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上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Your room is so untidy! Cant you see, Jack?-.AThats all right.BIm sorry. I will clean it now.CMy room is too small.DWe will move to a new flat.2 . The shoes _ lights are used _ seeing in the dark.Afor; forBfor; withCwith; withDwith; for3 . He ate a lot because the food was_.AhotBbadCdeliciousDterrible4 . Lets have some _ and _Atomato; chickensBtomatoes; chickenCtomatoes; chickensDtomato; chicken5 . -Who is _ man with a ponytail (马尾辫)under the tree ?- Sorry, I dont know. But I think he must be _ artist.Aan; aBthe ; anCa ; anDthe ; a6 . Are they _gloves?No, they arent _. Theyre_.Ayour; my; KittysByou; mine; KittyCyours; mine; KittyDyour; mine; Kittys7 . -is your father? -He is in the room.AWhatBWhoCHowDWhere8 . This is _bedroomIts clean and tidyALily and LucyBLilys and LucyCLily and LucysDLilys and Lucys9 . Mrs Brown has such a terrible_ that she has forgotten her neighbours name again.AmemoryBdecisionCmethodDreason10 . Dave, can you help me clean the classroom? _Lets start now.AYoure welcomeBOf courseCThe same to you11 . We dont have juice. Would you like to go and buy ?Yes, Id love to.Asome; someBsome; anyCany; anyDany; some12 . Is this a photo _ your family?AinBofCatDfor13 . All of us went to the park_Jenny. She had to wash clothes at home.AonlyBbesidesCbesideDexcept14 . _the way, where does your sister work?AByBOnCInDWith15 . Thanks a million for your help!_.AAll rightBMy pleasureCNever mindDGood idea16 . What are these?_ are rulers.ATheseBTheyCThoseDIt17 . Are you interested in _ electronic music, Yang Ni?Yes. I have been _ lover of it for a long time.A/; /B/; aCan; /Da; a18 . (题文) _ your clothes, Steve. You shouldnt throw them everywhere.APut awayBPut outCPut off19 . We _ speaking English at the English corner to improve our spoken English.ApronounceBpracticeCincrease20 . Some of the CDs belong to her, while the rest are _.AmyByourChisDour二、补全对话7选5情景交际:从方框中选择适当句子补全对话(有两个多余选项)AWhats this is English?BGood morning!CHow are you?DAre these your sisters?ENo, he isnt.FYes, it is.GHis name is Mike.Jim: Hello! Mary. 21 . Mary: Im fine, thanks. And you?Jim: Im fine, too.May: Excuse me(打扰一下), 22 . Jim: Its a photo.Mary: Is it your family photo?Jim: Yes, it is.Mary: 23 . Jim: Yes, they are.Mary: And is this your brother?Jim: 24 . He is my cousin.Mary: Whats his name?Jim: 25 . 三、完型填空Look at the picture. Its a picture _a park._the tree_some birds. Are there _boys under it? Yes, there are. Theyre _English books. _girls are there near the river? Therere six. Are they_games? Yes, they are. _ that girl behind the tree? Thats Kate. Shes _ a red skirt. Shes _ tea.26 . AaboutBofCtoDat27 . AAwayBDownCAtDIn28 . AhaveBareCtherereDtheres29 . AaBanyCsomeDthe30 . AreadingBseeingClooking atDwatching31 . AWhoreBHow muchCHow manyDWhat about32 . ArunningBthinkCplayingDmakes33 . AWhatsBWhosCHow isDWheres34 . AputtingBhavingCwearingDputting on35 . AeatingBcleaningCdrinkingDlike四、阅读单选Many objects in the universe are invisible,but they send radio waves. The radio telescope thus appeared, and it is considered one of the greatest inventions in the twentieth century. Reber built the worlds first radio telescope in 1937. Ryle and Hewish developed radio telescope systems for the location of weak radio sources, and they shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1974. A radio telescope is usually made up of:One or more antennas to collect the radio waves. Most antennas are made in the shape of a dish to collect and reflect, the radio waves to the sub-reflector, in the same way as a curved mirror focuses visible light to one point.A receiver and amplifier to receive the radio waves from the sub-reflector, and make these weak radio waves strong enough to be recorded and turned into electronic signals. To make an amplifier sensitive enough, it is usually cooled to, very low temperatures (e. g. as low as -270).A recorder to keep a record of the electronic signals. Most :radio telescopes today keep the signals to the computers memory disk for astronomers to analyze later.Radio wavelengths are much longer than those of visible light, and the radio waves from deep space are always weak. To catch Radio wavelengths are much longer than those of visible light,and the radio waves from deep space are always weak. To catch these waves, radio telescopes usually have huge antennas. The sizes of most antennas in use today are around 50 to 300 metres in diameter. The antenna of FAST in Guizhou, China, the latest and largest radio telescope in the world, is 500 metres in diameter, as large as the size of 30 football fields.To avoid interferences, and keep the telescopes sensitive, radio telescopes are built in places where there are no human radio waves or electronic signals. For example, FAST is 5 kilometres away from the closest village and 25 kilometres away from the nearest town. Radio telescopes create pictures of the sky, not in visible light, but in radio waves. This is extremely useful, because there are objects that cant be seen, objects that we wouldnt even know without radio telescopes.36 . Radio telescopes help collect _ from the universeAlightBobjectsCradio wavesDvisible signals37 . Most antennas of radio telescopes