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人教版2020版九年级上期中质检英语试卷(带解析)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ hard, and you will be _.ATo study; bestBStudy; bestCStudying; the bestDStudy; the best2 . We need some players for the game._ you _ your brother can join us.ANot; butBNeither; norCEither; orDNot only; but also3 . Do you know why Tom stay after school this morning?He is always late for class.AmadeBmade toCis made toDwas made to4 . My grandma lives, but she doesnt feel.Aalone; lonelyBlonely; aloneCalone; aloneDlonely; lonely5 . I have known himI was young.AbeforeBwhenCafterDsince6 . If you _ a sign, you must say what it means.AchoosesBchooseCwill chooseDchosen7 . Clould you please_me look for my dog?AhelpBhelpedC helpingDHelps8 . We all like the story about our English teacher _ happened in our school last week.AwhatBwhoCwhomDwhich9 . My brother keeps practicing _ English with his friends.Ato speakBspokeCspeakDspeaking10 . - What is your teacher strictyouin class? - Our habits.Awith; /Bin; withCwith; inDwith; at11 . -Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?-_, I still have a lot of things to do.ANever mindBNot at allCIm afraid notDNo way12 . The government should stop them from _ trees in the forest.Acutting downBputting downCtaking downDletting down13 . How does Tom go to school?He goes to school _.Aby bus B. on his bus C. take a bus D. by a bus14 . Look at the woman, why does she look so tired?-Because she has three babies to _.Atake careBbe carefulCtake care ofDbe careful of15 . Thats a nice toy. Could you tell me _?I made it with my uncles help.Ahow did you like itBhow you made itCwho did you make it forDwho you made it for16 . Today a lot of information can _ online.AreceiveBbe receivedCis receivedDreceiving17 . I have to _ my room.It is really in a mess.Alook afterBtake inCclear outDwalk into18 . About _ films were shown during the 5th Shanghai International Film Festival.Atwo hundred ofBtwo hundreds ofCtwo hundredDtwo hundreds19 . You look so sleepy. Whats the matter with you , Carmen?Ive been working for ten hours. I am_tired _ I want to sleep.Aso ; thatBsuch; thatCbetween; andDneither; nor20 . He _ work in that company _.Adoesnt any longerBnot any longerCdoesnt no longerDno longer二、完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从110各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C)中,选出最佳选项。Everyone is good at something, for example, singing, dancing or playing instruments (乐器)Amy and Danny are my good friendsAmy sings the best_usShe joined lots of singing competitions and won many_Danny has a talent for playing the pianoHis mom_him a piano as a gift on his eighth birthdayThen he started to play itWhat about me? Im good at_There is a talent show in our school every yearIt is a_event (事件), and most students take part in (参与) itIts up to the teachers and students to_who sings the best or plays the piano the most_.Last year, Amy and Danny_the showBut I didnt, because I thought no one would go to a talent show to watch a kid draw a picture_of them practiced hard before the showAmy won the second prizeDanny didnt win a prize, but he was_very happy“The most important thing is that I tried my best to do it,” he said.21 . Aof Bas Cfor22 . Ascreens Bprizes Ctickets23 . Aacted Bchose Cgave24 . Adancing Bacting Cdrawing25 . Afresh Bgreat Csimilar26 . Aknow Bdecide Creach27 . Abeautifully Bbeautiful Cgood28 . Aanswered Bwatched Cjoined29 . AAll BBoth CAny30 . Aclearly Bstill CeitherRight from childhood,my brothers began to play ice hockey(冰球)with meThey allme to become an ice hockey player some dayMy mom didnt agree,and she _me into the skating although I always had a strong hope for ice hockeyFinally we reached an agreement that I became the referee(裁判)of ice hockeyLittle did I know that 1 was beginning an activity that wouldmy characterAt first I only worked with my brothersEveryone wasand we got along quite well with each otherI soon realized that I needed to work with other people,and thats when my experience changedAs I began dealing with more coaches who acted in unpleasant ways,all I wanted to do was to get through each game and then be able towithout getting into troubleAlthough as a referee I tried my best in every match,they sometimes shouted at meThat made me feel,but I decided not to let them drive me awayI made theto stand up for myselfI never answered rudely to the coaches,but I did not let them destroy my confidence any moreThere were still a few situations that made me afraid0nce I called a penalty(判罚)and the team ended up losingI knew I had made the right call,even though I waswhen I saw that teams fans waiting for me at my room. I stood my ground and overcame my fears(克服恐惧)Ive been a referee for six years,but Icant say itS easyEvery gameme something new and I never know what to expectNow I have enough preparation to deal withthe unexpectedThese are the little lessons that Im thankful to have learned as a woman referee31 . AinvitedBexpectedCorderedDallowed32 . ApushedBknockedCdividedDjoined33 . AmatchBbringCdiscoverDinfluence34 . AlivelyBcleverCfriendlyDfunny35 . AtrainBrefuseCworkDleave36 . AtiredBstrongCsadDsurprised37 . AdecisionBchanceCprogressDreport38 . AangryBafraidCsorryDserious39 . AyetBevenCalreadyDstill40 . AhandsBprotectsCcorrectsDfollows三、阅读单选Good health is the most valuable thing a person can have. It is important to remember that body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food,get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.Proper nutrition(营养) is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”. Dont eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein, like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins and minerals. However, dont overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you dont get enough sleep, you feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality (个性). Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp.Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise makes the body strong and prevents you from putting on weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow aregular exercise program, you will probably increase your life-span (寿命). Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are very good for keeping the body in good shape: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on, are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting too.If everybody were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser.41 . In order to keep good health, _.Awe should cat a lot of foodBone needs a large amount of protein and fatCpeople need to exercise regularlyDwe must try to sleep now and then42 . The passage mainly tells us that _.Ahow we can keep fitBwhy health is important for usCnutrition is important for healthDsleep is more important than nutrition and exerciseCIt was at least tow months before Christmas, when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bike. Her Barbi bike was just too old, and it needed repairing as well.As Christmas came nearer, her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, so we thought, for she didnt mention it again. We were busy buying some beautiful storybooks, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then much to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than anything else.Now we didnt know what to do. It was just toot late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing childrens presents, parents presents, a brothers present and friends presents till midnight.So there was no time to take to buy the “right bike” for our little girl. Thinking that we were parents who would make their children unhappy, we felt guilty and sad.Suddenly my husband came up with an idea. “What if I make a little bike out of clay(泥土) and write a note(便条) that she could trade in(交换) the model bike for a real one?” So he spent the next five hours carefully working with the clay to make a small bike.On Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the note loudly.She looked at me and Ron and said, ”So does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?” Smiling, I said, “Yes.”Almie Rose had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I would never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made me. I prefer to keep it rather than get a real bike.” At that moment, we would have moved the God to buy her every bike on the Earth.43 . Roses wish was to_ on Christmas Day.Aget a new bikeBmake a clay bikeCreceive a doll houseDrepair her old Barbi bike44 . Roses parents didnt buy her a bike because she_.Adidnt want a bike any moreBchanged her idea to some story booksCdidnt mention it in the last tow monthsDasked for it only on December 2445 . The word “guilty” in the third paragraph(段落) means_.AunhappyBworriedChappyDsorry46 . Roses father got a good idea to_.Aspend five hours finishing making a small bike with clayBmake a small bike red and whiteCmake her old bike red and whiteDput the present in the box47 . From Roses words in the last passage , we know that she_Astill wanted to get a real bikeBdidnt know the meaning of the noteCpreferred a real bike to a model bikeDwas greatly moved by what her father had doneMany parents make their children do chores around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families, getting children to do some housework can be a very big problem.It is a good idea for parents to teach their children at an early age that all family members must work together to make the house clean, and each person must do his or her share(份) of the work. We can do this by starting a plan of chores and responsibilities when children are young.Chores are good for children even very young ones. Doing chores teaches children many important skills (技能 ) such as working together and being responsible. Jobs also teach children what is fair and doing things for others. The skills and values (价值) from doing chores will do good to children all their lives.48 . The first paragraph tells us_.Aall the parents make their children do choresBits easy to teach children to do choresCsome children think doing chores is difficultDit is different on teaching children to do chores among different families49 . The underlined word responsibilities” means _ in ChineseA杂事B琐事C责任D家务50 . Its good to teach _ to do chores.Ayoung childrenBall family membersCeach personDsome families51 . Children can learn _ from doing chores.Aworking together with othersBbeing responsibleCwhat is fair and doing things for othersDA, B and C52 . Which of the following sentences is TRUE?AIts a big problem to teach children to do chores.BOnly the children who do chores know what is fair.CSome children like to do chores but some dont.DIn a family, young children dont need to do chores.My Family Is Very PoorA little boy comes to a new city. His name is Peter. Of course(当然),he lives with his mother and father. His family is very rich(富裕的). They have a driver(司机) and a lot of servants(仆人).Peter is going to a new school. On the first day his parents say to him,“ peter,be modest(谦虚的)at your new school. Dont say we are rich. ”And Peter says,“ Yes,Dad,mom. ”So Peter goes to school. He sees his new teacher. And he sits down with the other children. The teacher says. “Good morning,children. The first exercise today is a composition(作文). The topic(题目) of the composition is My Family.”So every child writes a composition. This is Peters composition:“My name is Peter. My family is very poor(贫穷). Both my father and my mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。