CheongsamDThe Emperor and His WifeEverybody says that youth is the best time for our lives. Being young means romance, love and new discoveries, but it is also the most difficult time, because you have to make some very important decisions, which will influence your future life.Things are not easy nowadays even for adults, but for teenagers, Who have to find their own place in society, its even difficult. It is necessary not only to adapt to society, but also to be confident of your position in five, ten or even twenty years time.For the future it is important to have a good nob. In order to get a really good job, you have to be well educated.Emotional problems for young people can be very important, too. The first teenager problem is that “nobody understands me”. Some parents often continue to treat their children as little children when they are starting to consider themselves to be adults.There are also some global problems. Young people in all countries are facing these problems. Lets start with smoking. According to studies, at the age of 16, almost 72% of all boys and 37% of all girls in Russia have already tried smoking. Smoking is not a natural need.Its just that teens try it when they want to appear to be more like adults.Drugs are also a serious problem. Students know the names of drugs well enough. 32% say they have tried drugs at least once, mainly because they were having fun, their friends influenced them to, they wanted to relax or they wanted to seem “cool”. Thats too bad.So, you see, problems do happen and they cant beignored. We should pay much attention to them.57 . The author doesnt think that youth is _.Athe best time of our livesBthe most difficult time of our livesCthe time to make some important decisionsDthe time to get a job58 . When young people enter the teenage period, _.Athey are seldom understood by othersBthey become confident of their positionCthey still seem little in some parents eyesDThey still consider themselves to be children59 . The underlined word “ignore” means “_” in Chinese.A理解B理睬C忽视D发现60 . Which of the following is not a reason why many students try drugs?AThey consider it to be a natural need.BTheir friends advise them to do so.CThey wish to be “cool”.DThey want to relax themselves.Please help the Ruth Hayman Trust Who was Ruth Hayman?When she came to England, she started up English language classes for adults who had come to live in England. When Ruth died in 1981, some teachers started a charity to remember her.Who does the Trust help?Adults who:are over the age of 16learn English as a foreign languageare now living in BritainIn 2016-2017, we helped hundreds of students from about 40 countries to study lessons such as medicine, English and computer.How does the Trust help?Most of the money we give is for lesson and exam fees (费). And we also give some money for books and tools such as knives and scissors.Where is the money from?We raise the money ourselves. Some people give us money because they support what we do. We also have many events such as concerts, sales of things and food to raise money. We once helped Naima. She helped us raise money later. She talked about how the Trust had helped to change her life. But we dont have enough money. To continue helping people like Naima, we need to raise more money.How can you help?Please help by organizing a money-raising event in your college or in your community. We will help you say “thank you”.Please help the Ruth Hayman Trust Who was Ruth Hayman?When she came to England, she started up English language classes for adults who had come to live in England. When Ruth died in 1981, some teachers started a charity to remember her.Who does the Trust help?Adults who:are over the age of 16learn English as a foreign languageare now living in BritainIn 2016-2017, we helped hundreds of students from about 40 countries to study lessons such as medicine, English and computer.How does the Trust help?Most of the money we give is for lesson and exam fees (费). And we also give some money for books and tools such as knives and scissors.Where is the money from?We raise the money ourselves. Some people give us money because they support what we do. We also have many events such as concerts, sales of things and food to raise money. We once helped Naima. She helped us raise money later. She talked about how the Trust had helped to change her life. But we dont have enough money. To continue helping people like Naima, we need to raise more money.How can you help?Please help by organizing a money-raising event in your college or in your community. We will help you say “thank you”.61 . How did Ruth Hayman help others?ABy giving classes to adults.BBy starting a small charity.CBy organizing money-raising events.DBy helping the teachers in England.62 . The following four people are all living in Britain. Who may get help from the Ruth Hayman Trust?AA ten-year-old boy who wants to learn English.BA sixteen-year-old girl who wants to study in China.CA seventeen-year-old boy whose first language is English.DA nineteen-year-old poor girl who can only speak French.63 . Which is NOT the way to get money?ARaising money by having some events.BGetting money from some kind people.CAsking for money from the people they have helped.DGetting help from the people they have helped.64 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?AThe Ruth Hayman Trust was set up after Ruth Hayman died.BThe Ruth Hayman Trust only helps people from England.CThe Ruth Hayman Trust only helps with lesson and exam fees.DThe Ruth Hayman Trust gets most of its money from teachers.65 . Why did the writer write this passage?ATo introduce a famous person.BTo show why a charity is successful.CTo introduce how to get help in England.DTo encourage us to help a charity.九、阅读判断It was late in the evening. I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses. He said he was a friend of my fathers and he had an appointment with him. I didnt remember my father had such a friend but I had to let him in. As he talked, I found that he didnt know anything about my father. Just then my father came in and the young man was surprised. I took hold of the man while my father called the policemen.根据短文,判断对错. 对的写T,错的写F.66 . One day a young man knocked at the door at midnight.67 . He was one of my fathers friends.68 . He knew nothing about my father.69 . My father and I caught the young man and took him to the police station.70 . The young man was a policeman.十、听对话给图片排序你将听到5个句子,根据所听到的内容,从A-F六个选项中选出相应的图片。每个句子读两遍。A. B. C. D. E. F. 71 . _72 . _73 . _74 . _75 . _十一、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母提示填词76 . The girl often helps the old people. So the teacher speaks very h_ of her.77 . How long will the fine weather l_?About three days,according to the weather forecast(预报).78 . In order to relax herself before the exam,she made a deep b_.79 . The Rhine(莱茵河)forms the d_ line between France and Germany.80 . Dumpling or Jiaozi is a t_ Chinese food.十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)Maybe everyone has trouble in learning new words. It is not easy to remember and use them81 . . The following suggestions will help you a lot.It can be a good idea to divide the new words into groups according to the meanings. Thinking about the connections(联系) between words may help you to remember them. The more you practice, the better you will use them. You can also write a list of some new words. Express your ideas with them and discuss the82 . of these words as much as possible. However, there is one more thing you should pay attention to. Dont try to learn83 . many words at one time. Choose several important ones to you. Repeat their pronunciations, spellings as well as their meanings in your mind. Learn84 . every day and you will learn a lot in a few years. It is the skills that can make you learn new words easily. It is the skills that can help you know more words quickly.十三、单词填空根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话的意思完整与正确。每空一词。A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the bank? B: 85 . , I am new here too. You can ask the man over there. A: Excuse me. Could you please tell me the way to the bank?C: Yes. Go along the street until you get to the end of it, then turn right. Walk about two minutes and you can see it86 . your left.A: Is it very far from here?C: No, not very far. About half an 87 . walk.A: Are there any buses going there?C: Yes, but the buses dont come very often, only about four times a day.A: 88 . will the next bus come?C: Not until half past four. Youll arrive there earlier89 . you walk.A: OK, thank you. Ill walk there. I cant wait so long for a bus.十四、话题作文90 . 根据要求完成小作文,词数:30词左右。记笔记是一种好的学习习惯,它能帮助我们及时复习并掌握老师课堂上所讲解的重点知识。请你简单地描述一下如何记笔记。(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)Its important for us to take notes in class. _第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、三、听长对话回答问题1、2、四、听短文回答问题1、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、补全对话7选51、七、完型填空1、八、阅读单选1、2、3、九、阅读判断1、十、听对话给图片排序1、十一、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十二、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、十三、单词填空1、十四、话题作文1、

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