are made in the shape of a dish to _.Amake the antennas strong enoughBincrease the number of radio wavesCturn radio waves into electronic signalsDfocus radio waves on the sub-reflector38 . The underlined word interferences in the passage refers to _.Athe noises made by villagers and animalsBthe sounds from the radios and televisionsCthe people who go to Guizhou to watch FAST workDthe radio waves and electronic signals from humans39 . What have we done with the help of radio telescopes?AWe have received pictures of deep space.BWe have discovered unknown lives in the universe.CWe have found some unknown objects in the universe.DWe have turned the radio waves from space into light.Happy Time is a program on ABC Radio. John Brown is an announcer (播音员) for the program. Most of the girls and boys like the program. They also like John Brown. Some of them often make calls to him and thank him for his work. There are lots of letters(信件) to him every day, too John Brown gets up at 6:00 every morning. He leaves home at 6:30 and gets to his office at 7:15. The program begins fifteen minutes later. He always plays some new songs and music for his listeners.John finishes his work at 6:30 in the evening. He goes home in his car. He likes reading newspapers and listening to music in the evening. Sometimes he takes his dog for a walk40 . What does John Brown do?AHe is a doctorBHe is an announcerCHe is a teacherDHe is a driver41 . The program begins at _ a.m.A6:00B6:30C7:15D7:3042 . What does the underlined word “play” mean in Chinese?A玩耍B演奏C播放D扮演43 . John Brown goes home _.Aby carBby busCby bikeDon foot44 . Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?AMany boys and girls like Happy TimeBJohn Brown gets many letters every dayCJohn Brown goes to work early every dayDJohn Brown likes watching TV after workThe Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao BridgeThe Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) was open to traffic on October 24th. The 55 km-long bridge is the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world. It took six years to prepare, and almost nine years to build. Its main section(部分) includes 23 kilometers of the bridge, 6.7 kilometers of the undersea tunnel(隧道), and two man-made islands. HZMB cuts travel time between Hong Kong and Zhuhai from 3 hours to 45 minutes.Travelers can drive cars or take buses across the bridge. Payments can be made through online payment services such as WeChat and Alipay. In a few days, the bridge will be filled with cars and buses, moving quickly between the China mainland(大陆), Hong Kong and Macao.45 . What is the title(标题) mean in Chinese?A三藩市金门桥B盘龙江大桥C港珠澳大桥46 . How long is HZMB?A55B56C4547 . Is the bridge longer than any other sea-crossing bridge in the world?AYes.BNo.CI dont know.48 . We just spend _ traveling between Hong Kong and Zhuhai now.A3 hoursB45 minutesC2.5 hours49 . Which transportation(交通方式) did NOT mentioned in this passage?AcarBbusCtrainIt takes much time to learn a language. There are many reasons to learn a language. EmigrationWhen you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate with the local community. Even if many local people speak your language, its important to learn their language. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking.WorkIf your work is about languages, talking to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. Knowing languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips.Many English-speaking business people dont bother to learn other languages because they believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English. The lack of foreign language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage.TravelWhen you go on holiday you can get more information by speaking English. If people dont understand you, all you have to do is speak slowly and turn up the voice.FoodPerhaps you enjoy the food and drink of a country or region and make trips there. It is very useful to learn a foreign language.50 . The underlined word “chance” means .AopportunityBinterestCinstructionDexplanation51 . There are reasons to learn a language in the passage.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix52 . What is NOT true according to the passage ?AIts important to learn a foreign language when moving to a different country.BLearning a language can give you a better understanding of their culture.CIf people dont understand you , you can speak slowly and turn up the voice.DIts not necessary to learn a foreign language if you are English-speaking business people.53 . Whats the main idea of the passage ?AWhere to learn a language.BWhy to learn to learn a language.CHow to learn a language.DHow many languages to learn.五、阅读判断SaraMy favourite drink is cola. I dont like juice. But my sister lily likes juice best. My parents like water.BettyMy father likes fish and beef. My mother likes pork. I dont like meat. I like melons and tomatoes.TonyMy father likes onions best. My mother and I dont like onions. We like ham(火腿),but my father doesnt like it.TomMy parents drink milk every morning. I like drinking cola and juice. Ice cream is my favourite food.请阅读短文,然后判断正(T)误(F)。54 . Saras sister likes cola best.55 . Bettys mother doesnt like pork.56 . Tony and his father like ham.57 . Toms parents drink milk every morning.58 . Sara and Tom Like cola.