人教新目标版七年级英语下册:Unit 9 单元检测

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人教新目标版七年级英语下册:Unit 9单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Do you know her? She is a famous _. Her name is Dilraba. She looks _ in Pretty Li Hui Zhen(漂亮的李慧珍) and Miracles of the Namiya General Store(解忧杂货店). Let me _ her looks in them.In Pretty Li Hui Zhen, she acts Li Huizhen. Li Huizhen has long curly _. She is a _ girl with glasses and everyone likes her.In Miracles of the Namiya General Store, she acts Tongtong. Tongtong has short blue hair and she always takes a guitar _ her. _ does she want to do? She says she wants to be a singer.In real life, Dilraba is not tall _ short. She is of medium _. She is thin with big eyes. To be a great actress is _ dream and she works very hard for it.1 . AdancerBsingerCactorDactress2 . AsameBdifferentCeasyDheavy3 . AdescribeBdrawCwriteDteach4 . AhairBeyeCmouthDnose5 . AcoldBboringCwarmDlazy6 . AofBwithCfromDon7 . AWhoBWhatCHowDWhere8 . AandBsoCorDbut9 . AheightBheavyClongDsize10 . AitsBtheirChisDher二、阅读单选Characters: Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, Daddy PigSetting: Mummy Pig is working on her computer. Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch.Peppa: Daddy? Can we go and watch mummy on her computer?Daddy Pig: Yes, as long as you dont disturb her. She has a lot of important work to do today.Peppa: Thank you, Daddy!Peppa: (Peppa and George run into mummys room.) Mummy. Can George and Isit on your legs and watch you work?Mummy Pig: Yes, if you both sit quietly.Peppa: (Peppa and George watch mummy work on the computer for a while.) Mummy? Can we play that computer game Happy Mrs. Chicken?Mummy Pig: We can play Happy Mrs. Chicken later. But now I have to work.Peppa: Mummy? Can we help you work?Mummy Pig: No, Peppa! You mustnt touch the computer. And George, you mustnt touch the computer, either.Peppa: Yes, George. You mustnt do this (Peppa began to knock on the keyboard).Mummy Pig: Peppa, stop!Peppa: Sorry, Mummy. I was just showing George what not to do.Mummy Pig: Oh, dear. The computer doesnt work!11 . Where is Daddy Pig while Mummy Pig is working?AIn the living room.BIn the garden.COn the balcony.DIn the kitchen.12 . From the script, we can know that Happy Mrs. Chicken is a.AbookBsongCcartoonDgame13 . Who made the computer stop working in the end?APeppaBGeorgeCDaddy PigDMummy PigI didnt feel well when I woke up yesterday morning. My throat hurt and_I also felt hot. My mother said I had a bad cold. I didnt want to get up, so she let me stay in bed all day. I dont usually like being in bed during the day, but I like it yesterday. I listened to the music and read a magazine. I slept a lot. I had all my meals in bed, though I didnt want to eat much. I had just soup and toast for lunch and some rice and chicken for dinner. By evening I was beginning to feel better. I asked my mother if I could get up and watch television but she said no. Today I feel much better, so I didnt stay in bed. I didnt go to school again, though. Ill go tomorrow if I feel well enough.14 . He stayed in bed all day because he _.Ahad a vacationBhurt his footCneeded to readDwas sick15 . On which days of the week was he probably sick?AMonday, TuesdayBSaturday, SundayCSunday, MondayDFriday, Saturday16 . What didnt he do during his day in bed?AeatBlisten to musicCreadDwatch television17 . What happens when your “nose is running”?AYou cant find your nose.BYour nose began to run.CYour nose feels fine.DWatery stuff comes out of your nose.18 . The passage is probably from _.Aa students diaryBan ad in newspaperCa students planDa teachers notebookThe English Fashion recently asked people about their wonderful ideas and plans about things they could doThe magazine asked people the following question, “If you had all the money you wanted, what would you like to do?” About 500 people answered the survey questionAlmost half (49%) of the people in the survey said they would buy material things such as a bigger house or a better carOne fifth (20%) of the people said they would travel to the interesting or famous places17% answered that they would give money to someone elseThey would donate money to a charity or to help poor peopleMore than half of the rest of the people (about 10%) said they would give money to help medical research(医学研究)All the other people in the English Fashion survey said they would save money in the bankThey said they didnt know what they would like to do right now, but perhaps in a few years they would find a good use for the money“Lots of people think that if they buy bigger and better things, they will feel happier,” said Dr Mary Wilson. “ However,” she said, “_will not last(持续) longAfter a while, they wont be happy with them any longer” Dr Wilson thinks the happiest people are those who make a change in peoples livesShe thinks those people who give money to someone else or