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人教版2020年九年级第二次模拟英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I will get 100 points in the coming test. . Youd better start getting ready for it now.AA friend in need is a friend indeedBMany hands make light workCYou cannot burn the candle at both endsDActions speak louder than words2 . _ fun it is to take a cable car to the top of the hill!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a3 . -Would you mind booking me a window seat on the next flight to Beijing online?-, Im so busy now. Ill do it later.ANot at allBAll rightCSorryDNever mind4 . All the students in the classroom do their homework _Aenough carefulBcareful enoughCcarefully enoughDenough carefully5 . Did you ask them _?Awhen are they going to set outBwhen they are going to set outCwhen were they going to set outDwhen they were going to set out二、补全短文5选5Most students in America like popular music. They carry small radios and MP3 with earphones and listen to music.6 . Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly when they drive on the street.Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio when driving to work. They also listen to the news aboutsports, the weather, and the life of American people.7 . Pop or popular singers make much money. They make CDs or tapes which radio stations use in many places. Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tape.8 . Wherever the singer goes, all the young peoplewant to meet him or herA9 . There are other kinds of music that are important to Americans. One is called folk(民间) music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans.10 . This was started by cowboys (牛仔) who sang at night to the cows they were watching. Today, any music aboutcountry life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项。使短文意思通顺,内容完整。把标号写在下面的横线上。AMost of the radio programs are music.BAnother is called western or country music.CThey often play music before class, after class, and at lunch time.DSome of the money from these tapes comes to the singer. ENow the singer has become a national star.三、完型填空You have probably heard the expression,“Its raining cats and dogs outside”That means 16 its raining very hard I not that 17 cats and dogs are falling from the 18 However,one day in June,1882,it really did rain 19 over Dubuque,IowaThe frogs 20 falling along with hailstones(冰雹)during a 21 stormHail is formed when drops of rainwater are 22 by heavy winds and are carried high up into the airThere the raindrops become frozenMany drops may freeze 23 to form balls of ice;these ice balls,or hailstones,then 24 to earthDuring the storm in Dubuque,the strong winds lifted small frogs from nearby ponds(池塘) 25 the air along with raindropsWhen some of these frogs became covered with ice,both hailstones and“frog-stones”fell onto the ground11 . AthatBhowCwhyDif12 . AcarelessBblindCdeadDreal13 . AhillBtowerCskyDbuilding14 . AcatsBfrogsCdogsDbirds15 . AstoppedBenjoyedCbeganDforgot16 . ApopularBterribleCweeklyDcommon17 . AdividedBaddedCchangedDcaught18 . AtogetherBaloneCsoDalmost19 . AholdBloseCkeepDfall20 . AfromBintoCafterDby四、阅读单选I travel a lot, and I find out different “style” of directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?”Foreign tourists are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there dont have names; in Japan, people use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names. For examples, the Japanese will say to travelers, “Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.”In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.”People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure (估量) distance in time, not miles. “How far away is the post office?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “its about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They dont know.Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, “Sorry, I have no idea.” but in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I dont know.” people in Yucatan believe that “I dont know” is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!21 . When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a place, they usually _.Atell him the names of the streetsBshow him a map of the placeCdescribe the place carefullyDrefer to (意指)clear buildings and places22 . What is the place where people show distance in time?ANew York.BLos Angeles.CKansas.DIowa.23 . Usually, People in Yucatan give a tourist a wrong answer _ instead of saying “I dont know”.Ato save timeBas a testCto be politeDfor fun24 . What can we learn from the text?AIts important for travelers to understand cultural differences.BIts useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.CPeople have similar understandings of politeness.DNew Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.Still remember the following poems? Memories return every time I read or hear them.Hush now, my little one.Hush now, my sunshine.Hush now, piece of my heart.Go to sleep, my little one.Go to sleep, my love.Go to sleep, piece of my heart.Sleep, my little one,While I sing to you.Sleep, my little one,Who is already asleep.My mama feeds me,And washes my fur.The first thing I see every morning is her.The last thing I kiss every night is her face.My mama is the very best one,And sings like a bird,And knows how I feel.When I dont say a word,My mama is warm.I can set the table.I can sweep the floor.I can wash my clothesAnd count to forty-four.I can wash dishes.And clean my bedroom.There is so much I can do.Now ask you.25 . The first poem is written to _.AbabiesBmothersCrelativesDfriends26 . In the third poem, the word forty-four rhymes with _.AclothesBfloorCbedroomDdishes27 . What are the three poems mainly about?AFood and health.BHobbies and sports.CFamily and love.DAnimals and humans.