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人教版2020年(春秋版)中考一轮复习8年级下综合练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mrs Wang _ her voice so that everyone in the hall could hear her clearly.AraisesBraisedCis raisingDwill raise2 . Ive _ seen Tina,so I am sorry I cant recognize (认出) her.AneverBalreadyCeverDeither3 . This year, the sports meeting is _than before because there are _students on the old campus.Ashorter; fewerBshort; fewCshort; fewerDshorter, less4 . -Recently, a large number of students like to play the computer game King of Glory online.- Some schools dont allow students to bring smartphones to school.Aquite a lot ofBa fewCa great amount of5 . -Peter wont waste time playing computer games.-_.ASo will IBSo wont ICNeither will IDNeither wont I6 . Excuse me, could you please show me the time? Sorry, I _. My watch doesnt work.AmustntBcouldntCcantDneednt7 . _ has he stayed in that mountain?For a week.AHow oftenBHow soonCHow longDHow many8 . Smoking is bad for your health. You should.Agive up itBgive it upCgive up them9 . I think friends should be different_ each other.-I agree with you. Then we can learn something_ our friends.Ato; fromBfrom; fromCfrom; as10 . -Tony, hand in your homework, please.-Oh, sorry. Iit at home this morning.Awas leavingBhas forgottenCwill forgetDleft11 . He has never been to New York ,_he ?AhasntBdoesCdoesntDhas12 . Could you please tell me _? -Yes. They are playing in the park.Awhere are the twinsBwhere the twins are Cwhere were the twinsDwhere the twins were13 . If you have a toothache, you should see a.AdentistBcookCteacherDnurse14 . Can we now? No, until the bus stops.Aget offBgive upCset offDset up15 . - not here today?- Bill is not here.AWhosBWhoseCWho areDWhats16 . You look so happy! Is there anything good?Yes I get a good_AnewsBworkCjobDjeans17 . For girls,we have T-shirts _ red,green and white_ only 18 yuanAin;forBat;forCfor;inDof;about18 . Tony, its cold outside.take a jacket? OK, Mom.AWhy notBWhy dontCWhy did youDWhy do you19 . Lin Shuhao is _ famous _all the basketball fans in China know him.Atoo; toBso; thatCas; asDso; as20 . Shall I get someone _ her lessons?AhelpBto helpChelp withDto help with21 . _ good time we are having!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a22 . He thinks himself somebody, but we think him _.AnobodyBanybodyCsomebodyDeverybody23 . Do you know the song (歌曲) Gangnam Style?Yes. It _ very funny.AlooksBwatchesCsoundsDsays24 . I like doing sports listening to pop music.Asuch asBasCas well asDfor example25 . The fire is very big . Im afraid we cant . Lets call the fire centre .Aput it upBput it outCput it downDput it off26 . How do you improve speaking skills?to the tape and repeating.ABy listeningBBy hearingCListenDWith listening27 . -Youll have to move .Look , you are _.-Im sorry .Aon my wayBin this wayCby the wayDin my way28 . -_ have you lived here?- Since we bought the new flat.AHow farBHow soonCHow oftenDHow long29 . Sally isgirl. She is good at dancing.Aa 8-year-oldBa 8-years-oldCan 8-year-oldDan 8-years-old30 . You waste too_ money, so you can not buy a mobile phone in a year.AfewBmanyClittleDmuch31 . Mr. Brown is a humorous teacher. Its _ to talk with him.ApleasedBpleasureCpleasantDpleasantly32 . The earthquake happened all of _, but luckily no one got hurt.AsuddenBa suddenCthe suddenDsuddenly33 . Mary often goes to see the films _ Sunday.AofBatCinDon34 . Paper and printing _ in China.Awere both inventedBwas inventedCare both inventedDis invented35 . Every student thinks _ of Mr Song, who sings _ praises for every success the students have got.Ahigh, highBhighly, highlyChighly, highDhigh, highly36 . Can you tell me ?Last week.Awhere did you see herBwhere you saw herCwhen did you see herDwhen you saw her37 . _ our surprise,the twin sisters went to Peking University at the same time last year.AWithBInCTo38 . - I hear you are going to the USA for further education next year .-Thats right .So my main _now is improving my English .AtaskBpurposeCpointDsubject39 . Is this football _? No, its _.Ayours; KateByour; KateCyours; KatesDyour; Kates二、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为4650的相应位置上。40 . Please dont go out. Its raining _ (heavy) outside.41 . Now many students have known the _(important) of being honest.42 . You can finish the work without _ (get) up early.43 . Its _ (use) to do anything. Its too late!44 . Pandas are one of _ (popular) animals in the world.三、完成句子45 . 她的名是Alice。Her _is Alice.46 . 她的姓是Green。Her _is Green.47 . 她的电话号码是951-3397. Her _is 951-3397.四、填空阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处所填的单词的正确形式。(每空一词)The ostrich is the largest bird in the world. It lives in nature in Africa, but people raise it all over the world for its meat.The ostrich has long skinny legs, a big body with small wings, a long neck, and a dangerous long beak. Even though it has wings, it cant fly. But they are sometimes useful. They help a lot with balance ( 平 衡 ) when the ostrich is running at full speed( 速 度 ) and needs to change directions. The ostrich usually weighs between 200 and 300 pounds and can grow to 9 feet tall. Its large body is covered with feathers.The ostrich is famous for its speed on the ground. Its powerful legs help it reach speeds of 40 miles per hour! Ostriches can also use their strong legs to kick any enemy or even kill a man or a lion. However, the ostrich will just use its speed to run away from any danger most of the time.Ostriches eat almost everything, such as plants, insects, and small animals like lizards. They often live in groups. A group will have around ten birds, but some groups even have 100 birds. This way the whole group can help to protect the eggs. Ostrich eggs are the biggest eggs of any animal.In fact, ostriches dont put their head in the ground often. What they really do is to lie down and put their head and neck flat on the ground to hide. You can just see their body far away, so it appears as if they have put their head in a hole in the ground. Ostriches can not only kick with powerful feet, but also the 4 inch long claws (爪) on their feet.The OstrichLiving 48 . In nature in Africa and is raised all over the world.LooksIt has long legs, a big body with small wings, a long49 . , and along beak.Its wings help a lot with balance while running 50 . .The ostrich is a big bird that is about 9 feet in 51 . .AbilitiesThe ostrich is 52 . to kill his enemies with its strong legs.Its high speed can 53 . it keep away from any danger.Food and qualitiesThe ostrich lives on a lot of things,54 . plants, insects andsmall animals.Ostriches live in groups to 55 . their eggs.Fun factsThe ostrich 56 . itself by lying down and putting its head andneck flat on the ground.The ostrich has powerful 57 . with 4 inch long claws.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、三、完成句子1、四、填空1、

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