to medical research are thinking more of others at the momentIf they had all the money theywanted, they would change the world19 . What is the English Fashion?AA bookBA magazineCA newspaperDA TV programme20 . Which of the following is a material thing?AA better carBA trip to EuropeCMedical researchDHappy feelings21 . How many ways would people like to do with the money in Paragraph(段落) 2?A4B5C6D322 . What does the underlined phrase “this feeling” refer to?AThe feeling of travellingBThe feeling of donatingCThe feeling of shoppingDThe feeling of saving money23 . Who did Dr Wilson think were the unhappiest people?AThe people who would give the money to a charityBThe people who would save the money for the futureCThe people who would give the money to medical researchDThe people who would spend the money on material things三、用单词的正确形式完成句子选择动词的适当形式填空。24 . Dont _ (AbeBis) in such a hurry. Be careful.25 . Your friends _ (Aare playingBplay) in my garden now.26 . When Kitty left, the old bear _ (AeatBate) all the fish up.27 . Tom is good at _ (AswimBswimming).28 . You shouldnt _ (AtalkBtalking) loudly in the public place.四、单词填空Dear Sir/Madam,I have seen your advertisement for a teacher in the magazine Shenzhen Education. I think Im suitable for the job.I am 29 years old. I finished my high school education in Xiamen, and then went to university in Fuzhou. I studied languages, with English as my m29 . . I always got good scores for all my subjects. At university, I was a very a30 . student. I was chairman of the English film club and a member of the university chess team.I have traveled to a number of English-speaking countries. I think my English language skills have i31 . as a result and I can teach senior classes without any problems.I have worked as a teacher for five years. I have taught at a well-known school in Hangzhou. This has been a good experience. I have taught special courses in Writing for Business,showing people how to write good business letters and e-mail m32 . .1 have also started a new course: Spoken English for Tour Guides. All these experiences have e33 . me to become a good teacher.I am a warm and friendly person, and my students enjoy their lessons. I would like my students to work hard, but I think language learning can be fun. I encourage students to use English o34 . the classroom, such as doing projects and taking part in English language activities. I have helped students put on plays and give concerts of English songs.I want to live in Shenzhen and teach in your school. I hope for an i35 . so I can tell you more.Yours faithfully,Jack Fan36 . 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。Do you like your parents? Theyre two most i_1_people in your life. I think so. Because theyre likely to influence you more than anyone e_2_you have met and will meet. So if your dad worships a football team, s_3_ as Pittsburgh Steelers and Atlauta Falcons, you are likely to grow up being a big fan of a football team. And if your mom loves to r_4_, you might grow up just carrying a book wherever you go, just a_5_she does.But parents do a lot more than just pass along their h_6_. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids from the m_7_theyre born. Its parents task to love and guide kids-and most parents will do this as l_8_as they live-even when the “ kids” have g_9_up and have children of their o_10_. That means you have many years ahead to share with your mom and dad.五、多任务混合问题Running away is a serious problem. There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.61.孩子们为什么想离家出走? Some kids run away because theyre afraid to tell their parents the bad things that they did at school or in society.62.Some kids run away because there is violence(暴力)in the family. Some kids run away because their parents divorce(离婚)or marry again. Some kids run away because they have problems at school.What will you do if your friend wants to run away from home?If your friend is thinking about running away, tell him or her that it is difficult to survive(幸存)in the streets. Try to help your friend feel less alone.63.Whatever the problem is, there are other ways to solve it. Maybe you cant think of the ways right now, but an adult(成年人)will know how to help you. You should tell an adult that your friend plans to run away as soon as possible. Being a real friend doesnt mean keeping a secret that may hurt someone. And running away isnt a solution(解决方法)for either of you.64.It only makes more problems and danger.37 . 将61处译成英文。_38 . 将62处改为简单句。_39 . 将63处译为中文。_40 . 用英文写出 “It”所指代的内容。_41 . 找出该文段的中心句。_六、材料作文42 . 书面表达为迎接准备艺术节活动,白鹤学校计划招纳一些艺术人才,请你为学校设计一份英语海报(poster).海报主要内容:(开头语已给出)1、需要会唱歌、跳舞、弹吉他和讲故事的人才。2、如有意愿可以再放学后和张老师说说(交谈)。Students Wanted For School ShowWe want students for the schoo lshow. _ _ _第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、2、五、多任务混合问题1、六、材料作文1、


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