牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit 4Growing up单元测试(三)(II )卷

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第 1 页 共 17 页 牛津译林版九年级英语上 Unit 4Growing up 单元测试 三 II 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 单项选择 共 15 题 共 30 分 1 2 分 Oscar night all the shining stars in beautiful clothes walk out on red carpets drink and celebrate their success A At B In C On D By 2 2 分 This machine doesn t operate smoothly There must be something wrong with it A use B work C look 3 2 分 2017 八上 揭阳期末 When her father came back home Joan with her friend A talked B talks C is talking D was talking 4 2 分 2016 九上 深圳期中 I have no idea what I should do next 一 In my opinion you can do nothing but wait for the result 第 2 页 共 17 页 A know B agree C don t know 5 2 分 2017 常州竞赛 He was so tired that he fell asleep he went to bed A as if B even though C ever since D as soon as 6 2 分 It is impossible to get there on time A arrive B come C go D leave 7 2 分 2018 八上 深圳期末 Have you eaten dumplings Millie Yes but I ve made them by myself Can you teach me A ever ever B ever never C already ever D never never 8 2 分 I can t his telephone number Can you tell me A speak B teach 第 3 页 共 17 页 C remember D use 9 2 分 Kate s dad is getting old She will go back home to see him it is convenient A because B whenever C although D unless 10 2 分 2017 乌鲁木齐模拟 Harry s mom looks young and beautiful It s hard to imagine she is already her A in fifty B in fifties C on fifties D in fiftieth 11 2 分 Their football team was in that important game A won B beaten C failed 12 2 分 we keep our hearts open we can experience the happiness friendship brings us A Since B If C Unless 第 4 页 共 17 页 D Though 13 2 分 2018 凉山 Parents put the things like knives and medicine away in the house to keep children safe A may B might C can D should 14 2 分 This is my timetable Monday Friday A for to B from to C at on D from on 15 2 分 2016 九上 龙岗期末 I lost my favourite book on my way home I hope you can find it A What a pity B Sound Great C What fun 二 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 16 10 分 先通读下面的短文 掌握其大意 然后从 A B c D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳 答案 Gustavo s favourite sport is football when he was only four his older brother taught him how to play it Now Gustavo is eight and he has a lot of 1 Gustavo s brother likes to kick 踢 the ball with his right foot 2 Gustavo doesn t He likes to kick it with his left foot Gustavo calls 第 5 页 共 17 页 it his lucky left foot All of Gustavo s friends love to play football when they get out of 3 Earlier this year a new boy came to Gustavo s school His name is Felipe One day the boys asked Felipe to play football with them after school Felipe said OK but looked very 4 As they walked to the football field Gustavo asked Felipe Are you all right Felipe said I don t know 5 to play football I tried once and everybody laughed at 嘲笑 me Don t worry said Gustavo I was really bad too when I first started playing football 6 just have to keep 保 持 trying The game started and Gustavo moved to the from of the field and was ready to kick the ball with his lucky left foot Gustavo felt 7 every time he played football and today he was playing even better than usual After the game Gustavo and Felipe stayed on the field to practise Felipe was a little bit 8 Then Gustavo and Felipe practised on the football field every day after the other boys 9 Felipe also practised before school Now Felipe loves playing football and Gustavo has a new 10 Gustavo believes that Felipe will be able to score his first goal 进球 soon 1 A practice B jobs C plans D information 2 A so B or C but D if 第 6 页 共 17 页 3 A restaurant B cinema C hospital D school 4 A excited B interested C worried D bored 5 A when B why C how D where 6 A I B You C They D We 7 A happy 第 7 页 共 17 页 B tired C afraid D funny 8 A older B taller C slower D better 9 A arrived B left C won D lost 10 A teacher B visitor C cousin D friend 三 阅读理解 共 2 题 共 20 分 17 10 分 阅读下列短文 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选择最佳选项 B Generation Show was held in Belgium at first With the introduction of the foreign hot show 第 8 页 共 17 页 mode Shenzhen TV organized the programme and made it popular It is reported that Generation Show includes several programmes Each programme