人教新目标版英语八年级上册Unit 8 单元检测题(青岛专版)

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人教新目标版英语八年级上册Unit 8 单元检测题(青岛专版)_第1页
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人教新目标版英语八年级上册Unit 8 单元检测题(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Whats your teacher like?She is always strict _ us _ our study.Ain;inBwith;withCin;withDwith;in2 . My brother helps me buy _and some yogurt.Afive piece of breadBfive pieces of breadsCfive pieces of breadDfive piece of breads3 . Will you please _ me a cup of tea?AtakeBto takeCto bringDbring4 . How do you like the movie?Its story is interesting, but it _ too long.ApullsBliesClastsDexpresses5 . -_ apples do we need to make fruit salad?-Let me think. We need three apples.AHow longBHow oftenCHow muchDHow many6 . _ do you play basketball?Usually twice a week.AHow soonBHow longCHow often7 . _ mix these things together.ANotBNoCDontDYou arent8 . (题文)The boy is sleepingPleasethe radioAturn upBturn offCturn onDturn out9 . Jenny found a new pen on the ground when she was walking and _ it up.Astop to pickBstopped to pickCstopped picking10 . You cant believe how terrible the fire is unless you_ it _your own eyes.Awill see; beforeBsaw; byCsee; withDseeing; in二、补全短文6选5文章中有五处需要添加小标题, 请从A到F的六个选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题, 完成各题。(其中一项为多余选项。)ASearch your house.BJoin or start a book club. CAsk someone to recommend(推荐) a good book to you.DFind a quiet place to enjoy reading. EMake a list by answering these questions.FMake use of the Internet.Do you love to read? Youve ever read your favorite book a thousand times, and you want to read something new but you dont know what to read. If you have right information, its very easy to choose a good book. 11 . What kind of books do you like? Which writers do you love? What is your interest? With these questions, youll find right books you really enjoy reading. 12 . Sometimes good books are kept in your own house. Maybe you forgot about one, or someone who is living with you has a couple of good books. This way, you may find good books for yourself and it wont even cost you any money!13 . You can get help from your family, friends and even teachers. They will tell you how to find a good book. Small bookstores in town can offer you some advice. The books they like could be your new favorites!14 . Being a club member is often a great way to experience new books you might never read. This way helps you know who else likes the same books as you, and you can read the books that others have read and discuss them. Also, invite people who like reading to read with you. 15 . In a library, you can use the search engine(搜索引擎) on the computer to find the books youre expecting to read, written by a certain writer, or some books most people are interested in. Of course, you can also do this at home. 三、完型填空Most children like watching TV. On TV _can learn a lot and they can see and know many things about _country and the world. Of course, they can learn over the radio. but they can learn better and more easily with_. Why? Because they can hear and _ at the same time. But they cant _anything over the radio.Many _ watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on _. But a few children watch TV every_. They _very late. So they cant have a good_. How about you, my young friend?16 . AtheyByouCIDwe17 . AyourBourCmyDtheir18 . AradioBfilmCgameDTV19 . AwatchBspeakClistenDsing20 . AhearBlikeCseeDlearn21 . AchildrenBold peopleCshopkeepersDpolicemen22 . AMondayBFridayCweekendsDweekdays23 . AplaceBtimeCmanDnight24 . Ago to bedBgo to the parkCcome back homeDget home25 . AtimeBrestCgameDmeal四、阅读单选One day at work, my American coworker and I decided to go out to lunch together. We saw one restaurant that sold specialty dishes from Xian.We decided to try it out. My coworker said, “Maybe we can have some Roger Moore (a famous British actor)!” I felt confused, so I asked her what she meant. She explained that she was talking about roujiamo (肉夹馍), which sounds like the name “Roger Moore”. Its a type of Chinese snack that comes from Shaanxi province.My first thought was that the roujiamo was very similar to an American hamburger. The pieces of flatbread were like hamburger buns, with meat in the middle.Our roujiamo were made fresh, so the bread was still warm. It was soft and fluffy (松软的) when I bit into it. The meat inside was salty and tender (嫩的). It was quite delicious.Roujiamo is popular in other countries, too. In the United States, a businessman named Jason Wang opened more than 10 chain restaurants called “Xian Famous Foods”. Roujiamo is one of their most popular dishes. The restaurants attract about 140,000 customers every year, according to Forbes magazines.26 . The author first thought that roujiamo was_ .Aa kind of American foodBcreated by the British actor Roger MooreClike the American hamburgerDa Chinese snack from Shaanxi province27 . Which is NOT true about roujiamos flavor?ASoft.BSweet.CSalty.DFluffy.28 . According to Forbes magazines, _ .AJason Wang makes the best roujiamo in ChinaBXian Famous Foods sells the worlds best roujiamoCXian Famous Foods attracts tens of thousands of customers every yearDroujiamo is very popular in the UK.