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人教版2019-2020学年度七年级上学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What _ you do yesterday?I _ my clothes.Ado; washBdid; washedCdid; washesDdo; washed2 . How do you like the movie you watched last night? It was so _that it made me_.Ascary;scaryBscary;scaredCscared;scaryDscared;scared3 . Which of the following sentence is NOT correct?AThey all seem exhausted after a 12-hour flight.BIt seems that my mother is annoyed with me for not doing my homework.CThere seems to be plenty of time of him to prepare the duty report.DWe had no choice but to wait what seemed like ages.4 . Ah! I poured some milk _ my English book.AfromBoffCoverDinto5 . I think Zhou Xun is one of the best. I like her movies very much.AdoctorsBplayersCactresses6 . Which of the following words is pronounced as /sns/?AthingsBscienceCsinceDsense7 . What are you doing?Immy mobile phone.I cantit.Afinding;findBlooking;findClooking for;findDlooking for;look for8 . -What was the result of the football game yesterday?-Our team _ the other team by a score of two to one.AreportedBdependedCbeatDcompeted9 . -How did youyour vacation?-Its. Everything was really interesting.Alike, boringBthink of, boringClike, wonderfulDthink of, wonderful10 . Tom is my uncles son, so he is my _.AbrotherBsisterCcousin11 . Mr. Wang is strict _ his son. So his son does well _ his study.Awith, atBat, withCwith, in12 . We really shouldnt use paper napkins, you know.- I know. I stopped _ last year.Ato use itBusing itCto use themDusing them13 . Our school soccer team won the first prize just now.Really? _!ASounds interestingBCongratulationsCEnjoy yourselfDBest wishes14 . _Id like to buy some oranges.ADo you like the fruit?BHow do you like the oranges?CWhat can I do for you?DWhich one do you like best?15 . At last he couldnt help me the secret.AtellingBsayingCto sayDto tell二、完型填空Its well-known that New Years resolutions dont have a high success rate(成功率)But why do people make _ every year even though so few of them follow through?One reason is the idea of _The beginning of a year gives people a fresh startThe idea of making themselves better is another _Most people have a natural habit of self improvement,and New Year give_ a special day to get ready for improvementMany people _ making New Years resolutions can go as far back as Babylonian timesIts said that Julius Caesar started the tradition_ making resolutions on January 1stIts _to make a New Years resolutionPeople keep making resolutions every year _ they dont always follow through in the end,but the fact is they try to improve themselves and become betterSome studies_ making a New Years resolution can get people closer to their goalsOne study found people who make resolutions are more _ than those who had a goal and thought about it,but as last didnt make a resolution16 . ApredictionsBresolutionsCcompetitionsDpreparation17 . AstartingBtrustingCorganizingDrefusing18 . AtalentBexperienceCeventDreason19 . AitBhimCthemDus20 . AadviseBbelieveCexpectDwonder21 . AinBonCofDfor22 . AgoodBcarelessCcreativeDdifficult23 . AbecauseBorCsoDthough24 . AshowBchooseCacceptDquestion25 . AsuccessfulBthankfulCpopularDfriendly三、阅读单选AanaI work in a bank from Monday.My house is near a park and is about ten kilometers from my office.I usually go to work by train.I usually get up at 6.30 am and take the train at 7 am.It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to my office.The train is quick and cheap. I am never late for work.I am a student. My house is near a beautiful lake. My school is across from the lake. I can walk to school across a bridge. It takes me about thirty minutes. But I often go to school by boat, because it is more fun. It takes me about twenty minutes.NancyIm a waiter. I work in a restaurant from Monday to Saturday. I often go to work by bus. It is about five kilometers from my house to the restaurant. It takes me about twenty-five minutes to go to work. Sometimes I am late for work because the_is very busy.26 . Anna usually arrives at her office at about _.A6:30 amB7 amC7:30 amD8 am27 . Joe often _ to school.Atakes a busBtakes a trainCwalksDtakes a boat28 . Nancy lives about _ kilometers from her working place.AfiveBtenCfifteenDtwenty29 . The underlined word traffic means _in Chinese.A餐馆B交通C市场D车站30 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAnna is sometimes late for work.BJoe lives near a river.CNancy works five days a week.DThree of them go out by different means of transportation(交通方式).One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to go shopping. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping mall(购物中心). “Why do you buy things here, Mum?” Trudy asked. “Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store,” Mrs Wilson said. “Help me check(检查) the prices.” The Wilsons were not wealthy(富有的) and Mrs Wilson was always careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought some groceries(杂货) in the supermarket. When they got home, the children said, “We dont think you saved(省) money by going to the supermarket there.” “Of course I did,” said Mrs Wilson, “everything was cheap there.” “We know,” said the children, “but we came home by taxi (出租车)because we had too much to carry. The cost(花费) of the taxi was more than the money you saved!” Mrs Wilson added(加) everything up and found her children were right. “Well done,”she said, “next time we will do shopping near our home.”31 . Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben _.Ato the supermarketBto the zooCto the parkDto the museum32 . Mrs Wilson bought things in the supermarket in the new shopping mall because _.Agoods there had good qualityBthere were many goodsCgoods(货物) there were cheapDgoods there were expensive33 . Which of the following is right?AThe Wilsons were rich and they bought a lot of things in the supermarket.BThe Wilsons were not rich and they bought things in a cheaper supermarket.CThe Wilsons enjoyed shopping in the shopping mall because it was large.DThe Wilsons were poor and they seldom went shopping.34 . Mrs Wilson went home _.Aby busBby minibusCby taxiDon foot35 . Mrs Wilson decided to go shopping _next time.Ain the shopping mall far awayBin the cheapest shopCin the most expensive shopDnear her homeMr. Cools Clothes StoreClothes(服装)ColourPrice(价格)sockswhite, blue$4coatsblack, red$11sweaterred, white$8T-shirtgreen, black$7hatblack, red$636 . What is the cheapest (最便宜的)of all?AHat.BT-shirt.CSocks.DSweater37 . How much (多少钱)are two coats and a hat?A$22.B$28.C$14.D$3038 . You have sixteen dollars(美元). You can buy(买) _.Aa sweater and a coatBtwo T-shirts and a pair of socksCtwo sweatersDa sweater and two hats四、句型转换根据所拾提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。39 . Paula used to be popular in school.(改为否定句)Paula _ to be popular in school.40 . Were supposed to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.(对划线部分提问)_ are you supposed to _ when meeting someone for the first time?41 . His parents take pride in what he has achieved in his study.(改为同义句)His parents are _ what he has achieved in his study.42 . 我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。(完成译句)Great changes have _ in my hometown.43 . 中国高铁世界闻名。(完成译句)China is _ its high-speed railway in the world.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇 .根据句意及所给提示写出单词44 . -How many s_ are there in a year? -Four.45 . F_ is the second month of a year.46 . This question is very i_ . You must listen carefully.47 . At the Spring Festival , we often set off f_ .48 . He likes eating _ very much. (饺子).49 . We have a long _ ( 假期 ) in May.50 . -Whose bedroom is it? - Its _. (they)51 . Can you tell me your _ (friend) names?52 . The student is very good at _.(dance)53 . 1st June is _ Day.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空54 . You can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had _(encourage) him to tell the truth.55 . The more you study, the more questions youll think of _(ask).56 . This is the second time he _(get) full marks in English.57 . No decision _(make) about the future sports meeting until we meet again.58 . -Has Tommy finished his homework yet?-I have no ideas. He _ (do) it this morning.59 . It is beyond doubt that it was the CPC(共产党) that _(lead) us to New China.60 . Though there are a few new words in the article, it _(read) well.61 . Last week, he promised he _(come) but he hasnt appeared yet.七、完成句子. 完成句子62 . 这个故事发生在1938年的奥地利。The story _ in Austria in 1938.63 . 贝蒂听说许多动物处于危险之中感到悲伤。Betty was _ hear about so many animals in danger.64 . 我们政府正在努力拯救熊猫。Our government is _ save pandas.65 . 明天的足球赛我们队很难赢。Its difficult for our team _ the football match tomorrow.66 . 动物们能够生存的土地越来越少。Animals have less and less land to _.八、单词填空. 根据所给的音标, 中文意思或语境完成下列短文。People around the world have different eating 67 . (习惯)AIn North America, Australia and Europe, there are two or68 . /m: /courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eatAIn the 69 . / s(r)n / part of China, people eat rice a lot, 70 . in the north people often eat noodlesAIn the central and 71 . (west) parts, people are far72 . from the sea, so they dont eat much 73 . (海鲜)ABut all Chinese use74 . (筷子)to eatAIn parts of India, people use their fingers to 75 . / pk / up the foodAIn Thailand, people eat 76 . a spoon and a fork and they dont use knives at allA九、将所给单词连成句子Complete sentences with the given words or phrases(连词成句):77 . near the armchair,put,the cupboard,they_.78 . an funny story,told,yesterday,Mr. Wang,us_.79 . a lot of traffic,there is,in the city center_.80 . in,it is,to go shopping,convenient,our new neighbourhood,_.十、材料作文81 . 书面表达。假如你是李华,在一中上学,下周有一批英国中学生将来你校学习交流。请根据下面的要点提示给学校领导写一封自荐信邀请其中一名学生来你家居住。主要内容包括:1介绍你自己和家庭情况,你喜欢交朋友,父母很友好;2.申请的理由擅长英语,了解英国文化等。要求:1可适当发挥但必须包含所给信息80词左右。2文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、单词填空1、九、将所给单词连成句子1、十、材料作文1、

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