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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Could you please loudly here? Emma is doing her homework.Adont talkBnot talkCnot to talk2 . Excuse me, is there _ post office near here? Yeah. Its just next to _ First Peoples Hospital.Aa; theBthe; aCthe; theD/; /3 . Does your father like sports? _. He is very healthy.AYes, he isBNo, he isntCYes, he doesDNo, he doesnt4 . If two things_ each other, they may have the similar color, pattern, or style, and look good together.AcatchBsaveCmatch5 . It is only _ from my home to the train station.Aten minutes walkBten-minutes walkCten minutes s walkDten minutes walk6 . 一Sit down,P1ease一_.AIm fine BOKCYesDThank you7 . Can I have some cookies, Mom?_ Ill get you some.ANo wayBHow come?CHow can it be?DWhy not?8 . If you want to change for a double room, youll have to pay _20 dollars. All right.AmoreBanotherCotherDeach9 . The street between our housing estate and the supermarket is _ wide.Atwo metersBtwo metersCtwo meterDa two-meter10 . Which of the following word matches the sound/pernt/ ?AparentBpresentCpleasantDpeasant11 . -When _ the football match _?- Next Saturday afternoon.Awill ; holdBwill ;be heldChas; held.Dwas; held12 . Her shoes are _ mine.Aso new asBas new asCso newer as13 . students in our classgoing to the summer camp in Beijing next week.ATwo fifths; isBSecond fifths; areCSecond fifths; isDTwo fifths; are14 . _ I take this one?AMayBWillCAreDDo15 . _warm and rainy weather it was last November in Shanghai!AWhatBHowCWhat aDWhat an16 . I saw an old man_ and I hurried to help him get up.Afalling downBfall offCfalling offDfall down17 . The studentsbusily when Mrs White went to get a book shein the classroom.Ahad written; leftBwere writing; has leftCwere writing; had left18 . People often _ Merry Christmas _ their family and friends on Christmas Day.Atalk, toBsay, toCspeak, aboutDtell, to19 . Not only Annes parents but also she _ trying to _ a tent in the park now.Ais; put upBis; put inCare; put upDare; put in20 . The parents were pleased with _ them.Awhat you saidBwhat did you sayCwhat you had toldDwhat you had spoken二、完型填空Once there was a poor woman. She lived by herself in a little house in a village. She didnt have much money_she was very kind and happy.One day a young man named Smith came to her door. He was a little thin and tall. He was very_and asked the old woman for help.The old woman said,“Come in and have dinner with me, but I only have_” They had dinner together. After dinner, the old woman told Smith to_some potatoes with him. He_her and then left.Ten years later, Smith came back to the old womans door again and_her a bag of money. She was very_Smith said, “Ten years ago you gave me some potatoes. I_some potato plants . From those plants, I grew some more plants. Now I am a_farmer because I have enough money to live, but I never_how kind you are to me.”21 . AsoBorCbut22 . AfullBhungryCtired23 . ApotatoesBmeatCapples24 . AtakeBbuyCplant25 . AthankedBhelpedCloved26 . AthrewBaskedCgave27 . AinterestedBsadCsurprised28 . AateBgrewCfound29 . AbusyBhappyCrich30 . AtalkedBforgetCwrote三、阅读单选There once (以前) lived a little deer in the forest (森林). He had beautiful antlers.(鹿角), so he was very happy. But when he saw his ugly legs he was very sad. One day, he was standing to look at his beautiful antlers in the river when a tiger came up. The deer ran away. The tiger ran after him. The deer ran as fast as he could. Suddenly (突然) he stopped,because his antlers got caught (挂在) in the branches of a tree. He did his best to get clear of (挣脱) the branches(树枝) and began to run again. When he stopped at a safe place, he said to himself. “ The beautiful antlers almost took my life. But the ugly legs saved my life.31 . The deer often sighed (叹气) because _.Ahe did not run fastBhe did not run faster than the tiger.Che had ugly legsDhe had beautiful antlers32 . When he saw his antlers in the water, the deer _.Awas sadBwas happyCwas afraidDwas not sorry33 . We can see the tiger _.Aran as fast as the deerBdid not run so fast as the deer.Cdid not run after the deerDdid not want to eat the deer34 . The deer did what he could to _.Arun after the tigerBget clear of the branchesCsee his antlersDsave his antlers35 . The story tells us a fact.(事实) That _Adont judge (判断) things by appearances (外表)Bwe should love ugly thingsCdont love beautiful thingsDall the ugly things can save your life四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentence.36 . Both the passengers and the driver were hurt in the accident.(改为否定句)_the passengers_the driver_hurt in the accident.37 . What does this French word mean?(保持句意不变)Whats_of this French word?38 . Dont smoke here.(保持句意不变)We_smoke here.39 . What should we do next? They didnt tell us.(保持句意基本不变)They didnt tell us_next.40 . Ben will come back to Shanghai in two weeks.(划线提问)_will Ben come back to Shanghai?41 . The film is very moving.(划线提问)_you_of the film?_you _the film?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用词的适当形式填空42 . I like _(星期三) best, because school finishes earlier that day.43 . This pair of shoes looks very _(现代的).44 . Do you often write _(信) to your friend?45 . There is a bright _(图书馆) on the first floor in Xincheng Middle School.46 . -Do you know Voice of China?-Yes, of course. Jay Chou and Na Ying are my_(偶像).47 . It is _(有趣的) to play with these cute dogs and cats.48 . We often talk about basketball and watch basketball _(match) on TV.49 . People around the world are very _(interest) in the song “Little apple”.50 . My cousin hopes to be a wonderful basketball _(play)like Jeremy Lin.51 . Eddie is very lazy, he never_(run).52 . Look! They _( write)something on the wall. Lets go and stop them.53 . Tom is as tall as Jerry, but is much _(fat) than him.54 . Sandy likes travelling. She _/seldm/ stays at home during holidays.55 . Let your son _ to bed early every day.