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人教版(PEP)五年级下册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . the black board and listen to me carefully, boys and girls. ( )Alook upBLook atCLook downDLook after2 . you drinking? ( )AAreBIsCDo3 . Look _ this photo. There is a bird on the tree. ( )AatBinCofDout4 . I haveeyes ( )AoneBtwoCan5 . I have_ new friends. ( )AsomeBaCthe6 . -When is National Day? ( )-Itsthe first of October.AonBinCbyDat7 . My uncle goes to work on foot. ( )Aworks on footBwalks to workCgoes to work by foot8 . -Im so sorry. ( )-_AThats OK.BYou are welcome.COK.9 . Whats your favorite _ festival ? ( ) The Spring Festival is my favorite.AJapaneseBChineseCAmerican10 . Jack, _ to be here at 8 oclock. ( )Ais sureBis sure thatCwill be sureDbe sure二、完形填空完形填空。Bill _ a doctor. He lived in a _ city in the north of the UK. He _ a dog and he often played with it.One day a friend _ him to dinner. He went there _ dog. At the dinner, Bill _ some meat and chicken to his dog.His friend said, You love your dog very much. Yes! It is very clever. It can buy newspaper for you. So his friend gave the dog _ money and it went out._ hour later, the dog didnt _. Bill asked his friend. How much did you give my dog?”Ten pound. answered his friend, You gave it too much, said Bill, It _ go to see a film.”11 . AwasBamCare12 . AhardBsmallCexciting13 . AhaveBhadChas14 . AaskingBaskCasked15 . AatBwithCof16 . AgiveBgaveCgiving17 . AsomeBanyCmuch18 . AABAnCThe19 . Acome backBcame backCcomes back20 . AmustBcanCcould三、填空题21 . 根据句意选词填空。AwalkBsnowyCbrightDcrying E. Easter1. Candles make our day_and happy.2. In America, the_ holidays are a week long.3. Look! The baby is hungry. Hes_ .4. My parents often take a_in the evening.5. Canada often has a_ Christmas.22 . 写出单词的相应形式。1. after (反义词) _2. told (原形) _3. children (名词所有格) _4. laugh (过去式) _5. forget (反义词) _四、任务型阅读23 . 阅读理解Hi. Dear friends. My name is Lucy. I like shopping. I often go shopping with my mother. We went to the supermarket last Sunday. My father likes fruit very much. We bought some apples for him. My mother likes yellow pears, but the pears in the supermarket were green. We didnt buy them. The grapes were very nice. Mother liked them very much and bought some for herself. The bananas were very nice, too. Mother bought some for me. I like bananas very much.阅读对话,根据内容提示填写单词完成表格。 My shopping with my 1._FruitWe bought some apples for my 2._We bought some 3._ for my mother.We bought some 4._ for me.We 5._ buy any pears because they are green.五、判断题24 . 根据图片判断句子是否正确。1. Look, there are eight chicks. (_)2. What are they?(_)Theyre bees.3. How many butterflies?(_)Four.4. How many sheep? (_)Two.六、填内容补全对话25 . 选出适当的词填在横线上。AbesideBparkCreading booksDareEis good forThere is a 1._ 2._ our school. There 3._ many trees and flowers in it. Look! Some girls are 4._ They are having a good time. Doing more reading 5._ our study.七、选内容补全对话选择正确的选项,补全对话。ANo wonder the air in our hometown is becoming dirtier and dirtier.BThe playground has become a factory.CMore and more people can afford cars nowadays (现在).DHave you heard the news?EWhen we were young, the air was very clean.Lisa and Ben live in a city. When they were young, they always played in the playground.Lisa:26 . Ben: Whats news?Lisa: 27 . Ben: Oh, my God! 28 . Lisa: Yes. And one of the main reasons is those factories.Ben: 29 . Thats another reason.Lisa: Yes. 30 . But now the air sometimes smells bad.补全对话。A. What do you do on the weekend?B. Sometimes I play sports, too. C. How are you today?D. Good idea!E. How about you?A: Hello, Zhang Peng. 31 . B: Im fine, thank you. A: Today is Saturday. 32 . B: I often play sports. Sometimes I read some books. 33 . A: Usually I visit my grandparents. 34 . B: We can play sports together next Saturday. A: 35 . 八、书面表达36 . Try to write.(写作。)假设你是Over,你叔叔是名邮递员,他在邮局工作,他乘地铁上班。请根据以上信息,结合所学知识,用英语写一篇小短文。_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、2、四、任务型阅读1、五、判断题1、六、填内容补全对话1、七、选内容补全对话1、2、八、书面表达1、

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