2019-2020学年七年级英语下册(人教版):Unit 7 综合水平测试

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2019-2020学年七年级英语下册(人教版):Unit 7 综合水平测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)- Hello! Whos speaking? - Hi, Ann. _ Mary.AThisBItsCThis isDThat is2 . “_ do you live in that small town?”“For ten years.”AWhat timeBHow longCHow oftenDHow soon3 . The bread tastes _ with some jam. Id like to have more.AgoodBwellCbadDbadly4 . What do I have to do if I want to become famous?You have to be prepared to _ your normal life. You can never imaginehow difficult the road to success is.Atake upBget upClook upDgive up5 . Hi, Lily. Happy New Year! _AThank you.BYes.CThe same to you.6 . It is so hot in the classroom. Would you mind _ the windows?OK. Ill do it right now.Anot closingBnot openingCopeningDclosing7 . -This is_European animal.-Yes,its a wolf.AaBanCtheD/8 . (题文) _ time do you eat dinners every day? Three.AHow manyBWhatCHow longDWhere9 . Could you help me carry the bicycle upstairs?_ANot at allBIts my pleasureCWith pleasureDNo, I couldnt10 . On Teachers Day, I sent a _to my English teacher, and said “Happy Teachers Day” on it.AstampBpenCpostcardDticket11 . They thought _ important to look right and left when _ the road.Aits; crossBit; to crossCit; crossingDit was; to cross12 . Twenty years ago, only a few people in the small town were able to_ to buy a car.AagreeBaffordCplanDpromise13 . He, together with his friends, hardly goes fishing, _? _. All of them prefer to watch TV at home.Ado they; YesBdoes he; NoCdont they; YesDdoesnt he; No14 . Peter always helps his motherhousework.AdoBdoingCwith doingDwith do15 . Your father is having a meeting now. Im afraid he cant pick up the phone.Could I send him a/an _?AmessageBsuggestionCinformationDidea二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。AIm glad to hear that.BWhen you visit England,you wont go in fall.CCan you tell me about it?DWhat does the weather reporter say?EBut its a little warmer than that in Weihai.FYou are right.But it isnt serious.GIts in spring.(W:Winnie C:Charlie)W:Hello,this is Winnie.Is that Charlie speaking?C:Speaking.W:I want to go to London.So I want to know the weather there.16 . C:Sure!Now its February,and it is cold.Its a bad month of the year.W:Oh,I think its as cold as it in Weihai,China.C: 17 . W:Then when is the best time to visit London?C:18 . There are trees,grass and flowers everywhere.Its never too hot or too cold.W:I heard that its often foggy(有雾的).C:19 . Our government has tried to protect the environment.W:20 . I heard that you often talk about the weather when you meet each other.C:Yes.Probably because the weather changes from time to time.三、完型填空Doar Nista:Moving is hard work! Mother and I_to pack things just eight weeks before we left._ new house is in a town called St. Cloud, Minnesota. Its very quiet. The weather in July is warm and sunny, and there are no _ seasons. My sister Sunil and I can play together, but we _have any friends here. It isnt easy for us _neighbours.Dad started his new job _ a doctor at the hospital here. Hes happy working here, _ I am not happy. I just feel lonely.Winter is in the air. The weather is getting colder and colder. It snowed 30 centimeters last night. Today, Sunil and I threw snowball with Emily. Emily is my neighbour and my classmate. We went _ last week on a lake. Someone made_ hole in the ice and was fishing. It was so cold.Tomorrow Emily and I _ one of my favourite movies. I miss you so much. Please write soon.21 . AbeginBbeginsCwill beginDbegan22 . AWeBUsCOurDOurs23 . A.A.rainArainyBrainsCraining24 . AdontBdoesntCisntDarent25 . Ato meetBmeetingCmeetDmet26 . AforBwithCofDas27 . AandBbutCorDso28 . AskateBskatedCskatingDto skating29 . AaBanCtheD/30 . AwatchBare watchingCare going to watchDwatched四、阅读单选Most of people watch the weather report on TV to get their newest weather information. So the weather report becomes one of the most popular TV programs.Now, most TV stations play soft music pieces to relax their audience (观众). The weather report words are getting close to our real life. And there are some warm reminds (提醒) for people to travel. They are really great pros(优点). So most people think they are fantastic improvements.