2019-2020学年外研版七年级英语下册期末复习 Modules 5—6 综合测试D卷

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2019-2020学年外研版七年级英语下册期末复习 Modules 5—6 综合测试D卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年外研版七年级英语下册期末复习 Modules 56 综合测试D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空When I was a child, my father had to do three jobs for a family of seven. Every time I saw him come back late, looking _, I promised myself that someday I would show my _ to my father for what he had done.Over the next twenty years, my father worked hard to _our big family and suffered a lot from a heart problem. One morning, my fathers old car broke down and he asked me to _him up after his medical examination. He had _ refused when I offered to replace (取代) his old car. He said that he did not want something that he couldnt pay_._he stepped out of the doctors office, he looked serious. We drove in silence and he made me promise to keep the medical report as a _. I did this with a heavy heart.At that time, I was _a new car. I asked my father to go with me to pick_out. When I started talking with the salesman, I noticed my father_a brown car. I_chose a white car. My father took one final look at the brown car and seemed kind of _before leaving. I heard him muttering (嘀咕) to himself, “_like that car. Wish I could _it.”Several days later, I asked my father if he could go with me to pick up_new car. As we arrived, the salesman_him a key to a new car - the brown one - and_that it was for him, from me. My father looked at me in great_. I told him it was my childhood_and smiled at this man, who had given up everything for his family.1 . AexcitedBtiredCangryDsad2 . AthanksBjobsCtalentsDregrets3 . AbuildBsaveCprotectDsupport4 . AsendBgiveCpickDlook5 . AstronglyBhardlyCexactlyDhappily6 . AmyselfBitselfChimselfDourselves7 . ABeforeBSinceCAsDUntil8 . AfactBsecretCdecisionDsuggestion9 . AimaginingBmakingCproducingDexpecting10 . AitBoneCthatDhim11 . AattackingBadmiringCbuyingDstealing12 . AfinallyBsuddenlyCsimplyDeasily13 . AworriedBpleasedCsorryDproud14 . AReallyBActuallyCRecentlyDClearly15 . AborrowBaffordCcollectDreceive16 . AmyByourChisDher17 . AreturnedBlentChandedDposted18 . AcreatedBexplainedCwarnedDdoubted19 . AfunBpainCtroubleDsurprise20 . AdreamBpromiseCexperienceDinterest二、阅读单选Do you know2022 World Cup will be held in Qatar(卡塔尔)?And FIFA(国际足联)has made a big decision. The 2022 Qatar World Cup will be held in November and December. It is the first time FIFA has moved the event from its traditional summer to winter.According to the decision,the 2022 World Cup will start on November 21.The final will take place on December 18, one week ahead of Christmas. It will last 28 days in total.FIFA said,This is an important step for us. December 18,2022 is a Sunday,and its National Day in Qatar,so it fits perfectly.”Many people disagree that Qatar has the chance to hold the 2022 World Cup, because summer temperature is very high-sometimes,the temperature may he about 50C. So the country has an idea to move it to winter. At last FIFA gave the chance to Qatar.Although the change is good for the player. There is still much opposition. The biggest opposition comes from the major European leagues(欧洲联赛),because the new time will be just Europes club season. FIFA said they will try their best do make things go well.21 . Traditional Word Cup is usually held in _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter22 . How long will the 2022 World Cup last?AThirty days .BTwenty-eight daysCThirty-one daysDTwenty-five days23 . Qatars National Day is on _ANovember 21BNovember 18CDecember 21DDecember 1824 . Why did Qatar want to hold the 2022 World Cup in winter?ABecause FIFAs director asked it to do so.BBecause the countrys National Day is in winter.CBecause its summer temperature is too highDBecause winter is good for ski racing.25 . What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word opposition?A反对B鼓励C疑惑D支持The English Summer Campin the LANLEY SCHOOL of EnglishDo you need to learn English for study or fun in summer holiday?Herere our courses you can choose!3 coursesSpeakingWritingListening-10 students-30-hour course-Monday to Friday-native teachers-20 students-10-hour course-Saturday only-experienced teachers-25 students-20-hour course-every day of the week-experienced teachersOpening Times Saturday-Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-8 p.m.Contact Phone number: 02 0443 1566; 02 0443 1520 Email: Englishlsofe.co.ukFind us 122A Great Eastern Street Lanleygate London26 . How many courses are there?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.27 . When is the writing course?AEvery day of the week.BOn Saturday only.CFrom Monday to Friday.DOn Monday only.28 . If you want to learn from native teachers, you should choose _ course.AspeakingBwritingC10-hourD20-hourThere is a supermarket called Shopping Center near my house. Its open from 8:00am to10:00pm.The supermarket is very new and big with four floors. If you want to go shopping, please come to this supermarket. You can buy all kinds of things. Look! On the first floor, you can buy vegetables, meat, eggs, juice, and so on. If you want to buy gloves, scarves(围巾), T-shirts, shoes and all kinds of clothes, you can come to the second floor. There are all kinds of TV sets and fridges(冰箱)on the third floor. Children like the fourth floor a lot, they can buy their favourite books, CDs and beautiful toys.The things in the supermarket are not expensive(贵的), sometimes the things are on sale, so there are always a lot of people. The workers in it work hard. They are very friendly and helpful.29 . How long is the supermarket open every day?A2 hoursB12 hoursC14 hoursD16 hours30 . How is the supermarket?AIts very big.BIts very new and big.CIts not big but nice.DIts modern with a long history.31 . If you want to buy something to eat and drink, you may go to_.Athe first floorBthe second floorCthe third floorDthe fourth floor32 . The things in the supermarket are _.AexpensiveBcheap(便宜的)CbadDold33 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe supermarket is far from my house.BOften there is a sale in the supermarket.CPeople dont like shopping here.DThe workers in it are very friendly.