
上传人:gbs****77 文档编号:10642059 上传时间:2020-04-13 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:56KB
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初二英语语法形容词比较级专项练习 姓名 总分 一 一 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式 long wide thin heavy slow few short badly good outgoing happy careful thin serious friendly funny 二 根据句意 用所括号内所级形容词的比较等级形式填空 1 Bob is young than Fred but tall than Fred 2 Yingtian is not as tall as Yongxian 3 Almost all the students faces are the same but Li Deming looks fat than before 4 Which is heavy a hen or a chicken 5 How tall is Sally She s 1 55 metres tall What about Xiaoling She s only 1 40 metres tall She is much short than Sally 6 He is good at learning maths but he is much good at Chinese 7 A dictionary is much expensive than a story book 8 An orange ia a little big than an apple but much small than a watermelon 西瓜 9 Sue is a little beautiful than her sister 10 My room is not as big as my brother s 11 How difficult is English I m not sure Is it difficult than maths I don t think so 12 Annie plays the piano very well Sue plays it well than Annie 13 Her mother is getting fat and fat 14 I think it s too expensive I d like a cheap one 15 He comes to school much early than I 16 This book is not as interesting as that one 17 Your classroom is wide and bright than ours 18 The much the good 19 This radio is not so as that one cheap 20 It is much today than yesterday hot 21 She is a little than her classmates careful 22 people came to the meeting than last time many 23 Which book is this one or that one easy 24 My room is than yours small 25 Hainan is from Beijing than Hunan far 26 Skating is than swimming exciting 27 The higher you climb the it will be cold 28 Jack sings well he sings well than Tom 三 选择填空 1 It is today than yesterday A hot B more hot C hotter D much hot 2 This line is than that one A not longer B more longer C much more longer D many more longer 3 Which do you like tea or milk A the best B better C the better D best 4 This book is of the two A thinner B the thinner C more thinner D the thinnest 5 She looks than she really is A the more younger B much younger C very younger D more younger 6 Our country is becoming A more beautiful and more B more beautiful and beautiful C more and more beautiful D more beautiful and beautifuler 7 He feels today than yesterday A tired B more tired C more tireder D much tired 8 She looks than she does A the more older B very older C much older D more older 9 I think science is than Japanese A much important B important C much more important D more much important 10 This pencil is than that one A longest B long C longer D as long 11 It was very hot yesterday but it is today A even hotter B more hotter C much more hot D much hot 12 Our classroom is larger than theirs A more B quite C very D much 13 China is larger than in Asia 亚洲 A any other country B other countries C the other country D any country 14 When spring comes it gets A warm and warm B colder and colder C warmer and warmer D shorter and shorter 15 At last he began to cry A hard and hard B more hard and more hard C harder and harder D less hard and less harder 16 Which is Li Lei or Wu Tong A strong B strongest C stronger D the strongest 17 My brother is three years than I A elder elder B older oldest C elder older D older elder 18 The cake looks Yes and it tastes even A well good B nice better C good worse D better best 19 Your book is newer than A I B me C my D mine 20 The weather in Beijing is colder than in Pingchang A it B them C that D this 四 翻译句子 1 他比我大两岁 He is than I 2 今天比昨天冷得多 It is today it was yesterday 3 这个故事不如那个有趣 This story is as that one 4 她的身体一天天好起来 He is getting every day 5 我的老师变得越来越漂亮 She gets 6 他吃的越多 就越胖 The he eats the he is 7 这本书跟那本书一样有趣 This book is that one

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