外研版(一起)英语六年级下册Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads 练习卷

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外研版(一起)英语六年级下册Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads 练习卷_第1页
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外研版(一起)英语六年级下册Module 8 Unit 1 Why do you have cups on your heads 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Why are you _?( )AlaughBlaughingClaughed2 . Dont forget to _ your homework( ).AtakesBtakingCtake3 . Its time to_( )Agets toBgets upCget up4 . Where do you _? ( )I _ in a small town.Alive, liveBlive, am livingCliving, live5 . Classes are over. The students are _ now.Ahaving breakfast Bleaving school Csitting down二、填空题6 . Does your aunt _(live)in Shanghai ?7 . _ (什么颜色) is your mothers hair ?8 . 选择恰当的句子补全对话。AWhos that man?BWhere are you from, Jack?CIs he your brother?DGood morning.E. Whos that woman?A: _1_, Miss White.B: Good morning, Amy. _2_A: Hes my father.B: _3_A: She is my mother.B: _4_A: No, he isnt my brother. Hes my friend, Jack.B: _5_C: Im from England.9 . 根据课文内容回答问题:What was there in the park?_10 . Read and write. 读下列谜语,请用英语写出谜底,第一个字母已给出。(1)She is my fathers mother. She is my g_.(2)Its an insect. It can make honey(蜂蜜). Its a b_.(3)Its cold. Its sweet. I like to eat it. Its an i_.(4)Whats two and three? Its f_.选一选,填一填。Whats Whos11 . -_ this?-Its a bird.12 . - _ that?-Its a book.13 . -_ this?-Hes my father.14 . -_ that?-Shes my mother.三、任务型阅读15 . 判断正误Hi, my name is Simon. Im Chinese, but I live in England. I speak English very well, but I sometimes make mistakes! Yesterday we went on a school visit to a farm. I was very happy. I said I wanted to see a ship. Everyone looked surprised and I didnt know why. My teacher said, “Simon, we are going to go to a farm, not to a lake or the sea. There are no ships at the farm.” Then I knew my mistake. I wanted to say “sheep”, the animal that says, “baa ”, not “ship”, a big boat on the water! It was very funny. My friends laughed. Then we all said the words: “sheep, ship”!【小题1】Simon lives in China.(_)【小题2】Simon makes mistakes in English.(_)【小题3】Simon went to a sea. (_)【小题4】There were ships at the farm.(_)【小题5】Simon was happy.(_)四、英汉混合16 . 英汉互译。1. 排队_2. 没问题_3. in the library _4. at five _5. twenty to five _五、连词成句17 . 连词成句:than hundred high more its one metres(!)_18 . 连词成句。1. by car I go to work ._2. go to work How do you ?_19 . drink,what,you,like,would,to?_?连词成句。20 . is, there, magic, stone, no, (.)_21 . I, use, it, may, (?)_22 . look, have, let, a, us, (.)(缩写形式)_23 . the, magic, you, are, (.)_24 . favourite, food, is, your, what, (?)(缩写形式)_25 . 连词成句。1. online, can, we, shop (?)_2. wants, buy, Jenny, to, pencil, a (.)_3. story, is, a, book, 7, yuan (.)_4. much, ice, cream, is, the, how (?)_5. reading, fun, easy, and, is (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、三、任务型阅读1、四、英汉混合1、五、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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