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专题复习三 任务型阅读 A Being on vacation does not mean that you should stop doing exercise You must continue with the fitness 健康 programs if you want to keep fit The following tips can help you continue with your fitness programs even while you are on the road Packing for fitness You should have your sports things packed such as sports shoes exercise DVDs sports clothes and other things Remember not to pack big things You know you don t have enough room to keep them during a trip When you have all the fitness things packed you can prepare to go If you are staying in a hotel you should find out if there are any sports facilities 设备 in it For example most hotels have swimming pools so it is a good idea to go swimming for some time in them Perhaps walking is the easiest way of exercising that you can do during traveling When you are on a train you can wear your sports shoes and take a walk along the aisle 过道 It will help you do some exercise during those long trips 根据短文内容 完成下面的表格 How to 1 During a trip Packing for fitness You should pack your sports things 2 big things before the trip What you should do in a n 3 You should know if the hotel has any 4 like a swimming pool Sports you can do during traveling 1 T h e e a s i e s t w a y o f e x e r c i s i n g i s 5 2 You can walk along the aisle to keep fit when you are on a train 1 2 3 4 5 B For most middle school students it s a little difficult to go over the things they have ever learned before the exams What s more it s important to make a study plan for an exam The following are the steps in making a study plan The first step is to decide whether you want to study alone or in a group If you want to study in a group you need to consider the needs of the whole group when you make the plan The next thing to plan is the study time To make an effective 有效的 study plan you need to consider two things the whole time you have before the exam and the effective study time that you can use to study every day Try to study for at least two hours every day If you have little time before the exam such as one week or less you need to increase your daily study time At last you should decide what you need to study and how to study Both books and class notes are important materials You can divide the materials into small parts and then go over them one by one according to your plan Remember to spend more time studying the most important part 根据短文内容 完成下面的表格 The best title for this passage 1 The first step Decide whether you want to study alone or 2 The second step Plan study time You should consider both 3 and 4 The third step Decide what to learn and how to learn Pay more attention to 5 1 2 3 4 5 C In Latin countries there is a special birthday called Los Quinceanos the 15th birthday for girls There are special clothes for Los Quinceanos The girl aged 15 wears a big long pink dress She wears a beautiful crown 花冠 Her shoes are the same color as her dress The family has to get everything ready They have to buy the cake food and drink find a good place for the party make invitations buy a birthday ring and plan the church service Before they go to the party they have to go to church to bless 保佑 the birthday girl One of the most interesting parts is getting 14 girls and 14 boys for the dancing part at the party They have to practice for a few weeks so they can be ready for the big show The 14 pairs with the birthday girl that means there are 15 pairs The girl can ask her father to dance with her When the party begins the 14 pairs appear one by one Then they wait for the girl to get in to start the dance In the end everybody can dance and enjoy the party After the guests leave the girl can open her gifts and begin living with the beautiful memory of her birthday 根据短文内容 完成下面的表格 A Special Birthday Los Quinceanos What Los Quinc eanos is 1 for girls in Latin countries What the girl wears A big long pink dress a crown and a pair of 2 What the family has to do Buy the cake food and drink Find 3 for the party Make invitations Buy 4 Plan the church service The dancing part at the party Get 14 girls and 14 boys The birthday girl can choose 5 to dance with her Time to open the gifts After the guests leave 1 2 3 4 5 D Do you always find there is not enough money in your wallet when shopping So it is necessary for you to learn how to save money during the shopping Make a shopping list Before you go shopping make a list of everything you plan to buy The rule is you re not allowed to buy anything unless it s already on your list It ll help you buy the things you need Only bring the money you need You can t spend money you don t have Before you go out put a small amount 数量 of money in your wallet to cover all the buying you plan to do If the money runs out your shopping is over for the day When you re in doubt leave the store If you are in the situation whether or not to buy something put it down and leave the store If you find later that you really want it you can go back and buy it But usually you ll be happy you saved your money Don t be seduced 诱惑 