2019-2020学年外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit1 同步练习C卷

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2019-2020学年外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit1 同步练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Most people need to hear those “three little words”-I love youOnce in a while, they hear them just in timeI _ Connie the day she was sent to the hospital, where I worked as a woman volunteerHer husband, Bill, stood _ nearby as she was transferred to the hospital bedAlthough Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was _As we became familiar(熟悉), she said how frustrating(沮丧) it was to be married 32 years to a man who often called her “a silly woman”. She looked out of the window at the trees in the courtyard. “Id give anything if hed say I love you, its just not in his _.”Bill visited Connie every dayIn the beginning, he sat next to the bed _ she watched the soapsLater, when she began sleeping more, he paced up and down the hallway outside her roomSoon, when she no longer watched television and had fewer _ moments, I began spending more of my _ time with Bill One day, over coffee I got him on the _ of women and how we need romance in our lives. “Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked(knowing his answer), and he looked at me as if I was _ “I dont have to,” he said“She knows I do!” “Im sure she knows,” I said, “but she needs to hear what she has _ to you all the years”We walked back to Connies roomBill _ inside, and I left to visit another patientThe date was February 12Two days later when Bill saw me, he allowed himself to come into my _ for a long timeHis face was _ with tearsFinally, he leaned back against the wall and _ a deep breath“I have to say something,” he said“I have to say how good I feel about telling her”He stopped to _ his nose“This morning I told her how much I loved herand loved being married to herYou should have seen her smile!”1 . AlookedBmetCwatchedDsaw2 . AnervouslyBcarefullyChappilyDcarelessly3 . AexcitedBupsetCcheerfulDmad4 . AeyesBheartCbrainDnature5 . AafterBwhileCbeforeDwhere6 . AsleepyBreadingCwakingDstanding7 . AdifficultBlonelyChappyDvolunteer8 . AsubjectBideaClessonDevent9 . AcrazyBboredCsurprisedDill10 . AlovedBmeantCgivenDdone11 . AdisappearedBappearedCfellDran12 . AhandsBarmsCfaceDfeet13 . AredBblackCwetDfelt14 . AheldBtookClostDfelt15 . AwashBkeepCrunDblow二、阅读单选(题文)Mr. Clinton and his 13-year-old son Tony are baseball fans. Last October 10th was Tonys birthday, so Mr. Clinton decided to drive him to New York, for the first game of the World Series (世界职业棒球大赛). They had no ticket but hoped to buy a pair from others.After they arrived, they walked in the street for two hours, carrying a sign, “We need two tickets.” Then they found the cheapest ticket was $200. They were about to leave when suddenly a man stopped them. He took out two tickets and handed them to Mr. Clinton.“How much do you want?”“Just a present.” said the man, “Enjoy the game.”Mr. Clinton wouldnt accept, so the man explained, “Im Jackson. Hans is my boss. He and his wife havent missed a World Series in 18 years. But he is ill and cant watch the game this time. So he told me to give the two tickets to people who would actually enjoy the game. Then I saw you and I followed you for a while. You seemed very sad. You made me think of my dad and me when I was a child. I dreamed of going to a World Series game with my father. But my dream never came true.”How do you suppose this made Mr. Clinton and his son feel? Here is what Mr. Clinton said: “This is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other over 30 times and said, I cant believe this. We still never forget Jackson and Hans.”16 . (小题1)Mr. Clinton took his son Tony to watch the first game of the World Series because.Ahe got two tickets for the gameBthey both liked watching gamesCit was a birthday present for TonyDhe had enough time and money17 . (小题2)The two tickets from Jackson saved Mr. Clinton at least _.A$100B$ 200C$ 300D$ 40018 . (小题3)From the passage we can know that Hans and his wife often _.Awatched the World SeriesBgave a hand to the poorCsold the tickets for World SeriesDmissed the wonderful game19 . (小题4)Which of the following sentence is TRUE according to the passage?AMr. Clinton hoped to buy the tickets at the ticket office.BMr. Clinton and his son were very thankful after getting the tickets.CJacksons dream of going to a World Series game came true in the end.DJackson was ill in hospital and couldnt watch the World Series game.20 . (小题5)Whats the best title for this passage?AA special present.BA helpful boss.CA wonderful game.DAn excellent dream.QuestionnaireRead the questions and answer Yes or No , then you will find out how good you are.1. When you dont understand something, you ask questions.2. You