人教新目标英语七年级下册测试Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section B(1a-1d)-1

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人教新目标英语七年级下册测试Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section B(1a-1d)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _you_ a brother?Yes, I have. Ive got a younger brother.ADo; haveBHave; gotCDo; gotDAre; have2 . (题文) I visit my grandparents _ Saturday afternoon.AonBinCatDof3 . Linda continued _ when the music stopped suddenly.AdancingBto dancingCdanceDdanced4 . The old man lived alone and _ the age of 88, he _ a cold winter morning.Aat, passed away inBon, past away inCat, passed away onDon, past away on5 . -How is every thing going in the hospital, dear? -_. AIm all right, thanksBNot too bad, I guess CNot at allDThats all right, thank you二、阅读单选Do you have a pet?Many children like pets and even treat them like humans sometimes. They may like to kiss or hug(拥抱)their pets. But this can make you sick, according to DailyMail.Kissing or hugging pets such as dogs and cats can cause people to take in drugresistant bacteria(耐药细菌), British scientists said.Many pet owners give their pets antibiotics (抗生素) when they get sick. But taking antibiotics too often can affect(影响)the bacteria inside your pet. The bacteria can become drugresistant. When people kiss or hug their pets, this kind of bacteria can move to them and make them sick.Close relationships between pet owners and their pets are important. But if pet owners follow the rules below, they will not get sick.Rules for playingDo not kiss your pets on the mouth.Do not let your pets lick(舔)your mouth or nose.Wash your hands after touching or playing with your pets.If you have a wound(伤口), cover(遮盖)it.In this way, bacteria cannot pass on to you from your pet.6 . According to DailyMail, kissing or hugging pets can make people _.AsadBsickChappyDsleepy7 . Why is it dangerous to take in drugresistant bacteria from pets?ABecause humans cant use antibiotics.BBecause these bacteria arent harmful to people.CBecause pets may die if they lose these bacteria.DBecause antibiotics cant be used against these bacteria.8 . Many pet owners like to kiss or hug their pets to _.Aimprove their relationshipsBrecall how they felt when they were youngCmake their pets feel importantDshow their true love to them9 . What lesson does the story teach us?ADont kiss or hug our pets.BDont give antibiotics to our pets.CDont keep pets inside your home.DDont become drugresistant.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词10 . My teacher always e_ me to speak English as much as possible.11 . Its an u_ experience. Few people have the chance to do it.12 . I dont think it is a _ (完美的) plan.13 . People around the world love _ (和平) and hate war.14 . Wang Yaping gave a _ (科学) class.15 . If you could _ (发明) something new, what product would you develop?16 . The old man has c_ hundreds of stamps since 2000.17 . Our economy has made _ (快速的) development in recent years.18 . Dont worry. You can find it _ (在某处) in your room. 19 . With his help, Ive made great p_ in English learning.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空I. 请根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空20 . Lisa,do you have any homework_(do)?21 . Jack has_(little)money than Helen.22 . After supper,my grandparents often go_(walk)in the park near our home.23 . How many tall_(build)are there in your town?24 . September is the_(nine)month of the year.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子或对话25 . 蚂蚁也能够像狗一样闻东西。Ants can also _ like dogs.26 . 他们想要了解更多关于动物的东西。They would like to _ animals.27 . 你能同时用一只手写字,用另一只手画画吗?Can you write _ one hand and draw _ the other at the _?28 . 妈妈总是叫我饭后把桌子擦干净。Mum always _ me _ the table after meals.29 . 汤姆,你还有别的什么要买吗?Tom, _ do you want to buy?30 . 去年谁骑自行车周游了五个国家?米莉的哥哥。Who _ five countries _ bicycle last year?Millies brother.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、

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