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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册 Module 3 Famous people,Period 2,Unit 6 Steve Jobs,单元整体设计内容分配,Period 1 Unit 6 Steve Jobs单词、短语及课文。 Period 2 课本P34-35 Fun with language中Ex.1,Ex.2, Ex.3内容。 Period 3活动手册P27 Ex.2, P28-29 Ex.3,自编名人海报,课本P36 Story Time内容。,本节课内容,1. 复习巩固上节课短文内容。 2. 完成一份填写名人职业及生卒年份的听力练习。 3. 在教师的引导下以对话的方式谈论(询问应答)名人偶像,简单描述喜欢的原因,并完成调查表的填写。 4. 聆听和阅读两位名人的生平,并提取所需信息。,What do you know about him?,Whos this man?,复习上课内容,回答What do you know about him?时请多个学生回答,每人只说一个事实(one fact each). 可分小组比赛以营造气氛,说对一个事实得一分。,1955,1976,1985,1998,2011,Steve was.in. on Feb.24th,When he., he worked as.But he quickly .,He and his friends started. They called. People . and Steve made.,He left.and started.,He sold.and returned to. After he. he turned.into. They first,thenand later,When Steve Jobs., the world lost.,Lets retell.,学生利用此提示复述课文内容。,Fast Response,本环节通过学生们快速反应的方式,见到名人姓名则快速大声说出其职业(例如看见Yao Ming则立刻说出athlete)。(本环节是对本模块前几课时出现名人的一个回顾,也是对职业名词的一个回顾,同时为下一环节的听力做铺垫。),Dr Sun Yatsen,Thomas Edison,Charlie Chaplin,Xian Xinghai,Qi Baishi,J.K.Rowling,Yao Ming,Steve Jobs,Mozart,Listening Scripts,1. Isaac Newton was a great English scientist. He was born in 1642 and died in 1727. 2. Qian Xuesen was a great Chinese scientist. He was born in 1911 and died in 2009. 3. William Shakespeare, a famous English writer was born in 1564 and died in 1616. 4. Leonardo Da Vinci , a great painter was born in 1452 and died in 1519. 5. Songqingling , one of the leaders of New China. She did a lot to help women and children. She was born in 1892 and died in 1981. 6. Beethoven was a great German musician. He wrote a lot of world famous music. He was born in 1770 and died in 1827.,Listen & Write,教师呈现课本P34 Fun with language中第1题的材料供学生进行听力练习。,1911-2009,scientist,1564-1616,writer,1452-1519,painter,1892-1981,leader,1770-1827,musician,Who is your idol (偶像)? T: Who is your idol, Lucy? S: Qi Baishi. T: Why do you like him? S: Because he painted lots of great pictures, and I love painting, too.,Example:,本页PPT提供了教师与某位同学之间的对话( T= teacher S= student)。(教师询问学生)Possible talk:,Do a survey,学生此时以4人小组为单位,完成课本P34 Fun with language中第2题调查表的填写。,Who is your idol (偶像)? A: Who is your idol? B: Steve Jobs. A: Why do you like him? B: I like him because he invented the iPad and made the world so different.,Example:,在学生进行四人小组成员间的调查讨论及表格填写时,教师可以同时呈现此页PPT,供语言程度较弱的同学参考。,在以上对话结束之后,教师呈现此三栏表格,并将与学生的对话概要现场记录在此表格中,并投影给学生,使其了解调查填写的操作步骤。,invented the iPad; made the world so different,Read & Answer,教师在呈现课本P35 Fun with language中第3题的材料供学生阅读。,J.K. Rowling Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born in Bristol, England, in 1965. She dreamed of being a famous writer when she was a little girl. Before she wrote Harry Potter, she was very poor. She had no job, and a young daughter to take care of. She decided to write the Harry Potter story to make some money. Every day, she sat at a coffee shop writing until the first book was finished. But no one wanted to put out her book. They said girls couldnt write about magic. Then Rowling changed her name from Joanne Kathleen to J.K., so people wouldnt know the writer was a woman. At last, in 1997, someone agreed to put out the first book and it was a huge success. She then wrote six more Harry Potter books. In just a few years, J.K. Rowling went from a poor young woman to the most loved and richest writer in the world.,Where and when was J.K. Rowling born? (2) What was her dream when she was a little girl? (3) Why did she decide to write the Harry Potter story?,Questions:,She was born in Bristol, England, in 1965.,She dreamed of being a famous writer when she was a little girl.,She decided to write the Harry Potter story to make some money.,(4) Where did she write the first Harry Potter book? (5) Why didnt anyone want to put out her book? (6) When was her first Harry Potter book put out?,Questions:,At a coffee shop.,They said girls couldnt write about magic.,In 1997, someone agreed to put out the first book.,Do you know him?,Listen & Choose,教师呈现活动手册P27 Ex.2的内容。学生听关于Jack London的生平介绍,并根据短文内容选择正确的答案。,Jack London was a famous American writer. He was born on January 12th, 1876 in San Francisco, the USA. His family was very poor, and Jack London had to leave school to make money. He worked hard in many different jobs. Later, Jack London returned to school, but he didnt stay for long. In 1879 he went to Alaska to find gold. He didnt find any gold there, but he found ideas for his books and stories. He came back home and started to write. His books were good and he became famous and rich after he was twenty. Jack London was not a happy man. He wasnt in good health. In 1916 he took his own life. He was only 40 when he died.,Listening Script,本页PPT为活动手册P27 Ex.2的听力材料。,( ) (1) Was Jack London an Englishman? Yes, he was. No. He was American. No. He was Australian. ( ) (2) Was Jack London born in London? A. Yes, he was. B. No. He was born in New York. C. No. He was born in San Francisco.,Listen and choose the right answers. 听短文,根据短文内容选择问 题的正确答案。,B,C,( ) (3) When was Jack London born? A. On January 12th, 1876. B. On January 20th, 1876. C. On January 12th, 1867. ( ) (4) What was Jack Londons job? A. He was a reporter. B. He was a writer. C. He was a school teacher.,Listen and choose the right answers. 听短文,根据短文内容选择问 题的正确答案。,A,B,( ) (5) Did Jack London study at school for long? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. He didnt go to school. ( ) (6) Why did Jack London leave school? A. Because his family was poor. B. Because he wanted to be famous and rich. C. Because he didnt like the subjects in the school.,Listen and choose the right answers. 听短文,根据短文内容选择问 题的正确答案。,B,A,( ) (7) Did Jack London find any gold in Alaska? A. Yes, a lot. B. Yes, but not much. C. No, he didnt. ( ) (8) When did Jack London die? A. He died when he was thirty years old. B. He died when he was forty years old. C. He died when he was fifty years old.,Listen and choose the right answers. 听短文,根据短文内容选择问 题的正确答案。,C,B,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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