is made up of five different age groups 60 70 80 90 00 They show the skills in their own area through the years about their own story In the show the stars from different ages will be invited and tell stories about their little known and interesting events of the past Shenzhen TV spent huge money inviting more than 300 stars and the television production team It nearly took one and a half years to build it This show is an entertainment programme which includes game contests music performances and fashion shows In the show people will see five generations 一代人 In order to find a deep feeling among different people guests of these programmes have athletes artists singers actors and so on On the stage they will be asked to answer questions show their special skills and tell their stories of the times The host Zhao Yiou with a good sense of humour is very popular His style is also a great change and achieves a great turn in Shenzhen TV 1 Each programme includes different age groups A 5 B 10 C 15 D 20 2 How long did it take to build Generation Show A About one year B About one and a half years 第 9 页 共 17 页 C About two years D About two and a half years 3 The aim of the programme is to A tell us the story and the life of the stars B show the stars skills in their own area C teach us how to learn music and act well D find a deep feeling among different people 4 The last paragraph mainly talks about A the stars of the show B the host of the show C how to choose a host D how to begin the programme 5 According to the passage which of the following is TRUE A Shenzhen TV made the program Generation Show first B Shenzhen TV spent huge money inviting 300 stars C Guests in the programme come from stars in different fields D Zhao Yiou is a serious host and has the same style as others 18 10 分 阅读理解 B 第 10 页 共 17 页 Martin Glenn is fifteen years old and he likes sports very much There s nothing unusual about that but Martin s family is a bit different They all like sports and they run a family sports business 生意 Martin s mom and dad set up the business ten years ago when Martin was five His dad Worked in a bank before that but he hated it He wanted a job that had to do with his love for sports At first they had a small shop and only sold sports clothes But the business soon grew Now they have a big shop and it sells different kinds of sports equipment 器材 Martin can t really remember life before the business I have an early memory of helping my mom and dad in the shop he said Now Martin is very interested in the shop and the things they sell I am responsible 负责 for choosing what to sell each year I love seeing all the new designs 设计 And of course each year I get my new football shoes at a really good price Martin s sister Amy helps with the business too She serves customers 顾客 in the shop on the weekend She says It isn t easy especially when customers aren t happy about something But she enjoys being part of the family team Martin s mom organizes online orders She started selling online about five years ago and it s now an important part of the business Both Martin and Amy want to work in the family business in the future It is hard work But I know that if Martin and I work together we ll make the business even better said Amy 1 Before starting the sports business Martin s dad A didn t have much money B worked in a small shop C lived with his parents D didn t like his job 2 What can we know about Martin A He likes playing basketball B He thinks serving customers is easy 第 11 页 共 17 页 C He helps his parents choose what to sell D He learns how to design clothes from his dad 3 Who is responsible for online orders A Martin B Amy C Martin s dad D Martin s mom 4 What do Martin and Amy have in Common A They both like Sports B They are the same age C They go to the same school D They both work on the weekend 5 The passage mainly talks about A Martin s future plan B Martin s family business C How to do sports business D How to choose sports clothes 四 词汇 共 1 题 共 1 分 19 1 分 2018 岳池模拟 The government will take actions to stop the paper factory from 污染 the river 五 用所给动词的适当形式填空 共 5 题 共 6 分 20 2 分 What were you doing when the rainstorm came 当暴风雨来的时候你正在做什么 第 12 页 共 17 页 点拨 意为 当 时候 后面通常接时间点 从句中谓语动词用短暂性动词 另外 while 意为 当 时候 后面只能接一段时间 不能接时间点 