(Happy Childrens Day!)Come and see the Indian elephants and the tigers from America. The bears (熊)are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from Thailand are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.Tickets(票): Adults(成人): ¥60, Children: free(免费)Time: June1-June2 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p. mKeep the park clean! Do not touch, give food or go near the animals.28 . How many kinds of animals are talked about in the poster(海报)?A4B5C6D729 . Mr. and Mrs. Brown will take their twins aged 6 to the park. How much will the tickets be together?A¥60B¥120C¥180D¥2430 . Visitors cant _.Agive some food to the tigersBwatch the bears playing gamesClaugh at the dogs from AustraliaDtake some pictures31 . From the passage we can guess the animal giraffe must be _.AshortBfatCtallDstrong32 . The poster may be made just _.Aon New Years DayBon Christmas DayCafter Childrens DayDbefore Childrens Day五、用单词的正确形式完成短文mostly; taken; homeland; abroad; lived; appear;search; someday; diedDo you have any family members or friends who live 33 . ? Now many people come to China to look for the roots of their families. They 34 . come from the USA, Canada, England and Germany. Mrs. Sun is a Chinese woman, and she has35 . abroad for fifty years. Her father is a Chinese farmer. He 36 . when Mrs. Sun was only seven years old. She was 37 . by her uncle to America and has lived abroad ever since. She is a famous singer now in America. Every time she appears in public, thousands of her fans never miss the chance to see her. She is also a poet and a lot of people are deeply moved by her poems. She often says she is in 38 . of her ancestors roots. She has never forgotten her39 . . She hopes that she will be able to go back to her hometown someday, and she will go to her fathers grave.六、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话Aron: Hi, Jimmy. We are going to throw a benefit concert (公益演出音乐会) this Saturday. We want to raise money for the sick student Zhou Yangqing in Grade Seven. 40 . ? Jimmy: Sorry, I cant this afternoon. I have to look after my brother.Aron: I am sorry to hear that. But 41 . ? Jimmy: He hurt his leg playing soccer yesterday.Aron: Thats too bad!42 . ?Jimmy: Yes. The doctor said it was not so serious. He just needs some good rests. Aron: Thank god!43 . .Jimmy: Thank you! I hope so. Anyway, Aron, I really want to do something for Zhou. I will be free tomorrow afternoon!44 . ?Aron: That would be great! Lets hand out the notices tomorrow then!七、填空Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Its a great pity. It is reported that about 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger.Therefore, we must take care of the animals around us. Once they are gone, they will never come back again. Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than a source of food. Every animal has its importance to nature. Destroying one kind of animal can cause many problems. For example, when farmers kill large numbers of hawks(鹰), their eat rats and mice, with fewer or no hawks to keep down their numbers, rats and mice multiply quickly.Luckily, many people have realized this and have begun to do something to protect animals. Some groups put on performances to make people know the importance of protecting animals. Some raise money to help set up more zoos to keep them safe. Some try to get the government to pass laws on protecting the animals in danger. As a result, the number of these animals is growing. Information CardWhat natural resources people have wasted all through our history1.45 . The number of kinds of animals in danger in the USA2.46 . Animals that eat rats and mice3.47 . The use of the money some groups raise4.48 . The result of what people have done5.49 . 请阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最相符的内容,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。第二小题所填不超过 5 个汉字,其余 4 个小题,每空一词。China and Western countries may have different cultural beliefs about certain animals, but when it comes to pigs, they agree that pigs are ugly, lazy, stupid and shameless.Just look at the idioms and phrases in our languages. In Chinese, we have the expressions of “Boiling a dead pig”, and “A pig looking in the mirror is still a pig. And in English, there are expressions such as “eating like a pig” and “sweating like a pig”. If you search on the Internet for the word “pig”, you will find more idioms. Here is another example. When old people have a dream to get to the top of Qomolangma, other people will laugh at them and say, “Pigs might fly.”None of these expressions are exactly complimentary (称赞的).But the truth is that pigs do have some good qualities. And theres probably no better time to clear their names than now during the Year of the Pig.First of all, science proved that pigs arent stupid at all. According to a passage, pigs are similar to dogs and chimpanzees. They like to play. They have good long-term memories. And they know the difference between those who treat them well and those who dont.There are lovable pig characters in cartoons, too. Peppa pig, for example, a UK cartoon has become one of the most popular cartoons in 180 countries and regions. It has attracted wide attention. In the cartoons pig family, they teach children about love, friendship, and the importance of family. And in China, McDull, a piglet (小猪崽 ) works hard toward his dreams even though he is in the face of quite a few failures. McDull is slow and patient, and not afraid of repeated failures. He has a heart of gold.Perhaps these are the qualities of pigs to keep in mind when we celebrate this Chinese New Year - their intelligence, cuteness, patience and innocence (纯真).Misunderstanding China and western countries are in 50 . that pigs are not good. ExpressionsPlease translate Pigs might fly into Chinese.51 . (不超过5个汉字)Truth It may be the52 . time to clear pigs names during the Year of the Pig because pigs arent stupid at all. CartoonsA UK cartoon Peppa Pig is 53 . spread around the world. In the cartoons pig family, they teach children a lot.McDull in Chinese cartoon never gives up when he 54 . the failures. 