外研版英语九年级下册Module 5 Unit 1 课时练习

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外研版英语九年级下册Module 5 Unit 1 课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . More than half a million _ are sent from Britain to Europe every year.AwolfBpandaCtigerDsheep2 . Hepburn was _ a great actress that shell be remembered.AmuchBso thatCsuchDso3 . Everyone should have a chance to _their talents.AlearnBlookCshowDhear4 . Look, so many people are running out of the station. I wonder what _ .Ais happenedBwas happeningCis happeningDhad happened5 . Jack,please help methe picture on the wall.Aput offBput upCput intoDput on6 . What do you think of Toms writing?No one does _ in our class. We can hardly read the words.AwellBbadlyCworse7 . Do you know _ the class party?In our classroom.Ahow will we haveBwhere to haveCwhere will we haveDhow to have8 . -Did Jack come back early last night. -Yes. It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.AbeforeBwhenCthatDuntil9 . Tan Dun does not use any musical instrument in his music Water.Thats really amazing! He is so _.AenergeticBmodestCseriousDcreative10 . -_do you go to school?-I usually go to school at seven oclockAHowBWhatCWhereDWhat time二、完型填空完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。There is a kite on the wall of my room. Every time I see it, I_my fathers words.It was on my ninth birthday. He bought a wonderful bird-shaped kite for me as my birthday present. I liked it very much and Dad promised to play with me_the rain stopped the next day.I got up early the next day. It was a fine day. After breakfast, Dad took me to the nearby park._ around us seemed to welcome our coming. We began to_the kite. The kite was up slowly in the air, just like a big_.“Why do you_the line to control(控制)the kite?_ not let it fly freely in the sky?” I asked.“I am afraid the kite cant fly high if I dont control it with the line. Sometimes, control is_.” Dad answered.I was too young to know_Dad said then. But when I grow up, I begin to know the real meaning of my fathers words. And its_helpful in my life.11 . AhurtBtrustCforgetDremember12 . AorBifCsoDbut13 . ASomethingBAnythingCEverythingDNothing14 . AflyBknockCbelieveDfit15 . AcloudBkiteCbirdDcarrot16 . AhitBprotectCuseDpay17 . AHowBWhenCWhatDWhy18 . AhonestBhelpfulCgenerousDbored19 . AsomethingBthatCwhyDwhat20 . AreallyBmainlyCimportantlyDgreat三、阅读单选A passenger told an air hostess(空姐)that he needed a cup of water when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water soon.Twenty minutes later,when the passengers ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so busy that she forgot to bring him the water. Therefore, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused it.In the following hours on the flight, each time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never paid attention to her words.When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers, booklet. She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp(苛刻的)words. But with a smile she handed it to him.Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and let out a smile, for the passenger put it: On the flight, you asked me if I needed help for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?Thats right! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that moved the passenger.21 . Why did the passenger need a cup of water?ABecause he was thirsty.BBecause he would take medicine.CBecause the air hostess was beautiful.DBecause he was very nervous.22 . What does the underlined phrase “held up” mean “” .A支撑B举行C推迟D举起23 . Why did the passenger refuse the water later?ABecause he was angry.BBecause he didnt mind.CBecause he was well now.DBecause he wanted some tea,24 . What would happen to the air hostess if the passenger wrote down sharp words?AShe would be thankful.BShe would lost her job.CShe would fight with the passenger.DShe would be happy to see that.25 . What can we say about the twelve smiles of the air hostess?AShe was silly.BShe was a good air hostess.CShe was sharp.DShe was shy.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空第一节单词拼写26 . Its bad to spit in p_ places. We should keep our environment clean.27 . When learning a language, you cannot a_ making mistakes.28 . If you dont study hard now, youll r_ in the future.29 . L_, I arrived on time although it rained heavily this morning.30 . I made a s_ that we should wear strong shoes for tomorrows hiking.31 . People become interested in a certain thing and soon get b_ with it easily.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)32 . You need to buy some candles and_.(match)33 . The _month of the year is December. (twelve)34 . There are some _of Mikes birthday party. (photo)35 . Put the _on the baking tray. (mix)36 . It is_ to have a barbecue with good friends. (excite)37 . When you use the oven,you must be_.(care)动词填空38 . Lam Yuk, who _ (direct) many successful TV dramas in the past few years, is very easy to work with.39 . The football match_ (cancel) just now because of the bad weather.40 . Excuse me, havent you been told _ (not park) the car on the zebra crossing?41 . Its believed that pollution _ (remain) one of the biggest problems for Chinese government.42 . Since you have finished your work, why not consider _ (visit) the museum with me?43 . I have already decided not to study abroad. Really? I thought you _ ( not give) up the chance forever.44 . When it began to rain, not only Sam but his classmates _ (play) badminton.45 . We are sure that the environment in Jiangyin _ (improve) greatly through our work in the near future.46 . My eyesight is getting worse these days. Id like to have my eyes _ (check) tomorrow.六、完成句子47 . 周末她常和朋友去商场闲逛。She often_in the mall with her friends on weekends.48 . 今年暑假他们打算去夏威夷旅行。They are going to_to Hawaii this summer vacation.49 . 我希望很快收到你们的来信。I hope_you soon.50 . 如果你生病了, 你必须去看医生。If you are ill, you_to a doctor.51 . 我们盼望着搬入新居。We are_to a new house.52 . 老师总是建议我们在放学前完成作业。The teacher always _ us _ our homework before school is over.53 . 我可以把这件事告诉你,但是你必须保密。I can tell you about it, but you must _.54 . Danny is a naughty boy, so his teacher _ (对他生气).55 . 其他每个人都知道这条消息了。_ has known the news.56 . 她害怕犯错误。She is afraid to _.七、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Have you ever lied to anyone?Student 1: I tell lies sometimes because I dont want _1_ (be) criticized. For example, I didnt do well in an exam once. In order not to let my parents _2_, I told them I didnt have any exams, so they didnt scold (责备) me.Student 2:_3_of vanity (虚荣), I lied once. I was on duty one day, but I was_4_, so I didnt finish my work. When the teacher asked us_5_ anyone was late, in order to keep a good record, I didnt admit (承认) that I was late.Student 3: I used to lie to my mom sometimes. She always told me to have a little nap (午睡) in the afternoon, and I told her I couldnt fall _6_(sleep), but actually I read novels at that time. I lied because I wanted to have time to do what I want, _7_of doing things I dont like, even though they are good for me.Student 4: I lie because I want to have privacy(隐私). I want my parents to give _8_(I) enough personal space. I remember I went out with some _9_ (friend) one day. In order not to make my parents _10_(worry) about me, I told them I went to study with some good students, so they wouldnt ask too many questions.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、

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