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上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期12月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Cheer up! Im sure we can_ these difficulties.AcreateBsolveCchooseDhave2 . Do your grandparents live with you?Yes, we take care of_ well.AtheyBtheirCthem3 . Li Dan is a _ student, and she can speak English _.Agood; goodBgood; wellCwell; goodDwell; well4 . Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy_ over 10,000,000 yuan to help the poor in 2015.Agave upBgave offCgave outDgave away5 . This is one of the most interesting _ I have _ seen.Aaircrafts; neverBaircrafts; oftenCaircrafts; everDaircraft ; over6 . Id like a big bowl of noodles for 4yuan.AofBforCto7 . The weather was _ cold that many people got a coldAsoBso aCsuchDsuch a8 . Which ear of the following words has the different pronunciation(不同发音)?AnearByearCwearDhear9 . My favorite _ is A Bite of China.(舌尖上的中国)My mother likes it, too. She always cooks delicious food after watching it.AmagazineBtelevisionCprogramDplant10 . Is this kite _? No, _ kite is under the desk.Ayou, myByour, mineCyou, meDyours, my11 . -Why are you laughing?-Oh, Ive just readinteresting story.AaBtheCanD/12 . Im going to take a physics exam this afternoon._!AGood jobBCongratulationsCGood luck to youDHave a good time13 . My friend works _ a hospital _ a doctor.Aat, inBfrom , asCin, asDon ,as14 . She always does very well in the English exams. But she can _ understand English radio programs.AalwaysBhardlyCalreadyDeasily15 . I have_to tell you.Aanything elseBother elseCsomething else二、完型填空We do the shopping on Sunday. I often go to the supermarket with my mother_ Sunday morning by car. My father likes fruit very much. We buy some red apples for him. My mother likes yellow bananas, _theyre green.“Look! The strawberries are very nice, Mum. Do you like them?” I_ to my mother. “Yes, I like strawberries very much.” My mother buys some_ herself. The oranges are very nice. My mother buys some for me. I like oranges very much. We buy some vegetables. The vegetables in the _ are very good. We buy some tomatoes, potatoes and broccoli. I _ like broccoli, but my parents like _. I like carrots very much. We buy _ of carrots. _ shopping, my mother and I have some French fries, milk and ice cream. And then we go back _ with the fruit and vegetables.16 . AinBonCatDby17 . AandBthough(尽管)CbutDthen18 . AtellBsayCcallDtalk19 . AtoBwithCbyDfor20 . AstoreBsupermarketCshopDmall21 . AdontBamntChaventDarent22 . AthemBitCtheyDthis23 . AlotBmanyCmuchDlots24 . AAtBBeforeCAfterDWhen25 . AschoolBsupermarketCrestaurantDhome三、阅读单选Dear Sonia,I am having a party for my 13th birthday. Can you come to my birthday party? It will be a wonderful party. My parents will help me organize it. You can listen to some pop music and you can see a big birthday cake. I think its much bigger than my mum made for me before. It is as big as a desk. Did you see such a big cake? It will be a special party, too. Its also a ball. You can dance to the nice music. But you have to take a partner(伙伴). The party begins at 7:00 pm this Friday. Welcome to my house. If you come to my party, you will have a great time! Dont forget to take a partner!Lily26 . This is an invitation_.A. to Sonia B. from Sonia C. to Lily27 . There will be a very_ at the party.A. big desk B. big cake C. small cake28 . The underlined word “ball” means _.A. basketballB. footballC. dancing party29 . They will have the party _.A. next FridayB. on weekendsC. in the evening30 . If Bob goes to the party, he may take a _ with him.A. ball B. partner C. birthday cake根据名片内容,选择正确答案。31 . Wang Tao works in _.ASDTV StationBPudong No.1 RestaurantCRenmin HospitalDShuntong Taxi Company32 . We can call Xu Guoqing at _.A0531-76453210B0755-6357617C13872205368D1582301769933 . If your friend is ill(生病的), he can call _.AWang TaoBXu GuoqingCXia ZhanghuiDLiu Yong34 . You cant get in touch with(与.联系)_ by Email.AWang TaoBXu GuoqingCXia ZhanghuiDLiu Yong35 . Liu Yong lives in _. He is a _.AJinan; workerBShanghai; managerCShenzhen; doctorDTianjin; driverLook at these things. This is Mr. Greens watch. Its yellow. That is Jims English book. Its blue. Jim likes English. He is my cousin. He reads(读) English every day. Oh, whats that over there? Its a white key. Its Miss Greens. Look at the card. What card is it? It is a school ID card. The number is 20133082. Is the card Marys? No, it isnt. I think it is Bobs. Bob is my brother. He is looking for(正在寻找) his school ID card. What about this dictionary? Its Helens. And the green pen is hers, too.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。36 . What color is the English book?AGreen.BYellow.CWhite.DBlue.37 . Whats the number of the card?A20130328.B20133028.C20138002.D20133082.38 . Miss Greens key is _.AwhiteByellowCblueDgreen39 . _ is yellow.AJims English bookBMiss Greens keyCMr. Greens watchDHelens dictionary40 . The dictionary is _.AJimsBHelensCBobsDMarysFor a long time, scientists have said that teenagers should not start school before 8 in the morning. They said it is bad for teens health and their grades. More schools around the country are starting to listen. Some of those schools are in Seattle. They will start school at 8:45 in the morning.Last year, a big group of doctors which is made up of pediatricians (儿科医师) said starting later is a good idea. They said it can improve students lives in many ways. Teenagers often fall asleep later than their parents would like. Scientists say that if they start school later, they will get more sleep. They may also do better in school and feel better. “Were going to look back on this time period and wonder why it took so long,” said Phyllis Payne who works with a group called Start School Later.Some schools in St Paul cannot change start times because they do not have enough money. If they did, the city would have to provide more buses and drivers. This would cost millions of dollars. In Seattle, school leaders decided to let teenagers start school later. At first, they also said younger kids had to start