2019-2020学年外研版英语九年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 课时练习A卷

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2019-2020学年外研版英语九年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 课时练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Fenghua teaching building _ 17 years ago.AbuiltBis builtCbuildsDwas built2 . How about _ in the river with us?- Sorry, I cant. My parents often tell me _ that.Aswim, dont doBswim, to doCswimming, not doDswimming, not to do3 . _ swim in the river? oh, no. Our teacher told us _ here. Its dangerous.AWhy dont; not swimBWhy not; not to swimCWhy not; dont swimDWhy dont; dont swim4 . Heres a watermelon. Please _.Acut up itBcut it upCcut up themDcut them up5 . John, yougo out to play until your homework.OK, Mum.Amust; finishesBcant; is finishedCcant; has finishedDneednt; finishes6 . We _ any lesson _ Saturday.Adont have; onBhave; inCdont have; atDhave; on7 . -Tom, did you go to Sallys party yesterday evening?-No, because I _.Aam invitedBwas invitedCam not invitedDwasnt invited8 . Tourists bad behaviorby the government in our country from now.Awill recordBis recordedCrecordsDwill be recorded9 . He planted a tree on the hill _ his father who died 3 years ago.Ain memory ofBin order toCinstead of10 . Our school doesnt allow students _ their ears _.Aget,pierceBget,piercedCto get,pierceDto get,pierced二、补全短文5选4Ice cream is certainly the worlds favorite dessert. 11 . Of all the people across the world, more ice cream is eaten in Australia than in any other country: 16. 6 litres (升) per person per year. A form of ice cream was eaten in China about 4, 000 years ago. 12 . Ice cream was brought to Europe in the 16th century, but at that time only the super-rich could afford it. When the Italian princess Catherine de Medici married the future King Henry of France in 1533, a different kind of ice cream was served every day for a month! 13 . Ice cream was introduced to America in the 1700s, but mostly enjoyed by the wealthy. At around 1800,special ice houses were invented and ice cream became an American industry. Americans celebrated the victory of WW with ice cream. In 1946, they ate more than 20 litres of ice cream per person.The worlds most popular flavor(味道)is vanilla(香草)which was produced from vanilla beans. 80% of the worlds vanilla beans grew on the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. 14 . And of all the days of the week, most ice cream is bought on Sundays!AThe most popular topping is chocolate.BIt was made of milk, rice, fruit and snow.CMore than 90 percent of the US families buy dessert.DIn Europe alone, about11 billion a year is spent on ice cream.EIce cream didnt become available to the general population in France until 1660.三、完型填空In the new scifi film The Wandering Earth流浪地球, humans save the Earth without leaving it In manyeven most spacethemed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster(灾难),the_ is always running away from the planet in spaceshipsBut the latest Chinese scifi movie, The Wandering Earth ,offers a different and more ambitious idea In the film,based on a short story by Chinese scifi writer Liu Cixin,Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun In reply, humans around the world work_ to build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the dying sun_ giving up Earthagain this time were taking it with usThisambitiondidnt come from nowhere, For thousands of years,homeland has had a soft point in _ of Chinese people One old idiom is luoyeguigen, which means returning to ones homeland at the old age, like _ leaves return to the roots of their trees Or there is an ancient poem, The season called the White Dew begins tonight: Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright These_ show the tight link that Chinese people have had with their homelandThis special cultural background is probably the key _separates The Wandering Earth from Hollywoodstyle space filmsWhat is Chinese scifi?Guo Fan, the films director said in an interview A movie that can really _our cultural and spiritual view can be called Chinese scifi Or, were just copying others and telling the same American storiesAnd the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese scifi storyThe film was released on Feb 5th, the first day of Chinese New Year It was a time when many people had just made the _journey back to their hometownsSo to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story Earth_wherever humans go, because its our home forever15 . AquestionBsolutionCproblemDdifficulty16 . AtogetherBalongCwithDnearly17 . AInsteadBInstead ofCRather thanDRather18 . AbodyBbodiesCmindDminds19 . AfallingBfallenCfellDfalls20 . AeitherBnoneCneitherDboth21 . AthatBwhereCwhatDhow22 . AexpressBknowCtellDreport23 . AsadlyBsadChardDhardly24 . AwentBgoCgoingDgoes四、阅读单选On a Friday night,a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance of the subway station. The music was so great that people slowed down to listen and put some money into his hat.The next day,the violinist came to the entrance again. He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some words on it. It said,“A George Sang has put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Welcome to claim(认领)it.”Soon the people were all attracted by the words and wondered what it could be. After a while a man rushed through the crowd,took the violinists shoulders and said,“I knew you would certainly come here.”The violinist asked,“Did you lose something?”