2020年秋九年级上(人教版)英语单元检测卷:Unit 7B卷

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2020年秋九年级上(人教版)英语单元检测卷:Unit 7B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The girl was last _ in the library at 10:00 a.m. yesterday.Alooked readingBseeing readingCseen to readDseen reading2 . The students shouldnt _ to take mobile phones.AallowsBallowedCbe allowedDallow3 . Would you slow down a bit, please? I cant _ you.Acome up withBhold on toCget along withDcatch up with4 . Does your sister like _?Yes, you can see all kinds of clothes in her room.AreadingBshoppingCswimmingDdancing5 . You should _ the bananas and put them in the blender.Acut downBcut upCcut in6 . Can you _ your new photos to me?Yes, Here you are.AtakeBmakeCshowDbuy7 . Mr. BrownMs White knows French,so I have to ask a third person for help.ABoth;andBNeither;norCEither;or8 . Now computers areused in our everyday life.AlatelyBexactlyCwidelyDhardly9 . When you say to need to _ to someone, you mean you need to say “Sorry” to him or her.AapologizeBtalkCread10 . The room _. Its a real mess.Amust be cleaned upBmust cleaned upCmust clean up11 . He enjoys _ his summer holidays with his cousin in Qingdao.AspendBspendsCspendingDto spend12 . They got much _ from those new books.AideasBphotosCinformationDstories13 . Hello! Golden Sun Hotel. Can I help you?Do you have a room _ for this weekend?AavailableBusefulChelpfulDpossible14 . I go out for the movie happily, but soon I find it _AboringBfamousCinterestingDexcited15 . There is something wrong with his TV. He wants to get it _ this afternoon.ArepairingBrepairedCto repairDrepair二、补全短文6选5Kwame Alexander is an American writer of childrens fiction. His novel The Crossover was written in poetic (诗歌的) form and won several awards in 2015. Alexanders most recent novel Booked is about a middle school student Nick Hall, whose love for soccer helps him deal with the challenges of growing up. Recently, a reporter had an interview with Alexander about his books.(R=Reporter, A= Alexander)R: 16 . A: It has to do with my love of sports. As a kid, I loved to play sports. I was a tennis player. I love to watch sports and to get excited about what happens on the field. Why not use sports as a way to tell these stories? I know kids are going to get into it. What kid doesnt love tennis or swimming or soccer?R: 17 . A: Ive always been interested in the power of poetry. Ive been trying to write my feelings and ideas about the world we live in and poetry allows me to talk about some heavy and deep things in a pleasant way. I love poetry and for me, its so cool.R: 18 . A: Video games and television mostly offer fantasy (幻想). They offer interesting and unrealistic fantasy. Literature (文学) opens up a world of possibility to readers. As a writer for kids, I want to help readers imagine whats possible in the world how to make it better and how to make themselves better in it.R: 19 . A: Nikki Giovanni, Langston Hughes, E. E. Cummings those are the main ones. Its the things they wrote about, the way they played with language and held the readers attention.R: Are you planning a new novel?20 . A: It will be. Im writing a prequel (前传) to The Crossover. Its about the father, Chuck Bell, when he was 12 years old.AWill it be in poetic form?BWhat can literature offer young people that video games and television cannot?CWhy are both of your recent novels about sports?DDo you write from your experience or imagination?EWhy did you write these two novels in poetic form? FWhich writers have had the greatest influence on your writing?三、完型填空完型填空。Welcome to Wenzhou_, everyone! Let me_you many different animals today. Listen! Many_are singing in the tree. Can you see some monkeys? They are clever and like_bananas. Look! There are many koalas. They_from Australia. They are quiet,_and cute. Children like them. Oh, theres a tiger in the cage(笼子)_the tree. It eats a lot of_every day. I like pandas best_they live only in China. Animals are our friends, we should take care of (照顾)them. Im_youll have a good time here.21 . AhospitalBzooCfarmDschool22 . AtalkBsayCtellDspeak23 . AgiraffesBlionsCchickenDbirds24 . AeatBeatsCeattingDeating25 . AcomesBcomeCis comeDis26 . AfriendlyBscaryCdangerousDbored27 . AunderBonCinD28 . AgrassBleavesCmeatDbamboos29 . AandBbecauseCsoDbut30 . AsorryBreadyCsureDgood四、阅读单选(题文)One year, a college in the United States announced that it would offer a lot of money for the pure white marigold(金盏花). The high reward attracted so many people, but in the nature, besides golden, the marigold is brown, and it is not easy to get the white one. So after they were excited for a time, many people had forgotten the announcement.One day after 20 years, the college received a letter and 100 seeds(种子) of pure white marigold. It turned out to be an old woman of over 70 years old. Some scientists in the college doubted it, but it was surprising that those seeds finally took root(根) in the earth. The miracle(奇迹)appeared after one year, the field was covered by pure white marigold.So the old woman