五、阅读判断The food in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and dinner. They eat their bread with butter, maybe cheese or jam (果酱), things we dont eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea as well. They are the worlds biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡). They dont eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. They serve all these together. After the main meal they always have something sweet. They call this dessert (甜点).根据短文内容判断正误,正确写A,错误写B。29 . People eat many tomatoes in Britain.30 . Chinese eat much cheese and butter in our daily life.31 . Chinese people drink less tea than British people.32 . People in Britain drink strong black tea from China.33 . After the main meal, British people always have some dessert.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。34 . There is an_(最新的) report on this hot topic. You can pay attention to it.35 . The kids had a good time _(控制) their toy cars together.36 . He is often _ (误认为) for a girl because of his clothing.37 . Jackson and Alice are really _(常见的)English names.38 . The principle _ (授予) the award to the most helpful student yesterday.39 . This moment is so valuable that it is worth _(录制).七、用单词的正确形式完成句子A)用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。be celebrate fill serve turn40 . The kind lady always _ food and drinks for poor people on the weekend.41 . We _ the New Year by having a party last Tuesday.42 . Look!The little boy _ the bottle with milk.43 . My grandfather _ on the TV and watched the news.44 . There _ a football match in our school next month.八、多任务混合问题(题文)Ingredients: 1.five eggs 2.some green onions 3.a teaspoon of salt 4.three teaspoons of oilHow to make it: First, crack the five eggs into a bowl. Cut up the green onions and put them in the bowl, too. Add a teaspoon of salt and mix them all together. Next, put the pan on the gas cooker (煤气灶) and turn on the gas cooker. Pour three teaspoons of oil into the pan. Then pour the mixture into the pan when the oil is hot. Turn it over from time to time. About five minutes later, it is OK. Finally, put it on a plate.任务一:简要回答下列问题。45 . (小题1)How many eggs do we need?_46 . (小题2)How much salt do we need?_任务二:47 . (小题3)将下列句子重新排序。ATurn on the gas cooker.BCook it until it is OK.CPour three teaspoons of oil into the pan.DPour the mixture into the pan.E. Crack the eggs.Top student Liu Weijian had a problem recently. The 14-year-old from Xiamen used to get marks of over 110 points (out of 120 points) on his math tests._ _1_.“I didnt know what happened,” said Liu, who kept feeling nervous and frustrated about math during the following month. Like Liu, many of us experience setbacks (挫折) in life. 你会怎样应对这些挫折呢? Would you just let them be and give up?Liu chose to face his problem. His parents and teacher also gave him help. After some hard work, he now gets marks between 100 and 110 points on his math tests. “Dont be afraid of setbacks,” he said. “You will beat them.”Guo Xingjuan in Shenzhen also has a story to tell. The 15-year-old girl is not good at doing sit-ups (仰卧起坐), which is necessary for the coming high school P.E. entrance test (体育中考). One has to do at least 35 sit-ups in a minute to pass the test. However, she could only do 20.Feeling worried, Guo decided to do something. She did sit-ups for half an hour every day after school. Now, after a month, she can do 30 sit-ups a minute. “I finally found what made me slow through practice, and then I improved the skill little by little,” said Guo. “I believe next month I will be able to do 40!” 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。48 . 将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。_49 . 将文中划线的句子翻译成英语。_50 . 指出文中处划线的关系词which指代的内容。_51 . 猜测词义。The underlined phrase “little by little” means “_” in Chinese.52 . 回答问题。What did both Liu Weijian and Guo Xingjuan do when they met with setbacks?_九、材料作文53 . 书面表达假设你是一名英语成绩优秀的学生,你的英语老师让你给英语成绩不够理想的学生提一些好的建议。请根据你自己的学习经历和体会,从听、说、读、写等方面给同学们讲述一下你的做法和建议。不少于80词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear classmates, here are some suggestions about English learning. _Thank you and hope to help you.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、材料作文1、

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