新人教版三年级英语下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷(一)

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新人教版三年级下册Unit 2 In the library 单元测试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AmouseBmanCcat2 . Woof, woof, whats this? ( )Its _.Aa catBa dog3 . ( )-Whats your name, please? - _AIts Tom BMy name is Tom CThank youDFine, thank you4 . Whats behind the door? ( )A门下面是什么?B门后面是什么?5 . Whats this? ( )Its skirt.AyouBheCmy6 . _ I play computer games now? ( ) No, you _. You should do your homework first.ACan; needntBMust; mustntCMay; mustntDCould; couldnt7 . Look at the green beans. They are_.Agreen and longBred and bigCyellow and long8 . 当你需要别人帮忙时,你应该说:ACan I help you?BCan you help me?CDo you help me?9 . -Tony! Gogo! What are you doing? ( )- _.AWe are dancing.BWe can work here.CShe has a green dress.10 . 找出不同类的单词或短语,把标号写在提前括号内。(1)A.salesperson. B. accountant C. favourite. D. actress(2)A.shop B. supermarket C. museum D. left(3)A.cleaner B. water C. dancer D. actor (4)A.subway B. straight C. train D. ship(5)A.plant. B. rain. C. sprout. D. soil 11 . - Dont listen _ Sam, Bobby. ( )- OK.A/BforCto12 . 找出下面不是同一类的词。( )AisBamCbe13 . Dont _ my milk. ( )AeatBdrinkCrun二、情景交际14 . 看电影时,有人不停地讲话,你会对他说:( )ADont talk, please.BDont run, please.CDont drink, please.15 . 张开嘴。AOpen your mouth.BOpen your books.16 . 你刚买了新的水彩笔,想给你的朋友看,你应该说:_( )A、Look at my new crayons.B、Can you find my crayons?17 . 读一读,选择合适的选项补全对话。Mom:_Jack and Lily: Good evening, Mom._Mom: Its seven. Time for supper._Jack: I would like some rice and vegetables.Lily: I would like some noodles.Mom:_Jack and Lily: Yes ,please.Mom: OK. Please wait. You can do your homework first. Thirty minutes later.AWhat time is it? BWhat would you like ?CWould you like some soup?DGood evening, Jack and Lily!18 . 哥哥在图书馆给你饼干,你会对他说:( )AThank you, dont eat here. BI dont like it.19 . 你在图书馆看书,有同学大声叫你,你会说:( )ADont run here.BDont shout here.三、汉译英20 . 翻译词组。1.起立_2.坐下_3.在图书馆_4.关窗_5.进来_四、英汉混合翻译句子。21 . Long long ago, there was an old man._22 . We are going to have lunch together._23 . Its an invitation to my birthday party._24 . 我们准备去看电影。_25 . 你们打算干什么?_五、选内容补全对话读一读,选一选,写一写,试着描述我们的国宝大熊猫吧!fat body black White short ChinaLook at the panda! Its name is Panpan. Its from 26 . . Its big and 27 . . Its black and 28 . . It has 29 . eyes. It has a fat 30 . and a 31 . tail. It is cute(可爱的).六、连词成句32 . 根据句末标点符号连词成句,注意字母大小写。1. The,Tell,about,more,me,Great Wall(.)2. can, I, French, speak (.)3. China,any,you,Have,from,got,s tamps ( ?)第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、三、汉译英1、四、英汉混合1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、连词成句1、


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