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人教PEP版五年级下册期中测试英语试卷3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题为下列句子选择相应的图片。1 . I like my bike. ( )AB2 . I like my kite. ( )AB3 . I like your doll. ( )AB4 . I like football. ( )AB5 . I like pandas. ( )AB6 . -_ are we going ?- _ the bookstore .AWhere , ToBWhat , InCHow , At7 . People usually eat _ on Chinese New Years Eve. ( )Adumplings and fishBturkeyCrice dumplings8 . The girl wants to English her teacher . Aspeak inBlearnfromCinfor9 . These are some. ( )AchildBchildrenCchilds10 . _did you help your friends? ( )AWhatBHowCWhere11 . I cut the grass the cows in the morning. ( )Ato feedBfeedingCfed12 . She _ many good friends. ( )AhasBdoesChave13 . Christmas Day falls _ 25 December. ( )AatBinCon14 . -do you usually go to school? ( )- By bikeAWhenBHowCWhy二、阅读选择阅读选择。Peter: What are you doing, Mary? Mary: I am sending Mike an e-card. When is your birthday?Peter: It s in March. Is Mikes birthday in May?Mary: Yes. Its May 2nd.Peter: Does he have a computer?Mary: Oh, no. He doesnt.Peter: Then he wont be able to see the card. Lets make a birthday card.Mary: Good idea. Everyone likes to get birthday cards.15 . Peter s birthday isnt in _ . ( )AMarchBApril16 . Mary _ play with the computer. ( )AcanBcant17 . Mike _ see the e-card. ( )AcanBcant18 . Peter _ . ( )Amakes a cardBmakes a cake19 . _ birthday is in May. ( )AMarysBMikes三、填空题20 . 根据课文内容回答下列问题。1. What is Mikes hobby?_.2. What does Mike give his friends for their birthday?_.3. What does Amy want to do when she grows up?_.4. What does Amy like drawing?_.21 . 用括号中多给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)1.I am used to brushing my_twice a day. (tooth)2.These two beds are in_sizes. (difference)3.Take your teachers_, and youll make progress. (advise)4.Sometimes it is hard for the old to keep healthy because of the sudden_changes.(season)四、单词拼写22 . 将排列错乱的字母重新组合成单词并写出意思:mkoetirle _(_)五、汉译英23 . 她将要买一些筷子。She_some_.翻译句子24 . 你将来想成为什么?_25 . 她是一名教师吗?_26 . 我想成为一名公交车司机。_27 . 他不是一名医生。_28 . 我的爸爸是一名警察。_六、选内容补全对话29 . 补全对话AWhere did you go last summer holiday?BNo, Im not.CYoure welcome.DWhat do you do there?EDid you have a good holiday last year?FOh, that sounds good.GWhat are you going to do there?John: Hi, this is John. Can I speak to Mike, please?Mike: Hello, John. This is Mike speaking.John: 1._Mike: Yes, I had a good holiday at that time.John: 2._Mike: I went to Hainan last summer holiday.John: How did you go there?Mike: I went there by plane, because it is too far.John: Are you going to Beijing this summer holiday?Mike: 3._ I am going to Sichuan.John: 4._Mike: I am going to take pictures and eat good food.John: 5._七、匹配题30 . 选出句子的相应答语。ANo, they dont.BAll right.CIt was sunny.DNo, I didnt.EIts eight hundred years old.FIt has got no legs.GYes, it is. H. I went to a park.I. I love noodles. J. No, I havent.1. Can you tell me more about the Great Wall?(_)2. How old is it?(_)3. Is it in our city?(_)4. Did you see friends?(_)5. Have you got a new ball? (_)6. Where did you go?(_)7. Do snakes love music? (_)8. What food do you love?(_)9. How many legs has it got? (_)10. What was the weather like? (_)八、连线题31 . 连线。1. a. the 11th of June2. b. the 18th of June3. c.the 16th of June4. d. the 15th of June5. f.the 8th of June第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、单词拼写1、五、汉译英1、2、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、八、连线题1、

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