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人教新起点版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(五)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Nancy is talking Miss Li her plans the weekend. ( )Aabout; to; atBto; about; forCto; with; forDabout, for, at2 . Mum iseggs on the stove. ( )AmakeBcookCcooking3 . 找出每组词中不同类的单词。【小题1】AappleBpeachCclever【小题2】ApearBshyCquiet【小题3】AScienceBUKCArt【小题4】AseventyBniceCfive【小题5】AlazyBtigerClion【小题6】AfaceBfootCfast【小题7】AgiraffeBteacherCparent【小题8】AtheBareCis【小题9】AtreeBflowerCclassroom【小题10】AworkBspeakClazy4 . My family usually _ the moon _the Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )Asees, atBlook at, onClook at, at5 . How _ your father go to work? ( ) He _ to work by car.Adoes, goesBdo, goCdoes, goDdo, goes6 . 4 _ 5 makes twenty. ( )AtimesBandCwith7 . We can see some _. ( )AsheepBsheepsCa sheep8 . He likes _ basketball.( )AplayedBplayCplaying9 . Let _clean the blackboard. ( )AmeBmyCI10 . Our teacherbusy this month, but he free next month. ( )Ais;will beBwas;willCwill be;will be11 . The noodles are _ delicious. ( )Avery muchBveryCmuch12 . My sister likes _ piano. But I like _ football. ( )Aplaying the; playingBplaying; playing theCplaying the; playing a13 . 选择不同类的一项(_) 1. A. filmB. cinemaC. library(_) 2. A. helloB. hiC. bye(_) 3. A. whereB. watchC. which(_) 4. A. thisB. thatC. those(_) 5. A. seeB. speakC. say14 . The windows are so dirty. _ them, please. ( )AOpeningBCloseCClean15 . 选出画线字母读音不同的选项。(_)1. A. eraserB. fantasticC. mustnt D. kites(_)2. A. zeroB. realC. ideaD. parent(_)3. A. photoB. ofC. fifteenD. friend (_)4. A. balloon B. cartoonC. washroomD. food(_)5. A. collectB. computerC. welcome D. comb16 . I am so _ to visit the UN this winter. ( )AhappyBhappinessChappily二、填空题选词填空。A. fromB. newC. HeD. WhereE. is17 . This _ Amy.18 . _ are you from?19 . She is a _ student.20 . Im _ China.21 . _ is a teacher.三、单词拼写22 . 看图,写单词oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/QBM/2015/1/12/1568092438093824/1568092441714688/STEM/cb241f78bb064f97916811ede0c151bb.png /四、任务型阅读Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。)Hello, Im Sarah. This is a picture of my room. My favourite room is my bedroom. Let me show you. There is a bed, a shelf, a desk, a chair and a computer in it. The window is in front of the desk. The desk is near the bed. There is a computer on the desk. My bedroom is small, but its nice. I like it. Do you like my bedroom?23 . This is a picture of Sarahs room. (_)24 . Sarahs bedroom is small. (_)25 . The window is in front of the desk. (_)26 . The desk is not near the bed. (_)27 . Sarah doesnt like her bedroom. (_)五、句型转换28 . I was a pupil.(改为否定句)I _a pupil.六、选内容补全对话情景交际。选出恰当选项完成对话,其中一项是多余的。AWhat time is it now?BWhere is my jacket?CGood morning.DWhat are you doing?EWhat are you going to do?FWhat else do you want?Li Ming: Good morning, mummy.Liu Yun: 29 . . Li Ming.Li Ming: 30 . ?Lin Yun: Its seven oclock.31 . ?Li Ming: Im brushing my teeth.Liu Yun: Hurry up. Its time for breakfast. What do you want?Li Ming: I want a cup of milk and a hamburger.Liu Yun: Here you are. 32 . ?Li Ming: I am full(饱了). Thank you.Liu Yun: Now its 7:30. Li Ming, hurry up.Li Ming: But, mum, 33 . ?Liu Yun: Its on your bed.Li Ming: Thank you.七、连词成句34 . 连词成句。1、Im , park , to , jump , going , in , the (.)_2、Spring Festival , do , eat , you , fish , at , the (?)_3、have , we , family , a , big , dinner (.)_4、are , two , there , boys , the , bike , on (.)_5、are , what , to , going , tomorrow , you , do (?)_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、填空题1、三、单词拼写1、四、任务型阅读1、五、句型转换1、六、选内容补全对话1、七、连词成句1、


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