外研版英语九年级下册Module 4 Unit 3 课时练习

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外研版英语九年级下册Module 4 Unit 3 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Linda, please put the book back on the bookshelf, _?Ado youBwill youCdoesnt sheDshall we2 . Its very hot, but quite wet today._ASo it is.BIt is so.CSo is it.DSo it does.3 . What did you do the day before yesterday? My family went camping. We _ a tent near the lake. It was great fun.Aput onBput upCput outDput away4 . (2017湖北孝感31)To keep children away from danger,we warn parents _ children at home alone.AleaveBto leaveCnot leaveDnot to leave5 . What do you think of your Junior Middle School life?-I think it is colorful, _ I am always busy.AifBthoughCwhileDuntil6 . Hello, youre a student at the English centre, arent you? Yes, I am. Sorry, Well, I see you in the library a lot.Adid I say something wrong?Bhave you seen me?Care you OK?Dhave we met before?7 . We know nothing about him _ he was very poor.AexceptBexcept forCbesidesDthat8 . Can we walk across the road now?No, we . We have to wait until the light turns green.AcouldntBneedntCshouldntDmustnt9 . I have no time to read sonews. Can you tell me the main?AmanyBmuchClot10 . How many English words do you think I should know?As many as you _. Then you will find reading quite easy.AwillBmustCcanDmight11 . -How do the children write their homework on the computer?-First, _ the computer, then open a new document and they can write their homework in it.Aget offBturn onCcome fromDlook at12 . -Would you like to go to the amusement park?- If Jim does, _.AI go, tooBso will ICneither will IDso do I13 . Can you cook fish? _ . Its easy.ANo, I cantBYes, I canCSorry, I cantDYes, I need二、补全短文5选5Beating the winter BluesDoes your mood(情绪) change with the seasons?Some people find that when temperature goes down, so do their spirits. Those people sometimes feel sad for no reason. They eat more and put on weight. They have trouble sleeping. They cant think clearly. This is the winter blue.16.Get out in the sun. Some experts say that the winter blues happen because we get less sunlight in winter than we do in other seasons. They say that the decrease(减少) in sunlight can make us feel bad. 17.Get some exercise. Taking a walk or doing some exercise will make chemicals(化学物质) called endorphins in your body. Endorphins are natural feel good chemicals. 18. Avoid having too much sugar. If you prefer sweet food, like cookies or candy, it may be a sign that you need more protein, like meat, chicken, or fish.Reduce stress. Cut back if you have to many things to do. Make sure you have some quiet time to yourself. 19. Dont be so busy that you get run down.Get help. If you feel sad all the time and the feeling wont go away, you may have a bigger problem than the winter blues. 20, or get help from a doctor.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项使短文意思通顺、内容完整。AGet some restBEat healthy foodCTalk to a friend you trustDHere are some ways for you to beat the winter bluesEGetting more sunlight each day can help you feel better14 . _15 . _16 . _17 . _18 . _三、完型填空请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。(每小题1分)Youve Got a Cold!You feel tired and you have no energy. You cant breathe out of your nose and your throat hurts Dont be afraid. you have probably just got a_. Every year, many kids experience this sick feeling Some kids have up to eight colds every year. So, what_is a cold?Well, a cold is an infection(传染. It affects(影响) your nose, ears and throat and makes you feel sick and weak. Its very_to catch a cold. When someone sneezes or coughs near you, bacteria (细菌) travel through the air and_your body and then make you sick.Also, if you touch your nose or eyes after touching something that has bacteria on it,_a door or your desk at school, you can get sick.Some of the symptoms(症状) of a cold_a fever, a sore throat and a cough. If you sneeze, or if your nose is runny and your_are watery, youve probably got a cold. Most people who have got a cold feel very tired and dont have much energy to do anything.A cold is not a pleasant thing to_. However, there are some things you can do to feel better. You should have hot drinks_youve got a sore throat and cough.You should eat healthy foods and get a lot of rest so your body can be strong enough to fight your cold. If youve got a fever, or if you arent feeling better within a few days, you should visit your doctor and take some medicine.A cold can be frustrating,_just remember that there are many things you can do to feel better and get stronger. Take care of your body and stay healthy.19 . AcoughBheadacheCfeverDcold20 . AexactlyBnearlyCclearlyDfirstly21 . AdifficultBnecessaryCeasyDhelpful22 . AbuildBenterCfeelDfind23 . AlikeBonCbehindDwith24 . AtakeBcatchCtumDinclude25 . AlegsBarmsCeyesDears26 . AdoBmakeCpassDexperience27 . AuntilBsoCifDunless28 . AthenBbutCandDor四、阅读单选Owning a lovely pet can certainly make ones family life better and it can make a difference to a pet owners career(职业)life, too. In fact, according to a new research, a person who owns a pet may be more successful in his or her career than those who dont. This is good news for people who want to keep pets.The researchers collected information from 857 adults in the United States with all kinds of jobs. Among the successful people in their careers, 93 percent grew up with a pet in their home. 78 percent said that growing up with a pet helped their career success as an adult.So, how can owning pets exactly lead to career success? Well, according to the research, successful people said that their pets not only helped to teach them to be responsible, be creative and follow the rules, but also made them develop the abilities to understand others feelings and organize activities. They are both important and necessary in the business world.According to the research, 86 percent of present pet parents said owning pets helped them do things on time, better manage their time and put more efforts into work. In fact, 80 percent of present pet parents said they felt more connected with those who were pet owners, and they believed that their workers who had pets were hard workers.29 . A pet owner may _ than those who dont keep pets.Aspend more moneyBdo better in the jobCbe much happierDbe healthier30 . Among the successful people surveyed, _ grew up without a pet in their home.A93%B78%C86%D7%31 . What advantage does pet owners have by keeping pets?AIt can help people obey the rules.BIt can make people become good followers.CIt can help people become brave.DIt can make people experience