(go)56 . Mr. Hu, Our biology teacher _ very young for his age.(look)57 . Bruce, a friend of _( us), went to Canada for a visit last week.58 . Can you tell me how _(be) a good swimmer?59 . Thank you very much for _(carry) the heavy bag for me.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。student, with, go, decide, surprise, guess, start, serious, about, joke, why, happyOne time my dad decided to achieve his dreams, so he joined the Peace Corps and flew to Tanzania. Three years ago, my mom 60 . to get a divorce (离婚). My dad was hurt and 61 . . When I first went to visit him after the divorce, I was nervous. I thought he might be angry or he would say terrible things 62 . my mom.It turned out I 63 . wrong. When we met, my dad hugged me warmly and couldnt wait to have a talk with me. He asked how things were 64 . at home and expected me to help my mom more. He was still humorous-he made a(n) 65 . about why my mom had broken up with him. He made it easy to be together, and that s 66 . I love him.My dad never stops trying new things. Just this past summer, he flew to Kilimanjaro, Tanzania and 67 . an adventure (冒险). And now hes teaching science to high school 68 . and making friends all over the world.My dad is never afraid to be himself or to take risks. He loves his family and cares about strangers. He lives his life, takes nothing too 69 . , and is the realest person I know.Im so lucky because the worlds best dad belongs to me.七、单词填空首字母填空Most of the movies show our relationships and our society. Whats more important is that people love to watch highs and lows of the relationships in movies. Friendship has been the f70 . subject of movie makers for a long time. Many movies are based on lovely relationships like friendship. Friendship can be between two persons or among more than two persons. Movies based on friendship make us remember that the relationship among friends is delicate (需要小心处理的). These movies also show how important it is to have a true friend in life and to o71 . the friendship.Friendship is described in different w72 . in movies. These movies show different faces of this lovely relationship i73 . the pleasant and interesting faces .Let us discuss how friendship is described in movies.Friends share common interests:In most of the movies, it is shown that two people become friends e74 . when they share some common interests. For example, two friends may be in love with the same sports, studying in the same school or living in the same neighborhood.You can see such friendship in movies such as Harry Potter and Lord of Rings. Harry Potter has two friends. All of them are i75 . in the use of magic.Friends make sacrifices (牺牲): In most of the movies,friends make sacrifices for each other. A good example is “Sholay”. In this movie,there are two friends Jay and Veeru who are there for each other till death. Jay sacrifices his life to save his friend.Friends n76 . run away from difficulties: In movies,it is always shown that true friends always stand up for their friends in times of difficulties.八、回答问题阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据要求完成文后各小题。After a late night in the town celebrating with two friends, I decided it was time to head on home. So I walked towards the bust stop a little worried that I might already have missed the last bus. It was a Sunday and the buses were few and far between. When I arrived there were still a few people waiting, so I thought perhaps there might be one last bus. After waiting a while I called a friend and asked her to look up a schedule online. Sure enough we had all missed the last bus by about 10 minutes.One person insisted another bus was to come so we waited. An hour and a half after arriving at the stop I had had enough. Some people were getting mad as it seemed the only way home at that point was to call a taxi but most of them only had enough for bus fare. There was a mother with two beautiful twin girls who was particularly sad.I decided it was too late and too dangerous to let everyone get home on their own. So, I called a taxi company and asked them to send out a mini-bus. I told everyone that if they wanted they could all ride with me and Id make sure they all got home, no matter where they lived. So, about six of us piled in the mini-bus when it arrived.I was one of the first to reach my destination so I reached into my pocket and pulled enough money to be more than certain that everyone got home. I told the driver to keep what was left over. So, everyone got home safely and at a reasonable hour, the driver got a big tip, and I went to bed content.77 . When did the story happen?_.78 . What information did the writer get from his friends?_.79 . How did the writer get home at last?_.80 . What does the underlined word “content” in the last sentence most probably mean in Chinese?_.81 . What do you think of the writer?_.九、话题作文82 . 你的网友Jane 上周发邮件给你,想了解你和你的好朋友的有关情况。请你根据下面表格内容用英语给她写一封回信。写作要求:1文中必须包含表格中所有的信息,可适当发挥。2语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范。3词数:不少于80词,信件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总次数。IMy friend (Lin Lin)性格外向,有点胖,学习努力性格内向,聪明,喜欢读书擅长英语,喜爱运动,一周跑步2-3次擅长语文,喜欢看电影,每月一次喜欢动作片,周末经常看Talk Show不喜欢游戏类节目,喜爱肥皂剧想成为英语教师希望成为一名作家Dear Jane,Thanks for your e-mail. You want to know something about my friend and me, dont you?_Would you like to tell me about your friend and you next time? Im waiting for your reply!YoursLi Mei第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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