八、回答问题D.根据短文内容回答下列问题Nowadays, crowds of tourists travelled to the campuses of Tsinghua and Peking Universities. “Tsinghua University opens to the public at 8: 30 a.m, however, many people start to line up at 3-4 a.m, because people who come at 6 a.m. may be too late and can only enter in the afternoon,” a guard told Peoples Daily.In fact, its not only Chinese universities that are overcrowded with tourists in summer. Cambridge and Oxford in the United Kingdom also come across the same problem.According to the Guardian, the road in front of Kings College, Cambridge is usually filled with tourists, including Chinese schoolchildren in uniforms, before most coach (长途汽车) tours have even arrived.Universities in the United States are also popular among Chinese tourists. Nine out of ten Chinese visitors to the US want to tour a university, according to a survey.So why do Chinese tourists have such a big love for famous universities?One reason is that many parents hope to get their children accepted into a top university in the future, according to Peoples Daily.One of the mothers from Hunan Province said while walking her 14-year-old son around the campuses of Tsinghua and Peking universities this summer, “I brought him here to see what top universities look like and let him compare them with those of our hometown. I hope he can learn something and be inspired to come here to study in the future,” she told China Daily.And its not just ambitious students and parents youll find touring campuses. A tourist of 31, who comes from Xian, visited tow famous US universities in 2014. “American universities are much more open than Chinese ones. There are no walls,” he told The New York Times, “I was excited. I felt this urge to have a free exchange of ideas with someone.”55 . When do most tourists start to line up at Tsinghua University?56 . What problem do Cambridge and Oxford come across?57 . Do Kings College tourists love to visit famous universities?58 . How many Chinese visitors to the US want to tour a university?59 . Why do Chinese tourists love to visit famous university?60 . Do you want to visit the famous universities? Why or why not?九、多任务混合问题Welcome to the 2012 London Olympic Games!ArcheryArchery has a 10,000 year history, when bows and arrows were first used for hunting and war. Archery first appeared at the Paris Olympics of 1990. It was removed after 1908 and only returned to the Olympics at Munich in 1972.Did you know?In the 14th century, archery was so important that as English law required every man, aged seven to 60, to practise it.BadmintonThis sport was invented by British soldiers in India who called it Poono, the same name as the town in which they lived. It was first played at the Olympics in 1992 at Barcelona. Although the rules of the modern sport were developed in England, Asian countries are now the best.Did you know?The best balls are said to be made fromthe feathers of the left wing of goose.FootballThere are two medal competitions for Olympic football, one for mens teams and one for womens. Football was first played at the 1908 Olympic Games and it has been played at every Olympic Games ever since, except for Los Angeles 1932.Did you know?Hungary has won three football gold medals-more than any other country.TaekwondoThis Korean sports name meansthe way of the hand and foot. The players get points by hitting each other with these two parts of the body only. The players mustnt lie on the floor and no equipment can be used. Taekwondo first appeared at the 2000 Sydney Games.Did you know?Over 60 million people from 190 countries around the world regularly take part in this sport.61 . Which sport was first named after a town?ABadminton.BFootball.CTaekwondo.DArchery.62 . Who invented the sport of badminton?AIndians.BBritishCChinese.DKoreans.63 . Which of these sports appeared earliest at the Olympics?AArchery.BBadminton.CTaekwondo.DFootball.64 . Which of the following pictures shows the sport of Taekwondo?65 . Where can you most probably find this web page?Awww.sydney2000.comBwww.beijing2008.comCwww.guangzhou2010.comDwww.london2012.com十、材料作文66 . 今天是星期天,你以“环境保护”为主题,与老师和同学们一起展开了一系列的活动。请你根据此活动,写一篇70词左右的日记。要点包括:1出发时间和地点:上午8:00 ;校门口;2目的地:苏州市附近的一个小镇;3交通工具:校车;4.活动内容:捡垃圾、塑料袋,打扫街道,种树、种花;5返回时间:下午6点。_十一、话题作文67 . 书面表达。节目朗读者备受欢迎。阅读使人明智、使人放松、使人充实,你喜欢阅读吗?请你以Reading is very important为题,写一篇有关阅读的短文。要点: 1. 阅读的益处; 2. 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍、阅读的时间、地点、购书方式等); 3. 你的阅读体会; 4. 你的阅读计划; 5. 号召大家多阅读。提示:1. 短文中不得出现真实的人名和地名;2. 短文中应包含所有要点;3. 词数100左右,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Reading is very importantReading can not only open up our eyes but also improve our knowledge. _第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、填空1、2、八、回答问题1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、十一、话题作文1、

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