others feelings.32 . Most pet parents believe workers owning pets _.Aare difficult to get along withBare easy to findCare stronger than othersDare hard-working33 . The passage mainly tells us _.Ait is very important to keep a petBkeeping a pet can only help its owner succeedCkeeping a pet can influence its owner both in life and careerDhow to become a successful person五、填写适当的单词补全句子单词拼写34 . The athletes need to_(适应)this environment(完成句子)35 . I am looking forward_visiting the Great Wall this summer holiday36 . As students,we shouldnt be absent_ class37 . Its time _our group project38 . He is _trouble.Lets help him39 . I have_(做分内的工作)of the work40 . I wont_(缺席) the meeting41 . The new students are very slow_(适应) the rules42 . They made their plans_(秘密地)43 . Now he is_(处于困境中),we should go to help him44 . Yesterday I ran _an old friend in the street45 . That girl tapped her fingers _the desk impatiently46 . My coat is similar _color to yours47 . He will return _London next week48 . I am very surprised to hear _his failure六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸写出给单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。49 . By visiting these a_ buildings, you can know what life was like here in the past. 50 . Ann is so upset after her dog died that nothing seems to surprise or e_ her. 51 . Edison is a successful scientist. He made such great a_ through working hard. 52 . You cant swim here because the river is so d_. It is not safe. 53 . More and more people in the world like Kungfu. It has b_ a symbol of China. 54 . I like the song I Believe I Can Fly because it encourages us to believe in o_. 55 . That pair of shoes f_ me well, so I take it. 56 . W_ happens, parents are always there to help you. 57 . I think it is really dangerous to go out a_ at night, especially for girls. 58 . It is a good idea to do some r_ before you make a decision to choose a school. 七、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空限填一词。59 . For your own _(safe), youd better not meet your online friends carelessly.60 . Many teenagers have problems _ (control) their feelings and are easy to get angry.61 . When you get to the top of the mountain, youll have a sense of _(achieve).62 . Its not wise to judge a man _(simple) by his appearance.63 . Are your parents _(satisfy) with your grades this term?八、完成句子根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子64 . 我想给我的朋友买一个礼物。Id like_ my friend.65 . 这鞋子看起来很漂亮,我可以试一下吗?The shoes_.Can I_ ?66 . 艾米有足够的钱买这些发夹。Amy has_these_.67 . 这是个看书的好地方,因为这里很安静。It is a_to_, because its very quiet.68 . 英式英语与美式英语有点不同。British English_American English.九、填写适当的句子补全对话根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。69 . Its reported that Chinese couples can have their(two) child if one of them is an only child.70 . I dont think Jim does(badly) of all the students in the race.71 . He is such a(an)(polite) boy that nobody likes him.72 . Millie never copies others homework and she always does it by(she).73 . We all know the ticket price of tourist attractions is high.(hope), all the places of interest in Nanjing will be open to local people for free soon.十、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and s74 . with their friends. Some people think the worst thing is to do nothing. Mary Smith, a schoolgirl in Washington, a75 . . “Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Mary. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. If we dont talk to someone, well certainly feel worse.”Mary once l76 . her purse, and worried for days. She was a77 . to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day b78 . she didnt have any money. She just kept thinking. “If I tell my parents, theyll b79 . very angry!” But in the end, she talked to her parents. Her dad said he also made careless mistakes h80 . sometimes. They got her a new purse and asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to share my p81 . in the future!” Mary says.We often forget that our parents have more e82 . than us and they are always there to help us. As an English saying goes, sharing a problem is like c83 . it in half. We may get help from others if we talk to them about our problems. So it is best not to avoid our problems, but always try to solve them with the help of others!十一、填空Do English people live a life similar to ours? Here is something information for you to findout the answer to this question by yourself.Many English people would like to live in houses, not flats because most houses have gardens. They like growing vegetables and flowers when they have free time.Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning and finish it at about five inthe afternoon, with an hours break at noon. They dont go home for lunch. They just have quick meals near their offices. They usually have big meals at the weekend. After work, many English people like outdoor sports. They think sports are good for their health.Children go to school at about 9:00 a.m. and go back home at about 3:30 p.m. Mostchildren have lunch at school. All children go to school when they are four or five years old.Most shops open at about 9:00 a.m. and close at about 6:00 p.m. Usually they dont close for lunch.十二、回答问题Should Shanghai bid for(申办) the Summer Olympics in 2028? Here are some peoples opinions.Some people said, “The games will improve Shanghais global influence and the city is powerful and must try to become a platform(平台) for major international dialogues. Shanghai has succeeded in holding the World Expo in 2010 and the city can also hold a successful Summer Olympics.”Others, however, are not sure whether its a good idea. They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things.The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought much prestige(声望) to the city and to China, but its cost, over $40 million, was high and the Olympic site(场地) in the center of the city is now largely unused. Could Shanghai learn from Beijings experience and do it better?My answer is yes. As one American said, “A great city has to do great things.” Shanghai is a great city and is not afraid of facing challenges. Holding the 2028 Summer Olympics would prove that.84 . When did Shanghai hold the World Expo?_85 . Why dont some people agree to bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics?_86 . How much did the 2008 Beijing Olympics cost?_87 . Does the writer agree to Shanghais bidding?_88 . Who said “A great city had to do great things.”?_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、填写适当的句子补全对话1、十、单词填空1、十一、填空1、十二、回答问题1、


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