by sales Sometimes you buy something you don t need just because it s very cheap Cheap or not there s no need to spend any amount of money on something you ll never use 根据文章内容 完成表格 每空不可超过三个词 Ways to 1 When Shopping Make 2 Write everything you plan to buy on it You can only buy things you need Only bring the money you need If you 3 the money you take you should finish shopping Leave the store when you re in doubt If you don t know whether you should buy something 4 and leave that store Be careful of sales Do not buy anything 5 no matter how cheap it is 1 2 3 4 5 E It is well known that everyone has their own dreams as well as their own future But do you know what the future really is I have to say that future is present That is to say we must treasure 珍惜 every minute now If we want to have a bright future we should know how important time is and make good use of it There is an old English saying Gain time gain life Then what s time Time is something that we can t see or touch but we can feel it passing by Time is always with us When we are at table time passes when we play time goes by We always say Time is money but time is even more precious 珍贵的 than money because when money is spent we can earn it back But if time is gone away it will never return So some of us even say time is priceless 无价的 We should always remember future is present As students we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own We should make full use of every hour and be the master of today We should do everything before us as well as possible And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow As we all know Time and tide wait for no man If you waste today you will regret tomorrow So from now on work hard Tomorrow will be better and your future will be brighter Remember No pains no gains Work hard and you ll be successful some day 根据短文内容 完成下面表格 Opinions Supporting details Future is present Everyone has his own dreams as well as his own future But if we want to have a bright future we should know the 1 of time and shouldn t 2 every minute now Time is priceless Time is money but time is even more valuable than money because when money is spent it can be earned back But 3 time will return no more Be the master of today Today s hard work 4 to tomorrow s harvest As students we should never put off what can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our 5 to do everything well 1 2 3 4 5 F How to Deal with Homesickness When you sleep somewhere else like at a summer camp or a friend s house you know you re there for a fun time But for some kids when they are away from home they feel sad They start to miss their own beds their own parents and all the things at home It s called being homesick 想家的 Do you want to feel less homesick Here s how Spend more time in doing fun things The more fun things you do the less time you ll have to feel homesick So try to take part in activities and soon you might start to have a good time You can make a plan to call your mum or dad For a night visit maybe you can call once that night and again in the morning In the camp you might set a regular day and time for a phone call home You can also send e mails or short messages to keep in touch 保持联系 with family and friends If you re going to be away for a while you might even write a letter When you get in touch with someone make sure to tell them about the fun things you re doing Sometimes just tell someone that you re feeling homesick This will help you feel better Maybe you can tell a friend that you feel homesick And the two of you can do something fun such as telling jokes If you re at camp a camp counselor 顾问 would be a good person to talk to He or she might have some ideas to help you feel better 根据文章内容 完成表格 Structure of the passage Title How to Deal with Homesickness Headings Notes When to feel homesick When you are 1 from home you might feel homesick Find fun Try to take part in a lot of 2 Make a 4 to call your parents Send e mails or short messages to your family and friends Write a letter if you are away for a while Keep in 3 Share your fun with your family and friends Talk to your friends and do something fun with him her T a l k t o s o m e o n e Talk to your counselor and get some helpful 5 from him her 1 2 3 4 5 K When the teacher asks a question in class Wang Xiaobin never raises his hand and this situation is very common at middle schools This 15 year old boy always waits for other classmates or the teacher to give the answer What if my answer is wrong Wang asks Wang said only six or seven students in his class raise their hands when a question is asked 93 I think it s a problem that may affect 影响 our studies but I am afraid of making mistakes in front of my classmates he said To encourage students to raise their hands in class Hu Wei why the students didn t raise their hands he said They lack 缺乏 of confidence they are afraid of showing off or they re afraid of losing face by giving wrong answers To encourage students to raise their hands in class Hu suggests that teachers should repeat the question then try to guide and