外研版英语八年级上册Module 2 Unit 1同步测试卷

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外研版英语八年级上册Module 2 Unit 1同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Why do you like living in the countryside? Because theres _ noise and _ cars there.Afewer; lessBless; fewerCless; lessDfewer; fewer2 . How do you like this novel?-I dont like it. Its_that one.Aas interesting asBmore interestingCnot so interesting as3 . This box is that one.Aheavy thanBso heavy thanCheavier asDas heavy as4 . Id like to go to your home town _.Amany dayBon a dayCsome daysDone day5 . The population of Henan is _ than that of Shandong.AlessBmoreClargerDsmall6 . Time is money. But I think it is money.Aas important asBmore important thanCso important thanD the same as7 . -Its time for sports. -Lets_ our sports shoes!Aput awayBput upCput on8 . A journey by train is more _than by coach.AtiringBrelaxingCboringDdifficult9 . Jack _ a screwdriver _ his landlady to assemble his bike.Alent; fromBborrowed; toCborrowed; fromDlent; to10 . Do you like lions? No, I think they are _ scary.AmuchBmanyCkind ofDkinds of二、补全对话7选5A: It is such a lovely day. I love sunshine.B:11 . .A: I hope it stays like this.B:12 . .A: Is the weather usually like this here?B: A bit hotter than today.A:13 . .B: Its pretty cold and it often snows in winter.14 . .A: A lot like the weather here, not too hot or cold.B: I heard it rains a lot.15 . .A: Mmm, yes. It rains but not any more than other places.AI hope so, too.BWhats the weather like in Winter?CIs that true?DI dont think so.EThank you for your kindness.FYes, its really a nice and bright day.GWhat about your hometown?三、完型填空Falling leaves and cold wind show the arrival (到达) of another season. Nov. 7 is Lidong. It is a Chinese word for one of the 24 solar terms (节气). It _ the start of the winter.To welcome Lidong, people have many colorful _ that light up the cold days.One of the most popular customs is to have a big meal. Winter is believed to be the season for storage (储藏). _ well helps people store energy to beat the cold in winter, and prepare for the growth in the coming spring. In the north, people prefer eating dumplings. The Chinese word for dumplingjiao(饺),has a _ pronunciation as the word “change”jiao(交). Eating dumplings means celebrating the change of autumn to winter, _ in the south, eating chick, duck and fish is common.Throughout history, Lidong was _ a time for people to store vegetables. There were not many fresh vegetables to eat in the winter. Therefore, around Lidong some people _ the north began to store vegetables like cabbages and green onions in the cellar (地窖) underground. When it was time for cooking, fathers _ the cellar with a basket tied to one end of a rope kids were happy to wait beside the cellar holding _ end of the rope. When fathers filled the basketball with vegetables, kids helped to pull it out.However, nowadays some of the customs have faded away (消失). Most people buy _ vegetables in the supermarket. Instead, new winter customs are born in certain places.16 . AmeansBincludesCbecomesDsounds17 . AclothesBstoriesCcustomsDshapes18 . ASleepingBEatingCExercisingDDrinking19 . AdifferentBimportantCcarelessDsimilar20 . AifBsoCwhileDbefore21 . AtooBalsoCsoDeither22 . AonBtoCwithDin23 . Awent downBsat downCbroke downDwrote down24 . AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers25 . AcheapBfreshCdeliciousDcolorful四、阅读单选There is a town near Suzhou. It is very interesting and beautiful. This is Luxiang, an old town.Luxiang was built in the Southern Song Dynasty(11271279). There were many famous people living in the town at that time.There are around 30 old buildings of Ming and Qing(16441912) dynasties now. People live a simple life. Six lanes(巷) in the town go to Taihu Lake.Luxiang looks more beautiful in spring, with many tea trees and fruit gardens. This place is famous for the tea called Biluochun.The Egyptian pyramids were built around 2560 BC. The largest one of them is the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The King, Khufu, built it as his tomb.The Great Pyramid was considered a unique building in the 19th century AD. At that time, it was still the tallest in the world. According to scientific research, Khufu ordered his men to build it stone by stone. The biggest stone weighs 15 tons, and each stone was fixed so well.The Great Pyramid has four sides and each side is 230.4 meters long and 146.5 meters high. At that time, there were no modern machines or equipment, so how did the ancient Egyptians build it? To this day, it is still a mystery.26 . Many famous people were living in Luxiang .Afrom 1127 to 1279Bfrom 1644 to 1912Cfrom 1127 to 164427 . Luxiang is famous for .Afruit gardensBtea treesCBiluochun28 . In order to build his tomb, the King Khufu built .Athe ancient pyramidsBthe Egyptian pyramidsCthe Great Pyramid29 . Building the Great Pyramid is still a mystery now, because .Aeach stone was fixed wellBthere were no modern machines or equipment thenCit was made of stone五、句型转换句型转换30 . We have got some juice.(变为否定句)We_ _ _ juice.31 . Have they got any carrots?(作否定回答)_,they_ .32 . Weve gotsixeggs.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _have you got?33 . My sisterlikes apples.(对画线部分提问)_ _apples?34 . you, got, have, any, juice(连词成句)_?六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示完成单词35 . The old house b_ to the old man.36 . My teacher was very happy w_ my composition.37 . The story happened o_ a rainy night38 . Who are you going to play a_ next week?39 . C_ to all the winners!七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms:(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词)40 . There are many different kinds of_ in our school every year(activity)41 . Nowadays, the problem of air_ has become much more serious than before(pollute)42 . I dont like nuts because they are too_(salt)43 . Marys diet is as_ as Lucys because both of them have a lot of fried food(health)44 . A cat_ my home and ate the fish on the table last night(entrance)八、完成句子根据提示完成句子45 . A true friend reaches for your hand and _ (触动你的心扉).46 . His sister likes _(买时髦的服装).47 . I think a good friend truly _(关心我).48 . Peter likes _(做同样的) things as me.49 . Mally is _(有天赋的) art.50 . 看电影比读书有趣得多。Seeing a film is _ than reading a book.51 . 她了解孩子们,所以与他们相处得很好。She understands children, so she _ them.52 . 我堂弟的成绩比我好。My cousins grades are _.53 . 她裙子的颜色和我衣服的很相似。Her dress _ mine in color.九、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空have a dream,as.as,together with,go to sleep,work on54 . He is _ the railroad.55 . A teacher _ five students was in the classroom then.56 . I hope I will be _ beautiful _ my mother.57 . I _ that one day I can go to the moon.58 . Tom _ before 9 oclock because he was too tired in the daytime.十、单词填空阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要 求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Do you know why different animals or insects(昆虫) have theirown colors? Because they can use different colors to keep safe.Some birds feed on insects, but they cannot catch locusts 59 . (easy). Why? It is because locusts change their colors 60 . / tge(r) / with the change of the colors of the crops. When crops are green,locusts look 61 . . When crops are brown, the color of locusts change to the brown, too. Someother insects have to62 . / p(r) / only at night. It is because they have colors different63 . plants and birds can find them in the day and eat them.If you study the animal life, youll find the main use of coloring is to protect 64 . (they). Tigers, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. Many small animals cannot find thembecause they have the 65 . colors as the trees and grass.In the sea, theres a kind of fish with a 66 . /sft/ body. It is not as strong as other 67 . (one), but it lives up to now. Its because something black can be sent out when it faces danger and quickly 68 . (swim) away. Thats why we can still see them in the sea.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、十、单词填空1、


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