earlier. Neither the parents of younger kids nor those of older kids like that school would start later. They were afraid this would get in the way of after-school activities. Seattle finally carried out a plan to start time later for teens. It happened because school leaders listened to what parents had to say. The final plan was more expensive but also more popular, said Cindy Jatul.In the city of Chicago, the school district tried to make start times later for teens. The plan failed because school leaders did not listen to parents. “It backfired (事与愿违) terribly,” Jatul said. Seattle was more successful because the city listened to parents.Bridget Shelton is a freshman at Seattles Roosevelt High School. She thinks the change in start times will help her get more sleep. Katie Benmar is a sophomore (二年级学生). She is not happy about the later start time. She thinks her life will just move around.41 . In Paragraph 1, which of the following sentences is true?AScientists have said that teenagers should start school later recently.BSome schools cant change start times because of the shortage of money.CSome of the schools in Seattle are starting to later the time.DScientists said starting school earlier is nothing bad for teens grades.42 . Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that _.ADoctors believe that its healthy for teenagers to fall asleep later than their parents.BDoctors say that when teens sleep more, their grades often improve.CDoctors think that starting times later will improve kids lives.DDoctors want schools to start later, but most schools say it is too expensive.43 . According to the passage, _ gives the opinion against the later start times?ACindy JatulBBridget SheltonCPhyllis PayneDKatie Benmar44 . The description of paragraph 4 is used to _.Agive a main idea and details about start times in one city.Bcompare similar events in two different cities.Ctalk about the causes of later start times.Dshow a timeline of events in two different cities.45 . From the passage, we can learn that _.AThe plan in Seattle was more expensive but successful because the city listened to leaders.BSome schools in St Paul cannot change start times because they cant afford to do so.CNeither the parents of younger kids nor those of older kids like that school would start earlier.DScientists say students in Chicago may not do better in school even if they start school later.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。46 . Yang Lei made a d_ to give her pocket money to the Hope Project.47 . I c_ forgot that it was my moms birthday yesterday.48 . Tom c_ with Jim for the first prize in the English speech contest last Friday.49 . Amy and Kate, when you use k_ to cut up these carrots, you should be really careful.50 . A_ you may not like to do chores, you should help your parents around the house.51 . Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily a_ the windows.52 . My little brother is so young that he cant look after h_.53 . He h_ doing the chores because its boring.54 . If parents fight a lot, the r_ between parents and children will be difficult.55 . The o_ should look after their dogs well when they walk them in the park.五、单词填空短文填空。根据下面短文内容,在划线的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使好文完整,通顺。Have you ever heard of Diwali? Its one of my favorite celebrations that my family take part in. Coming from India, my parents have always wanted to make sure 56 . we celebrate both English and India festivals. Diwali is also known as the festivals of lights. It is traditional to light up your house 57 . candles and small oil lamps to 58 . the triumph (胜利)of good over evil. Nowadays, we usually hold 59 . evening party to celebrate Diwali. We spend most of the day 60 . and decorating the house before the evening party begins. The house becomes tidy and beautiful. The evening party is a good 61 . for family and friends to come together, enjoy some 62 . India dishes and dance the night away. The house becomes a place full of laughter, music and Fireworks. It is always important that everyone takes part in the celebration. For years I watched as family, 63 . and friends travelled from work and home to make sure they were home in time. 六、填空Your schooldays should be the best time in your life. Do you know how to get the most from them? The following is some advice. It may help you.Be active(积极的)at school. Join a club. Listen to the teachers carefully and answer questions actively in class. If you are not working or learning, you are wasting(浪费)your time at school.Keep healthy. If you dont eat breakfast, you will be hungry in class. If you dont go to bed early, you will be sleepy in class. You should also play sports every day so that you will be in good health.Spend the weekends meaningfully(有意义地).Dont waste time lying in bed on Saturdays and Sundays. Go out and play sports. If you want to stay at home, you can also do many things such reading books, practising English or doing the housework.Follow our advice, and you will have a happy school life.根据短文内容,完成表格。每空一词。How to have a good school lifeBe active school.Join a club.Listen to the teacher carefully.64 . questions actively class.Keep healthy.Eat breakfast.Go to bed 65 . .You can keep healthy by66 . sports every day.Spend the weekends meaningfully.Dont lie in bed at 74.67 . .Go out and play sports.If you want to stay at home,you can read books,68 . English or do the housework.七、汉译英:整句. 句子翻译69 . 你通常向谁请求帮助?_70 . 我每天花一个小时的时间读有关科学方面的书。_71 . 你对历史书感兴趣吗?_72 . 他经常向图书馆借出许多书。_73 . 阅读能在我们面前打开一个新世界。_八、书信作文74 . 书面表达假如你是李华,打算邀请你们的外教Jack来你家共度端午佳节,并观看一年一度的龙舟赛。请根据以下要点,用英语给他写一封电子邮件。要点:1. 端午节的时间(农历五月五日)、来由(纪念屈原);2. 活动安排:学包粽子、观看龙舟赛(时间:下午两点;地点:东坡湖;赛况)。参考词汇:农历 lunar calendar注意:1. 所写内容必须包含所有要点,并作适当发挥;2. 词数:80词左右(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数);3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息。Dear Jack,The Dragon Boat Festival is coming in a few days. _Looking forward to your reply.Yours, Li Hua第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、书信作文1、


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