三、句型转换句型转换34 . My headache started about two days ago.(对画线部分提问)_ your headache _?35 . He was drinking coffee when his sister bought some food.(改为同义句)_ he was drinking coffee , his sister _ some food.36 . He studied English yesterday. (用at 8: 00 yesterday 替换yesterday)He _ English at 8: 00 yesterday.37 . I think you should write him a letter. (改为否定句)I _ think you _ write him a letter.38 . Whats the matter with the pet dog? ( 改为同义句) _ with the pet dog?四、完成句子39 . 我很孤独,害怕跟任何人交朋友。I was very_,and afraid_friends_anyone40 . 每次听到其他同学有说有笑,我觉得自己更加孤单了。_I heard the other students_and laughing,I felt even_lonely41 . 日子一天天过去,我学会信任人了,他们把我纳入到他们的朋友圈中了。Day_day,I learnt to_people,and they included me_their_of friends42 . 一天,我的同学们正在和他们的朋友聊天,而我只是静静地坐着。One day,my classmates were talking_their friends,but I sat_.43 . 现在我相信世界就是你想象的那个样子。Now I believe that the world_what_it is五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用下面五个短语的适当形式完成41到45题。Turn down give away stay up put off send for44 . The baby is sleeping, Please _the TV.45 . Mother was ill . Wed better _ a doctor46 . My English teacher always _till 11:00 pm.47 . The old man always _some of his money to the charity .48 . Our sports meeting had to be _ because of the bad weather .六、单词填空How would we travel _1_ maps? It would be a bit adventurous (冒险的) to set off from Oxford University to go to London Bridge if there wasnt a _2_ of the London Underground at each station.In fact, a lot of the early mapmakers were adventurers and explorers, especially in the 15th and 16th centuries.So what did people do before there were maps? Well, _3_ was quite easy to use natural signs like mountains and rivers and followed coastlines.And it was _4_ more logical (合理的) to use time, not distance, to measure (计量) journeys: the next village is _5_ threehour ride, for example.In fact, in the earliest maps, people didnt draw landmarks.They drew the stars.It was very easy to see the night sky _6_ use it for navigation (航行)The sky was a lot clearer before the light pollution from cities _7_we have today.When towns and cities were built, people drew road maps which gave correct distances and directions.The London Underground was opened in 1863 and it also used a road map style.But a man _8_ Henry Beck realized that traveling by train wasnt the same as driving your car across London.Passengers only needed to know which stations to change at.His new design (设计) for the Underground map wasnt very _9_ with the train companies at first.But the passengers loved it and in 1933, 700,000 copies were printed.These days, of course, you can ride a bike, drive a car or _10_ through a forest and know where you are exactly, using a GPS.Its really difficult to get lost!七、语法填空缺词填空Hello, everyone! Next week we will go on a t49 . to the Yellow Mountain(黄山). Do you want to know something about it? Here is some i50 . .The Yellow Mountain is a f 51 . mountain in China. It is in the s52 . of Anhui. Every year t53 . of people from China and all over the world come to visit it. Its not far from our school. It t54 . us about three hours to get there by bus. We can also go there by train or by plane. When we are c55 . the mountain, we can enjoy the f 56 . air, the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks along the way. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks beautiful . Its really a nice place to visit.Please p57 . well for the trip. Wear comfortable trainers, bring something to eat and drink next week, but please remember : We should be polite v58 . .八、信息归纳My town is a great place to live in. Its the best place to enjoy your free time. There are three movie theaters in the town They are all good, but the closest one to my house is the best. Shopping is also easy. There are many shops and most of them are fashionable(时尚的).They sell very fashionable clothes. The prices are also lower than those in other towns, so students love to shop here. There are also a lot of video and music stores.They are very popular with students. I go to the music store every week to buy a new CD. The most crowed place for students to hang out is the park. Everyone goes there, so its really interesting. Sometimes there are even street performers. Some students think theyre boring, but I think theyre the most creative people. I want to be a street performer, too根据短文内容,完成下列思维图。(每空词数不限)59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _九、材料作文64 . 你是Linda, 你的好友Tony, 今年五一假期他和家人打算来你的家乡温州游玩两天。请你做导游并帮他设计一份旅行计划。根据以下行程安排,写一封email给他。 Tonys plan to WenzhouMay 1stNanxi River1. go boating 2.visit Furong Village 3.May 2ndYandang Mountain1. climb the mountain2.eat seafood 3.注意: 1. 行程安排必须包括表格所含主要内容,可以适当发挥;2. 词数80左右; 开头结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 文中不能出现真实的学校、班级和人名。提示词: village (村) , climb the mountain(爬山), seafood(海鲜)Dear Tony,I am happy you will come to my hometown on May Day. Here is a plan for us. _. This is our plan. What do you think of it ? Yours Lindacopy n. 模仿 dream n. 梦想 except prep. 除了ill adj. 生病的 mad adj. 发疯的 owner n. 主人souvenir n.纪念品 survey n. 调查 terrible adj. 可怕的touch n. 接触 trip n. 旅行 uncomfortable adj.不舒服第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、句型转换1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、语法填空1、八、信息归纳1、九、材料作文1、

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