encourage students to offer their answers 94 Hu also advised students not to be shy but brave enough to try Sun Pin 16 of Fujian always raises her hand as soon as she comes up with the answer even if she isn t sure she has got it right Sun can t understand why some of her classmates keep sil ent in class She enjoys raising her hand a lot It keeps me enthusiastic 热情的 and confident to express my idea Sun said Raising my hand has really made me excellent 任务一 根据短文内容简要回答问题 1 Does Wang Xiaobin raise his hand when the teacher asks a question in class 2 Why don t students raise their hands 3 possible reasons 任务二 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语 3 4 任务三 给短文拟一个恰当的标题 5 P Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm 确认 his 1 home with the airline company He was visiting Spain in order to improve his Spanish When he was speaking to people face to face he had no difficulty understanding what they said However when he was speaking on the phone he still had a problem Andy called the airline And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o clock three days from that day She also told Andy to be at the airport two hours earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat Since he was leaving in three days Andy didn t lose any time He visited as many places as he could He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain Too quickly the final day arrived Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take off He hated to rush He went to the clerk to show his ticket The clerk looked at the ticket in surprise Why sir but your flight was at nine o clock in the morning and now it is eight in the evening But I confirmed my flight insisted Andy Will I have to pay for another ticket No sir However the next flight out will be three days from now Andy s 2 of shock turned to pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation 根据短文内容 完成下列任务 任务一 请根据短文内容 分别写出 1 2 处所缺单 词 每空限填一词 1 1 2 任务二 根据短文内容补全句子 每空限填一词 2 1 He visited as many places as 2 From the passage we know Andy could his holiday 任务三 请把文中画线的句子翻译成汉语 3 任务四 回答下列问题 4 Why did the clerk tell Andy to be at the airport a little Q 专题复习三 任务型阅读 A 1 Keep Fit Healthy2 except3 hotel4 sports facilities5 walking taking a walk B 1 Make a Study Plan for an Exam2 in a group3 the whole time4 the effective study time5 the most important part C 1 The 15th birthday2 pink shoes3 a good place4 a birthday ring5 her father D 1 Save Money2 a shopping list3 run out of4 put it down5 you ll never use E 1 importance2 waste3 missing lost4 leads5 best F 1 away far2 activities3 touch4 plan5 ideas opinions suggestions advice G 1 At least thirty to forty hours online every week 2 In the computer lab 3 Because the teenagers spend more time on the Internet than with friends and family 4 You go out with your friends less and less You can t wait to get online again You ve decided to spend a short time online but then you spend several hours You do not go to important family events or you do not do school projects because you like to spend hours on the Internet 5 To set strict limits on the time for Internet use H 1 The lawyer lived in a town 2 The lawyer s wife was badly ill 3 Yes he did 4 The doctor got no money from the lawyer 5 The lawyer wasn t an honest man 1 Basketball and soccer 2 In just a month 3 Six 4 Because they never played an organized sport before and they are not sure what they will most enjoy 5 Making the decision that is best for you J 1 Around 500 years ago 2 They are the best vegetables in the world 3 In July 4 Some cucumbers 5 The Cucumber Festival in Suzdal K 1 H e i s A l i c e s p e t d o g 2 S h e f e l t l o n e l y a n d b o r e d 3 T h e y o f t e n g o o u t s i d e t o p l a y a n d t a k e w a l k s 4 B e c a u s e d o g s a r e l i k e p e o p l e a n d t h e y n e e d t h e r i g h t a m o u n t o f f o o d t o b e h e a l t h y 5 I t s a b o u t A l i c e a n d h e r p e t d o g L 1 H e w a s a n e n g i n e e r 2 S h e w a s f o u r y e a r s o l d 3 B e c a u s e h e r f a t h e r h a d t o w o r k f o r a c o m p a n y i n C h i n a 4 I t w a s c a l l e d V i c W e l l s B a l l e t S c h o o l 5 T h e g r e a t l i f e o f F o n t e y n M 1 Germany 2 Bread and coffee 3 Yes it does 4 Go shopping 5 Many cultures are connected with her life N 1 He volunteered to pass out water to the runners 2 Because he thought it was easy 3 It was very hot 4 He jogged walked jogged and walked 5 Yes he did O 1 No he doesn t 2 Because they lack of confidence they are afraid of showing off or they are afraid of losing face by giving wrong answers 3 我想这确实是个可能会影响我们学习的问题 但我害怕在同学面前出错 4 胡老师还建议同学们不要害羞 要勇敢地尝试 5 Hands up please Raise Put up you hand s P 1 1 flight 2 look expression2 1 possible 2 continue 3 当他与别人当面交谈时 他能理解别人的话 4 To check in his luggage and get a seat 5 About 11 hours Q 1 The Woolworth Building the Chrysler Building the Empirs State Building and the World Trade Center 2 From 1930 to 1931 3 今天你可以看到不同高度的建筑物 它们似乎可以触摸天空 4 以 1 250 英尺的高度 它成为世界上最高的 建筑物 5 Race for the sky A race for the sky


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