其引导的从句的动作或状态往往与主句的动作同时发生 While we were walking home it began to rain 21 1 分 2016 七下 苏州期中 Look The dog follow the old woman 22 1 分 We should stop throw rubbish everywhere 23 1 分 Jerry will send to hospital in a few minutes 24 1 分 My teacher devoted her whole life to teach 六 用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 25 10 分 2017 九上 北海期末 根据短文内容 从方框中选择恰当的单词填空 请将单词填写在题号 对应的横线上 所有单词在填入前不需进行词形转换 每个单词只能用一次 每空一词 two good may strong afraid fall if now sand houses We can t stop an earthquake but we can do things to make sure they don t destroy 毁坏 whole cities First it is not a idea to build houses along lines where of the earth s plates 板块 join together Second if you think there be an earthquake it is better to build houses on rocks not on Third you must make the houses as as possible Weak buildings will down in an earthquake but strong ones may stay up Scientists are that one day an even bigger earthquake will hit the part around San Francisco They call it The Big One However people today are still building more The population in and around San Francisco is ten times more than it was in 1906 This means that there is another earthquake a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed 七 句型转换 每空一词 共 1 题 共 2 分 26 2 分 Have you heard from Cathy Could you tell me Could you tell me you heard from Cathy 八 根据文意及首字母提示补全短文 共 1 题 共 10 分 第 13 页 共 17 页 27 10 分 根据文意及首字母提示补全短文 A man walked i a doctor s examining room Put out your tongue the doctor said OK There is nothing s the doctor said It s clear what s wrong with you You need more exercise But doctor the man said I don t think Don t tell me what you think the doctor said I am the doctor not you I know what you need I see hundreds of people like you N of them get any exercise They sit in the office all day and in f of the television in the evening What you need is to walk quickly at l twenty minutes a day Doctor you don t understand the man said I There is no e the doctor said You must spare some time for exercise If you don t you will get fat and have health problems when you are old But I walk every day the man said Oh yes and I know what kind of walking that is You walk a few metres to the office from your house and a few more metres to a r for lunch and back Please listen to me doctor the man s at the doctor angrily I m a mailman the man w on I walk for seven hours every day For a moment the doctor was silent then he said quietly Put your tongue out a will you 九 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子 共 1 题 共 10 分 28 10 分 完成句子 1 剪纸是一种传统技能 Paper cutting is traditional skill 2 第 14 页 共 17 页 虽然他超过 65 岁了 但是他很健康 还喜欢工作 he is over 65 he is very fit and still 3 它们擅长捕鱼 因为它们游泳很好 They fish because they can swim well 4 大民通常下午晚些出发 为鸬鹚的工作做准备 Damin usually in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants work 5 这种捕鱼方式不需要网 No nets for this type of fishing 6 鱼然后被大民接住投入一个大篮子里 The fish are then into a big basket by Damin 7 迈克夜以继日地学习 为了能通过期末考试 Mike studied day and night he could pass the final exam 8 众所周知 在冰上行走不是很容易的事 As we all know easy on ice 9 第 15 页 共 17 页 这座桥足够高可以让这艘船从它下面经过 The bridge is let the ship go under 10 去年他们村附近建了一条新的公路 A new road near their village last year 十 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 29 5 分 培养各种各样健康积极的兴趣 对我们有很多好处 请根据以下表格的内容提示 用英语写一 篇 70 词左右的文章 要有适当的扩展 文章开头已给出 不计入总词数 爱好 好处 集邮 促进我们了解各地文化和各科知识 游泳 帮助我们强身健体 保持体形 阅读 开阔我们的眼界 请你补充 请你补充 参考词汇 文化 culture 开阔眼界 open one s eyes Most of us have our own hobbies What call we get from our hobbies Happiness Satisfaction Of course But there are more For example 第 16 页 共 17 页 参考答案 一 单项选择 共 15 题 共 30 分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 二 完形填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 16 答案 略 三 阅读理解 共 2 题 共 20 分 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 第 17 页 共 17 页 四 词汇 共 1 题 共 1 分 19 答案 略 五 用所给动词的适当形式填空 共 5 题 共 6 分 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 22 答案 略 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 六 用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空 共 1 题 共 10 分 25 答案 略 七 句型转换 每空一词 共 1 题 共 2 分 26 答案 略 八 根据文意及首字母提示补全短文 共 1 题 共 10 分 27 答案 略 九 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子 共 1 题 共 10 分 28 答案 略 十 书面表达 共 1 题 共 5 分 29 答案 略


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