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词59 . 男孩手里拿着球,跑了进来。The boy ran in, _ a ball in his hand.60 . 科学家认为火星上曾经有水。Scientists think there _ ever _ water on Mars.61 . 想知道这架飞机有多重是很困难的。Its hard to know_ the plane is.62 . 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。As we all know,the earth _ the sun.63 . 他们用手势相互交流。They _ each other by gesture.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文64 . 短文填空.用方框里所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、完整(每词限用一次)When I was in Grade 7,I had no interest in history .I didnt listenin class and couldnt finish homework on time. So I didnt do well in this.In theterm, there came a new humorous history teacher. I still had no passion for history. One day, she said,: “Well have a test in the afternoon ”.Since I wasnt good at history, whenever Ia history examination, I had to cheat .At that noon, I made lots of cheat sheets quickly.In the afternoon, I entered the classroom confidently. Soon my history teacher came in, along with our geography teacher .They both wore mysterious smile on their .When the paper wasout finally ,all of us found it was just a piece of geography paper. I became asas a wooden chick at once. Just then, our teachers couldnt helploudly. ,which is just like a slap hitting on my face. I only got 12 points that time.Later, Ithat day was April Fools Day, but it wasnt interesting for me at all. It was a deep lesson for me. I learned that if I didnthard, ,I might be a real fool one day.八、填写适当的句子补全对话根据所给图片,完成对话65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 九、单词填空六、阅读理解填词It was already 7:30 and I was late again for the dinner out with my wife,Eleanor. We had agreed to meet at the r70 . at seven oclock. I felt a little a71 . , but to my relief(宽慰), I had a good excuse: A business meeting had run over and I had w72 . no time getting to the dinner.When I arrived, Eleanor was very angry. “I am sorry, I didnt m73 . to be late, but it was not available,” I said. Then I told her about the business meeting. However, my explanation seemed to make things even w74 . , which started to drive me mad as well.Several weeks later, when I d75 . these with my friend Ken Hardy. He smiled, “You made a classic mistake. Youre stuck in your own way of thinking. You didnt want to be late. But thats not the p76 . . What is important in your communication is how your lateness affected Eleanor.” He said that I paid special attention to the intention(目的) while Eleanor to the r77 . . Thus, both of us felt misunderstood and c78 . .Thinking more about Kens words, I gradually got the real c79 . of such disagreement. Its what I did really matters!十、信息归纳信息归纳As traditional Chinese art,paper cutting has a long history.The first and earliest paper cutting was found in China 1,500 years ago.But this traditional art is at risk of disappearing now.Luckily,Voyo Woo,a Chinese immigrant (移民) in America,is trying to bring this art back to life.One Saturday in 2014,Ms Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington.She got much fun and peace from it .She hoped more people would enjoy it.Ms Woo began to study the art of paper cutting as a 14yearold girl in her hometown in China.She said all the students at school had to learn paper cutting.But she had a deep love for it.So her teacher spent more time teaching her after class.Later,she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition.Ms Woo went to America after she finished college in 2008.Soon after that,she took part in an activity to promote (宣传) Chinese paper cutting.And then she was invited to show the art in many important activities.“It is important to promote this art to Americans or anyone who is interested in it.Maybe it will make this art more popular.”Woo said.From the art of paper cutting,people can know about Chinese cultural values,history and stories of peoples life.Ms Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture to people who know little about it.Just because Chinese art is not only for Chinese,but also for people all over the world.Information CardThe person who is trying to bring paper cutting back to life81.80 . Her hometown82.81 . The time she began to study the art of paper cutting83.82 . The important thing she did in 201484.83 . The purpose (目的) she promotes Chinese paper cutting85.84 . 十一、短文改错85 . 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文中有5处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加入一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一次;2.只允许修改5处,多者(从第6处起)不计分。Im Li Lei. Im 13 years old. There are some rules at my home. I cant go out at the night. I must spend an hour in doing my homeworks after school. I have to make my bed every day. I must do the dishes on the weekend. I must read a book before I can relax. Im interesting in playing soccer, but I have to play it on the weekend. My parents are strict on me, but I know they make the rules help me. I should follow them.十二、看图作文86 . 要求:1.以第三人称进行描述。2使用相应的方位介词。3书写规范。参考词汇:wall墙,near在附近,floor地板,kite风筝 4.50词左右第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、阅读判断1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、单词填空1、十、信息归纳1、十一、短文改错1、十二、看图作文1、

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