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2019-2020学年冀教版(三起)三年级上册期中测试英语试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Where do you live? ( )AI work in a hospital.BI live in Beijing.2 . Goodbye, Sam. ( )_AGoodbye, John.BGood morning.CGood afternoon.3 . Clap your _.AhandBhandsCbody4 . The sign for the underground stations in Shanghai is _.( )AredBa squareCa circle选出下列各组词语中不同类的一项。5 . AmuseumBpost officeCItalianDpark6 . AplaneBsubwayCfilmDtrain7 . AinterestingBamazingCworriedDhiking8 . AworkerBfactoryCcoachDbusinessman9 . AeveningBswimmingCdancingDdoing10 . AhurtsBteachesCgrassDstudies11 . AsadBworryCangryDhappy12 . AtomorrowByesterdayCtodayDweek13 . ( ) Where is my schoolbag? .AIts a panda.BIts yellow.CIts on the desk.14 . Look at the people _the park. ( )AonBatCin15 . They are _. ( )AmonkeysBa monkeyCone monkey16 . Dontbiscuits on the bus. ( )AhaveBhasCride17 . 当你问别人时间时说:A:Whats the time now?AWhats this?BWhats that?18 . Whatsthis? ( )AItsacabbage.BYes,itis.19 . Would you likechess with me? ( )AplaysBplayCto play二、英译汉20 . 翻译1Can I have a _ (宠物) ? (pet/ rabbit)2I want the _ (厚的) one. (thin/ thick)3Can I _ (借) a pen, please? (bring /borrow)4Peters mother _ (熨烫) the clothes. (iron/ irons)5Youre making a lot of _ (噪音). ( noise/ noisy )6.读右图,将图中对话译成汉语。- _- _三、看图题21 . ( )AHow many trees? There are two.BHow many trees? There are three.22 . Look and complete. (根据图片完成句子。)1. There is a new _ behind the desk.2. My Chinese teacher is very old and _.3. We have _ for dinner on Thursdays.4. There is a small _ in the forest.5. Its _ today.6. There are many tall _ in the city.7. There is a _ over the river.8. Theres a _in the park.9. The _ is green.四、字母题23 . 写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意规范书写。1. Ee Gg2. Oo 3. Jj 4. Ss Tt 5. Vv 6. Zz五、画图题24 . 画图题。1. I can see the sun. 2. Its my glasses.六、连线题25 . Read, tick and match.读下面的图,将图中物品对应的单词连接起来。(1) deskA(2) boatB(3) carC(4) mapD(5) cap E. (6) catF. (7) appleG. 第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、英译汉1、三、看图题1、2、四、字母题1、五、画图题1、六、连线题1、

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