人教新目标英语七年级下册测试Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section B(1a-1d)

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人教新目标英语七年级下册测试Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section B(1a-1d)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ everyone here today?Yes, we _.AIs; are all hereBAre; are all hereCIs; all are hereDIs; are all here2 . -Thanks for _me .It s very kind of you.-With my pleasure.AhelpingBhelpChelpsDto help3 . May I borrow some English books?_AOf course not.BOf course.CThanks a lot.DSorry, I dont know.4 . How soon will we get the offer from a new high school?_ about two monthsAInBForCAmongDDuring5 . -You dont look well. Whats wrong with you, Wang Ting?一Last night I did my homework and didnt go to bed _11 oclock.AwhenBuntilCandDif二、阅读单选Spanish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place:John SmithsDate:July 131 Price:¥60Time:7:30pm9:30pm Tel:3012768Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou(周杰伦),the famous pop singer. Place:The music hall Date:July2022Price¥200¥250Time:8:00pm10:00pmShows_Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display here. Come and see the whole of Chinese history!Place:Daqian MuseumDate:July1_August 31 Price:¥50(half for students)Time:Monday to Friday:8:30am5:30pmWeekends:9:00am8:00pmTel:27113996 . If you want to learn dancing, you can call .A2711399B4886888C2312899D30127687 . You can enjoy Jay Chous music atin the music hall.A9:00 pm on July 23B8:00 pm on July 20C7:30 pm every dayD9:30 pm on July 18 . You can learn at John Smiths.AAmerican JazzBpop songsCthe whole of Chinese historyDSpanish dancing9 . There is a big show on history at.ADaqian MuseumBthe music hallCJohn SmithsDthe meeting hall10 . If Mr. Zhong wants to go to the museum with his wife and ten-year-old daughter, how much should he pay for it?A¥70.B¥100C¥125D¥200三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母、音标及汉语提示填词。11 . I like M_because I have P.Aand English on that day.12 . Lilys birthday d_is next week. Lets think about the food.Sure13 . I dont have a baseball, but my _(朋友) Alan does.14 . Ginas books are _(到处) on her bed, under the desk and on the chair.15 . Is this your bag? Please _(i:mel) me at maryg2gfimail.com.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空16 . Many people are exercising in _(center)Park.17 . Could you please _(turn)down the radio?18 . Tom _(do)come early yesterday.19 . He has finished _(mail)a letter.20 . This kind of animal _(normal)comes out at night.五、完成句子完成句子21 . 托尼周末打算去干什么?_ Tony _ do at the weekend?22 . 我正期待着参观天坛。Im _ the Temple of Heaven.23 . 我希望明天会刮风。I _ its going to _ tomorrow.24 . 你喜欢观光吗?Do you like _?25 . 你想去购物还是游泳。Do you want to go _ go _?26 . 她喜欢躺在沙滩上。She likes lying _.27 . 谁将和一个澳大利亚家庭住在一起?Who is going to _?第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、

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