who was always unknown to the public became a new focus(焦点).The old woman was a flower-lover. When she read the announcement 20 years ago, she got very excited like others. But her eight children were against her decision. After all, a woman who never knew the seed genetics(遗传学) couldnt complete the job that scientists could never do, so her thought was only a daydream.Still, the old woman didnt change her mind and went on working. She planted some of the most common seeds and took good care of them. A year later, when the marigold came out, she chose the faintest (最暗淡的) one from those golden and brown flowers and got the best seed. The next year, she again grew them and chose. Day after day, year after year, through many seasons, the old womans husband died, her children flew far, a lot of things happened in her life, but only the wish to grow the pure white marigold took root in her heart.Finally, after 20 years on the day we all know, in the garden she saw a marigold, which was not nearly white, but as white as silver or snow.A problem even scientists couldnt deal with was solved by an old woman who didnt understand genetics. Was it magic?To take root in the heart, even the most common seed, can grow into a miracle!31 . (小题1)According to the passage,marigold is unusual.Awhite BpurpleCbrownDgolden32 . (小题2)What does the old woman love?ASeedsBPicturesCFlowersDLeaves33 . (小题3)It can be learned from the passage that.Athe children didnt agree on their mothers decisionBthe woman needed the great reward for her big familyCthe scientists also succeeded in growing the white marigoldDthe woman took good care of the flowers instead of her family34 . (小题4)woman successfully grew the white marigold at last because she.Awas luckier than scientistsBput her heart into flowersCgot support from her familyDstudied the seed genetics well35 . (小题5)The passage mainly talks about.Athe difficulties of getting the white marigoldBthe possibility of going beyond scientistsCthe unforgettable development of marigoldDthe importance of holding on to dreams五、阅读判断In some western counties, many children begin to do housework to get their pocket money when they are ten.For many school students, they dont have enough time on weekdays. So they often do it on weekends.For young children, they can do easy housework For example, they can help parents wash the bows. clean the floor, or feed the pets. But they dont get much money. They only buy cheap candy to eat with it.If the children want to buy something expensive they have to do hard housework. They can help their parents wash the family car, cut the grass, or cook meals.In fact, a few jobs are a good way for kids to learn new things. Many children learn how to use a lawnmower (割草机) or how to cook for themselves that way. Those are the things that they cant learn from books.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F).36 . To get pocket money, many Chinese children do housework when they are ten.37 . Many school students often do housework on weekdays.38 . Cleaning the floor is easy housework for the children.39 . Washing the family car can get less money than feeding the pet.40 . Students cant learn everything from books.六、完成句子41 . 你想告诉Mary你的杯子是蓝色的,你可以这样说:Mary, _.42 . 你想告诉Tom这是一把钥匙,你可以这样说:Tom, _.43 . 你想告诉爸爸这件紫色的书包不错,你可以这样说:Dad, the _ is nice.44 . 晚上碰到老师、同学或熟人,你可以这样说:_.45 . 当你在远处看到一位同学,你想知道他是谁,你可以这样问你的朋友:_?七、用单词的正确形式完成句子选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空。succeed in fall into go off run away travel around46 . The patient has a deep sleep after taking the sleeping pills.47 . They plan to the whole world when they grow up.48 . My alarm clock didnt this morning. I was late for work again.49 . The thief had when the policemen came.50 . Youre sureyour study!八、单词填空Fill in the blanks with proper words whose first letters are given. In recent years, playing kite-board seems to become more and more popular in Alaska in America. It is a new and old game. The game has w 51 . the interest of many young people. The game is interesting but a little d52 . . One needs to play it very c53 . .A kite-board is in fact a skateboard drawn by a few big flying kites. The old game was p54 . by some young people in Holland and Spain as e55 . as the last century. Since the board was hard to control, f56 . people dared(敢)to play it. With the i57 . of the design of kite and skateboard, many people can learn how to play it. A kite board may go as fast as about 50 kilometers an hour. If you havent had any p58 . , youd better not play it. It is not s59 . . It is said that the game can exercise not only your b60 . but also the sensitivity of your brain.九、话题作文61 . 书面表达请你以 Healthy living Habits为题,写篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你对健康生活的理解。写作内容如下1、你有哪些健康的生活习惯(至少2个点);2、这些习惯给你带来的好处(至少2点);3、号召大家养成健康的生活习惯。要求:开头已经给出,不计入总词数。不得在文中出现学校真实名称和真实姓名。Healthy Living HabitsEveryone knows health is important to us._第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、话题作文1、


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