like listening to older people talk about the past.3. You think that you can learn something interesting from everyone around you.4. You are brave enough when you have to talk to people you dont know.5. You enjoy reading books about famous people.6. You always see and talk to different people.7. You are interested in learning new ways of doing things.8. You enjoy sharing experiences with friends and learning from people of all ages.9. You talk a lot about yourself.10. Even if you are often wrong, you make your own decisions.11. You hate teaching what you are good at: sports, technology, whatever.12. Your parents dont understand you, so you dont talk to them much.SCORE NOW!Score 2 points if you answer YES to each of the first 8 questions, and 0 if you choose NO.Score 2 points if you answer NO to each of the last 4 questions, and 0 if you choose Yes.18-24 You are friendly and open-minded. You make people feel important by listening to what they have to say. You will probably learn all kinds of interesting things easily. Good for you!10-16 Remember that every single person you know can teach you something. You will greatly make your life rich and colorful.0-8 About 400 years ago, a famous writer wrote , “No man is an island.” This is still true today. Try to be more open and interested in people around you.21 . If you say “YES” to all these questions , youll get _ points.A12B16C20D2422 . The writer thinks you should _.Aalways see and talk to the same people.Bmake your own decision whenever you wantCenjoy teaching what you are good atDtalk much about yourself if you have a chance23 . “ No man is an island”. In the text probably means that _.Athe famous writer was very cleverBeverything is the same as 400 years agoCyou will feel lonely if on an islandDyou can not live alone in the world24 . The questions are used to test whether you are willing to _.Alearn from othersBhelp other peopleCdo all by yourselfDdepend on others三、句型转换请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。25 . There are something wrong with my computer.(改为一般疑问句)_ there_ wrong with your computer?26 . I would rather stay at home than go out when I was young.(保持句意基本不变)I _ staying at home to _ out when I was young.27 . We often see Tom clean the blackboard (改为被动语态)Tom is often_ clean the blackboard.28 . The tiger are facing great danger.(感叹句)_ danger the tiger are facing.29 . “What do you sell online?”I asked the young boy. (改为宾语从句)I asked the young boy _ he_ online.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写30 . Nancy is a happy girl and we can always see a s_ on her face.31 . My plan wasnt good, so my parents didnt a_ with me.32 . The gate is too n_ for two cars to get through at the same time.33 . Does a_want anything? I am going to the store.34 . How can you a_ your dream if you play computer games every day?.35 . I am fond of music and I decide to turn it into my c_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空36 . How _(many) yogurt do we need?37 . Next you need _(cut) up three bananas.38 . _(one) peel some pears, then cut them up.39 . She _(be) a doctor ten years ago.40 . She _(be) a doctor in the future.41 . In five years, I _(be) able to _(go) to college.42 . He _(make) me _(clean) his classroom last week.43 . Are you going to _(join) in the match?44 . _(add) the salt to the noodles, please.45 . Its time_(go) home.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。每单词或短语限用一次。go catch prepare for refuse study46 . He usually _ my invitation when I invite him to my house.47 . My sister _ at home for the coming English exam.48 . Mei Ling is available this weekend. She _ to the movies with her parents on Saturday.49 . Be quiet,please. Your brother _ his English exam.50 . The dog _ the meat in its mouth and then ate it.七、语法填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Is your schoolbag too heavy to carry?The eschoolbag will 51 . a hand to you.Its 52 . that eschoolbags are going to be brought into use in Chinese middle schools soon.It is 53 . small computer for students.Heavy schoolbags have been a serious problem 54 . them.But the eschoolbag will change everything.It is 55 . lighter than a usual schoolbag.Whats more,it is as small as a usual book,56 . it can hold all the things for study,including textbooks and exercise books.They can be made into chips ( 芯片) 57 . are as small as a stamp.The students can read the text page by page and even send emails to teachers.All they have to do is 58 . the right chip into the eschoolbag and press a button.Some say that etextbooks can be 59 . broken.Others say they are not good for 60 . eyes because giving too much attention to them will be harmful to eyesight.But only time will tell.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、语法填空1、

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