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2020版人教PEP版四年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AwarmBarmCclass2 . We live _ Hong Kong, China. ( )AinBonCat3 . Look at _. ( )AherBhersCshe4 . Liu Tao is busy and hes not going to the party _ David tomorrow. ( )AandBorCwithDfrom5 . 你想知道物品的价格时,你应问_AHow much is it?BHow old are you:?6 . Nice to meet . ( )AyourByouCme7 . 从ABC中选出不同类的单词。( )AwinterBsummerCread二、情景交际8 . 你想知道对方正在干什么,问:_( )AWhat are you doing?BWhat do you do?CWhat do I need?9 . 你想知道树上有多少苹果时要怎么问:_AHow many apples are there on the tree?BWhats on the tree?CDo you like apples?10 . 你想询问对方喜欢什么课程,可以问:( )ADo you like Art?BWhat subjects do you like?CWhat would you like?11 . 刘涛告诉你你的尺子在那里,他会说:( )AMy ruler is over there.BYour ruler is here.CYour ruler is over there.12 . 要表达你想要喝一些汤时,你应该说:( )AI like some soup.BI would like to drink some soup.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I have moved to my new school since September. It is a modern and nice school in Beijing. It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. Its quite different from my old school. Its larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to visit our school.13 . My new school is the same as my old school.(_)14 . I like my new school, because it is modern.(_)15 . There is a library in my old school, too.(_)16 . I moved to my new school since September.(_)17 . My old school is larger than my new school. (_)四、选内容补全对话情景运用。选择合适的内容补全下列对话,将序号填在横线上ADo you see any elephants?BThe elephant is drinking water.CThey are eating lunch.DWhats the little money doing?EThey are so fat and cute.A: Look at the pandas.B: 18 . A: What are they doing?B: 19 . They like bamboo.A: 20 . B: Its playing with its mother.A: 21 . B: Yes! Look there!22 . 五、匹配题找出句子的应答语。A. No.B. OK.C. Good idea!D. Im Jack.E. Nice to meet you.23 . Whats your name? (_)24 . Are you Sarah? (_)25 . This is my brother, Li Lei. (_)26 . Lets go to the zoo. (_)27 . Open your book, please. (_)六、连词成句28 . 连词成句。(10分)at I school to go seven usually ( .)_favourite is my Autumn season (.)_love I Great Wall the(.)_We an Easter have party in April will (.)_do like Why you best winter (?)_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、任务型阅读1、四、选内容补全对话1、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、

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