53 . Peters parents are very.AsmallBmodestCpoorDrich54 . Peters parents tell him not to.Aplay on his way to schoolBbe late for schoolCsay they are richDwrite a composition55 . The teacher asks the children to write.Aa letterBa compositionCa bookDa story56 . Peter writes a composition about his.AfriendBteacherCschoolDfamily57 . Which of the following is right?APeter tells a lie(说谎)in his composition.BPeter doesnt like writing a composition.CPeters parents write the composition.DThe teacher is very poor,too.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文(方框中有两个选项是多余的。用备选单词前的字母填空)。AchildrenBfromCwatchD talk withEandFeasily G busiestH. each I. bothJ. turn offK. busierL. careIt seems that everywhere around the world, people are sending more time at work 58 . less time with their families and friends. people are 59 . than ever before!In the past in many countries , the father worked and the mother stayed home ,took 60 . of the children ,and did the food shopping, cooking and cleaning. At present , in most of the families , parents need work on weekdays, so they61 . have to do the shopping, cooking and cleaning in their free time. Parents dont have as much time with their 62 . , however, they often had time in the past. There are also many single-parent(单亲的)families .In these families ,the single parents has to do everything.These days ,many children come home 63 . school to an empty apartment or house .A lot of children spend many hours 64 . day in front of the television .Even the families are together, it is common for families members to do things by themselves. For example, they65 . programs on separate TVs in different rooms, they use the Internet, they66 . friends on the telephone, and they do other individual by themselves.Isnt it strange? Thanks to technology(科技), people are able to communicate so 67 . with people far away, but sometimes they dont communicate with people their own homes.五、填写适当的句子补全对话根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A:Its very late. Are you still on the computer?B:Well, yes. 68 . A:What kind of e-mails?B:Some are messages from my teacher and some are from my friends. A:Do you have to write them back right away?B:69 . Usually people want a quick reply. A:70 . B:Ive already had 50 peoples address in my address book! And 71 . A:72 . E-mail is really very convenient(方便的). AI think e-mail is one of the best ways to communicate with others. BIve got so many e-mails to go through. CI agree with you. DOf course!EHow many e-mails addresses have you had?FI feel like playing computer games. GI am not sure whether Im right or wrong.根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: You look a bit worried, Tony, Whats wrong with you?B: 56. 73 . .A: Thats a problem. Can I offer you some advice?B: 57.74 . . What do you think I should do?A: I think that you should stop eating too much and 58.75 . . It will help lose weight.B: My parents have told me the same things, but I have lots of homework to do and I seem to have no time to exercise.A: Body is more important than anything else. Exercise is the first.B: Er, I think so. But 59.76 . ?A: You can run for half an hour every day. Its also easy for you to walk quickly on your way home or to school.B: Thats a good idea. Thank you, Leon.A: 60.77 . . I hope it will help.1When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.2There are labels (标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say dry clean only. For washing may ruin (损坏) this coat. If you do as the directions on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.3Many clothes today must be dry-cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry-cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.4You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed . Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit better.Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.78 . Whatsthe best title of the passage? (no more than 10 words)79 . What do the labels inside the clothes usually tells you ?(no more than 12 words)80 . What kind of clothes can save your money? (no more than 10 words)81 . Fill in the blank in Paragrph4 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)82 . Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.六、填空Bob is an English boy. His eyes are blue. Li Ming is a tall boy. His eyes are black. They are good friends. Bobs hair is yellow and Li Mings hair is black. Li Mings mom is a Chinese teacher. Bobs mom is an English teacher.她和李明的妈妈在同一个学校。Bobs dad is a doctor(医生). Bob and his dad look different. He looks like his mom. Bobs family are new in China. Li Mings dad and mom help them(他们). They like their English friends.根据短文内容, 完成任务。任务一:完成句子,每空一词。83 . Li Mings mom and Bobs mom are _.84 . Bob _ _ his mom.任务二:将文中汉语句子译成英语。85 . _任务三:回答问题。86 . Where is Bob from? _87 . Are Bobs family new in China? _七、汉译英:单词/短语翻译句子,将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。88 . 我认为这洗衣机不值得修理。89 . 为了减少污染,我们应该多骑车来代替开车。90 . 警方直到一年半以后才查明了真相。91 . 很遗憾没给那位选手机会来展示自己的天赋。92 . 你们学校新的图书馆是去年建造的吗?八、材料作文93 . 书面表达。同学们,新的一年已经到来,校刊发起了一次“回首与展望”主题征文活动,假如你是李华,你准备为校刊投稿。请根据下列要点,写一篇短文。要点:1. 2019你遇到了哪些方面的问题(如:健康、学业、人际关系等);2. 新年里你将如何提升自己;3. 对自己的期待。要求:1. 词数:100左右;2. 可围绕主题进行适当发挥;3. 文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数;4. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。_


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