“Lottery(彩票).”The violinist took out a lottery ticket with Sangs name on it. Sang took it and danced happily.Sang was an office worker. He bought the lottery and won a prize of$500,000.But when he gave$50 to the violinist for his wonderful music,the lottery ticket was thrown in, too. The violinist was a college student. That morning,he was going to fly to Vienna for high education. However,when he found the ticket,he cancelled the flight and returned to the entrance.Later someone asked the violinist why he didnt take the lottery ticket to pay the tuition fee(学费).He said“Although I dont have much money,I live happily. If I lose honesty(诚实),I wont be happy forever.”25 . The young man played the violin for _ at the entrance of the subway station.ApleasureBmoneyCLoveDfriends26 . George Sang put_ into the violinists hat on a Friday night by mistake.AmoneyB1otteryCmoney and lotteryDnothing27 . George Sang was very_ to see the young violinist the next day.AworriedBsorryCexcitingDhappy28 . The underlined word“cancelled”means _ .A取消B延误C预定D结束29 . Whats the best title(标题)for this passage?AThe meaning of honestyBAn office worker and a lottery ticketCThe importance of being honestDA violinist and an office worker五、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词):30 . Mike has lunch at school every day.(改为否定句)Mike _ lunch at school every day.31 . Jill and Jenny both denied stealing the vase.(改为反意疑问句)Jill and Jenny both denied stealing the vase, _?32 . Liu Ruoying is not only singer but also director.(保持句意基本不变)Liu Ruoying is a singer _ as a director.33 . Its forty minutes ride from the office to home.(对划线部分提问)_ is it from the office to your home?34 . The thief was put into jail ten years ago.(保持句意基本不变)The thief was _ for ten years.35 . Jill wears pair of black pearl earrings.(改为被动语态)A pair of black pearl earrings _ by Jill.36 . the, Detective Jim, to, looked for, crimes, clues, solve(连词成句)_六、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。37 . Youd better clean_ the fridge. Its too dirty.38 . Im afraid I will _the exam, because I didnt finish it.39 . I really didnt want to know your secret. I only found it_ accident.40 . My childhood in the countryside left me such a sweet _. I wont forget it.41 . Miss Smith is _ with her students. When they cant understand her, she often explains it over and over again.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及句意补全单词或用所给单词的恰当形式填空42 . Many v_spend nice vacations in Disneyland(迪士尼乐园)every year.43 . People often describe the same person_(different).44 . Id like a small bowl of beef and_(tomato)noodles, please.45 . Its 9: 00 a.m.now.Zhu Huis family_(watch)the boat races on TV.46 . I felt t_after walking for a long time.47 . He really enjoys_(help)others so everyone likes him.48 . Its about ten_(minute)walk from the subway station to my home.49 . I don t like to go out on_(rain) days.50 . Jenny was so l_because a doctor just saved her in time(及时).51 . To my s_,little girl can speak four languages.八、用所给单词的正确形式填空Vocabulary52 . Learn_(wise) and then you can learn well.53 . We should pay attention to _(protect) our environment.54 . He _(lay) some eggs on the plate just now.55 . I saw a wallet _(lie) on the ground when I was playing football.56 . We dont want to make friends with the boy because he is _ (polite) to others.57 . China has a long history and everyone in China is _(pride) of her.58 . Lucy was afraid _(go) out at night when she was a little girl.59 . Some _(Asia) came to this international school last Friday.60 . All the people didnt say anything and they kept _(silence) all the time.61 . Its very_(help) for students to have good eating habits.九、完成句子根据句意及汉语提示完成句子62 . 你能就怎样以最好的方式处理这件事给我点儿建议吗?Could you give me some advice on _ with this?63 . 每个人都想成功。Everyone wants to _.64 . 养成好习惯是很重要的。It is important _ good habits.65 . 你认为哪一个更重要?_ is more important?66 . 你们最后达成一致了吗?Did you _ in the end?十、回答问题阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,将答案写在答题纸标有题号的横线上。Many of us dont pay much attention to the importance of eye care. It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.There are several causes leading to poor eyesight(视力)like not enough food, genes(基因)and aging(变老).Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, youd better clean your eyes with cold water. You must also try your best to protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also be used as a great way to protect your eyesight from UV rays(射线).Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamins(维生素)A, C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person often exercises and eats the right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition for a long time.All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter how old a person is.67 . What should you do if you work in front of a computer?_68 . What foods are good for our eyesight?_69 . Do we need to pay much attention to eye care? Why or why not?_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选41、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、填写适当的单词补全句子1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、完成句子1、十、回答问题1、

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