“In the old days, there were lots of advertisements (广告) during the weather report. It seemed advertisements are the most important part.” an old man said. “And we could see no people but advertisements. ” added another old woman.“When I listened to the weather report, I was afraid to see the advertisements. Those colorful advertisements always made me crazy. So I never watched weather report on TV.” said a young man.Now the audience enjoy their favorite songs and enjoy the warm reminds while listening to the weather report. Audience can have more fun with weather report and at the same time with the advertisements, too. Thats a wonderful idea.31 . Why does the weather report become a most popular TV program? _.ABecause it has the greatest advertisementBBecaue it has the most advertisementsCBecause it gives people weather information in timeDBecause it has the weather of foreign countries32 . They are pros of(支持) todays weather report EXCEPT(除了) _.Amost TV stations play soft music pieces to relax their audienceBTV stations play so many colourful advertisements during itCthe weather report words are getting close to our real lifeDthere are some warm reminds (提醒) for people to travel33 . In the old days, people felt _ to see advertisements while listening to the weather report.AfunBfantasticCrelaxedDafraid34 . The passage talk about _ on the weather report.AadvertisementsBthe soft music piecesCnew changesDthe weather report words五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词。35 . He will be in _ (监狱) for two years for theft.36 . We should remember to _ (锁) the door when we leave home.37 . We all know that Bill Gates is a man of great _(a large amount of money).38 . This place is too dangerous. Youd better move there for _ (the state of being protected from danger).39 . Everyone needs to_against disease.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空(题文)40 . (小题1)“Stop _(talk)and listen to me”,the teacher said to us.41 . (小题2)Youd better keep the window open when _(sleep)in summer.42 . (小题3)She felt sorry for _(be)late again.43 . (小题4)The old man used to_(like)basketball when he was young.44 . (小题5)He has been used to _(live)alone.七、完成句子四、情景交际。45 . 你想告诉对方你无法与他长谈,你可以这么说_46 . 你想让对方对你学好数学提建议,你可以这样问_47 . 你不敢在英语课堂上回答问题,你可以这样跟妈妈说_48 . 你很肯定的告诉Tom只要他坚持这方法他可以在英语方面取得进步,你可以这么说_49 . 你想告诉对方你语文很差,你可以这么说_八、用单词的正确形式完成短文(题文)(题文)ourselves fly for large important pack visit around spend suchWe have been in Australia (小题1) a week. Were having a great time here. Australia is the sixth (小题2) country in the world. There is so much to see that it is (小题3) for me to tell you everything, Sydney is a beautiful city. There are many big trees and beautiful flowers(小题4) the houses. There are also some special animals in Australia, (小题5) as koalas and kangaroos. They are really lovely.During the past week, we (小题6) many places of interest around Sydney. Id like (小题7) more time here, but we (小题8) to another city, Cairns, to see coral beds tomorrow. It is said that words cannot describe the beauty of the colorful corals. Many famous cartoons were made there. Now we are busy(小题9) our bags. We can enjoy (小题10) in Cairns this time tomorrow. Im expecting to go there soon.九、材料作文50 . 请以 The Weather in China为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,要点如下:1. 中国大部分地区的春天很冷,春天在二月份到来;2. 夏天很热,持续(last)大约三个月,七八月份最热;3. 秋天在八月份到来,天气可能很暖和;4. 冬天始于十一月份,一月份最冷,你需要穿很多保暖的衣服;5. 来中国的最佳时间是春天或秋天。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、材料作文1、

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