人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science单元测试题

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人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 6 Im going to study computer science单元测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you have a good time in the sports center, Joe?Yes, I have lots of fun _ with my friend.Aplaying the pianoBto play table pianoCpractising volleyballDto practise volleyball2 . We must _ what he is doing now and then we can take action.Aget upBbring outCwake upDfind out3 . They promised _ out more at home.Ato helpBhelpChelpingDhelped4 . In the past our _ was poor, we had no TVs, computers or even radios.AentertainmentBworkCtransportDeducation5 . -How can I use the new machine?-Youd better read the _ carefully before you use it.AmagazinesBinstructionsCnotebooks6 . Many students dont know how to _ stress and become worried-I think they should ask their teachers for helpAdeal withBthink ofCtake offD1ook up7 . _ does it take you to go to work on foot?AHow manyBHow muchCHow farDHow long8 . The rain stopped and the sun _.Acome outBcame outCcome onDcame in9 . With repeated efforts, I managed _ the baby stop crying.AmakeBto makeCto makingDmaking10 . Those old textbooks can be _ by students in lower grade.ArepliedBrepeatedCreusedDreduced二、完型填空A new year begins. Here _my New Years resolutions (决心). First, I want to read lots of books. I like books about music, art and science. I think I need more (更多的) time to read in the _. Second, I want to learn to play the piano. My best friend Cindy can play _well. Shell teach me. I think it will be _and Ill like it. Third, I want to do some sports every day. I always spend much time _the classroom and never play sports. Thats a(n) _habit. To live a healthy _, I need to exercise often. Fourth, I want to help my parents to do the housework (家务活). They _in the daytime, and at night they _dinner and clean the rooms. They are very busy. Im _now and I can help them.11 . AisBareChasDhave12 . AlibraryBart clubCsports centerDstore13 . AthisBherCitDthat14 . AtidyBdifficultClateDinteresting15 . AonBtoCinDfor16 . AhealthyBunhealthyColdDnew17 . AlifeBjobChomeDstory18 . AworkBplayCeatDtalk19 . AdoBmakeChaveDlike20 . Athirteen-year-oldBthirteen years oldCthirteen years oldDthirteen-year-olds三、阅读单选Marys plan for next weekMonday7:30 go to the cinema with AliceTuesday11:00 see a doctorWednesday9:00 table tennis game, evening-study for examThursday8:30 go to a concertFridayAfternoon-help uncle Sam in his restaurantSaturday9:00-10:30 have art class2:00 p.m. visit grandmotherSunday8:00 p.m. have supper with Betty and AnnPeters plan for next weekMondaystudy group meeting 3:00 p.m.Tuesdaybasketball match 4:30 p.m.Wednesdaygo to see some friends 2:00 p.m.Thursdaynoon, lunch with LarryFriday2:00-4:00 p.m. volunteer work Student CentreSaturdayShopping 10:00 a.m.SundayBasketball team party 9:00 p.m.21 . On Sunday morning Mary will _.Abe freeBbe busyCsee a doctorDgo shopping22 . What will Mary do on Wednesday evening?AGo to the cinema.BHelp uncle Sam.CPlay table tennis.DPrepare for an exam.23 . Peters study group meeting will be on _.ASaturday morningBMonday afternoonCSunday eveningDFriday afternoon24 . From Peters plan we learn that Peter likes _.Atable tennisBmusicCartDbasketball四、用单词的正确形式完成短文speak, email, she, scientist, discussion, after, at, together, foreign, manyWhy is it important for Lee to study English?After Chinese, the language that is most 25 . in the world is English. It is said that 300 million people speak English as a first language and another 500 million people speak it as a 26 . language. English is used by almost a billion people in the world and 83% of the worlds 27 . are written in English. But people think that there will be28 . emails in Chinese than in English.Lee is studying English because he wants to be a 29 . , and he knows most scientists write in English. Lees father, a scientist, is going to an important science meeting in Shanghai. All the 30 . will be in English.Lees cousin Wei wants to work for an airport 31 . she leaves school. Wei is going on an English course this summer to improve 32 . English.Michael lived in the USA His family came back to live in China last year, and he is 33 . Lees school now. Michael speaks English perfectly, but his Chinese isnt very good. In the summer holidays,Michael and Lee are planning to spend time 34 . speaking English on Monday, Chinese on Tuesday, and so on.五、话题作文35 . Write at least 60 words about the topic “I want to learn from _ ”.(以 “我想向学习”为题写一篇不少于60个词作文,标点符号不占格。)注意:短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分;可以Tom, Alice等代替姓名。For reference:Who do you want to learn from?What can you learn from him/her?I want to learn from _第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、话题作文1、

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