外研版(一起)英语二年级下册Module 4单元测试卷

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外研版(一起)英语二年级下册Module 4单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 找出不同类的词。(_)1.A. bookB. pencilC.tigerD. bag(_)2.A.dogB.monkeyC. lionD.pen(_)3.A.catB.capC.jacketD.T-shirt(_) 4.A. deskB.TVC. bedD. chair(_) 5.A. orangeB. yellowC. redD. cute(_) 6.A. niceB. tryC. greatD. cool(_) 7.A. sadB. goodC. flyD. great(_) 8. A. appleB. bananaC. skateD. pineapple(_) 9.A. heB. youC. NancyD. I(_) 10. A.footballB. basketballC. tabletennisD. toycar2 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1. A.scienceB.morningC.afternoon(_)2. A.ChineseB.MusicC.floor(_)3. A.whatB.theyC.when(_)4. A.tenB.fourC.they(_)5. A.basketballB.PEC.football(_)6. A.bedroomB.dining roomC.desk(_)7. A.blackboardB.breakfastC.dinner(_)8. A.pencilB.chairC.pen(_)9. A.kiteB.quietC.toy(_)10. A.runB.ChinaC.row3 . _ do you do _ the weekend? ( ) I often play music at home.AWhat; inBWhen; onCWhat; on4 . Im going to with my grandparents this weekend. ( )Awatch TVBsee TVCread TV5 . _ are you excited, Gogo? ( ) Because I am going to climb the mountain.AWhatBWhenCWhy6 . -Is this your music room? ( ) -Yes. We _ here.AsingBreadCplay7 . Look at my _. ( )AbookBbag选出每组中不同类的一项。8 . AwhiteBrainCsnow9 . AwarmBAprilCcool10 . AhotBcoldCwind11 . AsunBMayCcloud12 . ( ) (3)My mother _ busyAisBareCdoes13 . What are they doing ? ( )They are .ArunBplaying basketballCswam二、选内容补全对话14 . 情景交际。选择句子。完成对话。把代表该句子的编号写在横线上。AHow much is it?BDo you like baseball?CIs it interesting?DWhats it about?EWho gave it to you?Son: Look, Mum. I have a new book.Mum: 1. _Son: Its about baseball.Mum: 2. _Son: Yes, I do.Mum: 3. _Son: Yes, very interesting.Mum: 4. _Son: My teacher gave it to me. He bought it at the bookstore(书店).Mum: 5. _Son: Twelve yuan.Mum: You should say“thank you ”to your teacher.三、匹配题15 . 给下列图片选择合适的对应词(组)。Astand upBafternoonCboyDup1. ( ) 2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( )四、连线题16 . 连线图片对应的短语1. a. run a race2. b. swim3. c. long jump4. d. high jump第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、选内容补全对话1、三、匹配题1、四、连线题1、


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